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1、高考資源網(wǎng) 英語(yǔ):短文改錯(cuò)百篇練習(xí)三(41-60)審核人:lydia. xian41a kind of little car may someday take place of todays big 76 ones . if people drive such cars in the future ,there would be 77 less pollution in there air . there will be more spaces for 78 parking cars in cities . the streets will be less crowd . and 79 dri

2、ving will be safer as these little cars can go only 65 km 80 per hour . the future cars will be fine for getting round a city , so they will not be useful for long trips . little cars 81 will go 200km , before needing to stop more gas . if big cars 82 are still used along with the small ones , two s

3、ets of roads that will be needed in the future . some roads will be used 83 for the big fast cars and another roads will be needed for 84 the slow small ones . it is said that third such little cars 85 fit in the space now needed for one car the usual size .76. take placethe 77.would will 78.spaces

4、space 79.crowd crowed 80.正確 81.sobut 82.stop for 83.去掉that 84. anotherother85.third-three42dear bob,i must say that i do agree with you. though you find 76 something, but it doesnt mean it belongs to you. if you 77 can find who it belongs to, you should try to return back 78 it. im sure you would wa

5、nt someone to do same for79 you. once i found a beautiful picture. i wanted to keep 80 it. then i remembered see one just like it in an office. 81 i went to the office and found the person to who it82 belonged. the lady was very happy to get back and 83 gave me delicious apples. so you see, bob, i g

6、et two 84 rewards: one i could eat and another i could keep in85 my heart.yours,li ming76dodont 或者agreedisagree 77去掉but 78去掉back 79dosame, the 8081seeseeing82whowhom 83getback, it 84getgot85anotherone43mr zhang is over sixty years old. he has retired(退休).he is one of my respected teachers. he teache

7、s us76. chemistry when we were in senior grade one. he was old, and he77. taught us good. he tried his best to make his classes lively.78. mr zhang usually made good preparations for the lesson and was strict79. to us, too. whenever we made mistakes in our homework.80. he would ask us to correct the

8、m. at that time, i was used to be81. poorly in chemistry. mr zhang often helped me with my studies82. very patiently. with his help, i had made rapid progress and83. caught with the class. he is always very kind to every student.84. as an experienced teacher, he is respected and loved by all85. the

9、students.76teachestaught 77andbut 78goodwell 79lessonlessons 80towith 81was去掉 82poorlypoor 83hadhave(或had去掉) 84在with前加up 8544i cant swim because i have a strong fear of water.look back at my childhood experience, i think76. that three reason might explain the fear. the first77. reason is that i was

10、not allowed to go near the water78. when i was a child, for my mother had unreasonable79. fear of it. so, even as a child i was taught see the80. water as something danger. second, my eyes81. became bad ones when i was five. if i took off my82. glasses in the water, i couldnt see anything, but this8

11、3. increased my fear. the worst part of your experience 84. is that as a child i often see a neighbor drowned. since 85._then i have been more frightened.76. look looking 77. reasonreasons 78. 79. had后加an 80. taught后加to 81 dangerdangerous 82. 去掉ones 83. but 改為so 或and 84. yourmy 85.seesaw45most peopl

12、e who are ambitious and want to achievesomething live on stress. they need them. i like to use76 example from the animal world because there is a biological77 basis for what i say. if you take a turtle and force it to run with as78 fast as a race-horse, you should kill it. so its useless to say79 to

13、 a turtle type human what he must achieve this because his80 father was famous and his grandfather was successful. you cant 81 make race-horse out of a turtle. but the reverse is also true. if you82 are the race-horse type, as more efficient businessmen and politicians83 are, you have the urge to do

14、 many things and to express you. if84 you told not to do anything, you are under terrible distress.85 76themit 77exampleexamples 78run withrun 79shouldwill80whatthat 81right 82race-horsea race-horse83moremost 84youyourself 85toldare told46have you ever heard from the saying : all work and no play 76

15、 make jack a dull boy ? what this means is that if you study 77 all the times you will become a boring person . you must 78 go out and having fun with your friends , otherwise you will 79 lose him . no one wants to be friends with someone who only 80 talks about work and study .81 perhaps you have a

16、 confidence problem . please try remember 82 what the work you do is for yourself but no one else . you 83 do not have to compete with your classmates . no one could 84 be happier in studying seven days and seven nights in a week . 85 76. fromof 77.makemakes 78.timestime 79.havinghave 80.himthem 81.

17、 82. trytry to 83.whatthat 84.couldcan 85.happierhappy47deare abby ,how are you ? today ive got a wonderful news to tell you .76 i have offered a scholarship at a university in australia for my 77 further education . one hundred and twenty students took exam 78 for it , but only a few was chosen and

18、 i was one of them . however , 79 my parents are not happy about it . they are strong against me 80 going there . they say it is too far away that they will not see me 81 for a whole year and they are afraid of i will feel lonely . they 82 can't imagine a girl so young live alone . they advise m

19、e to study 83 in the capital instead . then ill be able to continue living with 84 them . how can i persuade them to accept the fact i have grown up ? 85 best wishesjane76去掉a 77havehave been 78examexams79waswere 80strongstrongly 81tooso82去掉of 83liveliving 84 85factfact that 48i used to love science

20、classall of them76 biology, chemistry, geography or physics. i think i 77 liked those classes because i felt that it helped me 78 understand what the world works. for example,79 when i was a child, the rain was a mystery. in one 80 class, i learned why it rained. i think science classes 81 clear up

21、mysteries. but then there is always more82 mysteries look into. what was my least favorite class? 83 that was math. after learn the basics of the subject, 84 nothing else seemed very practically to me. i never 85 saw how i could use it in my daily life.76classclasses 77orand 78itthey 79whathow 80去掉t

22、he 81 82isare 83mysteriesmysteries to 84learnlearning 85practicallypractical976on-by 77his-their 78consider-considers 79the man-the man who 8081get-get a 82刪去the 83that-those 84in- at 85less-more 49some americans judge success on the length 76 of his vacations . the man who gets a months 77 vacation

23、 each year consider himself more successful 78 than the man gets two weeks . many people want 79 to be teachers because it is teachers who can 80 get three-month vacation every year . some college 81 teachers who teach the three classes consider 82 themselves less successful than that who teach 83 o

24、nly one or two , or none in all . in short , the less 84 work americans do , the less successful they 85 consider themselves .50as is known, that is interesting to teach children to 76 swim while they are still babies. most the large towns in77 florida and california have already run particularly le

25、ssons for78 babies. the idea has quickly spread to europe from where,79 in several countries, special courses are now offered to80 the children who are from 7 to 24 month old.81 the first step is to have child get rid of fear of82 water. next, he is teaching to float in water. once he83 can do that

26、naturally and can swim with fear, the child can84 master the technique and push him forward through the water.85 76thatit 77the前加of或去掉the 78particularlyparticular 79from去掉 8081monthmonths 82child前加a 83teachingtaught 84withwithout 85himhimself51dear mr. greeni work in the friendship shop on zhongshan

27、 road76. where you have often come to buy things. the other day 77. if you bought a vase at our shop with your wife, i made78. the mistake about the price. you looked at two different79. price of the same vase, one costing 30 yuan and the other80. 21 yuan. you took the 21 yuan one so i accepted 3081

28、. yuan from you. i found my mistake only after you and 82. your wife have left. will you please come to our shop to 83. get in your change or to return your vase and get a 3084. yuan one instead? i apologize you for it. 85. im looking forward to your coming earlier.yours truly,wang hua76inat 77 78if

29、when 79thea 80priceprices 81sobut(and) 82myout 83have lefthad left 84去掉in 85youto52rowena and billy wrangler are model high school students . they study hard . they do extreme well on 76 achievement tests . and next year , rowena will attending 77 harvard university . billy , her younger brother , h

30、oe to go 78 to cornell . that makes rowena and billy different from 79 most students is that they dont go to school . in fact , 80 they've never been to school . since a kindergarten , they 81 have studied at home . neither rowena or billy feels as if 82 they have missed out on nothing by being

31、taught at home .83 as many of the more than one million people who receive 84 home schooling in the united states , they feel if they 85 have gotten a good education .76.extremeextremely 77.willwill be/attendingattend 78.hopehopes 79.that what 80.right 81.a kindergartenkindergarten 82.ornor 83.nothi

32、nganything 84.aslike 85.ifas if53did you enjoy yourself yesterday? i suppose you do. but id76 like to tell you what a bad day i had yesterday. nothing77 just went wrong. on the morning, my alarm clock didnt ring,78 since i woke up an hour late. i was in such a hurry that i burnt my79 hand when i was

33、 cooking the breakfast. then i ran out of the house80 to catch the 8:30 buses. this is the bus i usually take. but, you81 may laugh, i missed it of course. i am very unhappy, and scared82 as well because teacher hates the students coming late to school.83 so i ran three miles to school only to disco

34、ver that nobody84 was there. the school was quiet but peaceful. our classroom was85 locked. i realized that moment: it was sunday.(2)76dodid 77nothingeverything 78inon 79sinceso 80去掉第一個(gè)the 81busesbus 82amwas 83在teacher 前加my/the 8485butand54get a good education is more important today than 76 _ever b

35、efore .in canada mostly children attend public 77 _schools. public schools are mainly found by governments78 _through tax income. students in canada taught in79 _english and in french. the rests of canadian children 80_attend private schools, that are supported mainly by fees 81_paying by parents .b

36、y law ,the children must attend82_the school from age 5 to 16. there are several different83 _levels in the canadian education system .the first was 84_ called elementary schools ,which include kindergartens 85_ through grade 7 or 8.76.get- getting 77.mostly- most 78.found -founded 79. in canada-are

37、 80.rests- rest 81.that -which82.paying- paid 83.the school 84.was -is85.55yesterday we went to plant trees on the hill near to 76. our school. the boys were made dig pits(坑).the 77. girls were told to plant the young trees into the pits. 78. all of us worked very hardly. soon we were all wet 79. wi

38、th sweat.after the young trees planted, we 80. began to water it.the water was at the foot of 81. the hill. but we stood in line to pass pails(桶) 82. of water from one to other up to the hill. 83. we did not finish water the trees until it 84. was dark.though we were tired,we feel very happy. 8576.

39、第二個(gè)to去掉 77. made后加to 78. 79. hardly改為hard 80. trees后加were 81. it改為them 82. but改為so 83. other改為another 84. water改為watering 85. feel改為felt56a few months after returning the us from germany , i took76. part in a college course in french. since i have learned to77. speak german good in germany, i though

40、t that it might be78. interested to begin studying another language. at the first79. class, the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation exercise,80. in which he would say one word or two in french, and each81. student would do their best to copy. when he got to me, he82. kept having me to say more wo

41、rds, and i finally asked him83. why. “i find it great funs. its the first time ive heard an84. american speak french with a german accent.”he explained it. 85. 76returning 后加to 77have改為had 78good改為well 79interested改為interesting 80對(duì) 81one改為a 82their改為his 83去掉to 84funs改為fun 85去掉it57it was fine yesterd

42、ay. the sun was shining in the sky. i went boating by myself. i didnt take many76 friends with me because i wanted to row alone.77 i hired a boat and rowed slowly to the center of lake.78 a fresh breeze was blowing, fish was swimming and birds79 were singing. when i reached the center, i took up the

43、80 paddles(槳)and lie down in the boat. with the blue sky81 over me or green water around me i was extremely82 relaxed. over about two hours passed in this way before i83 knew them. i came back home very late. i didnt feel84 tiring at all, for i had really had a good time. 85 76manyany; 77rowbe; 78oflakethe; 79第二個(gè)waswer


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