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1、 高等教育自學考試全國統(tǒng)一命題考試大學英語自學教程(下冊)優(yōu)化標準預測試卷(一)本試卷分為兩部分,第一部分為選擇題,第二部分為非選擇題;選擇題50分,非選擇題50分,滿分l00分;考試時間為150分鐘。PART ONE(SO P0NTS)1Vocabulary and Structure(10points,1 point each)從下列各句四個選項中選出一個最佳答案并在答題紙上將相應的字母涂黑。1She is concerned that allowing euthanasia would_ the need for care and consideration of a wide rang

2、e of people ( ) Aundertake Bunderlie Cunderestimate Dundermine2It was believed that habitual daydreaming would eventually_ people from society and reduce their effectiveness in coping with real problems ( ) Adistance Bextend Crange Denlarge3These two areas are similar _ that they both have a high ra

3、infall during summer ( )Aexcept Bso Cnow Din4Oxbridge graduates make up only two per cent of the tolal _of students who graduate from Britains universities ( ) Amember Bmembers Cnumber Dnumbers5It is _easier to improvise a song than it is to improvise a symphony ( ) A,more Bmuch CIess D1ittle6Since

4、we have a focused subjectwe should not talk_ ( ) Aat once Bat hand Cat intervals Dat random7The moon turns round the earth,just_the earth circles roundthe sun ( ) Atherefore Bas Cthus Dso8Management often struggles hard to set up a situation work is done_ ( ) Awhich;in series Bwhere;in series Cthat;

5、with series Dthat;with turn9What he had doneis_ ( ) Avalue Bof valuable Cof no value Dof no valuable10_the room,he switched the light on ( ) AEnter BEntered CEntering DEnter inCloze Test(10 points,1 point each)下列短文中有十個空白,每個空白有四個選項。根據(jù)上下文要選出最佳答案,并在答題紙上將相應的字母涂黑。 Smoking,which may be a pleasure for some

6、 people,is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows11 medical authorities express their concern about the effect of smoking12 the health not only 13 those who smoke but also ofthose who do notIn fact,non-smokers who must involuntarilyinhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke may 14 more than

7、the smokers themselves As you are doubtless aware,a considerable number of our students have joined in effort to 15 the university to ban smoking in the classroomsI believe they are entirely fight in their aim 1 6 ,1 would hope that it is l7 to achievethis by calling on the smokers to use good j udg

8、ment and show concern l8 0thers rather than regulation Smoking is prohibited by laws in theaters and in halls used for showing films as well as in laboratories where there l9 be a fire hazardElsewhere,it is up to your good sense I am therefore asking you tO maintain 20 in the auditoriums,classrooms

9、and seminar romnsThis will prove that youhave the nonsmokers health and wellbeing in mind,which is very important to a large number of our students11AStill BMore CAgain DFurther12Aon Bin Cwith Dto13Ato Babout Cwith D of14Aendure Bsuffer Cunder Dput15Amake Bpersuade Csay Dtalk16AThen BHowever CFurthe

10、r DMoreover17A1ikely Bprobable Ccapable Dpossibie18Awith Bfor Cto D in19Awill Bshould Cmay D must20A“No Smokin9” B“Non-Smokers” C“No Smoke”D“NonSmoke”Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points each)從下列 每篇短文的問題后所給的四 個選項中選出一個最佳答案, 并在答題紙上將相應的字母 涂黑。Passage OneQuestions 21 t0 25 are based on the following

11、passage Its very interesting to note where the debate about diversity(多樣化)is taking placeIt is taking place primarily in political circlesHere at the College Fund,we have a Iot of contactwith top corporate(公司的)leaders;none of them is talking about getting rid of those instruments that produce divers

12、ityInfact,they say that if their companies are to compete in the globalvillage and in the global market place,diversity is an imperativeThey also say that the need for talented,skilled Americansmeans we have to expand the pool of potential employeesAndin looking at where birth rates are growing and

13、at where thepopulation is shiftin9corporate America understands that expanding the pool means promoting policies that help provideskills to more minorities,more women,and more immigrantsCorporate leaders know that if that doesnt occur in our society,they will not have the engineers,the scientists,th

14、e lawyersOr the business managers they will need Likewise,1 dont hear people in the acadenly sayin9,“Letls go backwardLets go back to the good old days,when we had a meritocracy(不拘一格降人才)”(which was never true we nev er had a meritocracy,although weve come closer to it in the last 30 years)I recently

15、 visited a great little college in New York where the campus has doubled its minority population in the last six years1 talked with an Afriean American who has been a professor there a for long time,and she remembers that when she first joined the community,there were fewer than a handful of minorit

16、ies on campusN0w,all of us feel the university is better because of the diversitySo where we hear this debate is primarily in political circles and in the media-not in corporate board rooms or on college campuses21The word“imperative”(Line 5,Para1)most probably refers to something_ ( ) Asuperficial

17、Bremarkable Cdebatable Dessential22Which of the following groups of people still differ in their views on diversity? ( ) AMinorities BPoliticians CProfessors I3Managers23High corporate leaders seem to be in favor of promoting di versity so ast0_ ( ) A10wer the rate of unemployment Bwin equal politic

18、al rights for minorities Cbe competitive in the world market Dsatisfy the demands of a growing population 24It can be inferred from the passage that_ ( ) Ameritocracy can never be realized without diversity BAmerican political circles will not accept diversity Cit is unlikely that diversity will Occ

19、ur in the USmedia Dminorities can only enter the fields where no debate is heard about diversity 25According to the passage diversity can be achieved in Ameri-can society by_ ( ) Aexpanding the pool of potential employees Bpromoting policies that provide skills to employees Ctraining more engineers,

20、scientists lawyers and business managers Dproviding education for all regardless of race or sex Passage TwoQuestions 26 t0 30 are based on the following passageSome people argue that the pressure on international sportsnmn and sportswomen kill tbe essence of sportthe pursuit of personal excellenceCh

21、ildren kick a football around for funWhen they get older and play for local school teams, they become competitive but they still enjoy playin9The indi vidual representing his country cannot afford to think about en joying himself;he has to think only about winnin9He is re sponsihle for an entire nat

22、ions hopes,dreams and reputation A good example is the football World CupFootball is the worlds most important sportWinning the World Cup is per haps the summit of international sporting Success,Mention “Argentina”to someone and the chances are that hell think of footballIn a sense,winning the World

23、 Cup“put Argentina on the map” Sports fans and supporters get quite irrational about the World CupPeople in England felt that their country was soinehow important after they won in l966Last year thousands of Scots sold their cars,and even their houses,and spent all their money travelling to Argentin

24、a,where the finals were played S0,am I arguing that international competition kills the ide a of sport?Certainly not!Do the Argentinian really believe that because eleven of their men proved the most skillful at football, their nation is in every way better than all others?Not really But its nice to

25、 know that you won,and that in one way at least your country is the best26What is the authors main purpose in the passage? ( ) ATo prove that football is the worlds most important sport BTo show that Argentina is better than all others CTo compare Scotland with Argentina DT0 explain the role of spor

26、t27In the second paragraphthe word“sunnit”means_ ( ) Ahighest point Bmountain top C,avcard Dsummary 28According to the passage,Argentina is worldfamous because of its_ ( ) A1arge number of sports and supporters B.success in the football World Cup Cobvious position on the map Dexcellence at most impo

27、rtant sports29According to the passageif a sportsman only think about winnin9he will_ ( ) Afail to succeed Bbe successful C10se enjoyment Dbe irrational30What is the authors attitude towards international games? ( ) ANations that meet on a football field are unlikely to meet on a battlefield BNation

28、s that win the football World Cup are regarded as best in all aspects CNations that win in international games prove the best on the sports field at least DNations that give much attention to international competi lions are world famous in many waysPassage ThreeQuestions 31 t0 35 are based on the fo

29、llowing passage The physicist investigating the relationship between tirde and spacethe chemist exploring the properties of a new substance,the biologist probing the mysteries of the continuity of Iife and the anthropologist(人類學家)searching for human origins share a coFnlnon trait(特征)curiosityNot tha

30、t non scien tist are not curious;Inoat people possess this characteristic The scientist,however,uses a specific method to make researches into these enigmatic(難以理解的)problems-the scientific method Unfortunatelv,science and its method are misunderstood, the multiplication of our knowledge in medicine

31、and technology has led to the idea that seience can cure all and explain all and that only enough time,and money and intelligence are needed In truth,science cannot provide all answersIn fact,many phenomena are not even subject to scientific explanations On the other side of the conscience has been

32、attacked as a cause of most contemporary problemsIt is said to be response ble for the depersonallzation(使失去個性)of the individual,for stripping(奪去)creativity from human behavior,and for creating nlassive threats to the 5pecies through the devel。pment of nLlclear power,insecicjdes,and p。nuting machine

33、ry If we ana lyze the situation,we can see that it was not the original intent of the people who developed computers to debase humankind nor was mass production proposed as a method to crush creativityIt is what societypolicymakers especially,does with seien tific achievements that makes them social

34、 or antisocialThere is nothing inherently good or bad about science31Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? ( ) AScientists and their curiosity BScience and scientific method CUnderstandings of science DMisunderstandines of science32The last sentence of Para2 could be explained as

35、which of the follow ng? ( ) AMany phenomena can be subjects of scientific explanations BMany phenomena can find answers in scientific explanations CScientific explanations cannot provide answers to many phenomena DScientific explanations are not related to many phenomena33The expresson“to debase hum

36、ankind”in Para3 could be explained as_ ( ) Ato provlde base to humankind Bto reduce the value of humankind Co get rid of humankind Dto compete with humankind34According to the last paragraph,which of the following will be accepted by the author? ( ) AScience is the cause of modern problems B.Science

37、 itseK is neither good nor bad CScience Jeads to environmentaj pollution DScience causes many antisocial acts35In the expression“On the other side of the coin”in Para3,“the coin”is usedto refer to_ ( ) Athe misunderstanding of science Bthe scientist explanation Cthe money needed in scientific resear

38、ch Dthe curiosity of scientists and nonscientistsPART TWO(50 POINTS)Word Spelling(10 points,l point for two words)將下列漢語單詞譯成英語。每個單詞的詞類,首字母及字母數(shù)目均已給出。請將完整的單詞寫在答題紙上。36定義,解釋 nd_37保守的 nc_38衡量,測量 nm_39爭論 vd_40奴隸制度 ns_41家庭的;國內(nèi)的 ad_42樂器;儀器 ni_43強烈,劇烈 ni_44沉降,下沉 vs_45稱心的 ad_46效率低的 ai_47易管理的 am_48出生率 nb_49競爭者,

39、對手 nc_50獻身,忠誠 nd_51現(xiàn)實 nr_52效率 ne_53集合,組裝 na_54青少年 ni_55跳躍;飛躍 n1_VWord Form(10 points,1 point each)將括號中的各詞變?yōu)檫m當 的形式填入空白。答案寫在答 題紙上。56The more stress you are under_,(1ikely)yOU are to catch a cold57I prefer_(take)English class this year58Most computer users have never received any formal training_(conse

40、quence);their skills are limited591 wfls supposed to_(pay)I20 but I never received that amount60Their aim was to_(modern)the health service,and they succeeded61Her last three months of lire before_ (give)a finnl 1ethal iniecton by'his doctor were filmed and first shown on television last year62N

41、ew and more upto date methods llave to_(find) for collecting earthquake data and analyzing it63It js not feasible to wait four days until the body_ (use)to the new time zone64The sad condition of women working as domestics around the world received much media attention earlier this year in seNeral _

42、(high)pubheized CaSeS65None of the applicants has any_(profession)job experteneeTranslalion from Chinese into English(15 points,3 points each)將下列各句譯成英語并將答案寫在答題紙上。66我應該感謝你竭盡全力幫助我。67她的父母非常關心她的幸福。68他們已不再是被法的聽眾而是積極的參與者。69你對發(fā)生的事情的描述接近實際情況。70你知道美國競選運動是怎樣運作的嗎?Translation from English into Chinese (l5 point

43、s)將下列短文譯成漢語并將答案寫在答題紙上。71he use of the motor car is becoming more and more widespread today,As an increasing number of countries develop both technically and economically,a large proportion of the worlds population is able to buy and use a earPos sessing a car gives a much greater degree of mobility,

44、enab ling tile driver to move around freelyThe owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport and is,there forenot compelled to work locallyHe can choose from a greater variety of jobs and probably changes his work more frequently as he is not restricted to a choice within a smaIl ar

45、eaWith the building of good fast motorways,long distance can be covered rapidly'and pleasantlyFor the first time,many people are now able to enjoy their leisure time to the full by making trips to the country or seaside at the weekends,instead of being confined to their immediate neighborhoodThi

46、s feeling of independenceand the freedom to go where yoLt please,is perhaps the greatest adwmtage of the car高等教育自學考試全國統(tǒng)一命題考試大學英語自學教程(下冊)優(yōu)化標準預測試卷(二)本試卷分為兩部分,第一部分為選擇題,第二部分為非選擇題;選擇題50分,非選擇題50分,滿分l00分;考試時間為150分鐘。PART ONE(SO POINTS)1Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point each)從下列各句四個選項中選出一個最佳答案,并在答題紙

47、上將相應的字母涂黑。1Brifish Government introduced new measures to help_workers from exp!oitation by their employers ( ) Ainspect Bexpect Csuspect Dprotect2That_beyond ajoke ( ) Amakes Bplays Cgoes Dgets3He_his poor judgement_let La9 ( ) Ablame;for Bblamed;to Cblamed;on Dblamed;at4Civil liberties groups say t

48、hat chaining people together doesnt solve the_of crime,such poverty or disaffee tion with in society ( ) Acauses Bresults Creasons Dcourses5Automatic machines are not_of many different uses,and they are built to perform only one task ( ) Afit Bable Ccapable Dsuitable6One can safely say that their ap

49、proach_composition is the opposite of the traditionalist type ( ) Aof Bto Cwith Dfor7_has been announcedwe shall have our fina exams nextmonth ( ) AAs BThat CIt DWhat8During the examination we were supposed to stay in our seats,keep our eyes on our work,_to anyone( ) Aand not speak Brather than spea

50、k Cinstead of speaking Dbut could not talk9Every worker has a highly developed sense of how much work_ him ( ) Aexpect of Bexpect for Cis expected of Dis expected for10Youve done quite enough work for today;now_for an hour ( ) Aput an endto Btake it easy Cdo your best Dtake afree rideCloze Test(10 p

51、oints,1 point each)下列短文中有十個空白, 每個空白有四個選項。根據(jù)上下文要選出最佳答案,并在答題紙上將相應的字母涂黑。 John made sure he had locked up the house,got into his car,and drove ll the road he lived in till he came to the main roadHe turned left into this,and got into the fast lane 1 2 he was heading for the airport where he was due to 1

52、3 the 4:30 flight to StockholmThere wasnt much traffic on the road,j ust a few large lorries,one or two private carsHe gave a l4 9lance at the clock on the dashboard and was pleased to see that be had time t0 15 All the same,he didnt want to dawdle so he kept up a steady 65 mphAfter three quarters o

53、f an hour the l6 airport buildings were just ahead of him and he drove into the ear l7 and found somewhere to parkThen, 18 checked that all the doors were locked,he got OutHe looked up as a huge aircraft passed di rectly overheadHalf an hour Iater as his own plane l9 the horrible thought came to him that


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