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1、表示在過去某個時間里所發(fā)生的動作表示在過去某個時間里所發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。通常在句子里找到表或存在的狀態(tài)。通常在句子里找到表示過去時間的詞或詞組。如:示過去時間的詞或詞組。如:yesterday,yesterday morning/ evening,this morningthis morning,last night/week/ month/year,two days ago,a week ago,等。等。如:如:I went to bed at eleven last night. 昨晚我昨晚我11:00睡覺睡覺1、概念第1頁/共8頁2、動詞一般過去時變化規(guī)則1一般在動詞末尾加-ed,

2、如:cook-cooked, play- played2結尾是e加d,如:dancedanced livelived loveloved useused argueargued likeliked phonephoned arrivearrived3末尾只有一個元音字母和一個輔音字母的重讀閉音節(jié),應雙寫末尾的輔音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped,dropdropped,skipskipped。controlcontrolled4以“輔音字母+y”結尾的,變y為i,再加-ed,如:study-studied,carrycarried trytried第2頁/共8頁句式變化 (1)

3、Be動詞在一般過去時中的變化。1) am 和is在一般過去時中變?yōu)閣as。(was not=wasnt)2) are在一般過去時中變?yōu)閣ere。(were not=werent) 3) 帶有was或were的句子,其否定、疑問的變化和is, am, are一樣,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑問句把was或were調到句首。(2)句中沒有be動詞的一般過去時的句子.He goes to school.過去式:He went to school. 否定句:He didnt go to school.疑問句:Did he go to school?第3頁/共8頁一、寫出下列動詞的一般過

4、去時綜合練習isam isam studystudydrop drop areare play play help help askaskwatchwatchput put readreadeateatgogomake make doesdoes havehavecomecomehashas runrundo do sitsit第4頁/共8頁( ) 1. We _ an English play a moment ago.A. seeB. seesC. saw( ) 2. Liming _ last Sunday morning.A. cut hair B. cuts hair C. is c

5、utting ( ) 3. He _ the clothes yesterday.A. didnt wash B. didnt washedC. dont washed( ) 4. It _ a windy day yesterday.A. isB. wasC. am( ) 5. What _ you usually(經(jīng)常地) do on the weekend?A. areB. doC. did二、選擇題第5頁/共8頁( ) 6. He _ his grandparents last Sunday.( ) 6. He _ his grandparents last Sunday. A. vi

6、sit A. visitB. visitedB. visitedC. visitsC. visits( ) 7. Where did you go _?( ) 7. Where did you go _? A. tomorrow A. tomorrowB. nowB. nowC. just nowC. just now( ) 8. ( ) 8. Did you play football? - Yes. Did you play football? - Yes. I _ football._ football. A. play A. playB. playsB. playsC. playedC. played( ) 9 9. _you_ to school last Sunday? A. Did, come B. Do, come C. Were, come( ) 10. _ he _ football last weekend?( ) 10. _ he _ football last week


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