



1、2017 托福閱讀模擬訓(xùn)練試題及答案( 三 )備考生想要快速提升托福閱讀成績的最好辦法就是大量的做練習(xí)題,為了解決同學(xué)們找閱讀題的煩惱,本欄目小編特意從資料庫中選取出一部分 2017 托福閱讀模擬訓(xùn)練試題。只要大家在考試前不斷的練習(xí)這些題,就一定可以穩(wěn)步提升自己的托福閱讀成績。這次小編給大家找來的二冊2017 托福閱讀模擬訓(xùn)練試題有些難度!考生準(zhǔn)備好去征服它們了嗎?Sports CommentaryOne of the most interesting and distinctive of all uses of language is commentary. An oral reportin

2、gofongoingactivity,commentary is used insuch publicarenasas politicalceremonies, parades,funerals,fashionshows and cookingdemonstrations.The most frequentlyoccurringtype ofcommentary may be thatconnectedwithsports and games. Insports there are two kinds of commentary,and both are often usedfor the s

3、ame sporting event.“play-by-play ” commentary narrates the sports event, while“coloradding ” or“color ” commentary provides the audience with pre-event background, during-eventinterpretation, and post-event evaluation. Color commentary is usually conversational in style andcan be a dialogue with two

4、 or more commentators.Play-by-play commentary is of interest to linguists because it is unlike other kinds of narrative,which aretypicallyreportedinpast tense.Play-by-playcommentary is reportedinpresenttense.Someexamples are “he takesthe leadby four ” and “shesin position.” One linguistcharacterizes

5、radioplay-by-play commentaryas “a monologuedirectedatan unknown,unseen mass audiencewho voluntarilychoosetolistenand provideno feedbackto the speaker. ” Itisthesecharacteristicsthatmake thiskind of commentary unlike any other type of speech situation.The chief feature of play-by-play commentary is a

6、 highly formulaic style of presentation. There isdistinctivegrammar notonlyintheuse ofthepresenttense butalso in the omission of certainelementsofsentencestructure.For example“Smithinclose ” eliminatesthe verb,as some newspaperheadlinesdo.Anotherexample is invertedword order,as in“overat thirdis Joh

7、nson. ” Play -by-playcommentaryisveryfluent,keepingup withthepace ofthe action.The rateissteadyand thereislittlesilence.The structure of the commentary is cyclical, reflecting the way most games consist of recurringsequences of short activities-as in tennis and baseball-or a limited number of activi

8、ty options-asin the various kinds of football. In racing, the structure is even simpler, with the commentatorinforming the listener of the varying order of the competitors in a“state of play” summary, whichis crucial for listeners or viewers who have just tuned in.1、 Which of the following statement

9、s is true of color commentary?A、 It narrates the action of the event in real time, using the present tense.B、 It is a monologue given to an audience that does not respond to the speaker.C、 It is steady and fluent because it must keep up with the action of the event.D、 It gives background on the even

10、t, and interprets and evaluates the event.2、 Why does the author quote a linguist in paragraph 2?A、 To describe the uniqueness of radio play-by-playB、 To show how technical sports commentary isC、 To give examples of play-by-play commentaryD、 To criticize past trends in sports commentary3、 Itcan be i

11、nferred from thepassage that theauthor most likely agrees withwhich ofthe followingstatements about sports commentary?A、 Color commentary is more important than play-by-play commentaryB、 Sports commentators do not need special knowledge of the sport.C、 Commentary enhances the excitement and enjoymen

12、t of sports.D、 Sports commentators should work hard to improve their grammar.答案: 1、 D; 2、 A;3、 Cpage 模擬題二 /pageTHE QUEEN ANNE HOUSEThe house style that dominated American housing during the 1880s and 1890s was known as Queen Anne,a curious name for an American style. The name was, in fact, a histori

13、cal accident, originating withfashionable architects in Victorian England who coined it with apparently no reason other than itspleasingsound.The Queen Anne stylewas loosely based on medievalstructuresbuiltlongbefore1702,the beginning year of Queen Annes reign.A distinctive characteristic found in m

14、ost Queen Anne houses is the unusual roof shape - a steeplypitched, hipped central portion with protruding lower front and side extensions that end in gables.It is often possible to spot these distinctive roof forms from several blocks away. Another featureofthisstyleisthedetailing,shown inthewood s

15、hingle sidingcutinto fancifuldecorativepatternsofscallops,curves,diamonds,or triangles.Queen Anne housesarealmostalwaysasymmetrical.If youdraw an imaginary line down the middle of one, you will see how drastically different the right andleft sides are, all the way from ground level to roof peak. A f

16、inal characteristic is the invitingwraparound porchthatincludesthefrontdoor area and then extendsaroundtoeithertherightorleftside of the house.Queen Anne houses faded from fashion early in the twentieth century as the publics taste shiftedtoward the more modern Prairie and Craftsman style houses. To

17、day, however, Queen Anne houses are favorite symbols of the past, painstakingly and lovingly restored by old-house buffs and reproducedby builders who give faithful attention to the distinctive shapes and detailing that were first popularized more than one hundred years ago.1、 Why does the author us

18、e the word curious in describing the name of an American style?A、 he style was invented before Queen Annes reign.B、 The name was accidentally misspelled.C、 The style was more popular in Victorian England.D、 The name did not originate in American.2、 The word it in paragraph 1 refers toA、 styleB、 nameC、 accidentD、 England3、 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic feature of Q


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