



1、1 第一單元知識點一、主要單詞:do morning exercises 晨練,做早操eat breakfast 吃早飯have english class上英語課eat dinner 吃晚飯play sports 進行體育活動eat lunch 吃午飯climb mountains 爬山 go shopping 購物,買東西play the piano 彈鋼琴visit grandparents 看望(外)祖父母go hiking 去遠足二、主要句子 : when do you eat dinner?你什么時候吃晚飯?i eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.

2、我晚上七點吃晚飯。when do you get up? 你什么時候起床?i usually get up at 12:00 at noon.我通常在中午12 點起床。what do you do on the weekend?你在周末干什么?usually i watch tv and go shopping. 我通??措娨暫唾徫?。sometimes i visit my grandparents.有時候我去看望我的外祖父母。i often play football. 我經(jīng)常踢足球。sometimes i go hiking. 有時候我去遠足。三、 同義詞eat breakfasthave

3、 breakfast ,eat lunchhave lunch, eat dinnerhave dinner ,play sportsdo sports, usuallyoften 復(fù)數(shù)形式: policemanpolicemen policewomanpolicewomen 現(xiàn)在分詞: telltelling 第三人稱單數(shù): saysays 同義句: what do you do ? -what are you? 你是干什么的?四、表示頻度的副詞:always 總是,一直; usually通常,常常; often 經(jīng)常;sometimes 有時候五、以復(fù)數(shù)形式出現(xiàn)的詞組:visit gran

4、dparents plant trees 六、介詞后跟表示時間的詞語時,表示在某年、某月、某個季節(jié),某個時候(在上午,在下午,在晚上)用in;表示在某一天,在星期幾用on,在具體的幾點幾分用at. 七、 too 和 either 的用法區(qū)別: too 和 either 都是 “ 也” 的意思,但too 用于肯定句, either 用于否定句。第二單元知識點一、主要單詞:season季節(jié) spring 春天summer 夏天fall 冬天 winter 冬天swim 游泳fly kites放風(fēng)箏skate滑冰make a snowman堆雪人plant trees 種樹主要句子: which s

5、eason do you like best?你最喜歡哪個季節(jié)?i like winter best. 我最喜歡冬天。summer is good, but fall is my favourite season 。夏天是很好,但是冬天是我最喜愛的季節(jié)。why do you like summer?你為什么喜歡夏天?because i can swim in the lake.因為我可以在湖里游泳。why do you like winter?你為什么喜歡冬天?because i can sleep a long time.因為我可以睡很長時間的覺。三、同義詞: autumnfall 三單:

6、saysays ask asks comecomes 對應(yīng)詞: wake upsleep go to bedget up 同義句: what?s your favourite season? (你最喜愛的季節(jié)是什么?)-which season do you like best?(你最哪個季節(jié)? ) 四、 play with 玩雪, play in the snow 在雪中玩. 如果在橫線后面有the ,則選擇 in ,如果在橫線后面沒有the , 則選擇with. 五、like 后面不能直接跟動詞。如果需要跟動詞或動詞性詞組時,則需在like 后面加 to. 如果不加 to. 就要把后面的動

7、詞變成相應(yīng)的動名詞形式. 如: i like to swim =i like swimming. 六、當(dāng)表示某地某個季節(jié)的天氣情況時,要把季節(jié)放在前面,地點放在后面。其結(jié)構(gòu)為:what?s the weather like in 季節(jié) in 地點?第三單元知識點一、 主要單詞:january (jan.) february (feb.) march (mar.) april(apr.) may june july august(aug.) september(sept.) october( oct.) november (nov.) december ( dec.) 二、主要句子1. when

8、 is your birthday? 你的生日是什么時候it?s in may. 在五月。2. my birthday is in june. uncle bill?s birthday is in june, too.我的生日在六月。比爾叔叔的生日也在六月。3. is her birthday in june? 她的生日在六月嗎?yes.是的。4what?s the date? 是幾月幾日? june 9th .六月九日。2 5. what?s the date today? 今天是幾月幾日?it?s april 10th. 四月十日。三、主要知識點:1、關(guān)于月份:( 1)五月 may ,

9、六月 june, 七月 july,沒有簡寫形式。九月september 的簡寫形式是前四個字母加點sept.其他八個月的簡寫形式是前三個字母加點。(2)無論是完全形式還是簡寫形式,表示12 個月的單詞的第一個字母都要大寫。2、關(guān)于基數(shù)詞變序數(shù)詞。(1)一般情況下,直接在基數(shù)詞后面加th. (one , two , three 除外)。 onefirst , two second , threethird . (2) 以ve 結(jié)尾的基數(shù)詞,變ve 為 f, 再加 th. 如:five fifth , twelve twelfth. (3) 以 t 結(jié)尾的基數(shù)詞,直接加h。如 eighteight

10、h. (4) 以不發(fā)音的字母e 結(jié)尾的,丟掉不發(fā)音的字母e,再加 th.如nineninth. (5)以 y 結(jié)尾的整十?dāng)?shù), 在變?yōu)樾驍?shù)詞時, 將 y 變?yōu)?ie,再加 th.如 twentytwentieth .(6) 20 以上的兩位數(shù),變?yōu)樾驍?shù)詞時,十位數(shù)不變,只將個位上的數(shù)變?yōu)樾驍?shù)詞。如:twenty-one-twenty-first , twenty-two twenty-second , thirty-four thirty-fourth . (7)序數(shù)詞的簡寫形式為表示該詞的阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字加上該單詞的最后兩個字母,最后兩個字母要變成上標(biāo)格式。如:first 1st , second2

11、nd , third3rd , fourth4th . twentieth20th 3. 在回答 when is your birthday? 這個問題時,如果只說明生日在幾月份,在月份前用in.如 my birthday is in july. 如果要具體說明生日是在幾月幾日,則要把in 去掉,直接用is,或者在 is 后加 on。如 my birthday is june 9th. 或 my birthday is on june 9th . 4.注意區(qū)分兩個句子:what day is it today ?今天星期幾?what?s the date today? 今天是幾月幾日?5. 根

12、據(jù)要求寫單詞 : make (現(xiàn)在分詞 )-making. send( 現(xiàn)在分詞 )-sending. 6句子: how many birthdays are in october ? 有幾個人的生日在十月?there are 3. 7. my birthday is in february . (變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧?-is your birthday in february? 8. does she have a computer? 她有計算機嗎?當(dāng)?shù)谌朔Q單數(shù)和句子中出現(xiàn)了does 時,其他動詞必須使用原型。9、讀序數(shù)詞時,前面一定要加the. 如 october 1st .讀作 octobe

13、r the first. 10、同義句:who has a birthday in october?=whose birthday is in october? 第四單元知識點一、主要單詞:draw pictures 畫畫drawing pictures 正在畫畫do the dishes 洗碗碟doing the dishes正在洗碗碟cook dinner 做飯cooking dinner正在做飯read a book讀書reading a book正在讀書answer the phone 接電話answering the phone正在接電話listen to music聽音樂liste

14、ning ti music正在聽音樂wash clothes洗衣服washing clothes正在洗衣clean the room打掃房間cleaning the room正在打掃房間write a letter 寫信writing a letter 正在寫信write an e-mail寫電子郵件writing an e-mail 正在寫電子郵件二、主要句子:1. this is zhang peng .(電話用語)我是張朋。what are you doing?你正在干什么?2.i?m doing the dishes.我正在洗碗碟。i?m reading a book。我正在讀書。3.

15、grandpa is writing a letter 。爺爺正在寫信。brother is doing homework. 弟弟正在做作業(yè)。4.mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 媽媽正在廚房里做飯。5dad is writing an e-mail in the study. 爸爸正在書房里寫電子郵件。三、知識點:1、在電話中介紹自己時,可以用“it?s ”或者 ,this is .?。但是不能用 “i am ”或者 “my name is ”2.在電話中表另一個人接電話時,應(yīng)該說:“can i speak to ?”3、告訴別人接電話時,說:the

16、re is a call for you. 4、在接電話時請別人稍候說:hold on please.或者 please hold on. 5、動詞變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)在分詞(加ing)的規(guī)則:(1) 一般情況下,在動詞的后面直接加ing.如: playplaying cleancleaning drawdrawing cookcooking (2) 以單個不發(fā)音的字母e 結(jié)尾的動詞,去掉不發(fā)音的字母e,再加 ing . 如: writewriting come coming taketaking makemaking leaveleaving havehaving (3) 以重讀閉音世結(jié)尾的動詞,如果詞尾

17、只有一個輔音字母,則要先雙寫這個輔音字母,再加ing. 如: runrunning swimswimming put putting sitsitting setsetting 第五單元知識點一、主要單詞fly 飛flying正在飛walk 走walking正在走jump 跳jumping 正在跳run 跑 running正在跑3 swim游泳swimming正在游climb 爬 climbing正在爬fight 打架 fighting正在打架swing 蕩秋千 swinging 正在蕩秋千drink water 喝水 drinking water正在喝水二、主要句子:1. what is i

18、t doing?它正在干什么?it?s eating bananas. 它正在吃香蕉。2. what is she doing?她正在干什么?she is jumping.她正在跳。3. what are they doing?它們正在干什么?they are swimming. 它們不瞅正在游泳。they are climbing trees.它們正在爬樹。三、主要知識點:1、在英語中,當(dāng)表示媽媽時,無論是人類媽媽還是動植物的媽媽,都可以用she .而表示嬰兒時,也都可以用it. 2、系動詞 be 的用法:我是am 你是 are, is 跟著他她它。如果人稱是復(fù)數(shù),撲面一律都用are. 如:

19、 i am reading a book. he is cooking dinner. we are doing an experiment. are you eating lunch? 3、with除了表示和 一起外,還可以表示“ 使用 ”,如:that elephant is drinking water with its trunk. 大象正在用它的象鼻喝水。i am writing with my pen. 我正在用我的鋼筆寫字。4、當(dāng)句子中出現(xiàn)了can時,動詞一定要用原形。如: can tigers really swim? i can wash the clothes.我會洗衣服。

20、i am washing clothes.我正在洗衣服。5、can , usually , often , sometimes , always 這幾個單詞都是一般現(xiàn)在時的好朋友,當(dāng)句子中出現(xiàn)了它們時,動詞一般都要用原形。now, am , is , are 這幾個單詞都是現(xiàn)在進行時的好朋友,當(dāng)句子中出現(xiàn)了它們時,動詞要用現(xiàn)在分詞形式,也就是ing 形式。第六單元知識點一、主要單詞pick up leaves 采摘樹葉picking up leaves 正在采摘樹葉catch butterflies 捉蝴蝶catching butterflies 正在捉蝴take pictures 照相taking pictures 正在照相watch insects 觀察昆蟲watching insects 正在觀察昆蟲do an experiment 做實驗doing an experiment 正在做實驗have a picnic舉行野餐having a picnic正在舉行野餐count insects 數(shù)昆蟲counting insects 正在數(shù)昆蟲write a report 寫報告writing a report 正在寫報告collect leaves 收集樹葉collecting leaves 正在收


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