



1、chow down for power為了權(quán)力,再油膩也要吞下去每逢大選前一年的夏天,美國愛荷華州的博覽會都會成為總統(tǒng)候選人爭奪選民的重要舞臺。愛荷華州是美國重要的農(nóng)業(yè)重鎮(zhèn),淳樸、直爽的美國農(nóng)民希望候選人是親民的,而非高人一等的精英分子。油膩的垃圾食品代表了精英主義的對立面,于是吃下博覽會上油膩的食物成了考驗候選人的關(guān)鍵。american media flocked to the small town of fairfield, iowa, last week for one of the strangest scenes in the us presidential race: the io

2、wa state fair.上周美國媒體蜂擁進入愛荷華州小鎮(zhèn)費爾菲爾德,因為這里正在上演美國大選最新奇的一幕之一愛荷華州博覽會。the 10-day festivity, which ended on aug 23, is a popular campaign stop for presidential hopefuls. but its not the candidates politics that fall under scrutiny at the fair. its the politics of food.這場為期10天的盛會于8月23日落幕,它是美國總統(tǒng)候選人十分青睞的選戰(zhàn)之地。

3、不過在這兒被大眾審視的不是候選人的政治主張,而是食物的政治。choking down the fairs fatty food has become a kind of test, measuring each candidates ability to level with the common folk. and with hawk-like precision, the media catalogues each and every morsel that enters their mouths, down to the calorie.能否吞下博覽會上肥膩的食物已經(jīng)

4、成了考驗候選人是否能對選民以誠相待的方式。媒體則像敏銳的雄鷹一樣打量著每個候選人吃下去的每一口食物,包括食物的熱量。headlines last week roared that republican candidate jeb bush broke his diet by eating a 445-calorie, deep-fried snickers candy bar. and everyone from hillary clinton to donald trump bit on the fairs most famous offering, the pork chop&#

5、160;on a stick, as cameras flashed around them.上周新聞頭條大肆渲染了共和黨候選人杰布布什一反自己的日常飲食習慣,吃了一塊445大卡的油炸士力架。從希拉里克林頓到唐納德特普朗,當攝像機在他們面前閃爍的時候,每個人在吃著博覽會上最著名的豬排。all the while, the candidates find themselves surrounded by cattle competitions, cooking contests and life-sized carvings made of butter. it is a celebration

6、 of the us food traditionsbut what do those traditions say about the country and its candidates?候選人時刻都置身于賽牛、廚藝比賽、真人大小的黃油雕刻之中。這是一場美國飲食傳統(tǒng)的盛典,不過這些傳統(tǒng)傳達出美國和她的總統(tǒng)候選人什么樣的信息呢?iowa is an agricultural hub, producing more corn and eggs than any other state. yet, for a state renowned for growing fresh food, its

7、fair is best known for its fried foods. anything that can be fried will be: pie, pickles, butter, cookiesand the list goes on.愛荷華州是美國的農(nóng)業(yè)中心,這里是美國玉米和雞蛋的最大的產(chǎn)地。然而這個以生產(chǎn)新鮮食物聞名的州,卻有一個以油炸食物著稱的博覽會。在這兒,任何食物都能油炸:派、咸菜、黃油、餅干被油炸的食物還會越來越多。eat poorly and be humble吃垃圾食品和保持謙遜but beware the backlash should a

8、 politician give up the fatty treats. in 2012, former texas governor rick perry was ridiculed for daring to choose a vegetarian corn dog. and reporters keenly noted how jeb bush threw out half of his deep-fried snickers this year.不過要是一個政客敢不買油乎乎食品的賬,后果可能很嚴重。2012年,前德克薩斯州州長里克佩里(rick perry)就因為選了一個素食玉米熱狗

9、而受到無情的嘲諷。這一次,敏銳的媒體也注意到杰布布什扔掉了半個油炸士力架。candidates craft their public images to appear humble and folksy. and a candidates willingness to swallow the fairs unhealthy food serves as an indicator, to see if their actions match their carefully constructed public image.候選人精心打造自己謙遜、親和的公眾形象。而他

10、們是否愿意吞下博覽會上的垃圾食品則被視為評價指標,衡量他們的行為是否與其精心營造的公眾形象相符。in the us, eating healthy can be seen as a mark of elitism. michael pollan, author of the omnivores dilemma, put it simply: “it is a fact that to eat healthily in this country . costs more than it does to eat poorly.” processed foods are often che

11、aper than fresh fruits and vegetables, and more widely available.在美國,健康飲食被視為精英主義的標志之一。雜食者的困境一書的作者邁克爾波倫(michael pollan)一針見血地指出:“事實上,在美國吃健康食品比吃垃圾食品貴得多?!奔庸な称吠ǔ1刃迈r果蔬便宜,且更容易買到。the fairs food also gives contenders the opportunity to stand apart from the barack obama administration, which championed health

12、y lifestyles. by sinking their teeth into the fatty food, the 2016 candidates are taking a decisive bite against their predecessors ideals.博覽會上的食物也給了這些總統(tǒng)寶座的角逐者同奧巴馬政權(quán)劃清界限的機會,因為后者倡導健康的生活方式。當本屆總統(tǒng)候選人大快朵頤那些肥膩食物的時候,他們已經(jīng)果斷地偏離了奧巴馬的理念。the purpose of agricultural fairs was originally to “display abundance”, historian megan elias told the bbc. blue ribbons were given to the fattest cow, the largest pumpkin.農(nóng)業(yè)博覽會設(shè)立的初衷是為了“展示該地的富饒”,歷史學家梅根伊萊亞斯告訴英國廣播公司(bbc)。最肥碩的奶牛和最大的南瓜會被授予藍絲帶。the united states was built on down-home values and capitalist consumption. and the iowa state fair allows pre


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