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1、精品文檔名詞的所有格一選擇正確的答案() 1. This is ball.A. Mary and JaneB. Mary's and Jane'sC. Mary and Jane's( ) 2. dogs are on the grass.A. Tim 's and Peter B. Tim and Peter's C. Tim's and Pete'rs() 3. Whose bicycles are these? The'yre .A. Jimmy's and Tom's B. Jimmy and Tom

2、9;s C. Jimmy's and Tom ( ) 4. sister is an English teacher.A. Jim and Kate B. Jim's and Kate's C. Jim's and Kate D. Jim and Kate's 二用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. The girl under the tree is a friend of . (Lucy)2. They're(Mary) friends.3. Sue is one of my (friend).4. These (postman) coats are

3、green and big.5. What's his(sister) name?6. This is Chinese (teacher) office.二、選擇() 1. Room 110 on the second floor is the office.A. doctorsB. doctor 's C. doctors ' D. doctors 's() 2. The room is . They are brothers.A. Tom and Mike 'sB. Tom 's and Mike 's 精品文檔精品文檔C. Tom

4、' s and MikeD. Tom and Mike( ) 3. Excuse me, where is the?A. men's room B. mens' room C. men's rooms D. men rooms() 4. On the wall there is aA.China ' s mapB.map of China C.China map D.Chinese map( ) 5. This is friend.A. May 's brotherB. May 's brother's C. May's

5、brother of( ) 6. Those are houses.A. Mr. Smith and Mr. Zhang 'sB. Mr. Smith ' s and Mr. ZhangsC. Mr. Smiths ' and Mr. Zhangs D. Mr. Smith ' s and Mr. Zhang 's() 7. It is between the two cities.A. three hours driveB. three hour ' s driveC. three hours ' driversD. three hou

6、rs ' drive() 8. The post card is sent by .A. a friend of my fatherB. a friend of my father'sC. my father friend D. my father friend's 三 選擇() 1. It 'sa picture of family.A. Bob B. Bob 's C. Bobs' D. Bobs() 2 .Let's meet at 7: 30 outside the gate of_?A. the People's Par

7、kB. the Peoples' ParkC. the People ParkD. People's Park( ) 3 .This is mydictionary.D. sister's Mary'sA. sister Mary B. sister's C. sister, Mary's() 4. He went to _ shop to buy a shirt.A. a tailorB. the tailor C. a tailors D. the tailors'D. ten minutes( ) 5 .It's about

8、 _ walk from my house.() 6 .This is a book of _.A. TomB. Tom'sC. herD. him() 7. Will you show me _?A. ten minute B. ten minutes'C. ten minute'sA. a Beijing ' s mapB. map of Beijing 'sC. a map of Beijing D. a map in Beijing8.Before going to the museum, the students gathered atA. t

9、he school 's gaBt.ethe gate for the school C. the gate of the school ( ) 9. I have to see .A. that friend of Tom' s B. this friend of Tom C. a friend of Tom( ) 10. is on the second floor.A. The teacher ' s office B. The teachers ' officeC. The teacher officeD. The teacher offices() 1

10、1. Excuse me, how can I get to?Athe Shanghai's Railway Station B. Shanghai Railway StationC. the Shanghai Railway's Station D. the Shanghai Railway Station精品文檔( ) 12 .Joan isA. Mary's and Jack sisterB. Mary and Jack's sisterC. Mary and Jack sisterD. Mary's and Jack's sister)

11、13. What's yourname?A. fatherB. father'sC. fathers'D. fathers) 14. Thehandbags are over there.A. ladysB. lady's C. ladies'D. ladys's) 15. Theis Room 204.A. China teachers'officeB. maths teachers'officeC. English's teacher's officeD. Japanese teache'sr office) 16room is very clean.A. Mary and RoseB.Mary' s and Rose 'sC.Mary and Rose 's D. Mary' s and Rose( ) 17. This is bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much.A. Anne and


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