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1、Table of ContentsStep1 Where am I now?1Step2 Broad objectives the next?1Step3 Self appraisal1Step4 Personal objectives setting against self appraisal7Step5 Action plan8Step6 Implementation-do it!12Step7 Review and evaluation28Stepl Where am I now? Personal detailsMy n ame is Xio ng Feng , From Renmi

2、n uni versity of Chi na HND bus in ess in stitute. My SQA number is 2009583257. The major is full-time. My core units is Creating a Culture of Customer Care, Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication. Managing People and Organisations. Economic Issues: An In troducti on, Busin es

3、s Law: An In troducti on, Pers onal Developme nt Pla nning, and opti onal un its history.Step2 Broad objectives the next?My the next objectives is further development of key skills study. Because, present employment more and more competition, leanning an excellent skill is very important. I want to

4、study for a master's degree to stre ngthe n my professi onal tech no logical competiti on ability.Step3 Self appraisal? Personal skills, qualities and con textsPers onal skillsCore SkillEvaluati onEvide nce to support evaluati onCommuni cati ongoodI like talk ing with peopleNumeracygoodMy math e

5、xam, often got high marksITGett ing betterMy study and entertainment all cannot leave computer. Each day, I'm lear ning ITProblem solvi nggoodI like to solve all kinds of problemsWork ing with othersOkMy personality is friendly, magnanimous, optimism, like interaction of different types of frien

6、dsPers onal qualitiesStudy experienee: Since the childhood form good habits. Elementary education should pay attention to the guidance, should not have heavy burden. Secondary educatio n should pay atte nti on to the basic educati on, difficulty should not be too big. Kno wledge and un dersta ndingE

7、xtracurricular knowledge accumulation of small, still need to learn a lot of kno wledge. At the same time, the in terest is the best teacherl thi nk the best lear ning skills based on own hobby. So, our study perseverancewill be more to strong, the effect also can multiplier!Technical skillsI'm

8、at present technical skills very need further improved. About the professional knowledge, I know there of in-depth. I need more time to learn professional English and thus to improve my professional technology. At the same time let my professional technology and interests better combine, mutual prom

9、otion and common progress. Contexts, other factors to considerIn junior high, I had served as a history lesson representative.I was task is to do well the teacher's assistant, learning students to study together, help the learning history have difficulty classmates, urges all classmates hand ove

10、r homework.History lesson representative of job, has exercised my leader ability, organization ability, coordination ability, and teachers,classmates communication ability, make me greatly benefit.? SWOT analysisStrengths:My childhood memory and when good things will soon be back to remember, and no

11、t easy to forget that in life very optimistic, cheerful, in the work experience aspect, strong self-confidence, a certain degree of organizational skills. Do things organized, able to have with a very good friendship between friends.Weaknesses:Comparison of normal life in the lazy, no perseverance,

12、doing something difficult to stick to it, a bad temper, it is easy to worry. Met or do not want to face my own can' tsolve things like evade my own, not the front face my weaknesses, too proud. Like to go out, prefer to rely on others, sentimental. Sometimes like a loner, what things like keepin

13、g everything inside, do not want to tell with others.Opportunities :I will have the opportunity to go abroad to study or relive some time, my work experience can help them in future life experiences and accumulated some valuable work experience can apply for my own future success in life to find the

14、 one I love.Have good personal relationships, when things will be in the face of great help of to have friends.Threats:Today the euro, pound and dollar exchange rate has been changed, I want to go abroad soon, IELTS is a very important issue. Number of people studying abroad now, many schools do not

15、 recruit international students, now studying in many countriesthere are policies and visa policies have changed, on very unfavorable to study abroad.? What is the best way for me to learn somethingIn the morning, my spirit is not very good. I there is no way to lear n absorbed, nine to eleven time

16、for me is the best time to learn.At this moment, I can learn many new kno wledge, un dersta nd that the new truthEvide neeMon dayTimeActivity recordRemark7-8Got up at seven, then washed my face and brushed teethrecover my spirits8-9Watch major area of booksDeepened to professional kno wledge cog nit

17、i on9-10Watch major area of booksDeepened to professional kno wledge cog niti on10-11Watch major area of booksDeepe ned to professi onal kno wledge cog niti on11-12Go to the dining room for lun ch.Suppleme nt energy12-13Noon a restReple nish spirit13-14Noon a restReple nish spirit14-15Watch ing on e

18、self favorite booksIn crease his kno wledge and in sight15-16Watch ing on eself favorite booksIn crease his kno wledge and in sight16-17atte nd class: huma n resource man ageme ntLear n new kno wledge17-18Class is over and go to dinnerSuppleme nt energy18-19Read a book and Rview on eself's lesso

19、 nsCon solidate kno wledge19-20Got to the Intern et, saw a foreig n movieMovie was very excit ing and Lear ning En glish20-21Watched movies, ate sn ackSuppleme nt en ergy21-22On the Intern et, ope n my pers onal homepageRelax mood22-23Play gamePractice fin geri ng23-24Washed my face and went to bedT

20、uesdayTimeActivity recordRemark7-8Got up at seven, then washed my face and brushed teethrecover my spirits8-9Atte nd class Bus in ess acco untingLear ned new kno wledge9-10Class is over:To return bedroomget lots of rest10-11Watchi ng on eself favorite booksIn crease his kno wledgeand in sight11-12Go

21、 out with frie nds had lunch togetherMood true happy12-13Noon a restReple nish spirit13-14Noon a restReple nish spirit14-15Attend class Software applicationsFurther know officesoftware applicatio n15-16Atte nd class:Software applicati onsCeme nted my kno wledge16-17Atte nd class:Software applicati o

22、nsVery n ervous17-18Class is over and go to dinnerSuppleme nt en ergy18-19Read books and Rview on eself's lesso nsCon solidate kno wledge19-20Got to the Internet, saw a foreign movie.Movie was very excit ing and Lear ning En glish20-21Got to the Internet, saw a foreign movie.Movie was very excit

23、 ing and Lear ning En glish21-22On li ne watch En glish TVStudy En glish22-23Washed my face, brushed my teeth and went to bed.29ThursdayTimeActivity recordRemark7-8Got up at seve n, the n washed my face and brushed teeth.recover my spirits8-9Attend class:Marketing introductionLear ned new kno wledge

24、9-10Class is over:To return bedroomget lots of rest10-11Watch ing on eself favorite booksIn crease his kno wledgeand in sight.11-12Go out with friends had lunch together.Mood true happy12-13Noon a restReple nish spirit13-14Noon a rest.Reple nish spirit14-15Watch ing on eself favorite booksIn crease

25、his kno wledge and in sight15-16Watch ing on eself favorite booksIn crease his kno wledge and in sight16-17Watch ing on eself favorite booksIn crease his kno wledge and in sight17-18Class is over and go to dinnerSuppleme nt en ergy18-19Read books and Rview on eself's lesso nsCon solidate kno wle

26、dge19-20Got to the Internet, saw a foreign movie.Movie was very exciting and Lear ning En glish20-21Got to the Internet, saw a foreign movie.Movie was very excit ing and Lear ning En glish21-22Slept, after waked up I took a shower.Sober brains22-23Slept.FridayTimeActivity recordRemark9-10Get up, eat

27、i ng breakfast.Atte ndLear ned new kno wledgeclass:international marketing introduction10-11Attend class:international marketing in troductio nLear ned new kno wledge11-12Go out with friends had lunch together.Mood true happy12-13Noon a restReple nish spirit13-14Noon a restReple nish spirit14-15Noon

28、 a restReple nish spirit15-16Noon a restReple nish spirit16-17Atte nd classEco nomics 1 .Lear ned new kno wledge17-18Class is over and go to dinnerSuppleme nt en ergy18-19Read books and Rview on eself's lesso nsCon solidate kno wledge19-20Got to the Internet, saw a foreign movie.Movie was very e

29、xciting and Lear ning En glish20-21Got to the Internet, saw a foreign movie.Movie was very excit ing and Lear ning En glish21-22Slept, after waked up I took a shower.Sober brains22-23Slept.SundayTimeActivity recordRemark10-11Get up, eati ng breakfastrecover my spirits11-12Watchi ng on eself favorite

30、 booksIn crease his kno wledgeand in sight12-13Went outside to have lun ch.Eat a meal delicious13-14Noon a restReple nish spirit14-15Noon a restReple nish spirit15-16Noon a restReple nish spirit16-17Noon a restReple nish spirit17-18Watchi ng on eself favorite booksIn crease his kno wledgeand in sigh

31、t18-19Read books and Rview on eself's lesso nsCon solidate kno wledge19-20Got to the Internet, saw a foreign movie.Movie was very exciting and Lear ning En glish20-21Got to the Internet, saw a foreign movie.Movie was very excit ing and Lear ning En glish21-22Slept, after waked up I took a shower

32、.Sober brains22-23Slept.Step4 Personal objectives setting against self appraisal? Pers onal objectives prior to in terview with tutorShort-term (this year):Lear n En glish, each course must be passed, to develop and grow their on li ne shop, in my spare time to practice to improve my own driv ing sk

33、ills. Hand made a good meal, if have time, do more exercise, to maintain their good health systemto strengthen the body's immun ity aga inst in fectio nMedium -erm (next year):Continue to develop own courseofstudy; if there is a chanee to go abroad as soon as possible, to get a good IELTS score.

34、 Have the time to help my father take care about the affairs of his company, the best of its ability to help to his place and do their own hand, and my father to study together the stock, if the conditions allow it, get myself about stocks con duct traded.Long- term:Want to be a teacher after gradua

35、tion, in my spare time earn pocket money selling things on li ne, get a good school, to make myself better in the future developme nt of the Enhancing Taekw on do, more skill points to master. Find a good husba nd, the formation of a family, and my parents live together, and they travel the world to

36、gether.? In terview with tutor-self evaluati on and objectivesI consider myself relatively lazy and decide not perseveranceto accomplish good things in life, the more usual belligerent, not the law of life, a variety of personality, experie nee the things they do not like, do not want to face, to av

37、oid encoun ter my own do not want to do bad thi ngs eon ti nue to do so.The tutor said that I should stick to what you do, do not evade I resp on sibilities, have the courage to face thi ngs I have to face, to control his temper, control my emotions. In change to others dependence too stro ng .? Per

38、sonal objectives post - interview with tutorShort-term (this year):Lear n En glish, each course must be passed, to develop and grow their on li ne shop, in my spare time to practice to improve my own driving skills. To insist on doing the things I like to do, stick to my choice. Help my father with

39、a company. Learn to fry from my father.Medium -erm (n ext year):Continue to develop own courseofstudy; if there is a chanee to go abroad as soon as possible, to get a good IELTS score. To improve own various aspects ability, to enhance the social competitive ness.Long- term:Want to be a teacher afte

40、r graduation, in my spare time earn pocket money selling things on li ne, get a good school, to make myself better in the future developme nt of the Enhancing Taekwon do, more skill points to master. In the face of a difficult time want on eself to face, cannot escape problems, lear n to han dle the

41、ir problems, han dle the side of in terpers onal relatio nship, keep to my in depe ndenceStep5 Action plan? Key peopleMy key people are Deng Jnubing, Zhao Jun jie and Lan Xianrong.? HelpI hope they help me to con trol my laz in ess, I do not want to lear n, do not want to impleme nt their own pla ns

42、 whe n you can help me and the supervisi on of me whe n I encounter difficulties when you can help me to minimize I may encounter in implementing the plan to hinder.Hindran cesIn my implementation of the plan if I am no classes when the time is difficult to get up very early in the after noon, whe n

43、 no classes will take a nap for a long time, if I have some film that I like, I will watching television for a long time, may look a bit l on ger, This will delay the executi on of the program behi nd me, if I chat with the same quarters, it will affect my sleep time.What will I do?When I wake up la

44、te my supervisor call me up, if I do not it will give me a certain degree of punishment, in order to ensure that they can get up on time, usually dinner time to eat with them, if I eat too slow, or there are other factors that in flue nce my eat ing time, we must allow them to punish me, to do duty,

45、 or other means, if I slept nap time, then we would at a later time To do this time should be double the compleme nt back.Log of activities un dertake nFrom Mon day to FridayTimePla nGoal7-87.15get up 7.30have breakfast and get ready to haveGet up and haveclass.breakfast on time.8-9Have class: 8.00h

46、ave class concen trate on 80%, makeUn dersta nd the teacherno tes.tells and do not be late.No class: review lear nt yesterday, do the homework by 20%.Pass the tests.9-10Have class: have class concen trate on 80%, 9:40 firs:Un dersta nd the teacherclass finish and have sec ond class at 9:50.speaks.No

47、 class: review lear nt yesterday, do my best to do the homework.Pass the test.10-11Have class: have class concen trate on 80%, takePass the test.no tes, and do not do anything without relati ons to this class.No class: clea n my pers onal place with 20minu tes and play the computer with 40minu tes.K

48、eep pers onal en vir onment clea n.11-12Have class: have class concen trate on 80%, write dow n the teacher speak.Lear n new kno wledge.No class: play the computer and wait for the classmates to have lun ch.Have meal on time and have a rest.12-13Eat mach ine before have meal.12:30 have meal on time.

49、 Call my prese nts.Have meal on time and eat mach ine on time.13-14Finish has meal before13:20 and have a rest at 13:3C.Not eati ng delay toomuch time14-1514:30 get up the bed on time and wash the clothes that I have wear yesterday.Don't let dirty clothes hoard ing.15-16Serial dramas every after

50、 noon update at 3:00 and everyday watch forty-seve n or fifty minu tes.I want to know the finish of this serial drama.16-17Do the homework and search information on the intern et. Do the homework by 20%.Can finish the homework as soon as possible.17-18Do my best to revise. When 1 have someth ing do

51、not un dersta nd I will have discuss with my frie nd. Do the homework by 20%.Finish the homework and cut my burde n.18-19Have medici ne and have supper before18:30.Recuperate my appetite.19-20Finish eating before 19:30 and prepare to have a bathi. Have a bath on time andkeep pers onal clea n.20-21Fi

52、nish the bath before 20:30 and have revised at next a half hour.To improve efficie ncy.21-22Do the homework and do the homework by 20%.Finish the homework and keep pass theexam in ati on.22-23Do the homework by 20%. And preview the next day will speak.Guara ntee lectures quality.23-24Sleep before 23

53、:30 whe n the lamp ext in guished.Assure eno ugh sleep.From Saturday to Sun dayTimePla nGoal9-10Get up at 9:30 and brush teeth and wash face, ope n the computer and have breakfast.Assure eno ugh sleep in weeke nds.10-11Serf the internet and read n ews by20minu tes, 20 mi nu tes study con stellati on

54、and take care of my on li ne store,After weak up do someth ing to make myself relax.11-12Play computer and take care of my on li ne store.Make mon ey.12-13Have machi ne on time and have meal before12:30, and do not bey ond one hour.Have meal on time.13-14Finish meal before 13:20 and clea n my room a

55、nd wash my clothes.Keep pers onal en vir onment clea n.14-15Shopping with my mother for an hour.Buy someth ing that I n eed.15-16Serial dramas every after noon update at 3:00 and everyday watch forty-seve n or fifty minu tes.I want to know the finish of this serial drama.16-17Do the homework and fin

56、d somethi ng I do not un dersta nd in the intern et. Finish the homework by 30%Pass the exam.17-18Finish the homework by30% and call my frie nds.Pass the exam and com muni cate with my friends18-19Have supper with my friends for one and a half hour.Communi cate emoti on with my frie nds.19-20Finish eat ing before19:30a nd come back to discuss something in my study in school with my pare nts.Let my pare nts clearly know my curre nt situatio n.20-21Take a bath for 40minutes.and do the homework.Keep myself clea n.21-22Do the 20%homework and wa


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