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1、畢業(yè)設(shè)計(外文翻譯)題 目智能照明控制系統(tǒng)系(院)光電信息工程學生姓名M學 號 b010405指導教師職 稱Intelligent Lighting Control SystemAbstract: This paper desciibes the development of lighting control systems, mtelligent lighting contiol system mainly System functions and applications are discussed Key words: intelligent lightmg control bus tr

2、ansfer protocol green energy 1、hitioductionWith the continuous development of oui economy, rapidly using living standards, people working and livmg enviioimient have become incfeasmglv demanding, while the lighting system fequirements have become more sophisticated, the traditional ligliting teclmol

3、ogy has been a stiong blow On the one hand because of lnfoniiation teclmologv and computer teclmologv changes in lightmg teclmologv, providing tecluucal support; the other hand, due to energy shortage, the state more and more attention on energy-savuig lighting, new lightmg contiol teclmology to dev

4、elop rapidly to meet with By energy conservation、comfort, convenience requHements Lighting control lightmg contiol fiom the traditional manual method, automated lightmg contiol to today's intelligent lighting contiol.Intelligent lightmg contiol system is based on computecontrolled all-digital pl

5、atfonn, modular, distributed bus control system, the central piocessoi modules conununicate directly tluough the network bus, the bus makes use of lighting, dmuning, blinds, scene control to aclueve intelligent, and become a complete bus system Can be based on changes in the external enviioimient in

6、 the device automatically adjust the status of the bus to reach safety, eneigy conseivation, human effects, and can use in the fiituie, in accordance with the requuements of users tlu ough the computer re- Way to mcrease 01 modify the system's functionality, without having to re-lavuig of cables

7、, mtelligent lighting control system, high reliability, flexible control, lighting contiol is the traditional wav can not be done.2.1 The basic components and monitormg the contents of the system2.1.1 System componentsIntelligent lighting control system is usually dimmer module, switch module, mput

8、module, the control panel, liquid ciystal display touch screen, small sensors, PC interface, time management module, hand-held piogianuner, momtoimg computer (need to budge a large network comiection) and other components composition.1) The basic pimciple of the dimming module is a microprocessof (C

9、PU) The size of the openmg angle contiol SCR to control the average amplitude of the output voltage to adjust the brightness of light sources2) switch module is controlled by the power switch relay output to contiol light.3) input module is to accept passive contact signals transmitted to the nucrop

10、iocessor via the bus.4) The contiol panel is mtuitive operation for control of liglitmg scenes were the parts, which is controlled by a microprocessoi; can be prograniiiied to complete a variety of different control requirements Enter symbol ldentifvmg the microprocessoi, after processing control ln

11、foimation sent via the bus, to contiol the conesponduig dinuning of the light source module or switcluiig module contiol the dmuning oi switch control5) The lllummation of the sensor interface module for connection to detection, there is detection, motion detection and other sensors6) Time Managemen

12、t module contiol system with another device on the bus mteiface to automate tasks and tune contiol.2.1.2 Monitoring Contents1) The central control system tluough the cential station and the system software on the switch, dimming、clock, lighting, monitoring and management of the state.2) switch conti

13、oL by the central station, local contiol panel foi lights for open, close control.3) dimnuiig contioL by the central station, local control panel for lighting the lllummation fiom zero to maximum control 4) The time clock control system based on pre-set time for light to open and close control.5) Th

14、e astronomical clock control, enter the local latitude and longitude, the system automatically calculate the day of the sunset tune, tlus tune to control lighting according to the scene changes6) The scene control, tluough the cential station, local control panel piogianuning, liglits were on, off,

15、dinuning control settings.7) Remote control, remote control via hand-held contiol panel with mfiared light fox the legion under the control tuined off. dinuiiing control.8) The illumination system accoidmg to the lllummation detection sensor detection data (light, light and dark), in accoidance with

16、 the pre-set parameteis to automatically turn on lights, turn off, dmuning control.9) exists, motion contiol, according to presence detection, motion detection sensors and other detection data, m accordance with the pie-set parameters to automatically turn on lights, turn off dmuning control10) join

17、t control, tluougli the input module receives the video security momtoimg system, liitnision alarm systems, access control systems, automatic file alarm system in the coordinated control signals to switch on the light source control oi dinunmg control.11) Remote controL lighting control tluough the

18、hiteniet fbi lemote monitormg and contiol system: including lighting box lighting system parameter settmg changes; on the system to monitor the state of the scene illumination; state of the system to control lighting scenes12) Grapluc control, users can use the electronic map ftinction on the entire

19、 legion for visual control of the lighting, the floor plan of the whole building can be entered mto the system, and use different colors to represent the cunent state of the legion.2.2 hitelligent lightmg control system data tiansmissionIn the international lightmg control system data transmission n

20、etwork without unifbim standaids, the current way of the main twisted pan; power line earlier transmission and tluee types of radio frequency transmission. These tluee tiansnussion data rates, reliability of transmission is quite different.2.2.1 twisted-pan transmissionTo twisted pair transmission t

21、wisted pail* transmission network for uifbrmation, the laying of lines separately fbi new constniction, expansion of the project There are in this way The followmg advantages:1) haidware and software protocol completely open, perfect, conunon good2) lines at both ends of tiansformer isolation, immun

22、ity to inteifeience, lightning protection peifonnance 3) transmission speed4) The system capacity is almost uiilumted, the system will not mciease the emergence of unexpected failures.5) as an mfbimation tiansmission medium, a large number of soplusticated equipment for general use.2.2.2 Power Lme C

23、amei transmissionUse of electric power line canier transmission of infomiation transmission network, without laying a single line for data transmission of the signals can be applied to new construction、expansion of the project, and especially for reconstniction projects. Power lme camei transmission

24、 ui the cunent fluctuations due to power lines, data transfei rate and feliability of data transmission by a greater impact, reducing efficiency When the momtoimg equipment for a long tune, no reliable data transnussion may cause the system to a standstill2.2.3 Radio frequency transmissionRadio fieq

25、uency transmission of liifbnnation using wiieless radio transmission network as the system can not only satisfy the fxinctional requirements, indoor no wiring, simple constRiction, can save the constniction mvestment for new construction, expansion of the project, and especially for leconstmction pr

26、oject RF operating fiequency consistent with IEEE802.1 lb standards2.3 The scope of application of intelligent lighting control systemLightmg control system can be incandescent, fluorescent, eneigy saving lamps, quartz lamps and other light dinmung the lights on all occasions to control the enviloim

27、ieiit to meet a vaiiety of lighting iequirements1) offices, schools, hospitals, factories and other places of the lightmg system, using the tune control system on the light on, turn off the automatic contiol, the use of illumination sensor that automatically adjusts the illumination, energy conseiva

28、tion. Can be the central momtoimg and control system can be coimected with the constniction equipment2) Theatre, conference rooms, clubs and other places of use of system functions and dinmung the scene switches can be easily converted a variety of lighting scenanos, multi-point control. Light sourc

29、e can be controlled tluougli the system, an conditioning, electiic fans, electric cuitains. Canada Heater and other electrical equipment.3) The venue sports venues match required by hieraichical control, large venue should be a single light control 4) The mumcipal works, squares, parks and other out

30、door public places, the group using the system control software can control ligliting tluougliout the legion, the use of illumination sensors, tune switches to achieve lighting automation control, system momtoimg software using mtelligent lighting control.5) areas where street lightmg should be base

31、d on the geographical location and seasonal variation to determine a reasonable time to switch liglits and the sky bnghtness changes accoidmg to the necessaiy amendments, the use of light contiol and time control of a combination of mtelligent control.6) Landscape lighting used in peacetime, the gen

32、eral holidays, major holidays and other control mode2.4 Application of intelligent lighting control system features2.4.1 use of lighting control system, realization of the intelligent lighting control, lighting svstems can mil m automatic state.1) The system will be pre-set to switch a number of bas

33、ic woiking conditions, such as: Mday, HnightM, nsecuiityH and "clean", "Weekend” and "lunch" and, according to pie-set time automatically m the to switch between various working conditions. Fox example, work tune comes, the system will automatically turn on the lights and th

34、e light intensity is automatically adjusted to the most appropriate level of staff. In the wmdow Room, the system can mtelligently use of outdoor natural light, when the weather was fine, automatically dinuning intenor lamp; weather and dark, indoor lamp auto light, to always maintain a constant bng

35、htness of room (at pre-set requu ements of the bnghtness).2) When the end of each working day, the system will automatically enter the "evening” work status, auto slow dmuning the lights of the region; the same time, the system function will automatically detect the presence of force, so that n

36、o one in the office of the lights automatically turn off ; same tune, there can guarantee detection of the office employees to work oveitime at the appropnate bnghtness light3) The system of public conidois and staucases and other public areas of the light coordination, when the office has employees

37、 to work overtime, the staucases, comdors and other public areas to maintain the basic bnghtness of the lights, only when the person has completed all the post-office before the light tiaiisfened to the nsafeH state or tinned off.4) manual control panel or remote control, fiee to change the illuniui

38、ation of the region.5) For the reception hall, restaurant, conference rooms, lounges and enteitauunent venues, may be based on diffeient tunes of day, diffeient uses of the pie-set lightmg scenes, use only the best call to pre-set lighting scenes, to desiied visual effects.2.4.2 mauitam the consiste

39、ncy of illumination of new buildings mto use, the illumination than the requiied high lllumination. This is taken into account as time goes on, the efficiency of light reflection rate and room walls the sake of continued decay. If the designers m the eaily design of the standard illuniuiation, then,

40、 not how long it will less than the standard room illummation, illuniuiation not meet business requuements It is because of the high illumination of this new design of the room, not only resulted in use of office space (or twice at uiteivals decoiation) of the illumination mconsistency, and because

41、of the high lllummation umiecessaiy waste of energy. Use of liglitmg control systems, as can be mtelligent dimming, though still high illumination design, but the system will be in accordance with the standard pre-set bnglitness to the office duimg the period in the use of constant illumination, wit

42、hout reducmg the efficiency of lighting and wall reflection coefficient of attenuation2.4.3 create a good working environment, improve work efficiency in the office, with dinunable electronic ballasts for fluoiescent lamps m the smart Under the contiol of lightmg control system with the traditional

43、fluorescent lighting systems have sigmficant advantages compaied to. Conventional fluoiescent ballasts to 100Hz fiequencv flashmg (2 times the gild fiequency), this stiobe enable staff to head swollen, eye fatigue and reduce work efficiency. The dmunable electronic ballasts are working m veiy high f

44、requency (40kHz 70kHz), not only to overcome the flicker, but also to eliminate the staner when the brightness of the instability, provides a comfortable envuomnent conducive to health, but also improve the efficiency.2.4.4 create a good enviioiunent for good lighting design seivice is able to creat

45、e a warm, comfortable enviioiuiient, adding to its artistic chaim For example, the customers first impression of the hotel entrance to the lobby of the hotel reception area, elegant and umque light enviioiunent may give caie Customers feel at home, add the goodwill of customeis of the hotel, fiiendl

46、y and warm to attract a large number of customers; the banquet hall, fiuiction rooms such as the use light colors, and diffeient shading intensity projection method can create tluee-dimensional, layered different color atmosphere, not only the guests have a comfoitable living enviromiient, but also

47、to bang art to the guests to enjoy, so that people have the feeling linger.2.4.5 Open Lighting control system can be integrated into the constniction equipment tluough the network monitoring system (BAS), Buildmg Management System (BMS), the realization of the unified management of the building2.5 T

48、ecliiucal Analysis2.5.1 Line Investment savmgshitelligent lightmg contiol system is a system tluougli the control bus to the various input, output and system support unit connected,power cable directly received fiom the distribution cabinet lighting ox other electrical load, and without going tluoug

49、h the switch. Do not have to consider when mstalling any contiol relationslup, and then uistalled m the system settings tluough the software code of each unitrs address m oidei to establish lelatioiis between the conespondmg contiol Compared with the traditional control method saves a lot of the oii

50、gmal receipt of the switch to cable, but also shorten the tune of installation and construction, saving labor costs.2.5.2 significant energy savings1) Intelligent lighting control system can take advantage of small sensor sensing outdoor light, automatic adjustment of light intensity, the outdoor li

51、ght mtensity, indoor lighting weaker; outdoor natxnal light is weak, the indoor lighting to strong, to keep the mtenor a constant standard of illumination, both to create the best work enviiomnent, but also to save eneigv.2) Smce the lighting contiol system, tluough sound management, the use of smar

52、t clock management devices according to diffeient dates, different tunes of the vaiious functional areas in accordance with the operation of pre-set for illumination, no light, to ensure the lights off; in hi fact, the majority of cases, many areas do not need all the lights on oi open to the biight

53、est, lighting control systems can provide the most economical energy consumption the most conifoilable lighting; in some public areas such as conference looms, lounges, etc., the use of existing detection fiinction When someone entered the lamp is lit or switch to a preset scene2.5.3 extend the sour

54、ce life is the cause of death in liglit damage to over-voltage gnd. The higher voltage source, doubling its life reduced Therefore, mamtammg a suitable light source voltage is an effective way to extend lamp lifb. Lighting control system can successfiilly suppress the unpact of power gnd voltage and

55、 surge voltage, the light will not cause the prematuie failure of the above Can also be detenmned by the system to ailificially limit the voltage to mipiove the light source liffe. Extend the life of not only save a lot of light fixtures, but also significantly reduce the workload of leplacement lig

56、ht source, effectively leducmg the opeiatmg costs of lightmg systems, light sources for the difficult and expensive to install area lighting also lias a special significance2.5.4 unprove management, reduce mamtenance cost intelligent lighting control system, general lighting artificial opening and c

57、losing convened into mtelligent management, will greatly reduce opeiation and maintenance costs of lighting systems, and letmn on investment.3. ConclusionIntelligent lightmg contiol system allows a high degree of flexibility in lighting solutions, the system put into use, will bring high-quality lig

58、htmg envuomnent, mipiove the level of intelligent management of the entue building, you can easily adjust the lightmg system, both to meet the aesthetic and practical requiiements, at the same tune to reach the green energy savuig targets. Theiefoie, the intelligent lighting control system will have

59、 broader application智能照明控制系統(tǒng) 摘要:本文介紹了照明控制系統(tǒng)的發(fā)展,主要對智能照明控制系統(tǒng)的功能和應用 進行了論述。關(guān)鍵詞:智能照明控制總線傳輸協(xié)議綠色節(jié)能1.引言隨著我國經(jīng)濟的不斷發(fā)展,人民生活水平迅速提高,人們對工作和生活環(huán)境 的要求越來越高,同時對照明系統(tǒng)的要求也越來越高,傳統(tǒng)的照明技術(shù)受到了強 烈沖擊。一方面由于信息技術(shù)和計算機技術(shù)的發(fā)展對照明技術(shù)的變化提供了技術(shù) 支撐;另一方面,由于能源的緊缺,國家對照明節(jié)能越來越重視,新型的照明控 制技術(shù)得以迅速發(fā)展,以滿足使用者節(jié)約能源、舒適性、方便性的要求。照明控 制方式從傳統(tǒng)的手動照明控制方式、自動照明控制方式發(fā)展到現(xiàn)在的智能照明控 制方式。智能照明控制系統(tǒng)是基于計算機控制平臺的全數(shù)字、模塊化、分布式總線型控 制系統(tǒng),中央處理器、模塊之間通


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