已閱讀5頁,還剩16頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、首先請嘗試完成學習情境1:餐飲服務(wù)。為了方便你掌握本學習情境內(nèi)容,我們又將本學習情境分為六個子學習情境及其具體的任務(wù):Model 1:Table Reservation 用餐預訂服務(wù) Model 2:Receiving the Guest in the Restaurant 接待客人用餐 Model 3:Taking orders 點菜Model 4Serving Dishes 上菜 Model 5Serving at the Coffee Bar 咖啡吧服務(wù)Model 6Pay the bill 付賬 Model 1:Table Reservation 用餐預訂服務(wù)技能要點*1. When

2、the guests ask you to reserve for him ,you must pay mor attention to ask him to the table or private room.當客人要求你為他訂餐時,要注意詢問他是要訂餐臺還是要包間。*2. Ask the guest about the information of the table reservation:從客人那里獲得下列用餐信息:The number of the persons. Atable in the lobby or a private room is needed by the gues

3、ts. The demands for the table or the private room. The time of arrival. Under whose name the reservation is made. The contact telephone number or the room number.就餐人數(shù);客人需訂餐廳大堂的餐臺還是包間;對餐臺還是包間的要求;到達時間;以誰的名字訂餐;聯(lián)系電話號碼或房號。*3. Confirm.確認。*4. Express your expectation to the guests.表達對客人的期盼。用餐預訂行業(yè)實用句*1. 查看座

4、位Just a moment, please. Ill check the availability for you.請稍等,我來為您查查是否有空位。*2. 座位已滿Im afraid were fully booked for that time.恐怕那個時間餐位已經(jīng)訂滿了。*3. 變更時間Is it possible for you to change the time?您是否可以換個時間呢?*4. 座位選擇Would you like a table in the hall or in a private room?您是喜歡大廳的餐臺還是包間呢?*5 預訂押金A deposit of $

5、30 is required to secure your booking.為了確保您的預訂,您需要交30美元的押金。*6. 桌位要求And can I stand a chance of getting a table by the window?您可以為我留一張靠窗的桌位嗎?*7. 詢問要求And special requirement?有什么特別要求嗎?*8. 營業(yè)時間Im sorry, were not open on Saturdays.對不起,我們周六不營業(yè)。*9. 預訂已滿Im afraid that table is reserved for 8 p.m.恐怕那張桌晚上8點已經(jīng)

6、預訂了。 1.1 Table Reservation 餐桌預訂實用對話(Practical Dialogues)Mr. Smith wants to have the dinner with his friends tonight. So he called the Lianhua Rustaurant to order. He wanted to reserve a table. Wang Bin, the reservation clerk answered him.C=Caller打電話詢問的客人W=Waiter 服務(wù)生C: Hello. Is this Lianhua Rustaura

7、nt? 你好,是蓮花酒家嗎?W: Yes. May I help you? 是的,需要我效勞嗎?C: Yes, Id like to reserve a table for tonight, please. 我想預定今晚的座位。W: Certaintly, sir. For how many people, Please? 好的,請問共有幾位?C: Six. 六位。W: At what time can we expect you? 請問幾點光臨?C: Oh, at 7:00 tonight. 噢,今晚七點。W: Would you like a table in the main resta

8、urant or in a private room,sir? 先生,請問您想訂大廳還是包房呢?C: The main restaurant will be fine. 大廳的席位就可以了。W: Certainly, sir. A table for six at 7 tonight. May I have your name and telephone number, please? 好的,今晚七點鐘,六個人的餐桌??梢愿嬖V我您的姓名和電話嗎?C: Sure. Its John Smith and my number is 5959 7900. 當然可以。我叫約翰.史密斯,電話號碼是5959

9、 7900.W: Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. My name is Wang Bin and we look forword to seeing you. 史密斯先生,非常感謝您。 我叫王斌,非常期待您的光臨。C: See you tonight. Goodbye. 晚上見。W: Goodbye. 再見。1.1A Private Room Reservation包廂預訂實用對話(Practical Dialogues)Mr. Smith will have the dinner with his customers. He called the China

10、Hotel in Guizhou to reserve the private room. C=Customers 顧客W=Waiter 服務(wù)生W: Hello! China Hotel in Guizhou. (This is ) Miss. Lily speaking.Can I help you? 您好,貴州中國大酒家。 我是李莉,需要訂餐嗎?C: Yes. Do you have any vacant seats this afternoon? 下午有沒有位?W: Yes, .therere still some available. Are you ready for a reser

11、vation? 還有。要馬上訂位嗎?C: May I have a private room? 我想訂個包房。W: Yes. Ill arrange that for you in time. Your name, please? 行。我給您安排。您貴姓?C: John Smith. 約翰 史密斯。W: Mr. Smith, how many guests are there in total? 史密斯先生,有多少客人?C: Five. 五位。W: And then, when are you coming? 什么時候來就餐呢?C: At 7 oclock this afternoon. Is

12、 it OK? 今天下午7點,行吧?W: OK. Do you need any special service? 行。要不要特別的服務(wù)?C: what do you mean by special service? 什么是“特別服務(wù)”呢?W: I mean for veggie lovers or something the like. 比如說吃素的,或其他什么要求的。C: Oh, I see. Id like it. My guests are all vegetarians. 喔,可以,我喜歡。我朋友都吃素食。實用詞匯和術(shù)語face-to face reservation面對面預訂Tel

13、ephone Reservation電話預訂Fax Reservation傳真預訂Internet Reservation網(wǎng)上預訂Sichuan Cuisine四川菜,簡稱川菜Shandong Cuisine山東菜,簡稱魯菜Cantonese Cuisine廣東菜,簡稱粵菜Jiangsu Cuisine江蘇菜,簡稱蘇菜Fujiang Cuisine福建菜,簡稱閩菜Hunan Cuisine湖南菜,簡稱湘菜Anhui Cuisine安徽菜,簡稱徽菜Zhejiang Cuisine浙江菜,簡稱浙菜Food and Beverage Manager餐飲部經(jīng)理Chinese Restaurant Ma

14、nager中餐廳經(jīng)理Catering/Banquet Manager宴會部經(jīng)理Restaurant Supervisor餐廳主管headwaiter餐廳領(lǐng)班reservation clerk餐廳預訂員host餐廳男領(lǐng)位員hostess餐廳女領(lǐng)位員waiter男侍應生waitress女侍應生Model 2:Receiving the Guest in the Restaurant 接待客人用餐技能要點*1. Ask the guests if they have a reservation or not. If “yes”, lead them to the booded table. If “

15、no”, ask them the number of people, and escort them to choose a table that fits them. 問清有否預留座位。如果有,領(lǐng)位到預訂的餐臺;如果沒有,詢問有幾位,然后引領(lǐng)為人挑選合適的餐臺。*2. When the guests are going to seat, arrange them take their seats as soon as possible. Pour the tea or some drinks immediately. Lead to the guest to the toilet. And

16、 ask them wait a moment.入座時,安排客人盡快就座,并及時安排茶水或是飲料,引領(lǐng)客人上洗手間,或稍待休息,準備就餐。*3. After the guests are seated, give them the menu.a在客人坐定后,才上菜單。接待客人用餐行業(yè)實用句*1. 問侯客人Good evening, sir. Welcome to our restaurant.先生,晚上好,歡迎光臨本餐廳。*2. 祝福用語Have a good evening.祝您有個愉快的夜晚。*3. 等待用語Now would you please take a seat and wait

17、 over there?您先在那邊坐下來等好嗎?*4. 指導賓客We have a window table reserved for you.我們?yōu)槟A袅艘粡埓斑叺淖雷印?5. 建議換桌What about the one that is futher back but still offers a view of the lake?有靠后一點兒的一張桌子,還能欣賞到湖上的景色,行不行?*6. 耐心等候We can seat you in ten minute or so.我們可以在十分鐘左右給您安排座位。*7. 安排賓客We can seat you very soon.我們會安排您入座

18、。*8. 兒童服務(wù)Would you like a high chair for your child?要不要給您的孩子拿一張高椅呢?*9. 座位太擠Would you mind moving over a little?您介意移過去一點嗎?1.2 Receiving the Guest with a Reservation 接待有預訂的客人實用對話(Practical Dialogues)Betty have reserved the table. Now she and her friend went to the restaurant. The host received them.W=

19、Waiter C=Mr.SmithW: Good evening. How are you today? 晚上好。您今天好嗎?C: Not bad, thank you. 很好,謝謝你!W: Do you have a reservation? 請問您有預定座位嗎?C: Yes, we do. A reservation for two under Smith. 有,我們有訂位。是以史密斯的名字訂的,兩個座位。W: Just a moment, please Here it is 7:00 p.m. Betty Smith, two, non-smoking. 請稍等一下。-有的,在這兒,晚上

20、7:00,貝蒂-史密斯,兩個人,不抽煙。C: :Thats us. 是我們,沒錯。W: Right this way, please. 這邊請。1.2 Receiving the Guest without a Reservation 接待沒有預訂的客人實用對話(Practical Dialogues)Mr.White and his wife went to the restaurant to have the dinner. But they have no reservation. The waiter receiving them and escort them to choose t

21、he table that fits them. W=WaiterB=BakeW: Good evening, sir and madam. Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation,sir? 晚上好,先生、夫人。歡迎到我們酒店。有預定嗎?B: Im afraid I havent. Do you have a table for two? 沒有。 有雙人桌嗎?W: Im sorry to say that we havent got any vacant seat at present. Would you please wai

22、t in the lounge for about five minutes? Ill seat you if the table is ready. 對不起,目前我們沒有空的。 請在休息室等大約5分鐘好嗎?桌子準備好了我就安排你們。B: It sounds nice. Nancy, lets go to the lounge then. 好吧,南希,我們?nèi)バ菹⑹摇?Five minutes later) (5分鐘后)W: I am sorry to have kept you waiting, sir and madam. Now we have a table for you. Would

23、 you step this way, please? 對不起,讓你們久等了,先生、夫人?,F(xiàn)在為你們準備了一張桌子,請這邊走好嗎?B: May we sit there a table by the window? 我們可以要窗口的那張桌子嗎? W: Oh, that table has been reserced. 噢, 那張桌子已經(jīng)有人了。B: Its a pity. 真遺憾。W: Well, the table in the concer is quite good. Its near the band platform. There will be a performance duri

24、ng the meal time. You could enjoy it comfortably. 哦,角落的那張桌子很好??拷鼧逢犉脚_,在進餐時有演出,你們可以愉快地欣賞。B: OK. Ill listen to you. 好的,就聽你的。W: Have you anything on mind for what drinks yu are going to have tonight? 今晚您想喝點什么?B: Green tea, please. 請拿杯綠茶吧!W: Ill bring them to you right away. 我一會就拿來。1.2 Change the Table o

25、n Guests Request 根據(jù)客人要求,更換餐桌實用對話(Practical Dialogues)Li Ming and his friends arrived the restaurant, but they did not like the table they reserved, they asked the waiter to change the table for them. W=WaiterL=Li MingW: How many, please? 請問幾個人?L: Two. 兩人。W: Where would you like to sit? 你們想要個什么位子?L:

26、We would like a table by the window so that we can enjoy the view of the lake. 我們想要個靠窗的餐桌,這樣我們可以欣賞湖邊的景色。W: Im sorry, sir. The window tables have all been taken. What about one that is further back but still offers a view of the lake? 很抱歉,靠窗的桌子都有人了。還有一個靠后一點,但仍能觀看湖邊風光的座位怎么樣?L: Thats fine if that is wh

27、at youve got. 如果就那么一張桌子了,那也行。W: Thank you. Would you follow me, please? This is your table. Its number 14 and your waiter will be with you right away. 謝謝你。請跟我來好嗎?這是你們的桌子。14號。服務(wù)員馬上會過來。Another W: Your iced water. 你們的冰水。 L: Thank you. 謝謝。Model 3:Taking orders 點菜技能要點*1. The order of the wetern dishes be

28、gins from the host or hostess generally. If the host wants the guests order by themselves, begins from the first guest(by the right to the host or hostess). Usually, men order for the women. The ladies dont order.西餐點餐的順序一般從主人或者女主人開始。如主人示意請賓客分別點菜,則從主賓(主賓一般坐在男主人或女主人的右邊)開始。一般男生為女士點菜,女士不直接接受點菜。*2. Recei

29、ving the order begins from counterclockwise. And remember the cover code of the guest. So the waiters can serve the dishes correctly.接受點菜一般按逆時針方向進行,并記下點菜客人的餐位編號(Cover Code),這樣傳菜員就可以根據(jù)編號準確傳菜。*3. Pay more attention to asking the guest about his demands in detail of the order when you take the order. S

30、o the chef can cook by his demand.在接受點菜時,必須問清客人的需求,以便廚師按客人的口味進行烹飪。*4. After ordered the food or beverage, the waiter should read the meal the guest oreded one by one.當客人點完食物或飲料后,點菜員要一道一道地報點他們點的菜。點餐實用句*1. 主動服務(wù)Shall I make a recommendation?需要我推薦嗎?*2. 建議顧客How about something to drink?來點飲料怎么樣?*3. 續(xù)杯提醒Do

31、es that come with refills?可以續(xù)杯嗎?*4. 準備點菜Are you ready to order now, sir?先生您準備點菜了嗎?*5. 開始點菜Id like to try the chicken, please.我想試試雞肉。*6. 推薦菜肴Why not try the roast pork?干嘛不試試烤豬肉?*7. 詢問菜單Is there a set menu for lunch?有午餐的套飯菜單嗎?8. 特色菜推薦Its the speciality of our restaurant.這是我們餐廳的特色菜。*9. 時間說明Your dish ta

32、kes ten minutes to prepare.您的菜需要十分鐘準備。*10. 后續(xù)服務(wù)What will you have to follow the soup?喝完了湯,您要吃什么?*11. 詢問客人的口味Would you like it rare,medium, or well-done?您喜歡煮得生一點兒,中等程度,還是老一點兒?*12. 表示抱歉Im sorry, there are no chops left.很抱歉,沒有排骨了。*13. 表示喜好I have to avoid food containing fat.我必須避免含油脂的食物。*14. 提供餐類We have

33、 both buffet-style and a la carte dishes, which would you preper?我們有自助式和點菜式,您喜歡哪一種?*15. 今日特色Do you have todays chefs dish?今日有推薦菜嗎?1.3 Take Breakfast order點早餐實用對話(Practical Dialogues)Mr. Brown, comes to the Chinese restaurant to have the breakfast. They have the Chinese breakfast pleasantly.W=Waitres

34、sB=George Brown, a guestW: Good morning , welcome to our restaurant. 您早!歡迎你們來的我們餐廳。B: Good morning. 早上好。W: Please choose whichever table you like. 請隨便坐。B: OK. Thank you. 好的, 謝謝。W: What would you like to order? 您要點什么?B: Wed like to try some Chinses snacks. 我們想嘗一嘗中式小吃。W: Here is the menu. 給您菜單。B: Bun?

35、 Whats a bun? 饅頭?“饅頭”是什么?W: Its a kink of steamed bread, and its very popular in China. 這是一種蒸的“面包”,在中國很受歡迎。B: Well have four little buns. We had some dumping yesterday. OK, sweet dumplings today. We want two bowls of sweet dumplings and two bowls of Huaxi Beef rice noodles as well. 我們要四個小饅頭。昨天我們吃過餃子

36、了,好,今天吃湯圓,我們要兩碗湯圓,還有兩碗花溪牛肉粉。W: Which would you prefer, milk or soybean milk? 請問你們要牛奶還是豆?jié){?B: Two glasses of soybean milk. Thats all. 兩杯豆?jié){。就這些。W: Ill repeat the order: four little buns, two bowls of sweet dumplings, two bowls of Huaxi beef rice noodles, and two glasses of soybean milk as well. Is that

37、 right? 我重復一下您點的東西:四個小饅頭、兩碗湯圓、兩碗花溪牛肉粉,還有兩杯豆?jié){。是這樣嗎?B: Right. 是這樣。W: Please wait a moment. Your order will be here soon. 請稍等,您的餐點馬上送到。W: Here is your order: little buns, sweet dumplings, Huaxi beef rice noodles and soybean milk. Please enjoy them. 這是您的餐點:饅頭、湯圓、花溪牛肉粉和豆?jié){。請慢用。1.3 Taking a la Cart Orders

38、for Chinese Food 中餐點餐服務(wù)實用對話(Practical Dialogues)Abrahan Jones and his friens want to try some Chinese food. This evening, they come to the restaurant they reserved, taste the delicious Chinese food. And try the Chinese chopsticks.W=WaitressH=HostessJ=Abrahan Jones H: Welcome to our restaurant. Have

39、you made a reservation? 歡迎來的我們酒店。您有預訂嗎?J: Yes, we have. Under the name of Abrahan Jones. 有,以Abrahan Jones 的名字訂的。H: OK. Ill show you to your table. This way, please. This is your table. Will this table be all right? 好的,我?guī)侥牟团_去,請這邊走。這是您的餐臺,可以嗎?J: Very good. 很好。W: Take your seat, please. 您請坐。W: Good

40、morning., everyone. First, what woul you like to drink? 早上好,先來什么茶水?J: Maojian. 毛尖。W: Here you are. This is our mean. 您請。這是菜單。W: Are you ready to order? 可以點菜了嗎?J: Yes. We want to eat Chinese food. But we dont know how to order. Could you recommend some special Chinses dishes, please? 可以了。 我們想吃中國菜,但我們

41、不知怎樣點。你可以為我們推薦一些有特色的中國菜嗎?W: Certainly! Which dishes would you like, light, heavy, original or spicy and hot? 當然可以!你們喜歡哪一種菜,清淡可口,味重香濃,還是麻辣濃香?J: We want to try all of them. 我們都想嘗嘗。W: Fried Mandarin fish in squirrel shape, Dongpo pork, sugar candy lotus seeds, fried prawns with pepper salt, and roast B

42、eijing duck.松鼠鱖魚、東坡肉、冰糖湘蓮、椒鹽炸明蝦、北京烤鴨。J: Thank you very much! They sound great and interesting. Wed like to have a roast Beijing duck, fried Mandarin fish in squirrel shape, sugar candy lotus, and fried garlic sauce and stir fried gourd with garlic. 非常感謝!它們聽起來很特別很有趣。我們要一只北京烤鴨、松鼠鱖魚、冰糖湘蓮和椒鹽炸明蝦。還要兩個蔬菜,魚

43、香茄子和芙蓉炒絲瓜。W: What would you like to drink? 您喝點什么?J: We want to try some Chinese beer. 我們想嘗嘗中國啤酒。W: How about Waterfall beer? Its very popular here. 瀑布啤酒怎樣?這種啤酒在我們這很受歡迎。J: Well take it. 就要它吧!W: Anything else, sir? 先生,您還要點別的嗎?J: No, thank you! Thats all for now. 謝謝!先點這些。W: Shall I bring you chopsticks

44、 or knives and forks? 你們要筷子還是刀叉?J: Wed like to use chopsticks. 要筷子。W: Here are your last dishes. Please enjoy. 這是最后的一道菜,請慢用。1.3 Taking a la cart Orders for Western Food 西餐點菜服務(wù)實用對話(Practical Dialogues)Tom Jones wants to taste western food this evening. He comes to a restaurant to have a western dinne

45、r. But he has no reservation. The hostess receives him. W=WaitressH=HostessJ=Tom JonesH: Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant. Have you made a reservation? 晚上好,歡迎到我們餐廳來,請問您有預訂嗎?J: No, we havent. 沒有。H: Three people? 是三位嗎?J: Right. 是的。H: This way, please. How is this table? 這邊請。這張餐廳怎么樣?J: Its fine.

46、 很好。H: Thank you. Take your seat, please. 謝謝。請坐。W: Good evening. May I take your order now? 晚上好,可以點餐了嗎?J: For an appetizer, smoked salmon. 來一道開胃菜,熏三文魚。W: And, for the main course? 請問要什么主菜?J: Two T-Bone Steaks and a rump steak. 兩份T 骨牛排,一份牛腿排。W: How would you like your steak done? 牛排要幾分熟?J: Medium- we

47、ll. And wed like three large salads and three hamburgers. 七分熟。我們還有三大份色拉和漢堡。W: What kink of dressing? 要哪種醬汁?J: French and thousand island. 法式醬和千島醬。W: Would you like some vegetables? 要些蔬菜嗎?J: The curried vegetables. 咖喱蔬菜。W: What soup would you like? 要什么湯?J: Fish soup, French style. 法式魚湯。W: Anything fo

48、r dessert? 需要甜點嗎?J: Vanilla ice cream for all. 每人一份香草冰激凌。W: Anything else? 還需要別的嗎?J: No, Im afraid thats all. 不,已經(jīng)足夠了。實用詞匯:cuisine烹飪,烹飪法greasy油膩的heavy難消化的hot刺激的,辣的light清淡的,易消化的sauté嫩煎的speciality特制品,特產(chǎn)specification規(guī)格,說明書string bean菜豆sauce醬汁,調(diào)味汁delicious美味可口的spicy加香料的present呈上,送上Model 4:Serving D

49、ishes 上菜技能要點*1. After the guests almost have arrived, you can ask them politely: “ Excuses me, may I serve you?”客人基本到齊后禮貌詢問是否可以上菜“打擾一下,請問可以上菜了嗎?”*2. Before serving dishes, called the correct names of the dish. “Hello, this is ,please enjoy!” If the dish is the speciality, you should give the inducti

50、on and illustration.上菜品前,清晰正確報出菜名,“您好,這是,請慢用!”如為特色菜,應做出相應的介紹和說明。*3. If the guests need divide the dishes, at first, you should ask them: “would you need to divide your dishes?”如果需要分菜,先詢問客人“請問是否需要分菜?”*4. After serving the last dish, you shoul be in a wisper to tell the guests: “This is the complete c

51、ourse.”當上最后一道菜時,低聲告訴客人“您好,菜已上齊!”上菜行業(yè)實用句*1. 詢問菜肴Heres the afried shelled shrimp. (Is it)yours?這是油泡蝦仁,是您的嗎?*2. 介紹菜肴This one is called triple crown.這菜叫三及第。*3. 顧客催促Would you hurry up?能不能快一點???*4. 詢問口感Did you enjoy your meal?這菜吃起來還和您的胃口嗎?*5. 詢問擺放位置Your fried peanuts, sir. Where shall I put it?先生,這是您要的花生米。

52、您看放哪兒好?*6. 上湯Shall I put the soup in the middle of the table?我把湯放在桌子中央,好嗎?*7. 慢慢享用Take your time and enjoy it.您慢慢享用吧。*8. 上菜提醒Watch out for the plate. Its a little hot.請小心盤子,有點燙。*9. 延遲上菜Please hold the food, we still have one friend coming.請稍后上菜,我們還有一個朋友沒到。*10. 上菜次序The Chinese way is to serve the sou

53、p frist and then the food; if you like, well bring you the food frist.按中國的方式,是先上湯再上菜;如果您喜歡,我們可以先上菜再上湯。*11. 表示抱歉Im really sorry about that, Ill tell the chef to hurry.真的很抱歉,我會叫廚師快一點兒。*12. 上菜完畢This is the complete course. There is dessert to follow.全部的菜已經(jīng)上齊了,接下來還有點心。1.4 Serving the Chinese Banquet 中餐用

54、餐服務(wù)實用對話(Practical Dialogues) Juan Zi, a guest from the Amercia, would have to taste the roast Beijing duck China, dumpling features gourmet,and so on. She goes to the Chinese Restaurant to have a abundance of the Chinese food.W=WaiterJ=Juan ZiW: Your roast Beijing Duck. 您的北京烤鴨來了。J: Ah, it looks good. Can you tell me how to eat it? 啊, 看起來真好。告訴我怎么吃行嗎?W: Yes, please wrap the Beijing duck in the pancake with the spring onion and the sweet bean sauce. Youll find the tasts better. 行,請用蔥和甜面醬醬北京烤鴨包在煎餅里。您會發(fā)現(xiàn)味道更好。J: Ill have a try. (Tastes) Hm, good indeed. 我試試。嗯,果然不錯。W: Your frie


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