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1、回冀教版八年級上冊英語語法點滴11) IeaV的用法1. “ leave地點”表示“離開某地”。例如:Whe n did you leave Shan ghai?你什么時分脫離上海的?2. “ IeaVefOr地點”表示“動身去某地”。例如:NeXt Friday, Alice is Ieaving for London.下周五,愛麗斯要去倫敦了。3. “l(fā)eave地點+for+地點”表示“離開某地去某地”。例如:Why are you leav ing Shan ghai for Beiji ng?你為什么要脫離上海去北京?2)情態(tài)動詞ShOUld “應(yīng)該”學(xué)會使用竟會”的意思,例如:ShO

2、UId乍為神態(tài)動詞用,常常表明意外、驚奇、不能了解等,有How should I knc我怎么知道?Why should you be so late你今y?為什么來得這么晚?shoul有時表明應(yīng)作為或產(chǎn)生的事,例如:We should help each咱們在運用時要留意以下幾點:1. 用于表明 應(yīng)該”或 不應(yīng)該”的概念。此時常指老一輩教訓(xùn)或責(zé)怪后輩。例如:You should be here With clean你應(yīng)該把手洗潔凈了再來。2. 用于提出定見勸導(dǎo)他人。例如:You should go to the doctor if you假如你感覺不舒服,你最好去看醫(yī)師。3. 用于表明或許性

3、。shoul的這一用法是考試中常常呈現(xiàn)的考點之一。例如:We should arrive by SUPPer咱!們在晚飯前就能至U TOShe should be here any 她隨時都或許來。Wha僅用來問詢作業(yè)。如:3) What.與 Which.?1. Wha與 WhiCh都是疑問代詞,都能夠指人或事物,可是What is your father?父 親是干什么的?該句相當(dāng)于:What does your father do?What is your father's job?WhiCh指代的是特定規(guī)模內(nèi)的某一個人。如:-WhiCh is Pete哪個是皮特?-The boy

4、 behi nd M瑪麗背面的那個男孩。2. What.是泛指,所指的事物沒有范圍的限制;而Which.是特指,所指的事物有規(guī)模的約束。如:What color do you like b(s所有顏色)你最喜愛什么色彩?WhiCh color do you like best, blue, green or(y有特定?的范圍)你最喜愛哪一種色彩?3. Wha與 WhiCh后都能夠接單、復(fù)數(shù)名詞和不行數(shù)名詞。如:WhiCh PiCtUreS are from Chi na?哪些圖片來自我國?4)頻度副詞的位置1 /常見的頻度副詞有以下這些:always (總是,一向)usually (一般)Of

5、ten (常常,常常)SOmetimeS 有時分)n ever(從不)2頻度副詞的方位:a放在連系動詞、助動詞或神態(tài)動詞后邊。如:DaVid is often arrives late for school.大衛(wèi)上學(xué)常常遲到。b放在行為動詞前。如:We usually go to school at 7:10 every day.咱們每天常常在7 : 10去上學(xué)。C有些頻度副詞可放在句首或句尾,用來表明著重。如:SOmetimeS I walk home, SOmetime I rides a bike.有時我步行回家,有時我騎自行車。3. neve放在句首時,主語、謂語動詞要倒裝。如:NeV

6、er have I bee n there.我從沒到過那兒。5)every dy everyday1. every da作狀語,譯為“每一天”。如:We go to school at 7:10 every day.咱們每天7 : 10去上學(xué)。I decide to read En glish every day.我決議每天讀英語。2. everyda作定語,譯為“日常的”。She WatCheS everyday En glish on TV after dinner.她晚飯后在電視上看日常英語。What's your everyday activity?你的日常活動是什么?6)什么

7、是助動詞1幫忙首要動詞構(gòu)成謂語動詞詞組的詞叫助動詞(AUXiIiary Verb。被幫忙的動詞稱作首要動詞(Main Verb )。助動詞自身沒有詞義,不行獨自運用,例如:He does n't like En g他不喜愛英語。(does n't是助動詞,無詞義;like是首要動詞,有詞義)2助動詞幫忙首要動詞完結(jié)以下功用,能夠用來:a. 表明時態(tài),例如:He is Sin gin他 在歌唱。He has got marri他I已 成婚。b. 表明語態(tài),例如:He WaS Sent to En gl他被 派往英國。c. 構(gòu)成疑問句,例如:Do you like college你

8、喜歡大學(xué)生活嗎?Did you StUdy En glish before you Can你來這兒之前學(xué)過英語嗎?d. 與否定副詞not合用,構(gòu)成否定句,例如:I don't like hir我不喜愛他。e. 加強口氣,例如:Do come to the Party tomorrow eV!日晚上必定來參與晚會。He did kn ow th他確實知道那件事。3 最常用的助動詞有:be, have, do, shall, will, should, would7)forget doi ng/tc與Cremember doin g/to do1. forget to (忘記要去做某事。(

9、未做)forget doin忘記做過某事。(已做)The light in the OffiCe is still on. He forgot to turn it off.辦公室的燈還在亮著,它忘記關(guān)了。(沒有做關(guān)燈的動作)He forgot tur ning the light off.他忘記他已經(jīng)關(guān)了燈了。(已做過關(guān)燈的動作)Don't forget to come tomorrow.別忘了明天來。(to com動作未做)典型例題-The light in the OffiCe is still on.-Oh I forgot.A. tur ning it off B. tur

10、n it offC. to turn it off D. having turned it off答案:C。由the light is still on可知燈亮著,即關(guān)燈的動作沒有產(chǎn)生,因而用 forgetto do St而forget doi ng Sife明燈現(xiàn)已關(guān)上了,而自己忘掉了這一現(xiàn)實。此處不符合題意。2. remember to記得去做某事 (未做)remember do記得做過某事(已做)Remember to go to the post OffiCe after school.記取放學(xué)后去趟郵局。Don't you remember See ing the man b

11、efore?你不記住曾經(jīng)見過那個人嗎? ?8)It's for S和 It's of sb.1.for Sb常用于表明事物的特征特色,表明客觀方式的形容詞,如easy, hard, difficult, i nterest in g, impossibleIt's Very hard for him to StUdy two la n§t他來說學(xué)兩門外語是很難的。2.of S的句型一般用表明人物的性情,道德,表明片面愛情或情緒的形容詞,如good, kind, ni ce, clever, foolish rightIt's Very nice of

12、you to he你!來幫忙我,你真是太好了。3. for與 of的差異辦法:用介詞后邊的代詞作主語,用介詞前邊的形容詞作表語,造個語句。 假如道理上通暢用of,不通則用for。如:You are nice!順,所以應(yīng)用of>He is hard人是困難的,不通,因此應(yīng)用for。)9)對兩個句子的提問7現(xiàn)在采納的作法是對一個冀教英語在出題中有將對語句劃線發(fā)問這一題型撤銷的趨勢,語句進(jìn)行自在發(fā)問。例如:語句: The boy in blue has three pens.發(fā)問:1.Who has three Pen s?2. Which boy has three pens?3. What

13、 does the boy in blue have?4. How many pens does the boy in blue have?很顯然,學(xué)生多了更多的答復(fù)視點,也表現(xiàn)了考試的靈活性。再如:語句: He usually goes to the Park With his friends at 8:00 on Sunday.發(fā)問: 1.Who usually goes to the Park With his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?2. Where does he usually go With his friends at 8:00 on SUn day

14、?3. What does he usually do With his friends at 8:00 on SUn day?4. With whom does he usually go to the Park at 8:00 on SUn day?5. What time does he usually go to the Park With his friends on SUnday?6. When does he usually go to the Park With his friends?10) so SUCh與不定冠詞的使用1. so與不定冠詞 a、an連用,結(jié)構(gòu)為“so+形容

15、詞+a/an+名詞”。如:He is so funny a boy.Jim has so big a house.2. such不定冠詞 a、an連用,結(jié)構(gòu)為 “such+a/an形容詞+名詞”。如:It is SUCh a nice day.That WaS SUCh an in teresti ng story.11) 使用-ing分詞的幾種情況1在進(jìn)行時態(tài)中。如:He is WatCh ing TV in the room.They Were dancing at nine o'clock last ni ght.2在there b結(jié)構(gòu)中。如:There is a boy SWi

16、mming in the river.3在 have funproble結(jié)構(gòu)中。如:We have fun Iearning English this term.They had problems gett ing to the top of the mountain.4在介詞后邊。如:ThankS for help ing me.Are you good at play ing basketball.5在以下結(jié)構(gòu)中:enjoy doing 樂于做某事 fin ish doi ng S完結(jié)做某事 feel like doi ng Sfh要做某事stop doi ng Sth止做某事forget

17、 doi ng S忘掉做過某事go on doing S持續(xù)做某事 remember doi ng記住做過某事 like doi ng S喜愛做某事keep Sb doi ng使或人一向做某事find Sb doi ng發(fā)現(xiàn)或人做某事seehearWatCh Sb doin看Stihf聽至U /觀看或人做某事try doi ng S企圖做某事n eed doing Sth求做某事Prefer doing S甘愿做某事mi nd doing S介懷做某事PraCtiCe doing S操練做某事be busy doing忙于做某事can't help doi ng忍不住做某事miSS d

18、oing S錯失做某事12)英語中的“單數(shù)”1主語的第三人稱奇數(shù)方式,即可用 he, she,代”替的。如:he, she, itmy friend, his teacher, our CIaSSroom, Tom, Mary's Un cle2名詞有奇數(shù)名詞和復(fù)數(shù)名詞。如:man (奇數(shù))-men(復(fù)數(shù))banana(奇數(shù))-banana(復(fù)數(shù))3動詞有原形,第三人稱奇數(shù)方式,-ing分詞,曩昔式,曩昔分詞。如:go-goes-going-Went-gonework-works-work ing -WOrked -WOrkedWatCh-WatCheS-WatChing-WatChe

19、d-WatChed當(dāng)主語為第三人稱奇數(shù)的時分,謂語動詞有必要用相應(yīng)的第三人稱奇數(shù)方式。如:The boy WantS to be a sales assista nt.OUr En glish teacher is from the US.Their daughter makes her breakfast all by herself.13)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)構(gòu)成的幾種形式名詞復(fù)數(shù)的構(gòu)成可分為規(guī)矩改變和不規(guī)矩改變兩種。I名詞復(fù)數(shù)的規(guī)矩改變1 一般在名詞詞尾加 -So如:pear-pears hamburger-hamburgersdesk-desks tree-trees2以字母-s, -sh, -

20、ch,結(jié)束的名詞,詞尾加 -es女口:CIaSS-classes dish-dishesWatCh-WatCheS box-boxes3以字母-o結(jié)束的某些名詞,詞尾加 -eso如:potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoesNegro-NegrOeS hero-heroes4以子音字母加-y結(jié)束的名詞,將-y變?yōu)?i,再加-es如:family-families dictionary-dicti on ariesCity-CitieS coun try-co Un tries5以字母-f或-fe結(jié)束的名詞,將-f或-fe變?yōu)?V,再加-es女口:half-halves le

21、af-IeaVeSthief-thieves knife-kni VeSself-SeIVeS Wife-WiVeSlife-liVes wolf-WOlVeSshelf-ShelVeS Ioaf-loaves可是:SCarf-scarves(fes) roof-roofsSerf-SerfS gulf-gulfsChief-chiefs proof-proofsbelief-beliefsII名詞復(fù)數(shù)的不規(guī)矩改變1將-oo改為-eeo如:foot-feet tooth-teeth2將-mar改為-men 如:man-men womar-wome rpolicema n-policeme n

22、POStma n-postme n3增加詞尾。如:child-ChiIdre n4單復(fù)數(shù)同形。如:SheeP-sheep deer-deer-S加后邊” 如:fish-fish people-people5表明 某國人”的單、復(fù)數(shù)改變。即中日瑞不變英法變,其它國把Ch in ese-Ch in ese JaPa nese-Japa neseSWiSS-SWiSSEnglishman-En glishme n Frenchman-Fre nchme nAmeriCan-AmeriCa ns AUStraIian-AUStraIia nsCanadian-Ca nadia ns Korean-Ko

23、rea nsRUSSian-RUSSia ns Indian-In dia ns6其它。如:mouse-miceapple tree-apple treesman teacher-men teachers14)雙寫最后一個字母的-ing分詞初中階段常見的有以下這些:1.let lett ing讓hit hitti ng打、撞cut CUtti ng切、害Vget getti ng取、得到Sit Sitti ng坐forgeforgett in忘掉put PUtt ing放set Setti n設(shè)置babysbabysitti n暫時受雇照料嬰兒2. shop shopp in 購 物trip

24、tripp ing絆stopstopp in中止drop dropp “拋棄3. travetravel(l)i n旅游SWim SWimmin游水run running跑步dig diggi ng空、掘begirbeg innin開端prefe preferri n甘愿Pla npla nnin方案15)肯定句變否定句及疑問句要變化的一些詞1. som變?yōu)?any。如:There are some birds in the tree. There aren't any birds in the tree.可是,若在表明請約請、懇求的語句中,some能夠不變。如:Would you l

25、ike some Orange juice?與此相關(guān)的一些不定代詞如SOmethi ng, somebody等也要進(jìn)行相應(yīng)改變。2. an(變?yōu)閛r。如:I have a knife and a ruler. I don't have a knife or a ruler.3. a lot of (=lots 變?yōu)?many或 much 女口:They have a lot of friend可 數(shù)名詞) They don't have many fr ien ds.There is lots of Orange in the bo不行 數(shù)名詞)There isn't

26、much Orange in the bottle.4. alread變?yōu)?yet。如:I have bee n there already. I have n't bee n there yet.16)in與 afterin與afte都能夠表明時刻,但二者有所差異。1.i n常常用于將來時的語句中,以現(xiàn)在為起點,表明將來一段時刻。如:He will leave for Beijing in a week.一周后他會啟航去北京。2. afte常常用于曩昔時的語句中,以曩昔為起點,表明曩昔一段時刻。如:He left for Beiji ng after a week.一周后他啟航去了北

27、京。不過,假如after后跟的是詳細(xì)的時刻,它也可用于將來時。如:We will finish the work after ten o'clock.十點后咱們會完結(jié)作業(yè)的。3. 留意差異以下的in的用法。I'll ViSit him in a week.一周后我會去訪問他。r Il ViSit him twice in a week.一周內(nèi)我會去訪問他兩次。17)不定冠詞a與an的使用1. a用在以子音音素最初的單詞前。如:There is a "b" in the word "book".單詞book中有個字母 bo相似的字母還有:b

28、,c, d, g, j, k, p, q, t, u, v, w, y, ZShe has a small knife.她有一把小刀。2. ar用于以元音音素最初的單詞前。如:There is ar "i" in the WOrd "onion".單詞onion中有個字母i。相似的字母還有:a, e, f, h,i, l, m, n, o, r, s, X。Do you have an Umbrella?你有一把雨傘嗎?3. 以元音字母最初的單詞前面不用定都用an;以子音字母最初的單詞前面也不用定都用a。如:a USefUI booka Uni VerS

29、itya on e-letter wordan houran Un clean UmbreIIaan hon est PerS on18)如何表達(dá)英語中的英語中表明 “穿、戴”的表達(dá)辦法有好幾種,常見的有以下這些:1、PUtOn首要表達(dá)穿”的動作。如:He PUt o n his CC他穿 上了他的外套。Y oU'd better PUt on yoUr S你最好穿上你的鞋子。2、Wear首要表明 穿、戴”的狀況。如:The old man WearS a Pair of gls叟戴著一畐U眼鏡。The girl is Weari ng a red那女孩穿戴一條赤色的短裙。衣服”。如:

30、3、dress可作及物動詞,有“給穿衣”的意思,后接 “人”,而不是PIeaSe dress the ChiIdre nrighi當(dāng)即給孩子們穿上衣服。dres也可作不及物動詞,表明穿戴的習(xí)氣。如:The woma n always dresses ing位e女 總是穿綠色的衣服。4、be in表明穿戴的狀況。如:John is in White tod約翰今日穿白色的衣服。The man in black is a football coach.19) a little, a f與W a bit (of)a little, a fe與a bit (of都有“一些、少量”的意義。他們的區(qū)別在哪

31、里呢?1. a little意為 一些、少量”,后接不行數(shù)名詞。如:There is a little Water in the bo子里有一點水。還能夠接形容詞。如:He is a little Sh他有些害臊。2. a feW!為 一些、少量”,后接復(fù)數(shù)的可數(shù)名詞。如:There are a few PeOPIe in the房間里有一些人。3. a bit意為“一點兒”,后接形容詞。如:It's a bit col有 點冷。a bit o后接不行數(shù)名詞。如:He has a bit Of mo他有一點兒錢。4. a little表必定含義,IittIe表否定含義;a few表必定

32、含義,few表否定含義。如:There is a little soda in the 杯Ia子里有一點兒汽水。There is little soda in the g杯子S里簡直沒有汽水了。I have a few Chin ese frie有一 些我國朋友。FeW people like h簡直沒有人喜愛他。5. a little = a bit后接不行數(shù)名詞;a little = a bit = a little bit = kindi接形容詞,意為“有點兒”。25) othe及其用法Othe及其附近的詞(組),女口 others, the other, the OtherS) ano

33、ther, any other等, 一向是中學(xué)生朋友們比較困擾的問題,往常的考試、作業(yè)中常常犯錯。下面是它們的一些用法:1、 othe指其他的人或物,一切格是other's復(fù)數(shù)方式是 OtherS the Othe指 兩個人或物中的另一個”,其復(fù)數(shù)形式是the other,other相當(dāng)于“other +名詞”,所以不能充任定語,潤飾名詞。OtherS 指全體中去掉一部分后剩下的部分,但不是悉數(shù)的,即some.others (一些.其他的人.)。the OtherS著重全體中除掉一部分后剩下的悉數(shù),即 some.the others.2、 anothe泛指三個以上的不定數(shù)目中的別的一個

34、”。由an和 Othe兼并構(gòu)成,所以不能和冠詞連用。an other 潤飾奇數(shù)名詞,比方:ano ther Pen cil.3、 any othe指除掉自身以外的 任何其他的人或物”,后邊要用名詞的奇數(shù)方式。26) loo短 語常見的look短語有以下這些:1.look a朝看PIeaSe look at the map of China.請看中國地圖。(look at=have a look at)2.look fo尋覓The old man is looking for his dog.白叟在尋覓他的狗。3.look Iik看起來像NanCy looks like her mother.南

35、??雌饋硐袼赣H。4ook the Sa看上去相同Li Ping and Li Jing look the same.李萍和李晶看上去相同。5.look U 查找PIeaSe look UP the word in the dicti on ary.請在詞典中查找這個單詞。6.look ov仔細(xì)檢查The doctor looked over Mary CarefUlly.醫(yī)師仔細(xì)檢查了瑪麗。7.look afters 料,照看You must look after your old father.你有必要照料你的老父親。8.1OOk arour處處尋覓、檢查We looked around,

36、 but We found nothing Stra nge.咱們四處檢查,可是咱們沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)古怪的東西。27)too also與 either1. too用于必定句和疑問句,一般放在句尾,其前常加逗號。如:We are in the Same school, too.咱們也在相同的校園。Do you Play SOCCer every day, too?你也每天踢足球嗎?2. also用于必定句和疑問句,一般坐落實義動詞前、be動詞后。如:Sandra is also a Korea n StUde nt.San dr也是一個韓國學(xué)生。3. eithe用于否定句,一般放在句末。如:They d

37、on't know the an swer, either.她們也不知道答案。4. as well也有“也”的意思。如:We have great mushroom PiZZa as well as soda.He is a happy boy as well.28) har與 hardly1. harc既可作形容詞,也可作副詞。如:It's a hard(adj.) questio n. (=difficult)這是一個難的問題。The boy StUdieS Very hard(adv.).那男孩學(xué)習(xí)十分盡力。做某事對或人來說是難的。如:語句結(jié)構(gòu):It's hard

38、 for Sb to do SthIt's hard for him to fin ish the WorklP 項作業(yè)對他來說很難 留意差異:hard work 困難的作業(yè)work har盡力作業(yè)2.hardl是頻度副詞,表明否定的意思。( =almost not 般用在形容詞、副詞和動 詞之前。如:I Can hardly See it.我簡直看不到它。29)SOmetime,sometimes,soeSoee times1. someti是時刻副詞,指不確定的將來或曩昔某一點時刻(某時分或任何時分), 不指一段時刻。如:We'll go to Beiji ng SOmet

39、ime next mon th.咱們下個月某一時分會去北京。2. sometimb頻度副詞,指 “有時”、“不時”的意思(=at timeS。如:SOmetimeS I get UP Very late on SUn day morning.有時分我在星期天早晨起得很晚。3. some tin是名詞詞組,指一段時刻(一些時刻或若干時刻)。如:It took him some time to finish the book.她花了一些時刻去完結(jié)作業(yè)。104.some tim指S 幾回”。女口:He met the woma n some times IaSt mon th.上個月他見過那婦女幾回

40、。30) exerciS的一些用法1. 作不及物動詞,譯為 運動,練習(xí)”。女口:DaVid exercises every morning.大衛(wèi)每天早晨進(jìn)行練習(xí)。2. 作及物動詞,譯為練習(xí)”。女口:SWimmi ng exercises the whole body.游水能使身體得到全面的練習(xí)。3. 作名詞,譯為 體育練習(xí)、運動、體操、操練題”等。如:It's good to do eye exercises every day.每天做眼保鍵操對眼睛有優(yōu)點。PIeaSe do more exercise from now on.從今以后請多做運動吧。I have lots of hom

41、ework to do toni ght.今晚我有許多的作業(yè)要做。4. 留意:exercis指詳細(xì)運動或體操時是可數(shù)名詞,復(fù)數(shù)方式為exercises泛指運動時是不行數(shù)名詞。31) may與 may be1. mayb是副詞,譯為 或許、或許”,相當(dāng)于 PerhaPS女口:Maybe he Can an SWer the questio n.或許他能答復(fù)那個問題。He maybe is from the USA, too.他或許也來自美國。2. may b中的may為神態(tài)動詞,譯為 或許是 SO 如:He may be from the USA, too.他或許也來自美國。She may be

42、 our En glish teacher.她或許是咱們的英語老師。32) Sam與 different1. sam指 相同的”,前面一般要有一個定冠詞the,可是假如Same前面現(xiàn)已有this,thos等詞,就不能再與 the連用了。如:We are in the Same class.咱們在同一個班級。結(jié)構(gòu): the Same as 與 相同 女口:HiS mark is the Same as mine.他的分?jǐn)?shù)和我的分?jǐn)?shù)相同。2. differer譯為 不同的S這以后的可數(shù)名詞應(yīng)為復(fù)數(shù)方式。如:We are in differe nt classes.咱們在不同的班級。結(jié)構(gòu):be di

43、fferent froh 不同 女口:ThiS SWeater is differe nt from that one.這件毛衣與那一件不同。11differen的名詞方式為 differenc復(fù)數(shù)方式為 differences33) 動詞Wan的用法1. wa nt St想要某物They Want SOme help.他們需求一些幫忙。2. wa nt sb. to do Stl要或人去做某事My father WantS me to help him on the farm.我父親要我在農(nóng)場上幫他。3. wa nt to do S想要做某事I Want to StUdy En glish

44、in En gla nd.我想要在英國學(xué)習(xí)英語。4. want doing求.Your SWeater WantS WaSh ing.你的運動衣該洗了。34) be good(bad)fdbe good 的相關(guān)用法1. be good fo有禾UDoing morning exercises is good for your health.做早操對你們的建康有利。2. be good擅長于 Li Ping is good at basketball.李平擅長于籃球。=Li Ping is good at play ing basketball.李平擅長于打籃球。be good at = do

45、We如nrm good at math. = I do well in math.我擅長于數(shù)學(xué)。3. be good 對好Pare nts are always good to their ChiIdre n.父母親總是對他們的孩子好。35) how may how much1. how man表明 多少”對數(shù)量發(fā)問,后邊接可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)方式。如:There are four people in my family.-How many people are in your family?你家里有幾個人?We have SeVe n CIaSSeS every day.-How ma ny CI

46、aSSeS do you have every day?你們每天上幾節(jié)課?2. how mudh是表明 多少”但它對不行數(shù)名詞進(jìn)行發(fā)問。如:There is some milk in the bottle.-How much milk is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少牛奶?3. how mudS能夠?qū)r格發(fā)問,表明多少錢”的意思。如:The yellow T-Shirt is only 35 yua n.-How much is the yellow T-shirt?那件黃色的T恤衫多少錢?36)With勺幾個用法1. with表 “和、同、與”。如:Can you

47、go to the Park With me?你能和我一同去公園嗎?2. with表 “用、以、被”。如:Don't Write With the red pen.不要用那支赤色的鋼筆寫字。3. with表 跟著”。女口:CIimate VarieS With the time of the year.氣候跟著時令的不同而不同。4. with表 “帶有、有的”。如:The girl With long hair is my ClaSSmate.長頭發(fā)的女孩是我的同學(xué)。5. with表由于、由于”。如:They Were angry With hard work.他們由于困難的作業(yè)而氣憤

48、。6 一些With結(jié)構(gòu):play Witl與 一同玩be angry Wi對.氣憤talk Witl與 攀談get on well W與共處和諧37)a lot of(lots 與r) man y,much1. a lot o意為 許多、許多”。相當(dāng)于lots of它既能夠潤飾可數(shù)名詞,又能夠潤飾不 可數(shù)名詞。如:I have a lot of friends in China.我在我國有許多朋友。The old man has lots of mon ey.那位白叟有許多的錢。2. man意為許多”。它用來潤飾可數(shù)名詞。如:Do you have many beautiful skirts?

49、你有許多美麗的裙子嗎?3. mucl意為 許多”。它用來潤飾不行數(shù)名詞。如:There is much Water in the lake.湖里有許多的水。4. a lot o( =lots Of用在必定句中,而 many much不受約束。假如將一個含有a lot of(=lots of的必定句改為否定句或疑問句,要將它們改為man或much女口:We Can See a lot of birds in the tree.-We can't See many birds in the tree.咱們在樹上看不到許多鳥兒。He WantS lots of soda.-Does he Want much soda?他需求許多汽水嗎?38)hel用法舉例133.差異:help既能夠作名詞,也能夠作動詞。1. help乍名詞,意為 幫忙”。如:He n eeds SOme help.他需求一些幫忙。2. help乍動詞,也是 幫忙”的意思。如:Can you help me?你能幫幫我嗎?3. help的結(jié)構(gòu):help Sb (to) do Sft助某人做某事=help Sb With S幫忙或人做某事如:They Want to help the boy Carry the heavy box.=They Want to help the


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