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1、 61) 那位小伙子真是喝了大膽湯喝了大膽湯。 That young man has great courage, indeed! 62) 這是他們夫妻之間的事情,你去插一腳插一腳干嗎? Thats a business of their own, between husband and wife. Why should you get involved in it? 63) 別人家里雞零狗碎的事情你都知道得這么全,真是個順風(fēng)耳順風(fēng)耳啊! You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other families. You are really

2、well informed. 64) 這消息讓我出出了一身冷汗一身冷汗。 I was extremely terrified by that news. 65) 他萬萬沒想到在他前進(jìn)的道路上竟會出現(xiàn)這么多攔路攔路虎虎! He had never expected that so many obstacles would stand in his way. 66) 半夜聽到狼嗥,他感到毛骨悚然毛骨悚然。 He was horror-stricken when he heard the cries of the wolves at midnight. 67) 她毛遂自薦毛遂自薦來這所小學(xué)做老師。

3、She volunteered for the teaching post in this primary school. 68) 我不敢班門弄斧班門弄斧,誠望您發(fā)表高見。 I dare not show off in the presence of an expert. I hope you would be kind enough to enlighten us on this matter. 69) 你應(yīng)該大刀闊斧大刀闊斧。 You should be bold and resolute. 70)敵軍鬧得全村雞犬不寧雞犬不寧。 The enemy troops threw the who

4、le village into great disorder. 1) After the football match, hes got an important meeting. 在觀看觀看足球比賽之后,他有一個重要會議去參加去參加。(增加動詞) 2) He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech. 他沒有致致閉幕詞就宣布宣布結(jié)束會議。(增加動詞) 3) Basically, the theory proposed, among other things, that the maximum speed possible in the un

5、iverse is that of light;. 就其就其基本內(nèi)容而言內(nèi)容而言,這一學(xué)說提出的論點(diǎn)包括:光速是宇宙中最快的速度;(增加修飾語,以示強(qiáng)調(diào)) 4) 一九七六年七月二十八日,唐山發(fā)生了大地震。 On July 28, 1976, a big earthquake took place in Tangshan. (增加介詞) 5) 三個臭皮匠,勝過諸葛亮。 The wit of three cobblers combined surpasses that of Zhuge Liang ,the master mind. (增加詞語,提供背景知識) 6) 班門弄斧 show off o

6、nes proficiency with axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter (增加詞語,以表達(dá)原文內(nèi)涵意義、提供背景知識) No one can claim infallibility. 誰也不能說,自己是一貫正確的。(英語用claim infallibility,漢語卻用八個詞加以引申,把原文的涵義確切地表達(dá)出來。) The Japanese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements. 日本人似乎為他們在經(jīng)濟(jì)上取得的成就而自豪,這是可以理解的。 They, not surpri

7、singly, did not respond at all. 他們根本沒有答復(fù),這是不足為奇的。 He shook his head and his eyes were wide, then narrowed in indignation. 他搖了搖頭,兩目瞪得圓圓的,接著又瞇成一條線,臉上露出憤怒的神色。 Today China Daily frontpages his article. 今天中國日報以頭版位置刊登了他的文章。 1) He is not well today, but he still comes to class. 他今天身體不好,但(他)還是來上課了。 2) If I

8、learn to drive a motorcycle, I will certainly buy a new one. 我要是學(xué)摩托車的話,(我)就一定去買一輛新的。 3) He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs. 在(我們的)背后說我們好話的人,才是一個好的朋友。 4) It is better to do well than to say well. 說得好不如做得好。(喊破嗓子不如做出樣子。) 5) Its your pen. I found it on the playground. 這是你的鋼筆,我在操

9、場上找到(它)的。 11) 總理在出席出席音樂會之前,還有許多工作要做。 The Premier had a lot of work to do before (attending) the concert. 12) 她連續(xù)講了兩小時的法語,沒有出現(xiàn)出現(xiàn)任何錯誤。 She has been talking in French for two hours without (making) any mistakes. 13) 在工作中,我們必須避免犯不必要的不必要的錯誤。 We must avoid making (unnecessary) mistakes in our work. 14) 人群

10、漸漸漸漸靜了下來。 Silence (gradually) came over the crowds. 15) 這架電視機(jī)真是價價廉物物美。 This television set is really cheap (in price) and fine (in quality). 1) Youll supply financial power, and well supply manpower. Isnt that fair and square? 你們出錢,我們出人,這難道還不公平公平嗎? 2) In our workshop there is a hard and fast rule ag

11、ainst smoking. 我們車間有嚴(yán)格嚴(yán)格的規(guī)定,不許吸煙。(或:我們車間嚴(yán)嚴(yán)禁吸煙。) 3) He is dead and gone. 他的確死了的確死了。 4) His father is a man who forgives and forgets. 他父親非常寬容非常寬容。 5) Her son was wise and clever, but her daughter was silly and foolish. 她的兒子非常聰明非常聰明,可她的女兒卻很笨很笨。 6) 要不然時叫他趁早回心轉(zhuǎn)意回心轉(zhuǎn)意,有多少好處。(曹雪芹:紅樓夢,第四十六回) Otherwise, the s

12、ooner she changes her mind the better for her. 7) 你看那正根正苗,忍饑挨餓忍饑挨餓的,要多少?(曹雪芹:紅樓夢,第四十五回) Plenty of real gentlefolk go hungry. 8) 他決心洗心革面洗心革面,脫胎換骨脫胎換骨。 He is determined to turn over a new leaf. 9) 你怎么能過河拆橋過河拆橋、忘恩負(fù)義忘恩負(fù)義呢? How can you kick down the ladder? 10) 中國人民的不屈不撓不屈不撓的努力必將穩(wěn)步地達(dá)到自己的目的。(毛澤東選集第五卷) By

13、our own indomitable efforts we the Chinese people will unswervingly reach our goal. 31) 陳詞濫調(diào) old stuff / clich 32) 癡心妄想 wishful thinking / fond dream 33) 長篇大論 a ponderous thesis / a lengthy speech article 34) 粗心大意 careless / negligent 35) 豐功偉績 great magnificent contributions 36) 靈丹妙藥 miraculous cure

14、 / heal-all 37) 自以為是,夜郎自大 self-conceited / arrogant 38) 以怨報德,恩將仇報 return kindness with ingratitude 39) 低三下四,奴顏婢膝 humble oneself 40) 寬宏大量,既往不咎 forgive and forget 1) Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources. 越南戰(zhàn)爭不斷地消耗不斷地消耗美國的資源。(名詞轉(zhuǎn)為動詞) 2) What are you after? 你追求追求什么?(介詞轉(zhuǎn)為動詞) 3) It was official

15、ly announced that Paris is invited to the meeting. 官方官方宣布,巴黎應(yīng)邀出席會議。(副詞轉(zhuǎn)為名詞) 4) I am no drinker, nor smoker. 我既不喝酒喝酒,也不抽煙抽煙。(名詞轉(zhuǎn)為動詞) 5) It was a very informative meeting. 會上透露透露了許多信息信息。(形容詞轉(zhuǎn)為動詞)The international food shortage had a direct impact on Kuwait and other barren desertcountries.由于世界普遍缺乏糧食,這

16、就直接影響到科威特和其它不毛的沙漠國家。 6) 她對他們越來越憎恨憎恨。 Her hatred for them grew more.(動詞轉(zhuǎn)為名詞) 7) 許多學(xué)生反對反對他。 Many students are against him.(動詞轉(zhuǎn)為介詞) 8) 他們迫切地想弄到消息迫切地想弄到消息。 They were news-hungry.(動詞轉(zhuǎn)為形容詞) 9) 你們現(xiàn)在得走走了。 You must be off now.(動詞轉(zhuǎn)為副詞) 10) 她非常漂亮非常漂亮。 She is a real beauty.(形容詞轉(zhuǎn)為名詞) 名動 Some of my classmates are

17、 good singers. 我同班同學(xué)中有些人唱歌唱得很好。漢語的特點(diǎn)之一是常用動詞。 The appearance of the book on the market caused a sensation. 這本書在市場上的出現(xiàn)轟動一時。 He is a lover of Chinese paintings. 他熱愛中國畫。 動名 His speech impressed the audience deeply. 他的講演給聽眾的印象很深。 His paintings are characterized by steady strokes and bright colours. 他的畫的特

18、點(diǎn)是筆力沉著,色彩鮮明。 英語中介詞介詞多,這是英語的一個特點(diǎn)。英譯漢時,在不少情況下可以轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語動詞,如: The fighters walked on against the piercing wind. 戰(zhàn)士們冒/迎著刺骨的寒風(fēng)前進(jìn)。 She sang to the piano. 她和著琴聲歌唱。 Coming! Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch. “來啦!”她轉(zhuǎn)身蹦跳著跑了,越過草地,跨上臺階,穿過涼臺,進(jìn)了門廊。 有些形容

19、詞派生的名詞名詞往往可以轉(zhuǎn)譯成形容詞。例如: This experiment was a success. 這個實(shí)驗(yàn)很成功。 Physical training is an absolute necessity to university students. 參加體育鍛煉對大學(xué)生來說是絕對必要的。 As he is a perfect stranger in the city, I hope you will give him the necessary help. 因?yàn)樗麑@城市完全陌生,我希望你能給他必要的幫助。 其它詞類轉(zhuǎn)譯,如: He was eloquent and elegant-

20、but soft. 他有口才,有風(fēng)度,但個性軟弱。(形容詞譯為名詞) They gave him a hearty welcome. 他們熱忱地歡迎他。(形容詞譯為副詞) 1) You think she will come if it is fine tomorrow. But I dont think so. 你認(rèn)為明天天好,她就會來,我覺得她不會來不會來。(我不認(rèn)為是這樣是這樣。) 2) You say he works hard; so he does. 你說他很努力,對,他確實(shí)很努力確實(shí)很努力。(他確實(shí)是這樣是這樣。) 3) The whole project was complet

21、ed in a quarter of a year. 整個工程在3個月個月內(nèi)就完成了。(整個工程在四分之一年四分之一年內(nèi)就完成了。) 4) It took them two decades to do the job. 這項(xiàng)工作花去了他們20年時間年時間。(這項(xiàng)工作花去了他們兩兩個十年個十年。) 5) He was in New York in the first ten days of March. 三月上旬上旬,他在紐約。(三月的前十天前十天) 6) 你會倒立,我也會倒立倒立。 You can stand on your hands, so can I.(. I can stand on

22、my hands, too.) 7) 我不喜歡抽煙,抽煙抽煙對身體沒好處。 I dont like smoking; it is no good to health.(I dont like smoking; smoking is no good to health.) 8) 謠傳說,七月下旬下旬將有大地震。 Rumour has it that there will be a big earthquake in the last ten days of July.(或: in the last eleven days of July.) 9) 他買了二十四本二十四本雜志。 He has bo

23、ught two dozen magazines.(He has bought twenty-four magazines.) 10) 他將離開兩個星期兩個星期。 He is going away for a fortnight. (He is going away for two weeks. 61) 那位小伙子真是喝了大膽湯喝了大膽湯。 That young man has great courage, indeed! 62) 這是他們夫妻之間的事情,你去插一腳插一腳干嗎? Thats a business of their own, between husband and wife. W

24、hy should you get involved in it? 63) 別人家里雞零狗碎的事情你都知道得這么全,真是個順風(fēng)耳順風(fēng)耳??! You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other families. You are really well informed. 64) 這消息讓我出出了一身冷汗一身冷汗。 I was extremely terrified by that news. 65) 他萬萬沒想到在他前進(jìn)的道路上竟會出現(xiàn)這么多攔路攔路虎虎! He had never expected that so many obstacl

25、es would stand in his way. 66) 半夜聽到狼嗥,他感到毛骨悚然毛骨悚然。 He was horror-stricken when he heard the cries of the wolves at midnight. 67) 她毛遂自薦毛遂自薦來這所小學(xué)做老師。 She volunteered for the teaching post in this primary school. 68) 我不敢班門弄斧班門弄斧,誠望您發(fā)表高見。 I dare not show off in the presence of an expert. I hope you woul

26、d be kind enough to enlighten us on this matter. 69) 你應(yīng)該大刀闊斧大刀闊斧。 You should be bold and resolute. 70)敵軍鬧得全村雞犬不寧雞犬不寧。 The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder. 1) After the football match, hes got an important meeting. 在觀看觀看足球比賽之后,他有一個重要會議去參加去參加。(增加動詞) 2) He dismissed the meeting

27、 without a closing speech. 他沒有致致閉幕詞就宣布宣布結(jié)束會議。(增加動詞) 3) Basically, the theory proposed, among other things, that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light;. 就其就其基本內(nèi)容而言內(nèi)容而言,這一學(xué)說提出的論點(diǎn)包括:光速是宇宙中最快的速度;(增加修飾語,以示強(qiáng)調(diào)) 4) 一九七六年七月二十八日,唐山發(fā)生了大地震。 On July 28, 1976, a big earthquake took place in

28、Tangshan. (增加介詞) 5) 三個臭皮匠,勝過諸葛亮。 The wit of three cobblers combined surpasses that of Zhuge Liang ,the master mind. (增加詞語,提供背景知識) 6) 班門弄斧 show off ones proficiency with axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter (增加詞語,以表達(dá)原文內(nèi)涵意義、提供背景知識) No one can claim infallibility. 誰也不能說,自己是一貫正確的。(英語用claim infallibil

29、ity,漢語卻用八個詞加以引申,把原文的涵義確切地表達(dá)出來。) The Japanese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements. 日本人似乎為他們在經(jīng)濟(jì)上取得的成就而自豪,這是可以理解的。 They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 他們根本沒有答復(fù),這是不足為奇的。 He shook his head and his eyes were wide, then narrowed in indignation. 他搖了搖頭,兩目瞪得圓圓的,接著又瞇成一條線,臉上露出憤怒的

30、神色。 Today China Daily frontpages his article. 今天中國日報以頭版位置刊登了他的文章。 1) He is not well today, but he still comes to class. 他今天身體不好,但(他)還是來上課了。 2) If I learn to drive a motorcycle, I will certainly buy a new one. 我要是學(xué)摩托車的話,(我)就一定去買一輛新的。 3) He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs. 在(我

31、們的)背后說我們好話的人,才是一個好的朋友。 4) It is better to do well than to say well. 說得好不如做得好。(喊破嗓子不如做出樣子。) 5) Its your pen. I found it on the playground. 這是你的鋼筆,我在操場上找到(它)的。 11) 總理在出席出席音樂會之前,還有許多工作要做。 The Premier had a lot of work to do before (attending) the concert. 12) 她連續(xù)講了兩小時的法語,沒有出現(xiàn)出現(xiàn)任何錯誤。 She has been talkin

32、g in French for two hours without (making) any mistakes. 13) 在工作中,我們必須避免犯不必要的不必要的錯誤。 We must avoid making (unnecessary) mistakes in our work. 14) 人群漸漸漸漸靜了下來。 Silence (gradually) came over the crowds. 15) 這架電視機(jī)真是價價廉物物美。 This television set is really cheap (in price) and fine (in quality). 1) Youll su

33、pply financial power, and well supply manpower. Isnt that fair and square? 你們出錢,我們出人,這難道還不公平公平嗎? 2) In our workshop there is a hard and fast rule against smoking. 我們車間有嚴(yán)格嚴(yán)格的規(guī)定,不許吸煙。(或:我們車間嚴(yán)嚴(yán)禁吸煙。) 3) He is dead and gone. 他的確死了的確死了。 4) His father is a man who forgives and forgets. 他父親非常寬容非常寬容。 5) Her

34、son was wise and clever, but her daughter was silly and foolish. 她的兒子非常聰明非常聰明,可她的女兒卻很笨很笨。 6) 要不然時叫他趁早回心轉(zhuǎn)意回心轉(zhuǎn)意,有多少好處。(曹雪芹:紅樓夢,第四十六回) Otherwise, the sooner she changes her mind the better for her. 7) 你看那正根正苗,忍饑挨餓忍饑挨餓的,要多少?(曹雪芹:紅樓夢,第四十五回) Plenty of real gentlefolk go hungry. 8) 他決心洗心革面洗心革面,脫胎換骨脫胎換骨。 He

35、 is determined to turn over a new leaf. 9) 你怎么能過河拆橋過河拆橋、忘恩負(fù)義忘恩負(fù)義呢? How can you kick down the ladder? 10) 中國人民的不屈不撓不屈不撓的努力必將穩(wěn)步地達(dá)到自己的目的。(毛澤東選集第五卷) By our own indomitable efforts we the Chinese people will unswervingly reach our goal. 31) 陳詞濫調(diào) old stuff / clich 32) 癡心妄想 wishful thinking / fond dream 33

36、) 長篇大論 a ponderous thesis / a lengthy speech article 34) 粗心大意 careless / negligent 35) 豐功偉績 great magnificent contributions 36) 靈丹妙藥 miraculous cure / heal-all 37) 自以為是,夜郎自大 self-conceited / arrogant 38) 以怨報德,恩將仇報 return kindness with ingratitude 39) 低三下四,奴顏婢膝 humble oneself 40) 寬宏大量,既往不咎 forgive an

37、d forget 1) Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources. 越南戰(zhàn)爭不斷地消耗不斷地消耗美國的資源。(名詞轉(zhuǎn)為動詞) 2) What are you after? 你追求追求什么?(介詞轉(zhuǎn)為動詞) 3) It was officially announced that Paris is invited to the meeting. 官方官方宣布,巴黎應(yīng)邀出席會議。(副詞轉(zhuǎn)為名詞) 4) I am no drinker, nor smoker. 我既不喝酒喝酒,也不抽煙抽煙。(名詞轉(zhuǎn)為動詞) 5) It was a very inf

38、ormative meeting. 會上透露透露了許多信息信息。(形容詞轉(zhuǎn)為動詞)The international food shortage had a direct impact on Kuwait and other barren desertcountries.由于世界普遍缺乏糧食,這就直接影響到科威特和其它不毛的沙漠國家。 6) 她對他們越來越憎恨憎恨。 Her hatred for them grew more.(動詞轉(zhuǎn)為名詞) 7) 許多學(xué)生反對反對他。 Many students are against him.(動詞轉(zhuǎn)為介詞) 8) 他們迫切地想弄到消息迫切地想弄到消息。

39、They were news-hungry.(動詞轉(zhuǎn)為形容詞) 9) 你們現(xiàn)在得走走了。 You must be off now.(動詞轉(zhuǎn)為副詞) 10) 她非常漂亮非常漂亮。 She is a real beauty.(形容詞轉(zhuǎn)為名詞) 名動 Some of my classmates are good singers. 我同班同學(xué)中有些人唱歌唱得很好。漢語的特點(diǎn)之一是常用動詞。 The appearance of the book on the market caused a sensation. 這本書在市場上的出現(xiàn)轟動一時。 He is a lover of Chinese paint

40、ings. 他熱愛中國畫。 動名 His speech impressed the audience deeply. 他的講演給聽眾的印象很深。 His paintings are characterized by steady strokes and bright colours. 他的畫的特點(diǎn)是筆力沉著,色彩鮮明。 英語中介詞介詞多,這是英語的一個特點(diǎn)。英譯漢時,在不少情況下可以轉(zhuǎn)譯成漢語動詞,如: The fighters walked on against the piercing wind. 戰(zhàn)士們冒/迎著刺骨的寒風(fēng)前進(jìn)。 She sang to the piano. 她和著琴聲歌唱。 Coming! Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch. “來啦!”她轉(zhuǎn)身蹦跳著跑了,越過草地,跨上臺階,穿過涼臺,進(jìn)了門廊。 有些形


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