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1、1. I think you ' re got to the Pointa Change is needed,otherwise you' Il fail.A.whe nB.thatC.whereD.which2. The hoursthe ChiIdren SPend in their One-way relationship With television peopleUn doubtedly affect their relati On ShiPS With real-life people.A.whe nB.thatC.in WhiChD.o n WhiCh3. Man

2、y people who had Seen the film Were afraid to go to the forest When they remembered theSCeneSpeople Were eate n by the tiger.A.thatB.by WhiCh C.whichD.in WhiCh4. There Were dirty marks On her trousersShe had WiPed her han ds.A.whereB.whichC.whe nD.that5. is often the case,we have WOrked out the PrOd

3、UCtion plan.A.WhichB.WhenC.WhatD.As6. is reported in the newspaper,talks between the two CoUntries are making progress.A.ItB.AsC.ThatD.What7. There are many peopleOnlyon-Ii ne activity is Sending and receivi ng e-mails.A.whoB.thatC.whichD.whose8 . EBay,Amaz On and Wal Mart are popular WebSiteSpeople

4、 Can sell goods to eachother. A.where B.whichC.whe nD.whose9 . On his 10th birthday.Marty man ages to escape from the zoo and gets Onto the subway,hebelieves that he Can go to the wild.A.which B.from What C.through WhiChD.that10 . I hopethe littleI have bee n able to do has bee n Of some use.A.that;

5、thatB./;by WhiChC.what;WhatD./;With WhiCh11. The farmers USe wood to build a houseto store gra ins all the year around.A.with WhiCh B.to WhiCh C.which D.in WhiCh12 . ThiS WaS a filmSPieIberg USed real actors in Stead of toys.A.whichB.whe nC.in WhiChD.there13 . The thought of going home to his family

6、 WaS all kept him happy while he WaS workingabroad. A.that B.what C.those D.which14 . A Container WeighS more after air is PUt inPrOVeS that air has weight.A.as B.it C.that D.which15 . Can you tell me Where Peter lives?OVer there.The two StOrey house,there is a garde n.A.n ear itB.from WhiCh C.i n f

7、ront of itD.i n front of WhiCh16 . MiSS Gree n took UP the story at the Pointthe thief had just made off With the jewels.A.whereB.which C.asD.whe n17 . Why does She always ask you for help?There is no one else,is there?A.who to turn toB.she Can turn to C.for whom to turnD.for her to turn18 . The yea

8、r before last,part of SOUtheaSt ASia WaS StrUCk by floods,fromeffects thepeople are still SUfferi ng.A.that B.whose C.those D.what19 . NOWadayS tee nagers like to go to fast food restaura nts,as the n ame SUggeSts,eat ingdoesn ' take much time. A.who B.whereC.which D.what20. Later I Want to retu

9、rn home but couldn' t find a ComPanyI could USeI hadlearnt. A.where;thatB.where;WhatC.whe n; WhatD.that;that21. GoVernment reports,legal PaPerS and most bus in ess IetterS are the main SitUati OnSEn glish is used.A.whe nB.thatC.how D.where22. We hope the measures to Control house prices, are tak

10、en by the government,will succeed. A.asB.whe nC.si nceD.after23. The boy the teachers ConSideredfailed in the final exam, SUrPriSed them Very much.A.to be the best; WhiChB.as the best StUdent; thatC.to have been StUdying well ; itD.such as a good StUdent; WhiCh24. The PreSident,together With his bod

11、yguards,to the nUClear StatiOnthere WaSan accide nt 20 minu tes ago.A.have come ; WhiCh B.came; in WhiCh C.has come; WhereD.come ; in WhiCh25. IS there a gas StatiOnaroUndI Can get some petrol?A.which B.whatC.whereD.that26. There WaStimeI hated to go to school.A.a ; that B.a ; WhenC.the; that D.the

12、; When27. It WaS in the Very houseWaS built With StoneShe SPent his childhood.A.that ; thatB.that ; Where C.which ; thatD.which ; Where28. TheSe wild flowers are so SPeCiaI I would doIthem.A.what ; Can SaVe B.all What ; Can to SaVe C.what ; Can to SaVe D.everything ; Can SaVe29. I shall never forget

13、 those yearsI lived in the CoUntry With farmers,has agreat effect On my life.A.that ; WhiChB.when ; WhiCh C.which ; thatD.when ; who30. Just like a VOyage at sea,our life journ ey,days are Iimited,is full of difficulties.A. that B. WhiCh C. it D. whose1. The placein terested me most WaS the ChiIdre

14、n's Palace.A. WhiCh B. Where C. What D. in WhiCh2. Do you know the man?A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke3. This is the hotellast mon th.A. WhiCh they Stayed B. at that they StayedC. Where they Stayed at D. Where they Stayed4. Do you know the yearthe Chin ese CommUniSt

15、 Party WaS foun ded?A. WhiCh B. that C. When D. on WhiCh5. That is the dayI'll n ever forget.A. WhiCh B. On WhiCh C. i n WhiCh D. Whe n6. The factorywe'll ViSit n ext Week is not far from here.A. Where B. to WhiCh C. WhiCh D. i n WhiCh7. Great Cha nges have take n place SinCe the n in the fa

16、ctoryWe are work ing.A. Where B. that C. WhiCh D. there8. This is One of the best films.A. that have bee n show n this year B. that have show nC. that has bee n show n this year D. that you talked9. Ca n you Iend me the bookthe other day?A. about WhiCh you talked B. WhiCh you talkedC. about that you

17、 talked D. that you talked10. The Penhe is Writing is mine.A. With WhiCh B. i n WhiCh C. On WhiCh D. by WhiCh11. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front ofSat a small boy.A. whom B. who C. WhiCh D. that12. The engin eermy father works is about 50 years old.A. to whom B. On whom C. With WhiCh D. With w

18、hom13.lt there anyone in your classfamily is in the CoUn try?A. who B. who's C. WhiCh D. whose14.I'm in terested inyou have said.A. all that B. all What C. that D. WhiCh15.1 Want to USe the Same dict ionaryWaS USed yesterday.A. WhiCh B. who C. What D. as16. He isn't SUCh a manhe USed to

19、be.A. who B. whom C. that D. as17. He is good at En glish,We all know.A. that B. as C. whom D. What18. Li Mi ng,to the ConCert enjoyed it Very much.A. I Went With B. With whom I Went C. With who I WentD.1 Went With him19.1 don't likeas you read.A. the no vels B. the SUCh no vels C. SUCh no vels

20、D. Same no vels20. He talked a lot about things and PerS OnSthey remembered in the school.A. WhiCh B. that C. whom D. What21. The Ietter is from my sister,is working in Beijing.A. WhiCh B. that C. whom D. who22.ln OUr factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds ofare wome n.A. them B. WhiCh C. whom

21、D. who23.You're the Only PerS Onrve ever metcould do it.A. who;/ B./; whom C. whom;/ D./; who24.1 lost a book,I can't remember now.A. whose title B. its title C. the title of it D. the title of that25.Last SUmmer We ViSited the WeSt Lake,Han gzhou is famous in the world.A. for WhiCh B. for t

22、hat C. in WhiCh D. What26.1 have bought SUCh a WatChWaS advertised On TV.A. that B. WhiCh C. as D. it27.1 Can n ever forget the dayWe WOrked together and the dayWe SPe nt together.A. Whe n; WhiCh B. which; Whe n C. what; that D. On which; Whe n28. The Wayhe looks at problems is wrong.A. WhiCh B. who

23、se C. What D./29. This is the reas Onhe did n't come to the meet ing.A. i n WhiCh B. With WhiCh C. that D. for WhiCh30. This mach ine,for many years, is still worki ng perfectly.A. after WhiCh I have looked B. WhiCh I have looked afterC. that I have looked after D. I have looked after31. The rea

24、s Onhe did n't come WaShe WaS ill.A. why; that B.that;Why C. for that;that D.for which;What32. He is working hard,will make him PaSS the final exam.A.that B.which C.for WhiCh D.who33. That is not the WayI do it.A./ B.which C.for WhiCh D.with WhiCh34.1 have two grammars,are of great use.A. all of

25、 WhiCh B. either of WhiCh C. both of that D. both of WhiCh35.1 Want to USe the Same toolsUSed in your factory a few days ago.A. as WaS B. WhiCh WaS C. as Were D. WhiCh36. My n eigh bours USed to give me a hand in time of trouble,WaS Very ki nd of them.A. who B. WhiCh C. that D. it37. This is the mag

26、az ineI COPied the paragraph.A. that B. WhiCh C. from that D. from WhiCh38. He is not SUCh a manwould leave his work half done.A. that B. WhiCh C. who D. as39. You Can depe nd On WhateVer PrOmiSehe makes.A. / B. Why C. Whe n D. whose40. Smok ing,is a bad habit, is, however, popular.A. that B. WhiCh

27、C. it D. though41. - Did you ask the guardhappe ned?-Yes, he told me allhe kn ew.A. what; that B. what; What C. which; WhiCh D. that; that42. I shall n ever forget those yearsI lived On the farm Withthe farmers,has a great effect on my life.A. Whe n; who B. that; WhiCh C. which; that D. Whe n; WhiCh

28、43. The nu mber of the people whoCarSin CreaS ing.A. owns; are B. owns; is C. own; is D. own; are44. DUring the days, he WOrked as a SerVa nt at the Brow ns.A. followed B. following C. to follow D. that followed45. IS OXygen the only gashelps fire burn? A. that B. / C. WhiCh D. it46. The CIeVer boy

29、made a hole in the wall, he could SeeWaS going On inSidehouse.A. which; What B. through which; What C. through that; What D. what; that47. ISsome Germa n friends ViSited last week?A. this school B. this the school C. this school One D. this school Where48. Joh n got beate n in the game,had bee n exp

30、ected.A. as B. that C. What D. who49. I have bought two ballpe ns,WriteS well.A. none of them B. n either of them C. n either of WhiCh D. none of WhiCh50. All that Can be eate neate n up.A. are being B. has bee n C. had bee n D. have bee n 高中總復(fù)習(xí)英語定語從句專項練習(xí)卷參考答案1.答案:C解析:Where在此處引導(dǎo)定語從句。2. 答案:B解析:本題考查定語

31、從句。that引導(dǎo)的定語從句又在從句中作SPend的賓語。3. 答案:D解析:由四個選項知該空格應(yīng)填入定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞,此句意義為:people Were eaten by thetiger in the SCene ,所以先行詞 SCene應(yīng)該與介詞 in 搭配。4. 答案:A解析:關(guān)系副詞 Where引導(dǎo)定語從句,修飾 trousers,并在定語從句中作地點狀語。全句意 思為:在她擦手的褲子上留下了污跡。5. 答案:D解析:從句意看,本題考查定語從句的用法,故首先排除C項。由于When在定語從句中只能作時間狀語,而題干中的定語從句缺主語,因而排除B項;as與WhiCh引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句時

32、,WhiCh引導(dǎo)的定語從句只能放在主句之后,而as引導(dǎo)的定語從句可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,其中as表示 正如那樣” as is often the CaSe為固定詞組,意為這是常用的事;正如常見的情形”。全句意思為 正如平常一樣,我們已經(jīng)制訂出了工作計劃”。最佳答案D。6.答案:BB項。全句意思解析:由題干的結(jié)構(gòu)及內(nèi)容看,逗號之前,應(yīng)為非限制性定語從句,故選 為:正如報紙上報道的那樣,兩國之間的談判取得了進(jìn)展?!比暨xA項,此句應(yīng)為:It is reported in the n ewspaper that talks betwee n the two.若選D項,此句應(yīng)為:What is

33、 reported in the n ewspaper is that talks betwee n the two.7.答案:D解析:whose誰的,“有許多人,他們的上網(wǎng)活動只是發(fā)送和接收電子郵件?!?amp;答案:A解析:考查定語從句。Where引導(dǎo)的定語從句,在從句中作狀語。9. 答案:C解析:考查定語從句。through 為介詞提前,構(gòu)成 go to the wild through.。10. 答案:A解析:句子成分分析。第一個that引導(dǎo)賓語從句,第二個that引導(dǎo)定語從句,修飾 thelittle 。11. 答案:D解析:考查定語從句和省略。句中省略了they Wa nt;in

34、WhiCh引導(dǎo)定語從句在從句中作地點狀語。12. 答案:C解析:“在這部電影中”斯皮爾伯格用了真實的演員而不是玩具,故用in WhiCh引導(dǎo)定語從句。13. 答案:A解析:考查定語從句。all為先行詞,關(guān)系代詞用that。14. 答案:D解析:考查非限制性定語從句;WhiCh引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句指代前面整句話的意義。15. 答案:D的前面”。解析:考查非限制性定語從句。in front of WhiCh16. 答案:A解析:考查定語從句。Where引導(dǎo)定語從句修飾先行詞at the Point 。17. 答案:B解析:考查定語從句及省略。完整形式為:There is no One else (

35、that/WhO)She Can turnto;turn to sb.求助于某人。18. 答案:B解析:題意是“前年,東南亞部分地區(qū)遭遇了洪水災(zāi)害,至今人們還在受此影響”。由題中的逗號可以判定出句子的后半部分是一個非限制性定語從句,先行詞是floods。從句子的結(jié)構(gòu)可看出,定語從句中只缺少定語,也就是說,先行詞在從句中充當(dāng)定語,所以引導(dǎo)詞要 用 WhOSeO19. 答案:B解析:本題考查定語從句;Where引導(dǎo)定語從句,又在從句中作地點狀語。20. 答案:B解析:Where引導(dǎo)定語從句,what引導(dǎo)賓語從句。“在公司里我可以用到我所學(xué)的知識”。21. 答案:D解析:Where引導(dǎo)定語從句,在從

36、句中作狀語,相當(dāng)于 in WhiCh 。22. 答案:A解析:as引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句,表示“正如”,并在定語從句中作主語。23. 答案:A解析:后半句為非限制性定語從句,WhiCh指代前一分句的內(nèi)容 ConSider Sb to be。24. 答案:C解析:含有together With的介詞短語只對主語起補充說明作用,對謂語動詞不產(chǎn)生任何影響。Where引導(dǎo)定語從句,Where在從句中作狀語。25. 答案:C解析:本題考查定語從句。關(guān)系副詞在定語從句中作地點狀語。本句中around作定語修飾a gas StatiO n。26. 答案:B解析:本題考查冠詞和定語從句的用法。time作“次數(shù)”

37、解時,后接關(guān)系代詞that弓I導(dǎo)的定語從句,即: This/It is the first/second.timethat+ 從句;time 作“一段時光(時期)”解時,其前用不定冠詞,其后接關(guān)系副詞 When引導(dǎo)的定語從句,構(gòu)成:There was/is a time When.。故選B。全句意思為:有這么一段時間,我不想去上學(xué)。27. 答案:A解析:第二空是強調(diào)句型,強調(diào)的是狀語in the Very house 。house后是定語從句,從句缺少主語,用that或WhiCh引導(dǎo);由于house前有the Very 修飾,故只能用that引導(dǎo)。28. 答案:C解析:在 sb.do What

38、 OneCan to do 結(jié)構(gòu)中 What OneCan 是賓語從句, What后不可再使 用關(guān)系代詞; 在 sb.do everyth in gall(that) OneCan to do中,that OneCan是定語從句,該從句中只能使用關(guān)系代詞that , everyth in g/allthat等于What;在以上結(jié)構(gòu)中 Can后省略了動詞do,動詞不定式作目的狀語。故選Co29. 答案:B解析:第一個定語從句缺時間狀語,因此第一空應(yīng)該使用關(guān)系副詞Whe n;第二個定語從句缺主語,關(guān)系代詞指代前面整句話,因此用WhiCh引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句。30. 答案:D解析:考查定語從句。wh

39、ose引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句,whose指代OUr life journey ,在從句中作定語修飾 days。參考答案及解析1. A. WhiCh用作關(guān)系代詞,在定語從句中作主語。2. C."和誰講話”要說 SPeak to sb.本題全句應(yīng)為 Do you know the manwhom spoke to.。 whom是關(guān)系代詞,作介詞to的賓語,可以省略。3. D. Where 是關(guān)系副詞,表示地點,在定語從句中作地點狀語。4. C. Whe n是關(guān)系副詞,表示時間,在定語從句中作時間狀語。5. A. WhiCh是關(guān)系代詞,在從句中作 forget的賓語。其他幾個答案都不能作賓語

40、。6. C.解析同第5題。7. A.解析見第3題。8. A.本句話的先行詞應(yīng)該是films,因此,關(guān)系代詞that是負(fù)數(shù)概念,其謂語動詞應(yīng)用復(fù)述的被動語態(tài) have been shown。如果句中的 One前面使用了定冠詞 the ,貝U the one 應(yīng)該 視為先行詞。9. A."談到某事物”應(yīng)說talk about sth. 。 about是介詞,其后要用WhiCh作賓語,不能用that o10. A. With WhiCh是"介詞+關(guān)系代詞"結(jié)構(gòu),常用來引導(dǎo)定語從句.with有"用"的意思,介詞 之后只能用 which,不能用that.

41、 With WhiCh在定語從句中作狀語,即he is Writing With a pen.11. C. in front of WhiCh即 in front of a farmhouse. Infront of WhiCh在從句中作狀語.12. D. With whom引導(dǎo)定語從句.with whom 放在從句中即為:my father works With theengin eer.13. D. whose 引導(dǎo)定語從句,在從句中作主語family 的定語.14. A. that引導(dǎo)定語從句,因為先行詞是all,所以只能選用that弓I導(dǎo).15. D. the Same .as 是固定

42、用法,as引導(dǎo)定語從句時,可以作主語,賓語或表語.在本句話中,as作從句的主語.16. D. SUCh as是固定用法,as引導(dǎo)定語從句時,可以作主語,賓語或表語.在本題中,as作表語.17. B. as作關(guān)系代詞可以單獨用來引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句。這時as所指代的不是主句中某個名詞,而往往指代整個主句的含義。as在從句中可以作主語、賓語。從句可放在主句后,也可置于主句前。在本句中,as作賓語.18. B. Li Ming enjoyed it Very much是主句,with whom I Went to the ConCert是定語從句.with whom 放在從句中為:I Went to

43、 the ConCert With Li Ming.19. C. as引導(dǎo)定語從句時通常構(gòu)成suchas或the Same-as固定搭配,其中SUCh和Same修飾其后的名詞,as為關(guān)系代詞,指代其前的名詞引導(dǎo)定語從句。as在從句中可以作主語、表語或賓語。SUCh修飾單數(shù)名詞時,要用SUCh a.,本題中SUCh books, SUCh直接修飾復(fù)數(shù)名詞.20. B. things和persons是先行詞.當(dāng)定語從句要修飾的先行詞是既表示人,又表示物的名詞時,其關(guān)系代詞要用that.21. D. who弓I導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句,who作從句的主語.22. C. two thirds of whom

44、即:two thirds of the 2,000 workers.23. D.先行詞PerSOn后有兩個定語從句,第一個從句省略了關(guān)系代詞 whom因為,whom作 從句中met的賓語,可以省略.第二個從句 who could do it.who在從句中作主語,不可省略.24. A. whose title引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句 ,whose title也可以說成the title Of WhiCh25. A. for WhiCh引導(dǎo)定語從句,使用介詞for,是來自于從句中的固定短語be famous for"以.而聞名".26. C.當(dāng)先行詞被SUCh修飾時,引導(dǎo)定語從句的關(guān)系代詞要用as. AS在本從句中作主語.27. A.兩個先行詞the day都是表示時間的名詞,但第一個空白處


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