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1、1. 說出你認(rèn)為對(duì)你最有用的一本書,并解釋原因。(q1:物)useful 2. 電視對(duì)于現(xiàn)代社會(huì)有正面作用還是負(fù)面作用,選擇其中之一并解釋原因。(q2:優(yōu)缺點(diǎn))positive1. increase job opportunities & promote economy2. convey information3. describe the most important decision that you made in your life. (q1:事)major in engineering4. do you think the high school should teach m

2、usic and art as other basic science? (q2:觀點(diǎn))yes1. comprehensively developed2. music and art can help students5. 空閑時(shí)間用來做什么? (q1:事,假設(shè))1. reading2. music6. 打手機(jī)該不該在一些地方禁止?(q2:觀點(diǎn))yes. mobile phones should be forbidden at some places.1. hospital2. library7. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration或者moment。(q1:事,經(jīng)歷)graduati

3、on ceremony of primary schoolspeaking in front a large audience8. which one acts more influence on you? newspaper, tv or teachers (q2:偏好)teachers1. i spend most of my time at school.2. my mother is a teacher; i respect her and other people in her profession.9. describe a social or politics celebrati

4、on events in your culture. (q1:事)spring festival1. family members to get together2. big dinner3. stay up late wait for the new year to come.10.政府是否應(yīng)該資助建博物館和劇院。說出你的觀點(diǎn)和理由。(q2:觀點(diǎn))yes.1. provide people places to relax and enjoy art.2. it is the governments duty to promote the prosperity of art and music

5、.11.說出你所居住的城市中你最喜歡的地方,給出原因。(q1:物)suzhou1. mild climate, good food2. beautiful gardens3. people friendly12.你和朋友在一起的時(shí)候喜歡去哪個(gè)地方?為什么?(q1:物)a cafeteria1. clean and not expensive2. piano13.你是喜歡自己在家里吃還是去外面餐館吃?為什么?(q2:偏好)at home1. comfortable and less expensive2. preparation14.你通常喜歡去什么park或者public area。(q1:物

6、)library founded by the municipality1. lots of books 2. piano music3. exhibitions & movies15.喜歡到大城市讀書還是小城市讀書。(q2:偏好)big city1. difference between smaller ones.2. activities. concerts and exibitions.3. different people16.雜志,小說,詩(shī)歌,喜歡哪個(gè)(q2:偏好)magazines1. up to date2. contain information on differen

7、t subjects.3. do not cost too much time17.喜歡一個(gè)人住還是和室友???(q2:偏好)roommate1. safe and happier2. help18.和朋友在一起,喜歡在restaurant,café還是在家(q2:偏好)at home1. do whatever i want to2. listen to music aloud3. stay up late at night19.computer have improved our lives while others think computers have caused prob

8、lems(q2:優(yōu)缺點(diǎn))improve: emails, msn, internetproblem: games, radiation20.老師的character(q1:人)1. academic excellence2. judge every student fairly3. patient21.是說愿意在辦公室工作還是在家工作,為什么。(q2:偏好)1. at home2. comfortable3. traffic22.說一個(gè)你敬佩的人的好性格(q1:人)a english teacher of primary school1. good in her profession2. tr

9、eat every student fairly3. patient23.大學(xué)是應(yīng)該向所有人開放還是只對(duì)一部分學(xué)生開放(q1:觀點(diǎn))all students1. all men a created equal2. no valid standards to judge a student to be good or not3. everyone has his or her 24.whether parents should lead their children to watch tv or the children should choose(q2:觀點(diǎn))lead1. there are

10、some programs on tv that are not suitable for children to watch.2.25.the most efficient transportation in your country。(q1:物)trains1.26.說近100年最important的invention之一(q1:物)computer1. calculate2. industrial use3. internet & email: information & communication27.attend college是否比不讀college容易succes

11、sful in career ,why?(q2:觀點(diǎn))yes1. professional technologies2. communicating skills3. school fellows28.characteristics of friends;(q1:人)1. honesty2. ready to help3. give advises and speaks frankly and bluntly29.someone suggests school to cut the recycling(q2:觀點(diǎn))30.你是愿意當(dāng)leader還是當(dāng)follower(q2:偏好)leader1.

12、 make decisions based on my own opinions2. listen to others judgments on my leadership31. which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? (q2:偏好)internet1. large amount of information2. fast speed save time3. easy to get, no charge32.人是被電視,報(bào)紙,廣播上的信息影響得多,還是家人朋友得影響多?(

13、q2:偏好)33.理想的職業(yè)(q1:物)lawyer1. help others to solve their problems2. help people who cannot afford a barrister3. promote justiceteacher1. mother is teacher2. like kids3.architect1. travelling around the world2. design my own house3.34. take a long vacation or several short vacations in a year? (q2:偏好)

14、a long vacation1. well-planned2. go to some places very far3. relax totally35. what do you think are the characteristics of a good parent? (q1:人)1.honesty2.work hard3. ready to help others36. do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in group? (q2:偏好)group1. help each ot

15、her and make up for weaknesses2. discussions3. working37.你的目標(biāo)是什么(q1:物)38.描述一次challenging experience,以及如何解決這個(gè)challenge(q1:事,經(jīng)歷)summer camp: first time to go out without parents, self-relied1. make friends2. visit many places39.應(yīng)該選擇工作好找的專業(yè)還是應(yīng)該選擇自己感興趣的專業(yè)(q2:偏好)1,興趣是學(xué)習(xí)最大的動(dòng)力 interest is the most driving

16、force for one do sth well2,有興趣方能在這個(gè)行業(yè)持之以恒,有所成就 once interested, one can stick to it and achieve greatness in the occupation到時(shí)候工作完全不用愁40.喜歡看那種電影,為什么:comedy, drama (q1:物)comedy1. simple story2. make people laugh3. relax41. what will you do to relax yourself? (q1,物)1. reading2. listen to music3. play p

17、iano42. is it important for students to attend class regularly or study by oneself? (q2:偏好)by oneself1. aware of ones advantages and disadvantages & make a personal learning plan better suits the person2. chose time & efficiency3. not all classes are worth attending, presumptuous43.describe

18、an enjoyable event in your childhood(q2:事,經(jīng)歷)summer camp1. first time to go out without parents, self-relied2. make friends3. visit many places44.描述一個(gè)你參加過的學(xué)校(q2:地)primary school1. nice teachers2. friendly classmate3. veracious courses and activities45.學(xué)校應(yīng)不應(yīng)該在普通課程中加入sport courses?(q2:觀點(diǎn))should1. comp

19、rehensive development2. promote better health -> study better3. teamwork, membership, leadership46. what do you miss most when you are away from home? (q1:物)my parents and friends1. take care of me2. talk to me though difficulty3. share happy things with them47.人們往往認(rèn)為應(yīng)該在危急時(shí)刻幫助別人,但另一種觀點(diǎn)認(rèn)為你首先應(yīng)該看清楚情

20、況(q2:觀點(diǎn))48.describe a special opportunity given to you(q1:事,經(jīng)歷)primary school graduation ceremony: speech in front of the whole grade1. first time2. overcome trepidation3. gain confidence49.good leader應(yīng)有哪些qualities?1. intelligence: make decisions2. tactics3. influence50.同不同意people should always tell

21、 the truth .(q2:觀點(diǎn))agree1. a lie is a lie, no matter what the intention is.2. to tell the truth is the best way to solve problems.51. describe an object which is very important to you. (q1:物)piano1. quiet person, do not have many friends, accompany2. learn how to overcome difficulties and stick to s

22、omething i want to achieve3. gain confidence52. do you agree that we can judge a person by the appearance at the first glance? (q2:給 觀點(diǎn) )disagree1. not fair2. incorrect3. other criterions53.如果有機(jī)會(huì)你會(huì)選擇job or career?(q2:偏好)job1. different job have different challenges2. learn more skills3. meet with mo

23、re people54.如果有一大筆錢,你會(huì)做practice thing or happy thing?(q1:事)55.學(xué)生放假應(yīng)該做些什么?(q2:觀點(diǎn))1. part time job: experience2. projects or researches related to their courses3. help parents do some housework56.描述一件童年很happy的event,然后explain why it is memorable(q1:事,經(jīng)歷)summer camp3. first time to go out without parent

24、s, self-relied4. make friends5. visit many places57. communicate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail or by telephone? (q2:偏好)telephone4. anywhere anytime5. text6. relay without delay58.favorite time of a year(q1:物)spring festival1. family get together2. good food3. visit friends and re

25、latives59. have a relaxed and unhurried life, yes or no? (q2:偏好,與life full of surprises and challenges相比)no1. fast2. overcome difficulties3. achieve more60.favorite room(q1:地)study, library, cinema61.在旅行時(shí),有些人喜歡直接到達(dá)目的地,有些人卻喜歡沿途一路上觀光。(q2:偏好)go sightseeing along the road1. know the destination better2.

26、 take photos3. meet different people62.當(dāng)你去restaurant或cafe得時(shí)候最care about的features有那些(q1:物)quiet, clean, good food, well-trained waiters63.城市建設(shè)中應(yīng)該保持old building呢還是應(yīng)該用new building replace old building(q:觀點(diǎn))case to case1. aesthetical value -> keep2. reconstruct3. almost ruined by time ->replace64.

27、 get advice from family and friends or learning through personal experience. (q2:偏好)personal experience1. different people have different ideas on the same thing2. not mutually exclusive3. at the same time65. do you agree or disagree: students should wear uniform in school? (q2:觀點(diǎn))agree1. save money

28、2. take no attention to what to wear3. stop students competing their clothes66.你選擇online courses還是traditional courses(q2:偏好)online1. take class whenever i want to 2. follow my own schedule3. evaluated fairly67. subject which will lead to better job or subject which you are interested. (q2:偏好)68.有些人覺

29、得在大學(xué)的學(xué)習(xí)是很重要的,有的人覺得它并不怎么重要,你的觀點(diǎn)?(q1:觀點(diǎn))important1. professional knowledge & prepare people for their jobs2. communication skills3. not old enough for entering society, guidance cultivation69.describe a letter or poem or .that is important to you(q1:物)70.森林,沙漠,平原.你喜歡住在哪種環(huán)境里?(q2:偏好)forest1. veritie

30、s of plants and animals2. fresh air with the smell of trees71.說說你向別人要求幫助的經(jīng)歷,別人是怎么樣幫助你的(q1:經(jīng)歷)ask a classmate (beat friend) to help me with studies.1. explain the notes taken from the classes2. correct the assignments ive done wrong.3. prepare me for the examination72.賺錢的工作還是personal satisfaction高的工作

31、(q2:偏好)personal satisfaction1. personal satisfaction make people work hard2. hard working is more valued by most bosses. rise in position.3. higher wages73.學(xué)生在工作之前應(yīng)該做part-time job或者summer intern來確定自己是否合適那份工作,同意否?(q2:觀點(diǎn))agree1. find ones advantage and disadvantage.2. gain experience3.74.最想學(xué)的一個(gè)技能(q1:物)cooking1. help mother2. take care of myself3. make meals for the family75.是


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