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1、1TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingTECHNOLOGY STRATEGYDimitrios BeisGeneral Manager, Technology2TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingOverview Scope / Main Facts Technology Organisational Charts Technology Strategy Technology Project Office Technology Budget Planning Timelines Staffing

2、 Strategy Paralympic Games Strategy Challenges / Issues Lessons learned3TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingSCOPE OF TECHNOLOGY Provide a completely integrated & cost effective technology solution to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Satisfy the requirements of the ATHOC customers, the Ol

3、ympic Family and the worldwide spectators. Provide state of the art, yet mature, robust and tested solutions as the Olympic Games is not a platform to trial, test or introduce new and unproven technology services, systems or devices. Maintain Technology operations in venue transparent to Athletes, S

4、pectators, Media and General Public4TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingEXECUTIVEDIRECTOREXECUTIVEDIRECTOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS(President, Vice President, Managing Director, 3 Executive Directors, 11 members. Total 17.)Steering Committee(5 members out of 17)PRESIDENTEXECUTIVEDIRECTOR & COOM

5、ANAGINGDIRECTORSDEA Games Operations ManagementATHOC Organisational Chart5TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingTechnology Division Organisational ChartProject OfficeEquipment PlanningIntegration PlanningProgress MonitoringBudgetStaff PlanningInformation TechnologyManagerTelecommunicationsManag

6、erEnergyManagerVenue TechnologyManagerTechnologyGeneral Manager6TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingTechnology PartnersINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYTELECOMMUNICATIONS ENERGY 7TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingTECHNOLOGY STRATEGYAdopt a centralized management approach, via the Technology Pro

7、ject OfficeImplement “task force” teams to support the Venue Technology teams in venue planning & implementationUtilize the Local Market expertise (Telecommunications Sponsor, HW/SW/Admin Services Contractor) leaving knowledge and experience as legacy to the CountryEnergy Department as a part of

8、 the Technology DivisionVenue Technology Department to secure the delivery of Technology services to “customers” in VenuesDisaster Recovery Measures: SDC, back-up TOC, ensure power redundancyRecruit the “best” staff with the knowledge and talent to deliver excellent service regarding all aspects of

9、technology through planning, implementation and operations phases of Test events, Olympic and Paralympic Games8TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY Provide Information Diffusion (IDS), Games Management (GMS), Results Timing & Scoring Operations in support of

10、 Sport & Media meeting contract obligations Provide all reprographic (copy/fax/print) equipment & consumables Provide Administrative Network systems via ERP systems implemented for Doping, Logistics, Finance, Equipment Planning & Venue Operations Management of on venue IT operations in c

11、ooperation with Technology Partners and contractors for Print Distribution, Help Desk and IT Management & technical support of Games & Administrative network services9TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingTELECOMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY In cooperation with Telecoms Sponsors, provide secure

12、Games & Admin voice/data networks (WAN/LAN) solution, including all leased lines, structured cabling & active equipment In cooperation with Telecoms Sponsors provide all fixed, GSM, TETRA & wired telecommunications services and equipment to support Olympic operations Provide Cable Televi

13、sion network & equipment Provide all audio & visual systems & equipment supporting Sport Division & Sport Presentation operations Management & technical support on venue Telecom operations in cooperation with Technology Partners10TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingENERGY

14、STRATEGY In cooperation with energy sponsors & contractors, provide grid power services to support Olympic operations at all venues Provide Standby power (generator) to all critical Games systems and operational areas of technology, media & venue operations Provide all event/broadcast lighti

15、ng for competition venue field of plays (FOP) with two independent power supplies to each half of lighting fixtures Provide all uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) to critical technical & operational spaces of technology In cooperation with energy sponsors and contractors provide power management

16、 and technical support to all Olympic venues11TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingVENUE TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY Provide overall management of technology venue operations, acting as the single point of contact for functional area clients and technology partners & contractors during all phases

17、of the Olympic project Manage complete venue planning process for Technology for both Games and Test Events Manage integration of implementation works of all technology partners & contractors to ensure all technology systems and operations are delivered within agreed venue specific operational t

18、imelines Provide team of Venue Technology Managers (VTMs) with appropriate skills to manage the multi-discipline environment of technology at Olympic venues12TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingTECHNOLOGY PROJECT OFFICEProvide central management of resource planning, budgeting & support s

19、ervices that impacted on operations of all Technology Functional Areas: Technology equipment allocation requirements (TEAR) Staff planning & management Progress monitoring & reporting (IOC, etc) Budget planning & monitoring Support services (Accreditation, Parking, etc) Technology polici

20、es & proceduresManage overall planning for TOC operations with Technology Partners13TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingTECHNOLOGY BUDGET Technology total preliminary cost*387 million Including: IT 277 million Telecommunications 60 million Energy 50 million * VIK included14TM ATHOCATHOC T

21、echnology Debrief in BeijingTECHNOLOGY PLANNING TIMELINES ATHOC planning Technology Critical Milestones Technology Specific planning15TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingEvolution of ATHOC planning into fully integrated Venue Teams2001200220032004Model Venue TeamPlanning Teams(10)Proxy Venue

22、Teamsto runTesteventsVenueTeams(40)Functional Area Operations PlanningFunctional Areas (30)16TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingTechnology Critical MilestonesG-3years: Finalize strategyOrganize the Technology DepartmentsFinalize 1st version of Budget & staffing planG-2years:Finalize ORIS

23、 requirementsDefine the Technology projectsIssue the 1st version of the equipment allocationBuild the Integration LabFinalize the Technical part of the Sponsorship AgreementsG-1year:Participate in 12 Test Events and execute 19 Homologation TestsAssign group of venues to Venue Technology Managers2004

24、:Participate in 34 Test Events and execute 19 Homologation TestsFinalize TOC construction and operational planConduct Technical Rehearsals 1 & 217TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingTECHNOLOGY SPECIFIC PLANNING Maintained three Functional Plans (IT, Telecoms, Energy) Developed Venue Techn

25、ology Integration Plans 45 Project Plans for all Venues Total of 9000 activities incorporating planning, implementation & operations All sponsors/partners key activities incorporated and linked Central progress monitoring Monthly review meetings with the IOC and all Technology partners Venue Del

26、ivery meetings with the IOC and AOB (NOV03 JUNE04)18TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingTECHNOLOGY STAFFING STRATEGYMission StatementTo recruit the “best” staff with the knowledge and talent to deliver excellent service regarding all aspects of technology through planning, implementation and

27、operations phases of Test events, Olympic and Paralympic Games19TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in Beijing Effective management of staff planning necessitated the establishment of a core technology staff-planning group (TSPG) within the Technology Division One staffing Manager assigned per venue cl

28、uster responsible for the venue specific staff planning & implementation of ATHOC/Contractors staff and Volunteers Recruited Venue Technology Managers with engineering and project management experience Power managers assigned during venue construction periodMethodology20TM ATHOCATHOC Technology

29、Debrief in BeijingPARALYMPIC GAMES STRATEGY Include Paralympic parametres in all planning phases Keep the Olympic Games venue technology teams Utilize the existing infrastructure and equipment to support technology operations Simplify and minimize the amount of changes from the Olympics (Network, Ha

30、rdware, Power, Computer Systems, Staffing, Procedures) Extend the agreements made with Olympic Games partners/contractors, to cover Paralympics needs21TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingCHALLENGES On-time construction and delivery of venues Building a common culture among the Technology staf

31、f & partners Recruiting the “best” project managers for venues Budget constraints Smooth cooperation with Authorities Contract Management Co-operation with external contractors Managing customer expectations for technology equipment and services22TM ATHOCATHOC Technology Debrief in BeijingLessons LearnedGood Experience


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