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1、Unit 7 Maintaining a Sharp EyeNew Practical EnglishSave the PlanktonShrinking Water Supply Poses Threat to PeaceNew Practical EnglishUnit 7 Maintaining a Sharp Eye123New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Related Information Worlds Water Supply Although water is widespread on Earth, much of it is not readily u

2、sable by humans. Of all the water on Earth, more than 97% is salt water held in the oceans. The remaining 3% constitutes the fresh water supply on the planet. New Practical English The majority of fresh water is held in ice (glaciers and polar ice caps) and a large proportion also lies too far under

3、ground to be exploitable. The amount of fresh water directly available is less than 1% of the total water in the Earth System. While the atmosphere does not hold a large proportion of Earths fresh water at any one time, huge amounts of water are continually cycling through this reservoir on very rap

4、id timescales. The cycling of water through the atmosphere is essential to renew the fresh water resources on which all life depends. Unit 7 Related InformationNew Practical EnglishUnit 7 Related Information sea water 97.2%Ice Caps and Glaciers 2%Groundwater 0.78%Lakes 0.013%Soil Moisture 0.006% Atm

5、ospheric 0.0007%Rivers and Streams 0.0002% Biosphere 0.0001%New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Intensive StudyImportant Words & PhrasesTextDifficult SentencesUnit 7 Intensive StudyI Warm-up question Do you think water shortage is becoming serious in China? How can we change this situation? (I think wat

6、er shortage has become an inevitable situation that threatens the security of Chinas water environment. In order to change this situation we should arouse public awareness of the shortage of water resources and enhance peoples awareness of water saving solutions.)Shrinking Water Supply Poses Threat

7、to PeaceUnit 7 Intensive StudyWhat do you think is the causes of water shortage? I think there are several causes of water shortage. First, although nearly three quarters of the earth surface is covered with water, it is sea water and undrinkable. Second, the demand for water is increasing, while wa

8、ter resources are scarce. Third, agricultural production needs enormous amounts of water, so does industry. Fourth, the rapid growth of population is also an important cause of the water shortage.Unit 7 Intensive StudyII The organization and the main idea of the passage The passage is organized in 3

9、 parts:Part One is from Para. 1 to Para. 7: People have become more concerned with water than before.Part Two is from Para. 8 to Para. 19: Water crisis causes serious consequences in many parts of the world.Part Three is from Para. 20 to Para. 21: The writer calls on people to realize the value of w

10、ater and work together to use water properly.New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Intensive StudyShrinking Water Supply Poses Threat to Peace 1“ Water, which is essential for life, costs nothing. On the other hand, diamonds, which are essential for nothing, cost a lot.” Unfortunately, the world has changed c

11、onsiderably since an 18th century economist made this remark. 2What was true over 200 years ago is certainly no longer true now. In a number of countries people pay as much for water in their homes as they do for electricity. New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Intensive Study 3What is still true, however,

12、is the remark made by Benjamin Franklin at the same time as the previous observation was made. “When the wells dry, we know the worth of water,” he observed. 4Like health, we ignore water when we have it - unless there are floods, of course. Once there is a threat to our water supply, however, water

13、 can quickly become the only thing that matters. We know only too well that, without water, there can be no life. 5The situation is now becoming so bad that environmentalists feel it may be necessary to shock the world into saving water in a similar way to the shock caused by the oil crisis in the 1

14、970s. New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Intensive Study 6 At that time, the oil crisis became such a serious threat to the lives of everyone in the developed countries that it made people conscious of the importance of saving oil and provided powerful encouragement for governments to look for other forms

15、of energy. 7 The result undoubtedly was of major benefit to energy conservation. 8 There is now no longer an unlimited supply of fresh water. If all the earths water could be poured into a gallon jug, the fresh water which would be available for everyone would amount to slightly more than one tables

16、poon less than half of 1 percent of the total water in the jug. New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Intensive Study 9About 97 percent of the planets water is seawater. Another 2 percent is locked in icecaps and glaciers. There are also conservation of fresh water under the earths surface but these are too d

17、eep for us to use economically. 10Unfortunately, competition is growing fiercely for what little water is available. It may be a matter of time before that competition becomes a conflict. 11To make matters worse, the worlds population is increasing so rapidly that it is expected to grow to approxima

18、tely 8 billion in 30 years - an increase of 60 percent. New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Intensive Study 12Moreover, in many developed countries throughout the world, flush lavatories and washing machines mean the average person now uses 300 litres of water a day compared with 50 at the beginning of last

19、 century. 13At the other extreme, according to the World Health Organization, one quarter of the worlds present population still lacks safe drinking water and proper sanitation. Most live in the southern hemisphere, where supplies of fresh water are put in jeopardy through dirty industrial practices

20、, poor irrigation and erosion. New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Intensive Study14It is estimated that diarrhea caused by polluted water will kill 15 out of every 1 000 children born in developing countries before they reach the age of five. 15Cases of cholera have risen to levels unheard of in the past.

21、16Contamination is responsible for 80 percent of diseases and 33 percent of deaths in these countries. 17The social stability of the world is no longer threatened by global wars, the Cold War . However, the supply of water could soon become the chief threat to such stability. New Practical EnglishUn

22、it 7 Intensive Study18There is already evidence of this happening, especially in Africa. 19Recently the Egyptian Government threatened to destroy any dams built on the Nile if they considered the dams would affect their supply of fresh water. 20What is required immediately is an awareness of the tru

23、e value of water and the formation of sensible water conservation strategies. 21It is also of vital importance to have a consensus on how best to use shared water resources for the benefit of all the countries in the world as well as an examination of the best methods for the distribution of the wor

24、lds water. New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Difficult Sentencesthe two sentences each contain a non-restrictive clause1 (Para.1) Water, which is essential for life, costs nothing. On the other hand, diamonds, which are essential for nothing, cost a lot. “水是生命的根本,卻不值錢。然而,鉆石可有可水是生命的根本,卻不值錢。然而,鉆石可有可無,卻很值錢。無

25、,卻很值錢?!薄皁n the other hand” is usually used together with “on the one hand” to indicate contrast and comparison New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Difficult Sentences2 (Para. 2) What was true over 200 years ago is certainly no longer true now. what-clauses can be used as subject, object and predicative20020

26、0年前真實的事情現(xiàn)在不一定真實。年前真實的事情現(xiàn)在不一定真實。Whatyouwantmaynotbewhatotherswant.Illdowhatyoutoldmetodo.New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Difficult Sentences 我們十分清楚:沒有水就沒有生命。我們十分清楚:沒有水就沒有生命。 I am only too glad to see you. Without efforts, there can be no chance of your winning the prize. 3 (Para. 4) We know only too well

27、 that, without water, there can be no life. “only too” is often used before adj. and ad. for emphasis, meaning “very, extremely”“can”hereisusedtoshowpossibilityNew Practical EnglishUnit 7 Difficult Sentences4 (Para. 11) To make matters worse, the worlds population is increasing so rapidly that it is

28、 expected to grow to approximately 8 billion in 30 years - an increase of 60 percent. 更糟的是,世界上的人口飛快增長,預(yù)計在更糟的是,世界上的人口飛快增長,預(yù)計在30年內(nèi)將增至年內(nèi)將增至80億億增長增長60。it is used as a parenthetical meaning “what is mentioned in the following sentence just causes things to become worse”New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Difficu

29、lt Sentences5. (Para. 14) It is estimated that diarrhea caused by polluted water will kill 15 out of every 1 000 children born in developing countries before they reach the age of five. 據(jù)估計,發(fā)展中國家據(jù)估計,發(fā)展中國家5 5歲以下的兒童因飲歲以下的兒童因飲用受污染的水而患痢疾的死亡率在用受污染的水而患痢疾的死亡率在1515。 similar structures : It is reported / sai

30、d / believed / . that . New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Difficult Sentences6. (Para. 16) Contamination is responsible for 80 percent of diseases and 33 percent of deaths in these countries. means “be a source or cause of” “是是的根源或原因的根源或原因” 污染是引起這些國家污染是引起這些國家80%80%的疾病和的疾病和33%33%的死亡率的死亡率的罪魁禍?zhǔn)?。的罪魁禍?zhǔn)住?Lazine

31、ss is responsible for his failure.New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Important Words & PhrasesFood is essential to life.basic or indispensable; necessary 基本的,必需的,不可缺少的;絕對基本的,必需的,不可缺少的;絕對必要的必要的 New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Important Words & PhrasesUnfortunately belts are worn only by a small percenta

32、ge of drivers and passengers. Unfortunately he failed in the driving test.New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Important Words & Phraseslarge in amount, extent, or degree; worthy of consideration; significant 相當(dāng)大相當(dāng)大(或多或多)的,值得考慮的,相當(dāng)可觀的的,值得考慮的,相當(dāng)可觀的 There is a considerable distance between the two cities.N

33、ew Practical EnglishUnit 7 Important Words & PhrasesHe is a man of keen observation.the act or faculty of observing; the fact being observed 觀察;被觀察到的事實觀察;被觀察到的事實observation n.New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Important Words & Phrases It doesnt matter how much you can contribute. What matters is w

34、hether you are willing to do it. be of importance 要緊,有關(guān)系要緊,有關(guān)系 matter v.New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Important Words & Phrases Conservation of water is of great importance in desert areas.preservation from loss, damage, or neglect 保存保存 conservation n.New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Important Words &a

35、mp; Phrases Approximately 80% of the students now have mobile phones.almost exact or correct 大約,大概大約,大概 New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Important Words & Phrases He often goes from one extreme to the other.the greatest or utmost degree or point 極端,極度極端,極度 New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Important Words

36、& Phrases the northern hemisphere the western hemisphere either the northern or southern half of the earth as divided by the equator or the eastern or western half as divided by a meridian (地球的)(地球的)半球半球 New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Important Words & PhrasesIf you go there alone, you are putt

37、ing your life in jeopardy. jeopardy n. risk of loss or injury; peril or danger 危險,損失危險,損失New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Translation水源的減少將對和平造成威脅水源的減少將對和平造成威脅 “水是生命的根本,卻不值錢。然而,鉆石可有可無,水是生命的根本,卻不值錢。然而,鉆石可有可無,卻很值錢。卻很值錢?!辈恍业氖?,自從十八世紀(jì)一位經(jīng)濟學(xué)家說了不幸的是,自從十八世紀(jì)一位經(jīng)濟學(xué)家說了這番話后,世界發(fā)生了很大的變化。這番話后,世界發(fā)生了很大的變化。 200 200 年前正確的事情現(xiàn)

38、在不一定正確。在一些國家,年前正確的事情現(xiàn)在不一定正確。在一些國家,人們所付的家用水費和電費一樣多。人們所付的家用水費和電費一樣多。New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Translation 有一點仍然是對的,即在與前面的論斷同一時期,本有一點仍然是對的,即在與前面的論斷同一時期,本杰明杰明 富蘭克林所說的一句話。他說,富蘭克林所說的一句話。他說,“只有等水井干只有等水井干了,我們才知道水的價值。了,我們才知道水的價值?!?” 像對待健康一樣,當(dāng)我們有水的時候我們想不到它像對待健康一樣,當(dāng)我們有水的時候我們想不到它當(dāng)然發(fā)大水了會是例外。但是,一旦我們的水源受到威當(dāng)然發(fā)大水了

39、會是例外。但是,一旦我們的水源受到威脅,水很快就會成為唯一重要的東西。我們十分清楚這一脅,水很快就會成為唯一重要的東西。我們十分清楚這一點:沒有水就沒有生命。點:沒有水就沒有生命。 情況現(xiàn)在變得如此糟糕,環(huán)境學(xué)家們覺得有必要像情況現(xiàn)在變得如此糟糕,環(huán)境學(xué)家們覺得有必要像 20 20 世紀(jì)世紀(jì) 70 70 年代的石油危機給世界帶來的震驚一樣,讓世人年代的石油危機給世界帶來的震驚一樣,讓世人們?yōu)榻裉斓乃Y源而感到震驚,以便開始節(jié)約用水。們?yōu)榻裉斓乃Y源而感到震驚,以便開始節(jié)約用水。 當(dāng)時,石油危機給發(fā)達國家的每一個人的生活造當(dāng)時,石油危機給發(fā)達國家的每一個人的生活造成了極大的威脅,迫使人們意識到石

40、油的重要性,也成了極大的威脅,迫使人們意識到石油的重要性,也有力地促使政府尋找其他形式的能源。有力地促使政府尋找其他形式的能源。 結(jié)果毫無疑結(jié)果毫無疑問有益于能源保護。問有益于能源保護。 今天淡水不再是用之不竭的。如果能把全地球上今天淡水不再是用之不竭的。如果能把全地球上的水都裝進一個加侖壺的話,那么我們的水都裝進一個加侖壺的話,那么我們 大家能得到大家能得到的淡水只有一湯匙多一點,不足壺里盛水總量的的淡水只有一湯匙多一點,不足壺里盛水總量的 1%1%。New Practical EnglishUnit 7 TranslationNew Practical EnglishUnit 7 Tran

41、slation地球上地球上97%97%的水是海水,另外的水是海水,另外 2% 2% 的水被封凍在常年不的水被封凍在常年不化的冰山和冰河里。地下也藏著淡水,但因為距離地表化的冰山和冰河里。地下也藏著淡水,但因為距離地表太太 深,利用地下水造價太昂貴。深,利用地下水造價太昂貴。 不幸的是,為了僅有的一點水,人們競相爭奪。這樣下不幸的是,為了僅有的一點水,人們競相爭奪。這樣下去,競爭遲早會變成爭斗。去,競爭遲早會變成爭斗。 更糟的是,世界上的人口更糟的是,世界上的人口飛快增長,預(yù)計在飛快增長,預(yù)計在 30 30 年內(nèi)將增至年內(nèi)將增至 80 80 億億增長增長 60%60%。New Practical

42、 EnglishUnit 7 Translation 此外,在世界上許多發(fā)達國家,沖廁所和用洗此外,在世界上許多發(fā)達國家,沖廁所和用洗衣機平均每人一天要用掉衣機平均每人一天要用掉 300 300 升水,而本世紀(jì)初的升水,而本世紀(jì)初的這一用水量僅為這一用水量僅為 50 50 升。升。 與此相反,根據(jù)世界衛(wèi)生組織的調(diào)查結(jié)果,目與此相反,根據(jù)世界衛(wèi)生組織的調(diào)查結(jié)果,目前世界上有四分之一的人依然缺少安全的飲用水和適前世界上有四分之一的人依然缺少安全的飲用水和適量的衛(wèi)生用水。他們大多數(shù)居住在南半球,在那里,量的衛(wèi)生用水。他們大多數(shù)居住在南半球,在那里,由于骯臟的工業(yè)設(shè)施條件、由于骯臟的工業(yè)設(shè)施條件、 落

43、后的灌溉技術(shù)和自然落后的灌溉技術(shù)和自然的水土流失,淡水供應(yīng)處于危險境地。的水土流失,淡水供應(yīng)處于危險境地。 New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Translation 據(jù)估計,發(fā)展中國家五歲以下的孩童因飲用受污據(jù)估計,發(fā)展中國家五歲以下的孩童因飲用受污染的水而患痢疾的死亡率在千分之染的水而患痢疾的死亡率在千分之 1515。 霍亂病例已霍亂病例已經(jīng)上升到前所未有的水平。經(jīng)上升到前所未有的水平。 污染是引起這些國家污染是引起這些國家 80% 80% 的疾病和的疾病和 33% 33% 的死亡的死亡率的罪魁禍?zhǔn)住B实淖锟準(zhǔn)住?社會穩(wěn)定不再受到全球戰(zhàn)爭、冷戰(zhàn)社會穩(wěn)定不再受到全球戰(zhàn)爭

44、、冷戰(zhàn)等的威脅。然而,水資源問題卻可能很快會成為社會等的威脅。然而,水資源問題卻可能很快會成為社會穩(wěn)定的主要威脅。穩(wěn)定的主要威脅。New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Translation 已有跡象表明這種情況正在發(fā)生,尤其在非洲。已有跡象表明這種情況正在發(fā)生,尤其在非洲。 最近埃及政府已經(jīng)威脅說,如果在尼羅河上建起最近埃及政府已經(jīng)威脅說,如果在尼羅河上建起的任何大壩會影響埃及的淡水供應(yīng),他們將摧毀大壩。的任何大壩會影響埃及的淡水供應(yīng),他們將摧毀大壩。迫在眉睫的是要意識到水的真正價值,并形成切實可迫在眉睫的是要意識到水的真正價值,并形成切實可行的水資源保護策略。行的水資源保

45、護策略。 為了世界所有國家的利益,就共享水資源的最佳為了世界所有國家的利益,就共享水資源的最佳利用途徑達成共識,以及研究世界水資源利用途徑達成共識,以及研究世界水資源的最好分配的最好分配方法是至關(guān)重要的。方法是至關(guān)重要的。 New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Practice1234New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Read & Think1What does the author mean by saying “ What was true over 200 years ago is certainly no longer true now”

46、 ? a People have realized the value of water now. b Water is no longer essential for life. c Diamonds are not as costly as before. d Water has become as valuable as electricity.2 What message does the author try to pass to us when quoting Benjamin Franklins “When the wells dry, we know the worth of

47、water” ? a We dont have to worry about water supply as it is unlimited. b We should act immediately to save water before It is too late. c We should dig as many wells as possible to find new water sources. d New sources of water have to be found when wells are dry. New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Read &

48、amp; ThinkNew Practical EnglishUnit 7 Read & Think3Why do environmentalists think it necessary to shock the world into saving water? a Because people are fighting for water resources. b Because the water supply is limited. c Because we will soon run out of water. d Because water in the world is

49、seriously contaminated. New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Read & Think4According to the author, to tap water under the surface of the earth is _. aeconomical beasy cexpensive dprofitableNew Practical EnglishUnit 7 Read & Think5According to the passage, how much fresh water on the earth is availabl

50、e to human beings? aLess than 1%. bAround 2%. cMore than 1%. dNearly 97%. New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Read & Think6According to the author, the average consumption of fresh water in many developed countries now is _ times as much as it was at the beginning of last century. a3 b4 c5 d6 Unit 7 Rea

51、d & Think7 Which of the following statements is not true of the developing countries? a They are using much less water than the developed countries. b Supplies of fresh water are in jeopardy for lack of advanced technology. c Contaminated water supply cause serious diseases and deaths. d Conflic

52、ts to fight for water resources are unheard of. Unit 7 Read & Think8 The authors purpose of writing this passage is to _. a call on people to use the water supply economically b warn people of the coming conflicts for fresh water c accuse those who do not use water sensibly d provide a statistic

53、al description of water consumption New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Read & Think1 What did people use to think of water centuries ago? Water costs nothing.2 What is the meaning of the sentence “It may be a matter of time before that competition becomes a conflict”? Sooner or later, the competition m

54、ay become so fierce that war may break out for water supply.New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Read & Think3Why do people in the southern hemisphere lack safe drinking water? Because the water supply there is contaminated through industrial practice, poor irrigation and erosion.4What is the possible re

55、sult if fresh water continues to be contaminated? Peoples health will be harmed and world peace will be threatened. New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Read & Think5 What is the solution the author proposed to solve the problem? To raise peoples awareness of the true value of water and work out sensible

56、 water conservation strategies.New Practical EnglishUnit 7 Read and Completeessential unfortunate considerobserve matter conserve approximate extreme hemisphere jeopardy 1 He is a person who always goes to _. 2 _ three fourths of the earths surface is covered by water. 3 After he left Shanghai, he b

57、ecame a writer of _ influence. extremesApproximatelyconsiderableNew Practical EnglishUnit 7 Read and Completeessential unfortunate considerobserve matter conserve approximate extreme hemisphere jeopardy 4 The _ made by the scientist has brought about a heated discussion in the university. 5 It is _

58、for us to try to decide whether television is a blessing or a curse. 6 It does not _ now whether you agree with me or not. 7 There is a need for the _ of trees, or there will soon be no forests. observationessentialmatterconservationUnit 7 Read and Completeessential unfortunate considerobserve matte

59、r conserve approximate extreme hemisphere jeopardy 8 _, we do not have a position for each one of you though I know everyone deserves a position here. 9 The equator divides the earth into two_. 10 His foolish remark and behavior may put his future career in _. UnfortunatelyhemispheresjeopardyNew Pra

60、ctical EnglishUnit 7 Read and CompleteWater is 1 _ for life and plays a 2 _role in the proper 3 _ of the Earths ecosystems (生態(tài)系統(tǒng)生態(tài)系統(tǒng)). The pollution of water has a serious 4 _on all living creatures, and can 5 _ affect the use of water for drinking, household needs, recreation, fishing, transportation and commerce. essentialvitalfunctioningimpactnegatively查看題干New Practical Eng


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


