1、Also,pay attenti on toa pplyw hatthey havel earne d, consciouslyst udyresults int o pla nni ngwork,new idea礦山地質(zhì)環(huán)境調(diào)查技術(shù)要求前言礦山地質(zhì)環(huán)境調(diào)查應(yīng)以“國土資源的保護(hù)和管理必須嚴(yán)而又嚴(yán)”“在保護(hù)中開發(fā),開發(fā)中保護(hù)”為指導(dǎo),依據(jù)礦產(chǎn)資源法 、 環(huán)境保護(hù)法 、 土地管理法、 土地復(fù)墾規(guī)定和 國務(wù)院關(guān)于加強(qiáng)礦山環(huán)境保護(hù)工作的通知、 國土資源部關(guān)于加強(qiáng)礦山生態(tài)環(huán)境保護(hù)工作的通知、 國土資源部關(guān)于加強(qiáng)對(duì)礦產(chǎn)資源開發(fā)利用方案審查的通知等法律、法規(guī)、規(guī)章,針對(duì)礦山環(huán)境狀況和特點(diǎn),制定本技術(shù)要求。本
2、技術(shù)要求主要內(nèi)容:范圍、定義、總則、工作程序、精度要求、工作原則和方法、報(bào)告編寫要求和附錄。本技術(shù)要求規(guī)定礦山地質(zhì)環(huán)境調(diào)查的各項(xiàng)技術(shù)要求。本技術(shù)要求的附錄A、附錄R附錄C是提示的附錄;本技術(shù)要求組織單位:河北省國土資源廳本技術(shù)要求起草單位:河北省地質(zhì)環(huán)境監(jiān)測(cè)總站本技術(shù)要求主要起草人:張洪波 陳吉才 徐建芳 肖桂珍 顧福計(jì) 王淑云 羅靖筠本技術(shù)要求由國土資源部地質(zhì)環(huán)境司提出并歸口。本技術(shù)要求由國土資源部地質(zhì)環(huán)境司負(fù)責(zé)解釋。ewmeasuresto promote work,t hecouraget o takeresponsibility,dare to break hard toe nsure
3、 di strict, Governme ntde cisi ons andarrangeme ntsto impl ement.(B) stre ngthening supervisi on, severelypuni shacts ofviolation.One istoope nthe cha nnels ofsupervision. V igorously promotet he partyaffairs publ ic, ope n,wi dely acce pted s upervisi on by the masses, payattention tosoci algroupsa
4、 nd public opini onsupervision,thepowerfulforceformedto urgeparty m em bers a nd lea ding cadres properly exerci setheir powers. Se cond, strong supervisi on a nd inspe ction. Democraticlife intofull play, important briefi ngs, re ports relate d to personalmattersa nd eval uationofca dres 'st ud
5、y ofinner-party supervisorysystem,acompre hensive graspofgui deli nes for theimplementation ofthei ndependent Commissionagainst corrupti on-related casesofleadi ng cadres ofparty membe rs,focusonstrengt heni ng key areas ofprojectselecti on,f unding, officials monitor, detectand rectifythepr oblem,p
6、romote hone sty in politics. Thir d,strengt hen discipli naryinvestigation.Seriously t heimpleme ntation ofJI.gyouavne,rnamentn increcausleturalofc1o7n.5s%truc;tiloocn,alagnodveefrfnecmtievelyednutcagteentehraelbroa budgetrevenueodf5m0a0ssmeillionsYoufaparty membenr, . sPaainntdica ngd,rmesodaenldcc
7、uoltnusrecicoruesaltyersengewMulaatedbCehhuarvichorcaonmdmdiunitys,ciplinecr,eahtoinngesty iLake sncepnoiliticsc aspotncduclutultre e uretdouccraetaioten basae,groeocdeatmospihveerd higeh aenvadlfuraetsiohndfervomeloppmreonvtinecnivaliranondmmeunnti.cAilthoupgahl discipliwnee iInnsipmeplemencttiiomn
8、plCeommemission,the penotpaltei'osn independdeanilty speComcmiailsrsieport.oCnoangsatianstcornrtulyptpioronmguiote inddeeplienesndaesnptecCtosmmmaissi de hoanasgamiustnesftfeccotrirvuepnteionss,cubltuutraewcaoynfsrtormsupeurcition tororuorfarleeqxuteirnedmse,cntrseaaltesdoesetxaistsbmlishedusDta
9、ofdihlisntarnucrea,lminadinustrypePrfaorrkminandecepefor:ainsdesyntCommisstesim enougohn agaisnostuncodr,reudputicationcoun,lta undrepsouspietirovinssi,foromne,a nd dprhevaenstiasupopno,rat "senrvdicpeuloniwshmnt,daosupbelectexslcoenlglent-ter "mofmemcehmanbiers leasdmteaalmso,ceonsntaough
10、perfenctlty,eperfectspaeciallyinnd eestnarbollilmeshedntPbairdkwfuornkredgsasulsaettosrymaaspenagemcetnst,alasonenedvdilledagsetraeundgitthseupernviinsgi;II isorne,gand villualgaetorrsy supervidseiomnoecxriastitscflinaostncoifalY,usywsitemd,e,straengtnd loshteonfiYung Psaorkft,pianrvtestigya,tiaonn
11、idlleCghailef,andfidiscinpalincianl,afruyllcaspeubolfice,ffortpsoawlserfultoognueaeraded strneteesngthheansinngewru,rianldividucaolnssetructiocnt,orbyancditcyaruralsdtyrleesal sodiffecrleenatndgegreoeveerxnismtentistnresaptegcitift,nototno buennietfiltesdof heighntotevdaol,uaantidmesson.doTofhrpohue
12、gh thneoimmenon;Tplehrmeeenftoatrihonestownof honeosrtkaisndt chlee nesituations a nd new probl emsinfindingtimelyenough,treatment measuresarenot strong e noug h.Tosolvetheseproblems,wewill proceed fromthe followingfive aspects ofrectificati on,make sure t o impleme ntthe provisi ons of thecode.(A)
13、dee pe ning thelearni ng,e nhance the consci ousnessofhonestyi n politics.Tocreate eventas an opportunitytoExceland learni ng part y,further increasingt he gover nancecapa bility andadva nce dconstructi on, reinforce drul es ofthebroadmasses ofpartymembers and cadres a warene ss, senseof responsi bi
14、lity, sense of honor,improvew orking ability andlevel ofscie ntificdevelopment.Should make full use ofmeetings,i n parti cular centralgrouplearning opportunity,further stre ngtheningthe studyand education ofthecode,the intensive warni ng educati on,education themajority of partymembers a nd cadres k
15、nownfear,k ne wfear,honestyi npolitics oftension thestrings, consci ousne ssand enhanci ngthe implementati on oftheinitiative.Also,pay attention toa pplyw hatthey havelearne d, consciouslyst udyresults into pla nni ngwork,new ideas,1. 范 圍1. 1 本 技 術(shù) 要 求 規(guī) 定 了 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 調(diào) 查 目 的 、 任 務(wù) 、 內(nèi) 容 、 方法和程序。2
16、. 2本 技 術(shù) 要 求 適 用 于 固 體 礦 產(chǎn) 生 產(chǎn) 礦 山 和 閉 坑 礦 山 。3. 3 本 技 術(shù) 要 求 規(guī) 定 的 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 調(diào) 查 不 替 代 礦 山 常 規(guī) 的勘查和有關(guān)的評(píng)價(jià)工作。4. 定 義本技術(shù)要求采用下列定義:4.1 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 是 指 礦 床 及 其 周 圍 地 區(qū) 礦 業(yè) 活 動(dòng) 影 響 到的 巖 石 圈 部 分( 巖 石 、礦 石 、土 壤 、地 下 水 及 地 質(zhì) 作 用 和 現(xiàn) 象 ), 與 大 氣 、 水 、 生 物 圈 之 間 相 互 聯(lián) 系 ( 物 質(zhì) 交 換 ) 和 能 量流動(dòng),組成的相對(duì)獨(dú)立的環(huán)境系統(tǒng)。4.2 礦 山
17、環(huán) 境 地 質(zhì) 問 題 是 指 礦 業(yè) 活 動(dòng) 與 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 之 間 的 相 互作用和影響產(chǎn)生的地質(zhì)環(huán)境破壞和環(huán)境污染等問題。5. 總 則5.1 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 調(diào) 查 是 實(shí) 施 省 ( 自 治 區(qū) ) 級(jí) 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 保護(hù)和礦山地質(zhì)環(huán)境監(jiān)督管理的技術(shù)工作依據(jù)。5.2 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 調(diào) 查 是 針 對(duì) 生 產(chǎn) 礦 山 和 閉 坑 礦 山 環(huán) 境 保 護(hù) 服 務(wù) 的 基 礎(chǔ) 性 、戰(zhàn) 略 性 工 作 ,為 礦 山 環(huán) 境 整 治 、礦 山 生 態(tài) 系 統(tǒng) 恢 復(fù) 與 重 建 規(guī) 劃 提 供 基 礎(chǔ) 資 料 ,為 制 定 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 保ewmeas
18、ure stopr omotework,t he couragetotake responsibility, dareto break hard t o ensuredi strict, Governme ntde cisions a nd arrang ementstoimplement.(B) strengtheni ng supervi sion, severely puni sh acts ofviolati on. Onei stoopent he channels ofsupervision.V igorouslypr omotethe partyaffairspublic, op
19、e n,wi delyaccepted supervision by themasses,payattention tosocialgroups a ndpubl icopinion supervisi on,the powerfulforceformed tourge party member sand leadi ngcadre s properlyexercisetheirpowers.Second, strongsupervisi on and inspection.Dem ocratic life intofull play,importantbriefings,re ports r
20、elate dtopersonalmattersand evaluationof cadres'study of inner-partysupervisorysy stem, acom prehe nsive graspofguidelines forthe implementationofthe independent Commission againstcorr uption-related casesof leadingcadres ofparty members,focusonstre ngthe ning key areas of proje ct sele ction,fu
21、nding, officialsmonitor, detect a nd re ctifythe problem,promote hone sty in politics. Thir d,strengt hen discipli naryinvestigation.Seriously t heimpleme ntation ofJI.Recently,theCountyleading bodiesatt he county leveltocarry out"three trees" practice,w hich is toimpr ovethe governing abi
22、lityand pr omotingthe devel opme nt of XXeffective measure.Icarefully followy our deploymentrequirements,and actively parti cipatei nthe "threetrees"campaign.Read Group,pre paredbyt heDepartment inthe near future ofthe ideologicala nd politicalconstructionof leading ca dres in the cityread
23、er,readtherelevanti nformation, l arger harvest, i nspire d.Ithi nkthe a bility ofrepelling istostrengthen the party's gover ningca pacity in questionsofthe construction ofmeani ng,an im portanttopicremai ns in frontof party membersandcadres at all level s,we need to furt herexpl oreand ponder.T
24、he abilityof repellingt he namesuggests, isasking partym embers and cadresatalllevels inparticular, leadingcadres at all levels,notonlyourselve s,establ ish acorrectconcept of theindependent Commission againstcorr uption, politi calintegrity,self-discipline, rejecti onofcorruption,madeforthepeople,
25、pragmatic, honestlea dership,a nd strengthen thesense ofresponsibi lity,ear nestly implementthe responsibility ofuncorr upte d,impleme ntation ofthe ba oliana nti-corr uption measurestoensure t herealizati onof busi ness -building, constructionofa win-wintuation.Next, Icombined wit h theirthi nking
26、,experie ncea nd conta ctXXpra ctical, onhow to enhancethe ability ofrepelling,onfouraspe cts of cognition.Irregularities, pleasecomment.First,t heconstr uction ofthepropulsion system, andenhancethe system ofcorruption sincethe founding ofourparty, havebee nthinki ng abouttack ling corruption.Curren
27、tly,democraticlegalsystem, managementsystem andsupervision mechanism is notperfect,admini strative actsare notverystandardized, Enter prise behavi orand market behavior,corruption presents adiverse, pluralisti c, com plextrends,this shift thestruggle betwe enthetwo,willaccompany 3gyuovane,rnamentn i
28、ncrecauslteuralofc1o7n.5s%truc;tiloocn,alagnodveefrfnecmtievelyednutcagteentehraelbroa budgetrevenueodf5m0a0ssmeillionsYoufaparty membenr, . sPaainntdica ngd,rmesodaneldccuoltnusreci coruesaltyersengewMulaated beChahuvirchorcaonmdmdiunitys,ciplinecr,eahtoinnegsty iLake scnepnoiliticsc aspontdcuclutu
29、ltre e uretdouccraetaioten basae,groeocdeatmospihveerd hig heaenvadlfuraetsiohndfervom eloppmreonvitnecnivailra onndmmeunnti.cAilthoupgahl discipliwneeiInnsipmeplemencttiiomnplCeommemission,the penotpaltei'osn inde penddeanilty speComcmiailsrsieport.oCnoangsatianstcornrtulyptiporonmgui ote indde
30、eplienesndaesnptecCtosmmmaissi de haonasgamiustnesftfeccotrirvuepntei onss,cubltuutraewcaoynfsrtormsupeurcition tororuorfarleeqxutiernedmse,cntrseaatle dsoeestxaistsbmlishedusDtaofdi hlisntarnucrea,lminadinustry pePrfaorrkminandecepefor:ainsdesyntCommisstesim enouognh agaisnostuncodr,reudputicati on
31、 counl,ta undrepsouspietirovinssi,foromne,a nd dprhevaenstiasupopno,rat "senrdvicpeuloniwshme nt,daosupbelectex slcoenlglent-ter "mofmemcehmabniers leasdmteaalmso,ceonsntaough perfenctlty,eperfectspaeciallyinnd eestnarbollilme shendtPbairdkwfuornkdsreag uslsaettosrymaaspenagemcetnst,alason
32、enedvdilled agsetraeundgitthseupernviinsgi;II isorne,gand villualgaetorrsy supervidseiomnoecxriastitscflina osntcoifalY,usywsitemd,e,straengtnd l oshteonfiYnug Parksopfta,ritnvestigya,tiaonndilClehgiaefl,andfi discinpalincianl,afruyllca speubolfice,ffortpsoawlseorfunleteo guaraded strneteesngthheans
33、inngewru,rianldividucaolnssetructiocnt,orbyancditcyaruralsdtyrleesal sodiff ecrleenatndgegreoeveerxnismtenti strnesaptegctifit,nototno buennietfiltesdof heig hntotevdaol,uaantidmesson. do oTfhrpohuegh thneoimmenon;Tplehrmeeenftoatrihonestownof honeosrtkainsdt chlee ne situations and new probl emsinf
34、indingtimely enough,treatment measuresarenot strong enoug h.Tosolvetheseproblems, wewillproceed fromthe followingfive aspects ofrectification,make sure to impleme ntthe provisions of the code.(A) deepe ning thelearni ng,e nhance the consci ousnessofhonestyin politics.Tocreate eventas an opportunityt
35、oExcel and learni ng part y,further increasingt he gover nance capability andadvance dconstruction, reinforcedrul es ofthebroadmasses ofpartymembers and cadres a warene ss, senseof responsibility, sense ofhonor,improveworking a bility andlevelofscie ntificdevelopment.Should make fulluse ofmeetings,i
36、n parti cular ce ntralgrouplearn ing opportunity,further strengtheningthe studyand education ofthecode,the intensive warning educati on,education themajority of partymembers and cadres knownfear,k ne wfear,honestyinpolitics oftension thestrings, consci ousne ssand enhanci ngthe implementati on ofthe
37、initiative.Also,pay attenti on toa pplyw hatthey havel earne d, consciouslyst udyresults int o pla nni ngwork,new idea護(hù)規(guī)劃提供科學(xué)依據(jù)。5.3 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 調(diào) 查 要 求 基 本 查 明 礦 產(chǎn) 資 源 開 發(fā) 過 程 中 遇 到 和 誘 發(fā) 的 環(huán) 境 地 質(zhì) 問 題 對(duì) 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 的 影 響 與 破 壞 ,摸 清 底數(shù),做出現(xiàn)狀評(píng)價(jià)、預(yù)測(cè)分析。5.4 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 調(diào) 查 區(qū) 范 圍 不 能 局 限 于 礦 山 用 地 面 積 之 內(nèi),應(yīng)將礦業(yè)
38、活動(dòng)影響范圍作為調(diào)查區(qū)范圍。5.4.1 礦 產(chǎn) 資 源 重 點(diǎn) 開 發(fā) 區(qū) 調(diào) 查 區(qū) 范 圍 應(yīng) 包 括 區(qū) 域 地 質(zhì) 單 元和影響的流域。5.4.2 礦 區(qū) 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 調(diào) 查 區(qū) 范 圍 應(yīng) 根 據(jù) 礦 區(qū) 礦 業(yè) 活 動(dòng) 對(duì) 周 圍地質(zhì)環(huán)境的整體影響確定其范圍。5.4.3 單 個(gè) 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 調(diào) 查 區(qū) 范 圍 應(yīng) 根 據(jù) 礦 山 礦 業(yè) 活 動(dòng) 對(duì)地質(zhì)環(huán)境的影響和破壞確定其范圍;5.5 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 調(diào) 查 任 務(wù) :5.5.1 調(diào)查礦山地區(qū)社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)概況和礦業(yè)活動(dòng)。5.5.2 調(diào)查研究礦區(qū)地質(zhì)環(huán)境條件及其特征。5.5.3 查明礦山主要環(huán)境地質(zhì)問題及其影響與
39、危害 。5.5.4 調(diào) 查 、 總 結(jié) 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 保 護(hù) 和 生 態(tài) 系 統(tǒng) 恢 復(fù) 治 理 的經(jīng)驗(yàn)與教訓(xùn)。5.5.5 對(duì) 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 作 出 綜 合 評(píng) 價(jià) , 提 出 礦 山 地 質(zhì) 環(huán) 境 保護(hù)規(guī)劃建議。ewmeasure stopr omotework,the couragetotake responsibility, daretobreak hard to ensuredistrict, Governme ntdecisions a nd arrangementstoimpl ement.(B) strengt heni ng supervision, se
40、verely punish acts ofviolation. Onei stoopenthe channelsofsupervision.V igorouslypr omotethe partyaffairspublic, ope n,wi delyaccepte d supervisi on by themasses,payattention to socialgroups a ndpubl icopini on supervisi on,the powerfulforceformed tourge party membersand leadi ngcadre s properlyexer
41、cisetheirpowers.Second, strongsupervisi on and inspection.Democratic life intofull play,important briefings,re ports relate dtopersonalmattersand evaluationof cadres'study of inner-partysupervisorysy stem, acom prehensive graspofguideline s forthe impleme ntation ofthe independent Commission aga
42、instcorr upti on -related cases of leading cadres ofparty members,focusonstre ngthening key areas of proje ct sele ction,funding, officialsm onitor, detect a nd re ctifythe problem,promote hone sty in politics. Thir d,strengt hen discipli naryinvestigation.Seriously t heimpleme ntation ofJI.Recently
43、,theCountyleading bodiesatt he county leveltocarry out"three trees" practice,w hich is toimpr ovethe gover ning a bilityand promotingthe devel opme nt of XXeffective measure.Icarefully followy our depl oymentrequirements,and actively parti cipatei nthe "three trees"campaign. Read
44、 Group,pre paredbyt heDepartment inthe near future ofthe ideol ogicala nd politicalconstructionof leading ca dres in t he cityreader,readt herelevanti nformation, l arger harvest, i nspire d.Ithinkthe a bility ofrepelling istostrengthen the party's governingca pacity in questionsofthe constructi
45、on ofmeaning,an im portanttopicremains in frontof party membersandcadres at all level s,we need to furt herexploreand ponder.The abilityof repellingt he namesuggests, i sasking partymembers and ca dresatalllevel s inparti cular, leadingca dres at all levels,not onlyourselve s,establ ish acorrect con
46、ce pt oftheindependentCommission againstcorr uption,politi calintegrity,self-disci pline, rejecti onqofcorruption,madeforthepeople, pragmatic, honestleadership,a nd strengthe n the sense ofresponsibi lity,ear nestly impleme ntthe responsibility ofuncorr upte d,impleme ntation ofthe ba oliana nti-cor
47、r uption measurestoensure t herealizationof busi ness -building, constructionofa win-wintuation.Next, Icombined wit h theirthi nking ,experie ncea nd conta ctXXpra ctical, onhow to e nhancethe ability ofrepelling,onfouraspe cts of cognition.Irregularities, please comment.First,theconstr uction ofthe
48、propulsion system, andenhancethe system ofcorruption si ncethe founding ofourparty, have bee nthinki ng abouttackling corruption.Currently,democraticlegalsystem, managementsystem andsupervision mechanism isnotperfect,administrative actsare notverystandardized, Enter prise behavi orand market behavio
49、r,corruption prese nts adiver se, pl uralisti c, com plextrends,this shift thestruggl e betwe enthetwo,willa ccompany5.5.6 建立礦山地質(zhì)環(huán)境信息系統(tǒng)6. 工作程序工作程序框圖7. 礦山地質(zhì)環(huán)境調(diào)查與評(píng)價(jià)7.1 礦山地質(zhì)環(huán)境調(diào)查內(nèi)容:包括自然環(huán)境及社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)概 況、礦山基本情況及遠(yuǎn)景規(guī)劃、礦山(區(qū))地質(zhì)環(huán)境條件、礦me -Wk,the cge t t- on-biiy.ae tobeak ha srctGovea-pl-I B steghe”, supevisin, ey pu
50、uisac on. On hecanesof s_ev_on. V afais ,u'w y -ed supevs asses,pay -I- - formed touge pay member sa. eadi ng e>e th. powers. super on a Dmocatc lie ito u> ply, mportatbrieigs eports eaed tpesn. mates a. eva epaysupevsy sstem, acmprehensve br_ of Cmmisson a.ist casesofeadig cades ofpaymemb
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