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1、construction organization design for pakistan eapcl pvc expansion project 1中國化學(xué)工程集團(tuán)公司巴基斯坦epcl聚氯乙烯聯(lián)合化工裝置china national chemical engineering group corp.pakistan epcl pvc expansion projecthse 管理程序 hse procedure中國化學(xué)工程集團(tuán)公司china national chemical engineering group corp.2008年1月 content 目錄1principle and aim

2、 of hse plan hse管理方針、目標(biāo)22hse management organization hse管理組織機(jī)構(gòu)23hse responsibility hse生產(chǎn)責(zé)任制24hse management principle 項(xiàng)目hse管理原則25hse responsibilities execution and management 落實(shí)hse責(zé)任制,實(shí)施責(zé)任管理26hse education & training hse教育與培訓(xùn)27hse award and punishment hse獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)與處罰28safety countermeasure and safety c

3、larification 安全技術(shù)措施和安全技術(shù)交底29requirement for work permit 作業(yè)許可證規(guī)定210hse inspection hse檢查211equipment control 設(shè)備管理212lifting work 起重吊裝作業(yè)213working at height 高處作業(yè)管理214requirement for hot work 現(xiàn)場動(dòng)火管理規(guī)定215procedure for working in confined space 封閉空間準(zhǔn)入規(guī)定216flammable & explosive material control rules 易

4、燃、易爆化學(xué)危險(xiǎn)品的管理規(guī)定217hse control for construction electrical 施工用電安全管理218scaffolding work 腳手架219radiographic test 射線作業(yè)220fire fighting management 消防管理221housekeeping 文明施工222environment protection 環(huán)境保護(hù)223hse audit hse審計(jì)224first aid point 急救站225traffic rule 交通規(guī)則226accident investigation & treatment 事故調(diào)

5、查處理227risks & hazard analysis for eapcl pvc project pvc項(xiàng)目危險(xiǎn)、危害分析228 filing document content 歸檔材料目錄229 hse document hse文件229.1 punishment rules for accident責(zé)任事故處罰規(guī)定229.2 guard rules 門衛(wèi)制度229.3 internal security rules 內(nèi)部治安管理規(guī)定229.4 environment health management rules 環(huán)境衛(wèi)生管理制度229.5 canteen health ma

6、nagement rules 食堂衛(wèi)生管理制度229.6 fire prevention rules 防火制度229.7 hse management rules for maintenance work 檢修工程施工安全管理規(guī)定229.8 workers hse management requirement 作業(yè)人員安全管理規(guī)定229.9 countermeasure for heatstroke prevention 防暑降溫管理辦法229.10 safety & housekeeping checking list (for camp) 安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工檢查表(生活區(qū))229.

7、11 safety & housekeeping checking list (for site) 安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工檢查表(施工現(xiàn)場)229.12 safety & housekeeping checking list (for environment) 安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工檢查表(環(huán)境保護(hù))229.13 safety & housekeeping checking list (for safety protective) 安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工檢查表(安全防護(hù))229.14 safety & housekeeping checking list (for cons

8、truction electrical) 安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工檢查表(施工用電)229.15 safety & housekeeping checking list (for tower crane) 安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工檢查表(塔吊)229.16 safety & housekeeping checking list (for fire fighting) 安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工檢查表(消防安全)229.18 safety & housekeeping checking list (for scaffolding) 安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工檢查表(腳手架)229.19 safety

9、 checking list for medium & small type machine施工機(jī)械安全檢查表229.20 excavation work permit 開挖作業(yè)許可證229.21 lifting work permit 吊裝作業(yè)許可證229.22 working at height (more than 10m) 高空作業(yè)許可證(10m以上)229.23 scaffolding work and dismantling permit 腳手架搭拆作業(yè)許可證229.24 working in defined space permit密閉空間作業(yè)許可證229.25 work

10、ing in flammable&explosive area permit動(dòng)火作業(yè)許可證229.26 rt work permit 射線作業(yè)許可證229.27 safety weekly (monthly) report 安全統(tǒng)計(jì)周(月)報(bào)表229.28 safety clarification record for special discipline working 特殊作業(yè)安全交底記錄229.29 safety training registration form 進(jìn)入現(xiàn)場教育登記表229.30 special discipline worker registration fo

11、rm 施工現(xiàn)場特種作業(yè)人員登記表229.31 infringed person registration form 現(xiàn)場違章違紀(jì)人員登記表229.32 infringed person registration summary sheet 現(xiàn)場違章違紀(jì)人員匯總表229.33 safety audit checking list 安全審計(jì)檢查表229.34site safety management system 施工現(xiàn)場安全管理網(wǎng)絡(luò)229.35 potential dangerous rectification notice隱患整改通知書229.36 shut down instruction

12、 停工指令書229.37 amercement notice罰款通知書229.38 emergency plan 應(yīng)急預(yù)案2- 100 -hse planhse管理方案1 principle and aim of hse plan hse管理方針、目標(biāo)1.1 principle: human shall be the root. safety first. prevention is the major measurement.方針:以人為本,安全第一,預(yù)防為主。we will provide a safe working condition for worker. the environme

13、nt harmless construction method shall be used.我們承諾為作業(yè)人員提供一個(gè)安全的作業(yè)環(huán)境,采用對(duì)環(huán)境沒有損害的施工方法。1.2 aim 目標(biāo)1.2.1 to avoid death accident, serious injury, fire and other serious safety accident.杜絕死亡事故、重傷事故、火災(zāi)事故和其它重大安全事故。1.2.2 zero accident, zero injury零事故,零傷害。1.2.3 no harm and contamination on environment不損害、污染環(huán)境。1

14、.2.4 pay attention to housekeeping, material shall be stored in order.文明施工、現(xiàn)場整潔,材料堆放整齊。1.2.5 canteen, bathroom, toilet and camp for cncec person shall be clean.職工食堂、浴室、廁所、住所符合健康、清潔要求。2 hse management organization hse管理組織機(jī)構(gòu)hse management committee will be established for project team which the projec

15、t manager and site manager will be the chairman. the member of hse management committee is construction manager, safety manager, department managers,construction team leader(engineer) ,safety engineer, safety inspector. safety manager, as an assistant of project manager, whose responsibility is supe

16、rvise and manage the site safety, housekeeping, environment protection. safety engineer, safety inspector shall be arranged, please refer to the attached hse organization chart.項(xiàng)目部成立以項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理和現(xiàn)場經(jīng)理為首的安全生產(chǎn)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組,小組成員有施工經(jīng)理、安全經(jīng)理、部門經(jīng)理和施工隊(duì)長(工程師)、安全工程師、安全員。項(xiàng)目部設(shè)置安全經(jīng)理,協(xié)助項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理對(duì)施工現(xiàn)場安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工、環(huán)境保護(hù)、職業(yè)健康工作進(jìn)行有效的監(jiān)督、管理。安全經(jīng)

17、理下設(shè)專職安全員、hse管理組織機(jī)構(gòu)圖(見附圖一)。monthly meeting will be held by hse management committee to solve the problem during inspection, to consider countermeasure, to check the un-completed item during inspection of last month and other issues related to hse. hse mass meeting will be held by safety manager on ev

18、ery week, all the safety management staff shall take part in the meeting. in the construction peak time, the tool box meeting shall be held every day to solve the problem as soon as possible.hse領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組應(yīng)進(jìn)行每月一次例會(huì),會(huì)議議程包括檢查中發(fā)現(xiàn)的問題和要求采取的措施,上月檢查未完成的事項(xiàng)和其它與hse相關(guān)的問題。項(xiàng)目部每周一上午舉行全體職工參加的安全例會(huì)(在施工高峰期每日召開安全碰頭會(huì),及時(shí)解決安全問題

19、,消除生產(chǎn)安全隱患)。hse management organization chart hse 管理組織機(jī)構(gòu)圖cc-7 project manager guo lin cc-7 field manager yang junmei cc-7 vice field manager zhang xianqi cc-7 safety manager liu xiaonongsafety training engineersafety engineer for scaffoldingssafety engineerfor equipmentsareasafety inspectorstcc safet

20、y manageryin qingboconstruction managershan dongyantcc project manager yang kejian tcc site manager yang xiaokangareasafety inspectorsmoresafety inspectors 3 hse responsibility hse生產(chǎn)責(zé)任制3.1 project managers hse responsibilities 項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理hse職責(zé)3.1.1 project manager shall be the major responsible person for

21、hse.項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理是項(xiàng)目部hse工作第一責(zé)任人。3.1.2 project manager shall organize, design, control and coordinate for the project hse work.組織、策劃、控制與協(xié)調(diào)對(duì)本項(xiàng)目的hse管理工作。3.1.3 project manager shall establish the hse management system, organize the relative person to prepare the hse management rules to ensure the construction an

22、d the housekeeping can be performed in safe condition, so that to reach the hse managing aim.負(fù)責(zé)建立項(xiàng)目部hse管理機(jī)構(gòu)、組織制定hse管理制度,確保安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工,達(dá)到預(yù)期的管理目標(biāo)。3.1.4 project manager shall arrange enough cost, manpower and equipment for hse managing work.落實(shí)項(xiàng)目hse管理所需的資金、人員、設(shè)施等資源。3.1.5 project manager shall give the ins

23、truction to carry out the emergency plan while the emergency incident occurred; shall organize the salvage and cooperate for investigation.發(fā)生緊急情況后啟動(dòng)應(yīng)急救援預(yù)案,組織搶救并配合調(diào)查。3.2 field managers hse responsibilities 項(xiàng)目現(xiàn)場經(jīng)理hse職責(zé)field manager shall be as assistant of project manager, and he is authorized person

24、to perform the project managers hse responsibilities while project manager is absent.協(xié)助項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理工作。在項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理不在項(xiàng)目部時(shí),履行項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理hse職責(zé)。3.3 construction managers hse responsibilities 項(xiàng)目施工經(jīng)理職責(zé)3.3.1 construction manager shall response for the site hse managing work under project managers leading.在項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下對(duì)施工現(xiàn)場的hse管理工作負(fù)

25、責(zé)。3.3.2 construction manager shall response for the hse plan organization and execution. construction manager shall make the schedule, arrangement, inspection, summarizing and appraising through comparison for construction work, meanwhile, the same work shall be done for hse by construction manager.

26、組織實(shí)施hse管理規(guī)章制度,在計(jì)劃、布置、檢查、總結(jié)、評(píng)比生產(chǎn)時(shí),同時(shí)計(jì)劃、布置、檢查、總結(jié)、評(píng)比hse工作。3.3.3 construction manager shall push the relative person for the safety potential dangerous and stop the infringed work.督促安全隱患的整改,制止違章作業(yè)。3.3.4 in case the accident occurred, construction manager shall give the instruction to protect the acciden

27、t area, shall participate the accident investigation, and shall take action of countermeasure.發(fā)生事故后,組織保護(hù)現(xiàn)場,參加事故分析,落實(shí)防范措施。3.4 tcc safety managers responsibilities tcc安全經(jīng)理職責(zé)safety manager shall supervise and manage the site construction safety, housekeeping, environment protective, and occupation heal

28、th work under project managers leading. he also shall ensure all site work activities meet the requirement on health, safety and environment protective by epcl pvc, cncec and local government. hse inspection shall be organized and executed by safety manager. suitable hse plan, rules shall be prepare

29、d by safety manger. safety manager also will supervise the ppe issuing and usage. in case the accident occurred, safety manager shall perform the investigation and handling. safety manager is authorized to stop the work under the dangerous condition.在項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,負(fù)責(zé)對(duì)施工項(xiàng)目安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工、環(huán)境保護(hù)、職業(yè)健康工作進(jìn)行有效的監(jiān)督和管理,保

30、證在現(xiàn)場進(jìn)行的全部工作符合業(yè)主、公司、當(dāng)?shù)氐胤秸畬?duì)健康、安全、環(huán)保的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求。組織進(jìn)行hse檢查,制定適合項(xiàng)目的hse管理制度、管理方案,監(jiān)督勞動(dòng)防護(hù)用品的發(fā)放和使用。組織事故調(diào)查和處理。在危險(xiǎn)危急情況下有權(quán)發(fā)布停工令。3.5 cc-7 safety managers responsibilities cc-7安全經(jīng)理職責(zé)to implement the hse procedure strictly and confirm responsibilities of safety engineer and inspectors, and they should be supervised and

31、 managed effectively. you should ensure to implement the safety technology during the construction .to organize hse checking. and he shall negotiate with other departments to make sure the specific person to supervise and rectify the hidden hazards. meanwhile, its necessary to investigate accidents

32、and issue the order of stopping work under the emergency condition.嚴(yán)格有效執(zhí)行安全管理體系,明確安全工程師和安全員的職責(zé),并對(duì)其進(jìn)行有效的監(jiān)督和管理。組織hse檢查,確保施工過程中安全技術(shù)措施的落實(shí)。與項(xiàng)目其它部門進(jìn)行有效協(xié)調(diào),明確隱患整改人,督促安全隱患及時(shí)整改。組織事故調(diào)查處理,在緊急危險(xiǎn)情況下,有權(quán)發(fā)布停工令。3.6 safety engineers responsibilities 安全工程師職責(zé)the safety training engineer is responsible for the training o

33、f chinese newcomers and special type of work, and educates them to redress the incorrect operation; the training of emergent rescue and the management of safety document .safety engineer for scaffoldings is responsible for checking the design of scaffolding. before using the scaffoldings, the safety

34、 engineer should hang the tag and supervise to rectify the hidden hazard. safety engineer for instruments is responsible for checking and posting the equipments at the site and to rectify the hidden hazard. 安全培訓(xùn)工程師負(fù)責(zé)全場新進(jìn)中國人員的入場培訓(xùn),特殊工種的專項(xiàng)培訓(xùn),違章操作再教育,緊急救援培訓(xùn)及安全文件資料管理。專業(yè)安全工程師負(fù)責(zé)對(duì)腳手架搭設(shè)方案審核,腳手架搭設(shè)完成后掛牌驗(yàn)收,督促腳

35、手架隱患整改。專業(yè)安全工程師負(fù)責(zé)現(xiàn)場機(jī)具,用電設(shè)備檢查貼標(biāo),督促機(jī)具設(shè)備隱患整改。3.7 safety inspectors responsibilities 專職安全員職責(zé)safety inspectors shall response for the safety manager as assistant under safety managers leading. safety inspectors shall supervise for the execution of the hse managing rules and safety measurement in their own

36、 area. safety inspectors shall participate the hse inspection. he can stop the infringed work. safety inspector is authorized to stop the work under the dangerous condition, and he will report to safety manager timely. safety inspector shall study the hse managing development and submit the suggesti

37、on and measurement for improvement. safety inspector shall participate or organize the inspection work for related safety protective facilities. safety inspector also will supervise the ppe issuing and usage. monthly statistic, analyze and report for hse managing shall be performed by safety inspect

38、or. the area safety inspector should insist on cruising, supervising and make relevant records everyday. 監(jiān)督hse管理制度和安全技術(shù)措施的落實(shí)。對(duì)各自區(qū)域進(jìn)行hse檢查,制止違章作業(yè)。在危險(xiǎn)危急情況下有權(quán)發(fā)布停工令,并及時(shí)報(bào)告安全經(jīng)理。了解hse管理動(dòng)態(tài),提出改進(jìn)建議和措施。參加或組織對(duì)有關(guān)安全防護(hù)設(shè)施的驗(yàn)收工作。監(jiān)督勞動(dòng)防護(hù)用品的發(fā)放和使用。對(duì)hse管理情況進(jìn)行月度統(tǒng)計(jì)、分析、上報(bào)。區(qū)域安全員應(yīng)堅(jiān)持每天現(xiàn)場巡查和監(jiān)督,并作好相關(guān)記錄。3.8 construction engineers

39、hse responsibilities 工程技術(shù)人員hse職責(zé)3.8.1 construction engineer shall execute the hse rules.認(rèn)真執(zhí)行hse規(guī)章制度。3.8.2 while engineer prepare the construction method statement, the relative safety measurement shall be prepared.編制施工方案的同時(shí),制定有針對(duì)性的安全技術(shù)措施。3.8.3 safety clarification shall be given to worker by enginee

40、r. and it must have written records.進(jìn)行安全技術(shù)交底,交底應(yīng)有書面記錄。3.8.4 construction engineer shall supervise the workers complying the construction method and operation rules. construction engineer can stop the infringed work.督促作業(yè)人員嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行施工工藝及操作規(guī)程,制止違章作業(yè)。3.8.5 construction engineer shall participate the inspecti

41、on work related the safety protective facilities.參加有關(guān)安全防護(hù)設(shè)施的檢查驗(yàn)收工作。3.8.6 construction engineer shall participate the safety measurement preparation work for the new technical, new material, new construction method and new 參加制定新技術(shù)、新材料、新工藝、新設(shè)備相應(yīng)的安全技術(shù)措施。3.8.7 except above responsibilities, electrical e

42、ngineer also response for the following items. a. to prepare “method statement for construction temporary electrical”; b. he will attend the safety inspection for construction temporary electrical which will be held once a month. he will response for the rectification work regarding the potential da

43、ngerous of construction temporary electrical.電氣技術(shù)人員除了履行以上職責(zé),還應(yīng)履行:a. 編制“臨時(shí)施工用電方案”; b. 參加每月一次施工用電安全檢查,并負(fù)責(zé)對(duì)施工用電安全隱患的整改。3.8.8 the technicians and captain must apply to the area safety inspector before they are ready to work under the safe condition. the detail can be referred to the requirement for work

44、 permit.工程技術(shù)人員、隊(duì)長在進(jìn)行作業(yè)許可規(guī)定的作業(yè)前,必須向區(qū)域安全員申請(qǐng),區(qū)域安全員在保證安全措施的前提下,進(jìn)行批復(fù)后才可作業(yè)。具體參見作業(yè)許可規(guī)定。3.9 workers hse responsibilities 作業(yè)人員hse職責(zé)worker shall strictly comply with the company and project teams hse rules. worker shall perform the construction work as per safety requirement. worker can stop the infringed wor

45、k and refuse the infringed instruction. worker shall carry out the housekeeping, comply the hse managing and command. any accident or potential dangerous is discovered, it shall be reported to relative person.嚴(yán)格遵守公司、項(xiàng)目部制定的hse管理規(guī)章制度。嚴(yán)格按安全規(guī)程實(shí)施作業(yè),有權(quán)制止違章作業(yè),有權(quán)拒絕違章指揮。文明施工,服從hse管理和指揮。發(fā)現(xiàn)事故或事故苗頭,立即報(bào)告上級(jí)有關(guān)人員。4

46、 hse management principle 項(xiàng)目hse管理原則“human shall be the root. safety first. prevention is the major measurement.” is principle of hse management. “anyone who response for construction, he will also response for safety.” is the principle of hse management. both principle and principle shall be complie

47、d for project hse management.項(xiàng)目hse管理必須堅(jiān)持以人為本,安全第一,預(yù)防為主的方針和管生產(chǎn)必須管安全的原則。“safety first”, its means that safety work is the primary important work and the priority work during construction. “prevention is the major measurement.” its means that the relative countermeasure shall be taken against the poten

48、tial dangerous while arranging construction work. construction work cannot be carried out unless the safety protective measurement has been executed.安全第一,就是要求在進(jìn)行施工活動(dòng)時(shí),把安全工作放在一切工作的首要位置,實(shí)行安全優(yōu)先的原則。預(yù)防為主,就是要在安排、布置施工任務(wù)時(shí),針對(duì)施工中可能出現(xiàn)的危險(xiǎn)、危害因素,采取預(yù)防措施予以消除,實(shí)行安全防護(hù)措施不落實(shí)不開工的原則。falling down from height, hitting by ob

49、ject, injury by machine, collapse and electrical shock is the most likely occurred accident due to the site condition is complex with large quantity worker, construction machine and material, cross work by multi-discipline, some work at opening area, various working condition, manpower and machine p

50、osition changed frequently. therefore, to control the un-safe activity of manpower and un-safe status of object is the key point of safety managing. “human shall be the root” shall be kept in everybodys mind. hse shall be controlled by everybody, in everywhere, during whole process. to create a good

51、 safety construction condition, and to reach the hse management aim, the relative resource shall be cost. the relative resource include professional safety inspector arrangement, doctor, first aid point, first aid box and scaffolding arrangement, plank placing, fire extinguisher arrangement, ppe pro

52、vision and safety net installation, etc. hse plan will be arranged and checked according to the construction schedule. safety manager will attend the coordination meeting between epcl pvc and cncec for the safety issues coordination.施工現(xiàn)場作業(yè)人員密集,施工機(jī)械、材料集中,多工種立體交叉作業(yè)多,露天作業(yè)多,作業(yè)環(huán)境多變,人員、機(jī)具流動(dòng)性大,高處墜落、物體打擊、機(jī)械

53、傷害,坍塌、觸電是容易發(fā)生的事故,控制好人的不安全行為和物的不安全狀態(tài)是安全管理的重點(diǎn)。必須堅(jiān)持“以人為本”的管理思想,進(jìn)行全員、全方位、全過程的動(dòng)態(tài)控制,調(diào)動(dòng)全體人員參與hse管理,形成良好的安全文化氛圍。要?jiǎng)?chuàng)造一個(gè)良好的安全環(huán)境和氛圍,實(shí)現(xiàn)hse管理目標(biāo),必須投入相應(yīng)的資源。這些資源包括:配備專職安全員,配備專職醫(yī)生和急救站,急救箱,腳手架,跳板鋪設(shè),消防滅火器的配備,ppe配備及安全網(wǎng)鋪設(shè)等。施工hse計(jì)劃隨著施工計(jì)劃進(jìn)行安排和檢查。安全經(jīng)理將出席epcl pvc和項(xiàng)目部協(xié)調(diào)會(huì),在會(huì)上對(duì)hse信息進(jìn)行溝通。5 hse responsibilities execution and mana

54、gement 落實(shí)hse責(zé)任制,實(shí)施責(zé)任管理the core of hse responsibilities principle is to achieve “5 safety work (make the schedule, arrangement, inspection, summarizing and appraising through comparison) shall be done while executing the 5 same work for construction.”. each subcontractor shall sign for the safety con

55、struction agreement with cncec project team (or the safety construction and housekeeping requirement included in the contract), so that, the safety construction and housekeeping can be effected by cost. the risk cost for safety construction and housekeeping shall be 5% of total amount of subcontract

56、. if the subcontractor cannot reach to the safety and housekeeping target instructed by cncec, then the 5% risk cost shall be deducted. in case some infringed thing was discovered (such as construction material placed everywhere, construction rubbish cleaning un-timely, safety net arrangement isnt m

57、eet the requirement, air break and flammable explosive material placing isnt meet the requirement), rectification is required timely; otherwise, 1% of total amount of safety and housekeeping risk cost shall be deducted for once.安全生產(chǎn)責(zé)任制,其核心是要實(shí)現(xiàn)安全生產(chǎn)的“五同時(shí)”:在計(jì)劃、布置檢查、總結(jié)、評(píng)比的時(shí)候,同時(shí)計(jì)劃、布置、檢查、總結(jié)、評(píng)比hse工作。各分包單位與項(xiàng)目部簽定安全生產(chǎn)協(xié)議(或承包協(xié)議書上必須有安全、文明施工指標(biāo)),使安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工與經(jīng)濟(jì)責(zé)任制掛鉤。安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工風(fēng)險(xiǎn)金占分包合同總額的5%,分包單位未完成項(xiàng)目部下達(dá)的安全、文明施工指標(biāo),扣除責(zé)任單位5%風(fēng)險(xiǎn)金。施工材料亂堆亂放,建筑垃圾不及時(shí)清理,不按規(guī)定設(shè)置安全網(wǎng),漏電保護(hù)器,易燃易爆物放置不符合規(guī)定等,經(jīng)指出的不及時(shí)整改的,發(fā)生一次扣安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工保證金總額的1%。6 hse educa


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