



1、資料來源:來自本人網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理!祝您工作順利!英文商業(yè)用語 英語口語是被英語國家人民普遍應(yīng)用的口頭溝通的語言形式。下面我為你共享英文商業(yè)用語,盼望對你有所關(guān)心! 英文商業(yè)用語(2021最新版) 1. its supposed to start at 6:30 sharp, but i doubt it will.應(yīng)當是六點半整的,但是我覺得夠嗆。 2. on behalf of my company, i would like to welcome you here.我代表我們公司歡送你來這里。 3. shes been quite different since coming back from

2、 america.從美國回來之后,她改變很大。 4. today it is common that women and girls make up in public.今日,在公共場所看到婦女和姑娘化裝裝扮是很普遍的事。 5. i have to transfer to no. ll bus, but where is the bus stop?我需要換乘11路公共汽車,但是汽車站在哪兒? 6. i supposed him to be very clever but he was in fact a fool.我以為他很聰慧,其實他是個蠢貨。 7. the rabbit ran to th

3、e woods and did not come back any more.兔子跑進了森林再也沒有出來了。 8. tom and mary congratulated us on the birth of our daughter.湯姆和瑪麗為我們女兒的出生向我們表示慶賀。 9. i cant help eating sweets whenever they are in my presence.我無論什么時候一看到甜食就忍不住要吃。 10. l am vacuuming the floor now and have several shirts to iron.我正在用真空吸塵器清理地板,

4、還有好幾件襯衫要熨。 英文商業(yè)用語(經(jīng)典版) 1. and now medical care helps to keep people alive longer.如今的醫(yī)療保健使得人們活得更長。 2. do you think youll be able to go to sleep fight away?你認為你馬上就能睡著嗎? 3. i am in charge of the company when the manager is out.經(jīng)理不在時山我來管理公司。 4. i borrowed a notebook from tom and i lent it to marry.我從湯姆那

5、兒借了一本筆記本,我又把它借給瑪麗了。 5. im doing some washing and john is cooking dinner.我正在洗衣服,約翰在做晚飯。 6. were there any exciting incidents during your journey?你們在旅行中有沒有什么令人興奮的事情? 7. as far as policy is concerned, i have to say something.談到政策,我得說幾句。 8. could you tell me what the maximum weight allowance is?您能告知我行李的

6、最大重量限額是多少嗎? 9. he came out of the library, a large book under his arm.他夾著本厚書,走出了圖書館。 10. the brothers differ from each other in their interests.這幾個兄弟各有所好。 11. although we cant see these atoms, they really do exist.雖然我們看不見原子,但它們確實存在。 12. i am familiar with the casual atmosphere in the company.我對公司中這種

7、放松的氣氛感到很熟識。 13. most people eat, write, and work with their fight hands.大多數(shù)人吃飯,寫字,工作都用右手。 14. only by working hard can we succeed in doing everything.只有努力,才能勝利 15. take it easy, you will be all right in a couple of days.。別擔憂,你兩天之內(nèi)就會痊愈的。 16. the beatles represented part of the spirit of their age.甲殼蟲

8、樂隊代表了他們時代的局部精神。 17. there being no one to help me, i had to do it all alone.因為沒有人關(guān)心我,我不得不獨立完成這項工作。 18. how much cloth does it take to make a skirt for the girl?女孩做一條裙子要用多少布? 19. with all these mouths to feed, he didnt know what to do.由于有那么多人要供給,他不知道怎么辦才好。 20. i forgot to prepare the speech im suppos

9、ed to give today.我忘了預備今日的我該做的演講了。 英文商業(yè)用語(熱門篇) 1. not only did i know her, but i was her best friend.我不僅認識她,還是她最好的伴侶。 2. the best-known movie awards are the academy awards.最有名的電影獎是奧斯卡金像獎。 3. weve got to do something about the neighbors dog!我們得對鄰居的狗實行點行動了! 4. will you come and join us for dinner on su

10、nday?星期天來和我們共進晚餐好嗎? 5. do you think people are a companys greatest wealth?你認為人是公司最大的財寶嗎? 6. he thinks himself somebody, but we think him nobody.他自以為是重要人物,但我們覺得他什么也不是。 7. i believe i havent reached the summit of my career.我信任我還沒有到達事業(yè)的巔峰。 8. it is no matter whether you get there early or late.你早到晚到都沒有

11、關(guān)系。 9. its against the rules to handle the ball in soccer.在足球中以手觸球就是犯規(guī)。 10. the nurse assisted the doctor in the operating room.護士在手術(shù)室?guī)椭t(yī)生動手術(shù)。 11. what i do on my own time is nobody elses business.我在自己的時間里干什么根本不關(guān)別人的事。 12. what i want to do is different from those of others.我想做的與別人不同。 13. you forget

12、to write down the date of your departure.您忘了寫離店日期了。 14. "i wish id known about that rule earlier, she said."我要是早點知道這個規(guī)矩就好了!'她說。 15. could you tell me your secret for a long, happy life?你能告知我長時間地過著歡樂的生活的秘訣嗎? 16. he holds a position of great responsibility upon him.他擔當著一個責任重大的職務(wù)。 17. it is said he has secret love affairs with two women!據(jù)說他背地里和兩個女人有關(guān)系! 18. number 13 buses run much more fr


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