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1、英語: Module1My First Day at Senior High學(xué)案( 2)(外研版必修1)I.Fill in the blanks with proper words.A. ReadingI live in Shijiazhuang, the 1 city of Hebei 2 . The teachers inmy new school are very3 and friendly and theclassrooms are 4 . Each room has a computer 5 a special screen, almost 6 big as a cinema scr

2、een.Our English teacher is Ms Shen,7 method of teaching is 8 like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.Some of us were 9 at first when we 10 ourselves to each other. Ms Shen gave us 11 and then we worked byourselves. We had a lot of 12.For our homework tonight, we have to write a descriptio

3、n of the street 13we live. I m looking14to 15 it.B. Cultural CornerDear Li Kang,How s it1? I thought I d write to tell you about2 theSchool System. Secondary school in the US usually 3 sevenyears, grades six 4 twelve. Ninth to 5 grades are high school. At the end of twelfth grade, American students

4、6 the high school diploma. Students need a high school 7 if they want to go to college.The school year is 8 into two 9, the first of 10 is September through December, and the 11 January through May.We have a long summer vacation! We start school at 7:50 am and we finish at 3 pm.II .VocabularyComplet

5、e these sentences, using a suitable form of the words given below.correct, encourage, enjoy, explain, fluency, misunderstand, progress, pronounce, bore, describe1. I have heard all his stories before, they _ me too much,2. His _ was so concrete, I felt I were there.3. She isn t Russian, but she s _i

6、n Russian.4. We like our English lesson because it is very _.5. As parents, we should give the children a lot of _ , so that they could get enough confidence.6.I m sure we ll make greater _ inishEnglwith the help of Ms Shen.7.To learn a language well, you should pay much attention to _ because it is

7、 the most important thing atthe beginning.8.He had an interesting attitude to _ he said it didn t matter if we made mistakes.9. We _ him at first we thought he wanted us to go out of the classroom.10. Ms Shen said it was important to think in English to learn it well, so she _ everything in English.

8、用心愛心專心1III 漢譯英:請(qǐng)將下列詞組,句子譯成英語。A.1.文科學(xué)科2.理科學(xué)科3.信息技術(shù)4.體育課5.與 相似6.與 不同7.換句話說8.渴望 9.取得進(jìn)步10.把分成 B. 1.李康對(duì)他新學(xué)校的老師和教室有很好的印象。2. 你能描述一下你對(duì)學(xué)英語的態(tài)度嗎?3. 我們班男同學(xué)人數(shù)是女同學(xué)人數(shù)的三倍。4. 美國高中通常包括九到十二年級(jí)在內(nèi)的四個(gè)年級(jí)。5. 一學(xué)年有兩個(gè)學(xué)期。6. 如果學(xué)生想上大學(xué),他們需要高級(jí)中學(xué)畢業(yè)證。7. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)英語中的閱讀理解最困難。8. 我認(rèn)為上沈老師的課我是不會(huì)感到厭倦的!9. 俱樂部成員每周放學(xué)后活動(dòng)兩到四次。10. 許多畢業(yè)生說, 他們對(duì)高中生活最好的回憶

9、是暑假期間他們和俱樂部其他成員在山區(qū)一起玩一起訓(xùn)練的那些日子。11. 期末考試中出了那么多的錯(cuò)誤使我很尷尬。12. 她因?yàn)樗暮⒆釉谘鐣?huì)上的不規(guī)矩而感到羞愧。用心愛心專心213. 因?yàn)槭孪扔屑s,我不能參加他的婚禮。14. 他們對(duì)我的態(tài)度表明他們很喜歡我。15. 你那樣跟她說話真是太不禮貌了。IV 單項(xiàng)選擇1.He has made _ progress that all of us want to learn from him.A. such a greatB. so great aC. a so greatD. such great2.The man always tells lies, _

10、 no one believes in him.A. so thatB. in caseC. in order thatD in order to3. Could you tell me how to get to the airport? I m sorry, _ I m a stranger.A. andB. butC. as D. so4.He gladly _ the offer to teach at the school.A. promisedB. agreedC. receivedD. accepted5.The lady said she would buy a gift fo

11、r her daughter with the _.A. 20 dollars remainedB. 20 dollars to remainC. remained 20 dollarsD. remaining 20 dollars6._ they _ in those hard years!A. How simple; ledB. What simple life; leadC. What a simple life, ledD. How simple a life, lead7.Junior High School students should change their attitude

12、 _ English when they enter Senior High School.A. to learnB. towards studyingC. to masterD. forgetting8. _ do you like the lessons of Senior High teachers? Lively and interesting.A. WhyB. WhenC. WhatD. How9. After supper we will study at school for _ 3 hours, reviewing what we learn in the day every

13、day.A. as much asB. as soon asC. as long asD as many as10. Who s the boy standing under the apple tree?用心愛心專心3 A boy _ Deter.A. is calledB. callsC. callingD. called11. As is known, China has _ population than _ of any other country in the world.A. the largest; thoseB. a larger, thatC. the larger; th

14、isD. a larger; it12. This school is _ our Junior High school.A. the three times size ofB. three times the size ofC. as three times big asD. three times as bigger as13. The date for the conference we had been looking forward _ at last.A. to comeB. to comingC. to cameD. to have come14. The progress Ma

15、ry has made _ physics studies is quite obvious.A. inB. forC. withD. about15 Mr. Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel.A. tired; tiredB. tired; tiredC. tiring; tiringD. tired; boredV.ReadingANNE S BEST FRIENDDo you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feeling

16、s and thoughts?Or areyou afraid that your friend wouldlaugh at you, or just can t understand what yougoingare through? Anne Frankwanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend.Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so they had to hide orth

17、ey would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her familyhid away for nearly twenty- five months beforetheywere discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said,set down “aseriesIdon t waoffacts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and

18、 I shall call my friend Kitty. ” Nowread how she felt after being in the hiding place for over a year.Thursday 15, June, 1944Dear Kitty,I wonder if it s because I haven t been able to be outdoors for so long that I ve grownabout everything to do with nature . I can well remember that there was a tim

19、e when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept mespellbound. That s changed用心愛心專心4since I was here. For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening inorder to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. Bu

20、t as the moon gavefar too much light, Ididn t dare open a window. Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs one evening whenthe window was open. I didnthe wind, the thundering clouds t go dowunstairstilthe window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening,held me entirely in their power ;

21、 it was the first time in a year and ahalf that I d seen the nightface to faceYours,Anne1. Read the passage quickly, and answer the question: Who s the letter to? When did she write it?2. Read again and choose the correct answers.1) Anne Frank and her family hid away for_.A. over a yearB. over two y

22、earsC. one year and a halfD. three years2)According to Anne, a true friend is a person_.A. that would laugh at youB. who makes you happyC. whom you can trustD. who could save your life3)Anne said that she had grown crazy about nature because _.A. she had always been soB. her interest in nature had g

23、rownC. she had been outdoors too longD. she had been indoors too long4)She didn t dare open the window when the moon was bright. That s because_.A. they might be discoveredB. her family might be disturbedC. it was very coldD. a thief might get into the room3. Discuss the questions:1) What would you

24、miss most if you went into hiding like Anne and her family?2) How would you describe Anne s feelings as she was looking out into the night sky?Consolidation1.Notes:The story took place in Amsterdam, Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied most of用心愛心專心5Europe. The Nazi Party r

25、uled Germany from 1933 to 1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If any persons known to be Jews were found, they would be sent to concentration camps farther east, mostly in Poland. Families were separated and transported in trains. For many days, they went without food

26、, water, sanitation or fresh air. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding, often with thehelp of non- Jewish friends. This is what Anne s familywhen Margotdid was told she must go to the railwaystation to be taken to a camp. Another Jewish family joined them in their hidin

27、g place in the attic of a house .Itwas very crowded there; Margot, Peter and, of course, Anne. Her diary shows that Anne felt she was the naughty one of the group since she was always being scolded. She felt she could not confide in Margot because her sisterwas always good. And she felt she could no

28、t confide in Peter because he was a boy. So she made a friend of he diary. Later, however, she did become closer to Peter and they took a liking to one another. Anne talks about their growing friendship in her diary.Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹(荷蘭首都)Netherlands荷蘭Jewish猶太人的;猶太族的pellbind ( spellbound, spellbound )迷

29、住;迷惑2. Learn and remember the parts in bold in the passage.3. Do the following exercises without referring to the passage. A. Phrases嘲笑_經(jīng)歷;經(jīng)受 _躲藏;隱藏_記下;放下;登記 _一系列;一連串 _故意 _面對(duì)面地_為了 _B. Sentences1)你是不是想有一位無話不談推心置腹的朋友呢?Do you want a friend _, like your deepest feelings and thoughts?2) 她說: “ 我不愿像大多數(shù)人那樣在

30、日記中記流水賬,我要把這本日記當(dāng)作我的朋友,我要把我這個(gè)朋友稱作基蒂?!盨he said,“ I don t want tot I w,antbu this diary itself to be my friend, and Ishall call my friend Kitty.3)我不知道這是不是由于我長(zhǎng)久無法出門的緣故,我變得對(duì)一切與大自然有關(guān)的事物都無比狂熱。I wonder if it s because _ for so long that _every thing to do with用心愛心專心6nature.4)比如,有天晚上天氣很暖和,我故意熬到十一點(diǎn)半不睡,為的是獨(dú)自好好

31、看看月亮。Forexample,whenitwassowarm,I_untilhalfpastelevenoneevening_.5)但是因?yàn)樵鹿馓亮?,我不敢打開窗子。But _, I didn t dare open a window.6)還有一次,就在幾個(gè)月以前的一天晚上,我碰巧在樓上,窗戶是開著的。Another time some months ago, I _one evening when the window was open.7)漆黑的夜晚,風(fēng)吹雨打,雷電交加,我全然被這種力量震住了,這是我一年半以來第一次目睹夜晚。The dark, rainy evening, the w

32、ind, the thundering clouds _, it was the first time in ayear that _.答案IA1.capital2. province3. enthusiastic4. amazing5. with 6. as 7. whose8. nothing9. embarrassed10. introduced11. instructions12. fun13. where14. forward15. doingB1. going2. American3.covers 4.to5. twelfth6. receive7. diploma8. divid

33、ed9.semesters 10. which11. secondIIVocabulary用心愛心專心71. bored2. description3. fluent4. enjoyable5. encouragement6. progress7. pronunciation8. correction9. misunderstood10. explainedIII漢譯英A.1 art subjects2 science subjects3 Information Technology4 Physical Education5 be similar to6 be different from7

34、in other words8 look forward to doing9 make progress10 divide intoB. 1. Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and classrooms in this new school.2. Can you describe your attitude to studying English?3. There are three times as many boys as girls in our class.4. High school in America usually covers 4 years, grades nine to twelve.5. The school year is divided into two semesters.6. Students need a high school diploma if they want to go to college.7. I find reading comprehension most difficult about English.8. I don t think I will be bored in Mr Shen s clas


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