已閱讀5頁,還剩12頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、protocol routineunit oneunit objectivesafter studying this unit, you shouldnunderstand what and how to prepare for the interpreting tasks in the long run.nfind ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. nmaster the basic words and expressions about protocol routine. nknow some cultura

2、l background knowledge about protocol routine.preparing -warm-up exercisesnhow do you usually prepare for a reception task?nis preparation necessary in interpreting? why/why not? nwhat and how shall an interpreter prepare for a reception-interpreting task? nwhat kind of interpreting skills do you th

3、ink an interpreter should master? preparing -skills presentationtwo types of pre-interpreting preparationnlong-term preparationnshort-term preparation what and how to prepare in the long run nwhat to prepare?nhow to prepare? preparing -phrases interpreting a. a.english to chineseenglish to chinese 1

4、.recover from the jet lag2.thoughtful arrangement 3.hospitability 4.souvenir 5.accommodations 6.claim baggage 7.proceed through the customs 8.itinerary 9.farewell speech 10.adjust to the time difference 1.倒時差 2.周到的安排 3.熱情好客 4.紀念品 5.食宿 6.提取行李7.進行海關檢查 8.活動安排 9.告別辭 10.適應時差 preparing -phrases interpreti

5、ngb. b.chinese to englishchinese to english1.為設宴洗塵 2.向告別 3.不遠萬里來到 4.您先請 5.久仰大名 6.歡迎辭 7.贊美 8.回顧過去 9.展望未來 10.慢走 1.to hold a banquet in honor of. 2.to bid farewell to . 3.come all the way to. 4.after you! 5.i have long been looking forward to meeting you. 6.a welcoming address 7.to pay tribute to . 8.l

6、ooking back; 9.looking ahead10.take care!preparing -sentences interpreting a.english to chinese 1.我代表中國政府和人民,并以我個人的名義,向貴國人民致以親切的問候和良好的祝愿。 2.今天,我們懷著極為興奮的心情,在這里集會,歡迎來自英國公司的布朗先生。3.這使我有極好的機會來拜訪老朋友,結(jié)交新朋友。4.我們要離開貴國深感遺憾。說真的,這次訪問非常有意義,非常有收獲。5.能接待你們,我們感到很高興。我們衷心感謝你們的光臨。 b. chinese to english 1. mr. smith, im

7、 very happy to welcome you and all the other members of your delegation to our country. we hope youll have a pleasant visit here. 2. as a chinese saying goes, “ isnt it a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar?” 3. allow me to express our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguis

8、hed guests coming from afar. 4. i hope you will be frank with us and give whatever opinions and suggestions you may have in regard to the tentative schedule. well see what we can do to meet your wishes. 5. you are welcome to visit us again any time. our door is always open to friends.preparing -sent

9、ences interpreting performing -decoding (note-taking)performing -memorizing (story-retelling)listen to the recordings of text a again. try to catch more details and improve your notes. then retell the speech in your own words with the help of your notes. performing -encoding (message reconstructing)

10、尊敬的各位來賓,女士們,先生們: 作為一名在一家中美合資企業(yè)工作了兩年的美國經(jīng)理,我以為中國人和美國人在經(jīng)營管理中存在著差異。由于我們之間有著不同的文化傳統(tǒng),所以我們比大部分中國同行來得直率。我無法斷言我們的經(jīng)營方式一定在他們的之上。畢竟各有各的優(yōu)點和弊病。近年來,越來越多的美國管理人員已認識到中國人那種更具人情味的管理方式的長處。 performing -coordinating (field interpreting)1.銷售代表2.外貿(mào)部 3.取行李 4.停車場 5.直達航班 6.明天,會有時差反應 7.這樣一來 8.倒一下時差 9.廣東飲食 10.錦繡中華 1.sales repres

11、entative2.international business department3.claim luggage4.parking lot5.non-stop flight6.the jet lag will catch up with me tomorrow.7.in that case8.recover from jet lag9.the cantonese gourmet10.splendid chinapackaging -interpreting and assessment1.1.遠道來送行遠道來送行2.2.你辦了登機手續(xù)了你辦了登機手續(xù)了嗎嗎? 3.3.辦理海關手續(xù)辦理海關手

12、續(xù) 4.4.我希望它能讓你想我希望它能讓你想起我們的友誼起我們的友誼 5.5.我們非常感謝你為我們非常感謝你為我們所做的一切我們所做的一切。6.6.“送君千里終有一送君千里終有一別別” e all the way to see me off 2.have you checked in? 3.go through customs 4.i hope it will remind you of me and of our friendship. 5.i appreciate very much everything youve done for me. 6.“a thousand miles a p

13、erson can see off a friend, but he has no choice but to say good-bye in the end.” packaging -interpreting and assessmentpackaging - feedback and commentsaims of this unit students feedback teachers comments the candidate has met the standard, knowledge and skill requirements.candidates: _ date _asse

14、ssor: _ date _assignment -simulation exerciseswork in groups. role-play the following situations with your partners, acting as the chinese speaker, english speaker and the interpreter respectively. one group will be invited to perform in class. situation ayou are the receptionist of a&r company.

15、 a visitor, mr. carl smith, has an appointment with the general manager, john lewis, but he is in a meeting at the moment. you receive the visitor and start a conversation with him. you speak chinese while carl is an english-speaker.situation byou are assistant manager of company nike. go to the air

16、port to welcome peter odonnell, a trainee manager in the head office in new york. greet him, introduce yourself and make a small talk. on the way to the hotel, introduce the city and some places of interest. you speak chinese while peter is an english-speaker.points to rememberna well-prepared interpreter is usually confident and relaxed and an experienced interpreter never stops preparing for the interpreting tasks. ninterpreters must continually work to improve their mastery of basic


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