【品質(zhì)管理與管控 】CH9_第1頁
【品質(zhì)管理與管控 】CH9_第2頁
【品質(zhì)管理與管控 】CH9_第3頁
【品質(zhì)管理與管控 】CH9_第4頁
【品質(zhì)管理與管控 】CH9_第5頁
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1、建立和延續(xù)全面品質(zhì)的組織(詳細的教材收錄於CD-ROM中)品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制1n許下對TQ的承諾 n組織的文化和全面品質(zhì) n文化的改變 n立足於最佳的作法 n在文化改變之際員工的角色 n改變管理 n 建立TQ式文化的實施障礙 品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制2n延續(xù)品質(zhì)組織 n視品質(zhì)為一趟旅程 n學習性的組織 n自我評價的流程 n以自我評價為槓桿:後續(xù)跟催的重要性 n實施ISO 9000,Baldrige,和六標準差 n對未來的觀點 n品質(zhì)實務:Eastman的方式 n品質(zhì)實務:Honeywell合併分歧的品質(zhì)系統(tǒng) n個案:Green Lawn的寓言的寓言 通往品質(zhì)的黃磚路通往品質(zhì)的黃磚

2、路 Westerfield營造公司營造公司 品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制3THANKS!品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制4品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制5Selling TQ, Corporate culture, Baldrige core values, TQ vs. traditional management, Implementation mistakes, Best practices, Sustaining TQ 品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制6nReaction to competitive threat to profitable survivalnAn opportunity to

3、 improve71.Learn to think like top executives2.Position quality as a way to address priorities of stakeholders3.Align objectives with those of senior management4.Make arguments quantitative5.Make the first pitch to someone likely to be sympathetic6.Focus on getting an early win, even if it is small7

4、.Ensure that efforts wont be undercut by corporate accounting principles8.Develop allies, both internal and external9.Develop metrics for return on quality10.Never stop selling qualityTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制8nCorporate culture is

5、 a companys value system and its collection of guiding principlesnCultural values often seen in mission and vision statementsnCulture reflected by management policies and actionsTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制9nVisionary leadership nCust

6、omer-driven excellencenOrganizational and personal learningnValuing employees and partnersnAgilitynManaging for innovationnFocus on the futurenManagement by factnPublic responsibility and citizenshipnFocus on results and creating valuenSystems perspectiveTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 20

7、02 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制10nOrganizational structuresnRole of peoplenDefinition of qualitynGoals and objectivesnKnowledgenManagement systemsnReward systemsnManagements rolenUnion-management relationsnTeamworknSupplier relationshipsnControlnCustomersnResponsibilitynMotivationn

8、Competition THE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制11nChange can be accomplished, but it is difficultnImposed change will be resistednFull cooperation, commitment, and participation by all levels of management is essentialnChange takes timenYou

9、might not get positive results at firstnChange might go in unintended directionsTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制12nUniversal best practicesCycle time analysisProcess value analysisProcess simplificationStrategic planningFormal supplier ce

10、rtification programsTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制13nLow performersProcess management fundamentalsCustomer responseTraining and teamworkBenchmarking competitorsCost reductionRewards for teamwork and qualityTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF

11、QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制14nMedium performersUse customer input and market researchSelect suppliers by qualityFlexibility and cycle time reductionCompensation tied to quality and teamworkTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson Lear

12、ningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制15nHigh performersSelf-managed and cross-functional teamsStrategic partnershipsBenchmarking world-class companiesSenior management compensation tied to qualityRapid responseTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制16nSenior man

13、agementnMiddle managementnWorkforce17nStrategic change is broad in scope and stems from strategic objectives, which are generally externally focused and relate to significant customer, market, product/service, or technological opportunities and challenges. nProcess change is narrow in scope and deal

14、s with the operations of an organization. An accumulation of continuously improving process changes can lead to a positive and sustainable culture change.品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制18nStrategic changeBroad in scopeStems from strategic objectivesGenerally externally focusednProcess changeNarrow in scopeDeals with

15、 internal operationsCan lead to positive, sustainable culture changeTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 6e, 2005 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM04/16/0604/16/0619nTQ regarded as a “program”nShort-term results are not obtainednProcess not driven by focus on customer, connection to strategic busin

16、ess issues, and support from senior managementnStructural elements block changeTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTMRev. 04/16/06Rev. 04/16/0620nGoals set too lown“Command and control” organizational culturenTraining not properly addressednFocus on products

17、, not processesnLittle real empowerment is givenTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制21nOrganization too successful and complacentnOrganization fails to address fundamental questionsnSenior management not personally and visibly committednOvere

18、mphasis on teams for cross-functional problemsTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTMRev. 04/16/06Rev. 04/16/0622nEmployees operate under belief that more data are always desirablenManagement fails to recognize that quality improvement is personal responsibil

19、itynOrganization does not see itself as collection of interrelated processesTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTMRev. 04/16/06Rev. 04/16/0623nView quality as a journey (“Race without a finish line”)nRecognize that success takes timenCreate a “l(fā)earning organ

20、ization”PlanningExecution of plansAssessment of progressRevision of plans based on assessment findingsTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制24nUse Baldrige assessment and feedbacknShare internal best practices (internal benchmarking)THE MANAGEM

21、ENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制25nSystematic problem solvingnExperimentation with new approachesnLearning from their own experiences and historynLearning from the experiences and best practices of othersnTransferring knowledge quickly and efficient

22、ly throughout the organizationTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM04/16/0604/16/0626nManagement involvement and leadershipnProduct and process designnProduct controlnCustomer and supplier communicationsnQuality improvementnEmployee participationnEducation

23、and trainingnQuality informationTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5e, 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制27nMany organizations derive little benefit from conducting self-assessment and achieve few of the process improvements suggested by self-studynReasons:Managers do not sense

24、a problemManagers react negatively or by denialManagers dont know what to do with the informationTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 6e, 2005 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM04/16/0604/16/0628nPrepare to be humblednTalk through the findingsnRecognize institutional influencesnGrind out the follow-

25、upTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 6e, 2005 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM04/16/0604/16/0629nStart with a quality policy that identifies key objectives and basic proceduresnDevelop a quality manual to document the proceduresnUse internal audits to maintain proceduresnProvide adequate resourc

26、esTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 6e, 2005 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM04/16/0604/16/0630nCommitted leadershipnIntegration with existing initiatives, business strategy, and performance measurementnProcess thinkingnDisciplined customer and market intelligence gatheringTHE MANAGEMENT AND CO

27、NTROL OF QUALITY, 6e, 2005 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM04/16/0604/16/0631nA bottom line orientationnLeadership in the trenchesnTrainingnContinuous reinforcement and rewardsTHE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 6e, 2005 South-Western/Thomson LearningTM04/16/0604/16/0632品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制33nVisionary

28、 leadership nCustomer-driven excellencenOrganizational and personal learningnValuing employees and partnersnAgilitynManaging for innovationnFocus on the futurenManagement by factnPublic responsibility and citizenshipnFocus on results and creating valuenSystems perspective品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制34品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與

29、管制35Building and sustaining a TQ organization requires a readiness for change, the adoption of sound practices and implementation strategies, and an effective organizational infrastructure.品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制36Culture is reflected by the management policies and actions that a company practices. Therefore

30、, organizations that believe in the principles of total quality are more likely to implement the practices successfully. Conversely, actions set culture in motion. As total quality practices are used routinely within an organization, its people learn to believe in the principles, and cultural change

31、s can occur.品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制37Impatient managers often seek immediate cultural change by adopting off-the-shelf quality programs and practices, or by imitating other successful organizations. In most cases, this approach is setting themselves up for failure.品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制38Organizations contemplating change must answer some tough questions, such as, Why is the change necessary? What will it do to my organization (department, job)? What problems will I encounter in making the change? and perhaps the most important one Whats in it for me?品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制39品質(zhì)管理與管制品質(zhì)管理與管制40Num


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