



1、河北衡水中學(xué)2021屆全國高三第一次聯(lián)合考試(全國卷)英語本試卷8頁。總分150分??荚嚂r間120分鐘。注意事項(xiàng):1. 答卷前,考生務(wù)必將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號填寫在答題卡上。2. 回答選擇題時,選出每小題答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號 涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標(biāo)號?;卮鸱沁x擇題時, 將答案寫在答題卡上。寫在本試卷上無效。3. 考試結(jié)束后,將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)做題時,先將答案標(biāo)在試卷上。錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷 上的答案轉(zhuǎn)涂到答題卡上。第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題15分,滿分75分)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有

2、一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項(xiàng)中 選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時 間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。例:HOW much is the shirt?A. £19.15. B. £98C £915答案是C.1 What is the WOman doing?A. Reading a paper. B. Writing a stor>r. C. WatChing night news.2. HOW WilI the SPCakerS go to the new ShOPPing InaII?A.

3、By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.3. What are the SPCakerS talking about?A. TraVel experience B. The holiday Plan. C. EUrOPean COUntrieS4. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. BOSS and secretary; B. PrOfeSSOr and student. C. Interviewer and applicant.5. HOW much is the typical rent for a two

4、-bedroom flat in Dalton?A. £850. B. £ 900. C. £950.第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題15分,滿分225分)聽下面5段對話或獨(dú)白。每段對話或獨(dú)白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、 C三個選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對話或獨(dú)白前,你 將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時 間。每段對話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽第6段材料,回答第6、7題。6. Where does the COnVerSatiOn PrObably take place?A. At the office. B. At

5、 home. C. In the gym.7. What Will RObbie do today?A. WOrk On his COmPUter. B. GO to the baseball game C. Hang OUt With his friends聽第7段材料,回答第8至10題。8. What does the man ShOW the woman?A. A newspaper. B. A brochure. C. A book9. Why does the Inan Iike the group fc Guitarriiif,?A. They SPOil the audience

6、B They Play SPaniSh music.C. They Play instalments Very Well10. Where does the WOnlan Prefer to sit?A. At the front. B. In the middle. C. At the back.聽第8段材料,回答第11至13題。11 Why does JUIie talk to Sam?A. TO ask for advice B. TO have Clinner together. C. TO talk about a new book12. Why is Julie's gra

7、ndfather unhappy?A. He is retired. B. He is having a big deal. C. HC is IiVing With the family.13. WhO Will Call Mr Marchetta?A. Grandfather. B. Sam. C. Julie.聽第9段材料,回答第14至16題。14. WhO is the man?A. A COmPUter expert. B. A food SUPPlier. C. A restaurant waiter.15. Why does the man feel upset?A. HiS U

8、nCle is getting old.B. HIS father doesn't help in.C He Can t run die busmess WelL16. What Will the WOman PrObably do for the man?A. DeVelOP a management SyStemB. BUild a COmPUter network.C. ReCOnIInend him a job.聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題。17. HOW IOng does the COUrSe last?A. A SingIe day. B. OnC Week C.

9、TwO WeekS18. What does the SPeaker Say about the course?A. It is designed for both ParentS and ChildrenB. It has been held twice this year.C. It OfferS VariOUS activities19. WhO Can attend this years course?A. Children aged 5-7. B. Children aged 8-10. C. Children aged 6-8.20. What ShOUld a Child do

10、in advance to apply for the course?A. Fin OUt an application form B. ChOOSe their activities C. Pay all the fees第二部分閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。AAUCtiOnS (Jtl賣)for fine art and decorative arts are everywhere, in NeW YOrk and across the country. Here are just

11、 a few StandOUtS and SOnle Of the areas they SPeCiaIiZe in. All have brick-and-mortar SaleS rooms in addition to OnIine buyingDOYLE NEW YORKFounded: 1962BeSt bets: PaintingSJeWelry. Single-OWner COlleCtiOnSDOyle is PartiCUIarly PrOUd Of bringing in excellent estates that include many kinds Of WOrkS

12、The house Will Offer items from the estates Of LiIi and NOrman ISraeL including a Pair Of ChineSe POrCelain Fll LiOnS On OrmOlU bases (estimated at $7,000 to $10,000).SVVANN AUCTION GALLERIESHeadquarters: NeW York. NYFounded: 1941BeSt bets: books, WOrkS On PaPen AfriCan-AmeriCan artSWann WaS the fir

13、st auction house to Sell Old and PreCiOUS PhOtOgraPhS in 1952. The house has also had a department Of AfriCan-AmeriCan art for 12 years, Setting records Iike the $965J)OO Paid in 2015 for a Painting by the AbStraCt EXPreSSiOniSt NOrlnan LeWiSSTAIR GALLERIESHeadquarters: HUdSOiL NYFounded: 2001BCSt b

14、ets: EngliSh and COntinental furniture and PaintingSStaIr on HudSOIfS main drag, is frequented by dealers and bargam mters. and it's a PIaCe to find interesting decorative arts Iike a GeOrge I CarVCd WalnUt Wing armchair estimated at $1,200 to SI.800. Stair Will Sell a Iarge PrnWate COlleCtion t

15、lat chdes FUheIO BIalICOnrS "Con MaCChIe VhSe、 With an estimate Of S90,000 to $120.000.HERITAGE AUCTIONSHeadquarters: Dallas. TXFounded: 1983BCSt bets: coins, SPOrtS memorabilia, comics, movie POSterSHeritage earned $438 InilIiOn IaSt year in Online SaIeS alone and the firm now COndUCtS IiVe au

16、ctions across the globe and many CategOrieS. BUt their bread and butter are items that the COmPany PreSident, Greg ROhan. CalIS "the kmds Of tilings that 已VeIyOne has", IIke COniiC books, baseball CardS and ClaSSiC film POSterS1 WhiCh auction house is a good PlaCe for furniture COlleCtors?

17、A. Stair GallerieSB. SWann AUCtiOn GalIerieSD. HCritagC AUCtiOns.C. DOyIe NeW York.2. What is the feature Of Heritage AUCtiOns?A. It Only COndUCtS Online sales.B. It SellS items from Ordinary life.C. It has ValUable items from the WOrld.D. It PrOVideS Inany kinds Of bread and butter.3. WhiCh Of IhC

18、following items has the highest price?A. ChineSe POrCelain FU LiOnSB. A GeOrge I CarVed WalnUt Wing armchai匚C. FUIViO BIalICOnfS 4fcCon MaCChIe Vhse''.D. An AbStraCt EXPreSSiOniSt Painting by NOrman LeWiS【答案】1.A2. B 3. D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇應(yīng)用文。文章主要介紹了美國一些拍賣會的具體信息?!?題詳解】細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章中 STAIR GALLERIES 部

19、分的“Best bets: EngIISh and CoIltmental ftrnnre and PaintiilgS可知家具是Stair GallerieS的主打商品。對于家具收藏家來說,Stair GallerieS是最好的去處。故選A。【2題詳解】細(xì)盯理解題。根據(jù)文章中 HERlTAGEAUCTlONS 部分的BUt their bread and butter are items tlat the COmPany PreSident, Greg Rohan, CanS 4the kinds Of things that everyone has'."可矢, Heri

20、tage AUCtiOnS的主要收入來源是公司總裁Greg Rohan所說的“人人都有的東西",即普通 生活的東四,這是它的特色。故選B?!?題詳解】細(xì)盯理解題© 根據(jù)文章中的 DOYLE NEW YORK 中"Fu LiOnS on OrmOlU bases (estimated at $7.000 to $10.000)= SWANN AUCTION GALLERIES 中 “setting IeCordS IIke the S965,000 PaId m 2015 for a PalIItmg by the AbStraCt EXPreSSioniSt NO

21、nIIan Lewis'; STAIR GALLERIES 中"a GeOrgeI CarVed WaInUt WiIlg armchair, estmated at $1,200 to $1,8O(T 以及STAIR GALLERIES 中的"Fulvio BIanCOnfS 4Con MaCChie VaSe, With an estimate OfS 90,000 to $120,0O(T可知,通過對比,An AbStraCt EXPreSSiOniSt Painting by NOrman LeWiS 的一幅抽象表 現(xiàn)主義的繪畫作品價格最髙,96萬5千美金。

22、故選D?!军c(diǎn)睛】The nine WOnlan Of BelIa MOndO Win OVer yet another audience The group is One Of just a handful Of all-women ensembles (樂 隊(duì))in IVOry Coast.It all Started in 2007 PriSCa AllOU WaS a music student. A music PrOdUCer Came to See her. HCSaid he Wanted to make an all-female ensemble to keep a PrOm

23、iSe to his Iate mother.AnOU got On board and WaS Charged With recruiting (招募)Other members. 4It WaSll,t easy at first. SOme ParentS Were against it. YOU know, in Africa, the PlaCe Of WOmen is Often Seen as being either In an OffiCe or at home. Tllat WaS the fixed image/' AnOU SPread the Word and

24、 tk OUt ads in IOCal PaPers. MOSt Of the girls She found Were not PrOfeSSiOnal players. fcI JUSt Played SOme tamtam. I Ieanled to Play drums Wllen I JOmed BeIIa Mondo.'' TIle girls SPent die IleXt four years Iearnmg to PIay their instruments Many gave UP along the way. but eight Of them SOld

25、iered On With AllOIL and BelIa MOndO WaS founded.The band PIayS Original SOngS and COVerS Their InUSiC SPanS a Wide range Of styles: funk, reggae, POP music They released their first album in 2013. and have PerfOrmed in Paris, Dakar. COtOnOU and, Of course, here at home in Abidjan.YOU Can See them I

26、ICarlyCVCry ThUrSday at this bar, the Same PIaCe that gave the band its Start years ago. "Oh yes, I WaS surprised at first. A WOliIan Smgmg, you See that every day but an entire band, Playing all the instruments and everything? It WaS extraordinary I WaS dumbstruck. BClIa MOndO is a great band.

27、''The WOmen are now WOrking On their SeCOnd album4. Why did the InUSiC PrOdUCer Want to form a female ensemble?A. TO SPOnSOr music StUdentSB. TO COmfOrt his mother.C. TO Carry OUt his PrOmiSeD. TO Win OVer an audience5. WhiCh Of the following Inade it hard for AlIou to recruit band members?A

28、. The band Charged too InUChB. A IIUmber Of ParelltS didnt SUPPOrt it.C. MOSt WOmen Prefer to WOrk in a government OffiCeD. AfriCan WOnlen are not allowed to IeaVe their homes.6. What does ParagraPh 3 mainly talk about?A. What AllOU experienced.B. HOW Bella MOndO WaS born.C. Why most girls gave UP h

29、alfway.D. HOW the girls Iearned to Play instruments.7. What does the Underlmed WOrd "dumbstruck" PrObably mean in ParagraPh 5?A. Astonished.B. AmUSedC. Determined.D.Satisfied.【答案】4C5. B 6. B 7. A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇記敘文,介紹了科特迪瓦女子樂隊(duì)突破社會傳統(tǒng)取得成功 故事,此外簡單介紹 了該樂隊(duì)成立的過程?!?題詳解】細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由第二段中的"He SaId e Wa

30、nted to make an all-female ensemble to keep a PrOnIlSe to IIiS Iate mother.',可知,他說他想成立女子樂隊(duì)來信守對已故母親的承諾,可以判 斷出這劃音樂制作人為了履行對已故母親的承諾而成立了這個女子樂隊(duì)。故選CO【5題詳解】細(xì)巧理解題。由第三段''Tt wasn't easy at first. SOme PareiItS Were against it. YOU know, In AfriCa, the PlaCe Of WOmen is Often Seen as being eithe

31、r in an OffiCe Or at home."可知,起初招 聘不容易,在非洲女孩子的固左形象就是坐辦公室或待在家里,因此一些家長反對成立女子 樂隊(duì),這是造成AIlOIl組建樂隊(duì)困難的原因之一。故選B?!?題詳解】主旨大意題。通讀第三段"Allou got On board and WaS Charged With recruitmg (招募)OthCr members, ".and BeIla MOndO WaS founded/'可知,本段講述了負(fù)責(zé)招聘的AlIOU說到在非洲 女孩子的固定形象就是坐辦公室或待在家里,他們通過在報(bào)紙上登廣告招聘成員

32、,以及最后 樂隊(duì)成立了。可知,本段主要講述了 BCllaMondO樂隊(duì)的誕生過程。故選B。【7題詳解】詞義猜測題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段''"Oh yes, I WaS SiUPnSed at first. A WOinail singing, you See that every day, but an Cntire band. Playing all the instalments and everything? It WaS extraordinary.Bella MOndO is a great band"可知,我起初很驚訝,你每天能看到一個女人在 唱歌,但

33、是整個樂隊(duì)演奏所有樂器和一切?真是太棒了Bella MOndO是一個了不起的樂 隊(duì)??芍瑢绾跻饬系氖窃撆訕逢?duì)的演出取得了空前的成功,所以說話者感到很震驚。A. Astonished.驚訝的;B. AmUSed 搞笑的:C. Determined 有決心的:D. Satisfied.滿意的。 故選AO【點(diǎn)睛】CMOSt ParentS are horrified the first time they CatCh their kid OUt in a lie. JUSt how WOrriedShOUId you be if your IittIe One has Started Iying

34、. and how Can you encourage them to tell the truth?ACCOrding to Child and teen PSyChiatriSt Gayani DeSilva, MD, Iying Can actually be a Sign Of healthy development in young ChiIdren.C KIdS Iie for many reasons, and much Of it is normal.'' DeSih a says. 'People are not bom With the tools

35、Of interacting With OtherS and getting their needs met. They must Iearn how to COmnnulICate those needs In appropriate ways, and they, experiment WItll different COmnlUniCatiOn techniques Until they find the OneS that WOrk best for them. Lying is One Of those techniques."FOr instance, at age tw

36、o Or three kids Inay Iie as they experiment With PUShing IiinitS to See What behaviors are acceptable and Wllat aren t. AS kids get Older they become more aware OfhOw tleir actions affect others. Maily Iie IeSS frequently because they know it COUld hurt SOmeOne else,s feelings Or trust. TeenS Were m

37、ost Iikely to COnSider Iying an acceptable behavior if it WaS to help SOnlebOdy Or keep a PerSOnal secret, but not if it WaS Iikely to CaUSe harm to somebody.JIlSt because Iylng is, m IIlOSt cases. IlOnnaL doesn't mean It ShOUld be ignored .If you know your CllIId IS lying. What ShOUld you do? W

38、hen a ClllId lies. IOOk at them directly and ask.4'What do you need?" After they tell you, gently Ielmlld them that telhg you directly WiIl be more effective than lying.Also, it,s a good Idea to model the behaor you Want to See in your kids. In Other words, don't Iie to your Children. T

39、hiS WiIl Set you and your Children On a COUrSe Of OPen COmmUniCatiOlL trust, and SatiSfaCtiOn that needs and WantS are UnderStOOd and met.Generally, a ChiId WhO is neglected Will Iie more than a ChiId WhO has attentive and responsive Parents. By Paylng attention to die IeaSOnS behmd a SnIall lie, Pa

40、rentS Can figure OUt If there's a needtlat,s IlOt bemg met.& Why do kids Iie according to DeSiIVa?A. TO get their needs met.Skills.C. TO avoid IIUrtlIlg SOmeOne else s feelings.affect others.9. Why do kids Iie IeSS frequently as they grow older?A. They think Iying IimitS their behaviorslying

41、.C. They COnSider Iying an acceptable behavior.neglected.B. TO improve their COmmUniCatiOnD. TO be aware Of how their actionsB. They realize the negative effects OfD. They Want to help PeOPle WhO are10. What are ParentS advised to do COnCernine their kids Iyine?B. Pretend not to notice their IieSD.

42、Remind them not to Iie again.B. HarmfUl and WOrryingD. HeaIthy and effectiveA. GiVe them WhateVer they need.C. Set a good example to them11. What does the author think Of kids lying?A. ACCePtabIe and appropriate.C. NOrnlal and UndCrStandable【答案】8A9. B 10. C 11. C【解析】本文是一篇說明文。主要介紹了小孩撒謊的原因以及而對孩子的撒謊行為,

43、家長應(yīng)該如何應(yīng) 對?!?題詳解】 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段"PCOPle are not born With the tools Of interacting With OtherS and getting their needs met. They must ICarn how to COmmUniCate those needs in appropriate ways, and they,ll experiment With different COInmUniCatiOn techniques Until they find the OneS that WOrk best for

44、 them. Lying is One Of those techniques/人們并不是天生就具備與他人互動、滿足需求的工具。 他們必須學(xué)會如何用介適的方式來溝通這些需求,他們會嘗試不同的溝通技巧,直到找到最 適合自己的方法。說謊就是英中一種技巧)”以及最后一段中“By Paying attention to the IeaSonS belnd a SmaIl lie, ParentS Can figure OUt If there's a IIeed that s not bemg met.(通過關(guān),主一 個小謊言背后的原因,父母可以發(fā)現(xiàn)是否有需求沒有得到滿足)”由此可知,小孩撒謊

45、主要 是為了滿足自己的需要。故選A。【9題詳解】細(xì)卩理解題。根據(jù)第四段中"As kids get OldCn they become more aware Of how their actions affect others. Mally Ile IeSS &equetly because they know it COUld hurt SOmeOne else feelings or trust.(隨著孩子年齡的增長,他們越來越意識到自己的行為對他人的影響。很多人不常說謊, 因?yàn)樗麄冎肋@會傷害別人的感情或信任)”可知,隨著年齡的增長,青少年意識到了撒謊 的負(fù)而影響。故選B

46、?!?0題詳解】細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段"Also, it,s a good idea to model the behavior you Want to See in your kids. Iii Other words, don't Iie to your children. ThIS Will Set you and your CllIIdrell on a COUrSe Of OPen COmmUniCation, trust, and SatiSfaCtiOn that needs and WantS are UnderStOOd and nct.(夕卜, 在自己

47、身上樹立你希望在孩子身上看到的行為模式也是一個好主意。換句話說,不要對孩子 撒謊。這將使你和你的孩子走上坦誠溝通、信任和滿足需求和愿望的道路)”可知,家長對 小孩撒謊行為的應(yīng)對措施是以身作則,從自身不撒謊做起。故選C?!?1題詳解】推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段 U ACCOrding to Child and teen PSyChiatriSt Gayani DeSilVa. MD, Iying Can actually be a Sign Of healthy development in young Children.(根據(jù)兒童和青少年精神病學(xué)家 Gayani DCSilVa醫(yī)學(xué)博士的說法,撒謊

48、實(shí)際上可能是幼兒健康發(fā)展的一個標(biāo)志)”和第三段 “Kids IiC for many reasons, and InUCh Ofit is normal(孩子撒謊的原因有很多,其中很多是正常 的)”并綜合全文可知,作者認(rèn)為小孩撒謊的行為是成長過程中正常的一步,是可以被理解 的行為。故選C。DIndonesians air force has Seeded CIOUdS With Salt in an efibrt to StOP IalIl &om falling On the flooded capital, Jakarta. ThC Seeding OPeratiOn follow

49、s deadly flash flds and IandSlideS that hit the CaPital after SOme Of Ihe heaviest rain ever recorded. Indoncsian OffiCiaIS Said that as Of Friday, at IeaSt 43 PeOPle had been killed in the disaster. TenS Of thousands Of PeOPle have been CIiSPIaCed.ClOUd Seeding is a PrOCeSS that involves ShOOting S

50、alt into ClOUdS in an attempt to Create artificial rain. It is Often USCd in IndOneSia to help PUt Out forest fires. The CUrrent OPeratiOn aims to get the CIOUdS to drop Water and break UP before they reach Jakarta.Indonesia's air force teamed UP WitIl die country's technology agency to Carr

51、y OUt tlree IOUndSOf ClOUel Seeding On Friday OffiCialS Said more ClOUd SeCding WOUId take PlaCe as neededThe IateSt flooding followed heavy rainfall On DeCember 31 and into the early hours Of NeWYear,s Day. Tlle Water cohered Iarge areas Of Jakarta and nearby towns. The Start of 2020 Weather WaS On

52、e Of the most extreme rainfall events SinCe record keeping began in 1866, IndOneSiaS Weather agency Said On Friday. The OffiCialS Said CIimate Change had increased the risk Of extreme weather. They Warned that heavy rainfall COUld reach a high POint in Inid-JanUa and ShOUld be expected to IaSt Until

53、 mid-February.NeWS VideOS ShOwed fldwaters SPreading across Jakarta. IInageS ShOWed groups Of PeOPle Walking through Water and InUd-COVered cars, SOme Of them Sitting On top Of each other. PreSident JOkO WidOdO blamed delays in flood COntrOl PrOjeCtS for the CliSaSter. AmOng the PrOjeCtS is the buil

54、ding Of a Canal that has been delayed SinCe 2017 because Of PrOPerty right issuesJakarta has been SlOWly Sinking. A main CaUSe is the amount Of ground Water being drawn OUt from Under the city. RiSing Sea IeVelS have made the threat Of flding even WOrSe LaSt year, WIdOdO anouced Ile WOUld moe IlldOn

55、esia,s CaPltal to EaSt KalmIalItan PK)VilICe on BOmeO island to reduce the burden On OVerPOPUIated Jakarta.12. What did the extremely heavy rainfall result in?A. The Seeding OPeratiOn failed.B. FOrty-three PeOPle Were missing.C. An airplane Carrying Salt crashed.D. A great many PeOPle IOSt their hom

56、es.13. Why WaS the CIOUd Seeding OPerated On Friday?A. To PUt Out forest fires.B. Tb reduce natural rain.C. TO test the country's technology.D. TO StOP rain from flooding the capital.14. What does the Ilnderlilled rOrd fc them'' Iefer to m ParagraPh 5?A. VideOSB. People.15. What Can be I

57、earnCd from the passage?A. Jakarta is facing great ChallengeSC. The flood COntrOl PrOjeCtS WOrked WellWeak 【答案】12.D13. D 14. C 15.AC. Cars.D. Projects.B. ThC artificial rain resulted in floodsD ThC COntinUOUS rain WOUld become【解析】本文是一篇說明文。主要介紹了印度尼西亞企圖用人工降雨來緩解首都雅加達(dá)洪水泛濫,介 紹了此處洪水造成的破壞以及未來的天氣變化情況。最后說明了雅

58、加達(dá)而臨的其他一些挑 戰(zhàn)。【12題詳解】細(xì) 理解題。根據(jù)第一段最后一句"Tens Of thousands Of PCOPle have been displaced,成千上 萬人流離失所)”可知,成千上萬的人因?yàn)楹樗チ思覉@。故選D?!?3題詳解】推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段中"IndOileSIas air force IIaS Seeded CIOUdS With Salt In an effort to StOP rain from falling On the flooded capital. Jakarta.(印度尼西亞空軍向云層中撒鹽,試圖阻止集雨 降落在被洪水淹沒的首都雅加達(dá))”以及第二段最后一句“The CUrrent OPeratiOn aims to get the CIOIldS to drop Water and break UP before they reach Jakarta.(g 前的行動旨在讓云層在到達(dá)首 都雅加達(dá)降水之前就分解)”可推斷,人工降雨是為了阻止雨水再次降到首都,以緩解澇災(zāi)。 故選D O【14題詳解】詞義猜測題。根據(jù)上文"ImageS ShOWed groups Of PeOPIe WaIking through Water and mud-covered CarS,以及后文US


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