1、工0復習提綱第一章 管理和管理學掌握管理的概念(含義、要點)了解管理重要性與作用,要解決的基本矛盾理解管理的職能(含義、相互關系)理解管理的性質,如二重性、科學性、藝術性了解管理學的研究對象和研究方法理解系統(tǒng)原理和權變原理理解管理者的類型與技能(三種技能的含義及對各類管理者的要求)第二章計劃職能掌握計劃的含義、計劃工作的內(nèi)容和計劃的作用知道計劃的性質與類型了解計劃的編制過程和常用方法,如滾動計劃法、盈虧平衡分析法理解戰(zhàn)略性計劃的概念與重要性知道戰(zhàn)略管理的層次和戰(zhàn)略管理的過程了解戰(zhàn)略環(huán)境分析的內(nèi)容和常用方法知道影響行業(yè)競爭的五種力量模型掌握swot分析法知道并理解三種基本競爭戰(zhàn)略(事業(yè)層)了解組
3、論了解組織變革的動因、內(nèi)容、阻力和克服方法第四章 領導職能理解領導的內(nèi)涵和實質、領導權力及其來源(不同的權威觀)理解人性假設理論了解三類(素質、行為、情境)領導理論的特點了解各種領導理論,掌握并理解領導方格理論、領導生命周期理論掌握激勵的概念,知道激勵的原理和過程模式理解并掌握需要層次論和雙因素理論及其激勵方法理解期望理論,了解公平理論、強化理論了解常用的激勵方法知道溝通的概念與作用,了解溝通的過程、障礙與克服第五章 控制職能掌握控制的概念與內(nèi)涵理解控制的過程,知道控制的類型理解實現(xiàn)有效控制的原則,掌握關鍵控制點和例外原則了解常見的兒種控制方法,理解全面質量管理的內(nèi)涵第六章管理理論發(fā)展概述知道
4、管理學發(fā)展的主要階段了解古典管理理論及中國古代管理思想的主要內(nèi)容理解科學管理理論、行為科學理論的主要內(nèi)容了解現(xiàn)代管理理論的主要論點和一些新的發(fā)展趨勢to要求理解知識點整理第一章理解管理的職能(含義、相互關系)管理的四種基本職能計劃一一規(guī)定了方向和任務:對組織未來活動進行的一種預先籌劃;組織一一規(guī)定了任務由誰去完成,誰向誰報告:為執(zhí)行計劃,形成并維持合理的分工協(xié) 作關系;領導一一調動積極性、創(chuàng)造性:指揮、影響、激勵和協(xié)調組織成員努力工作;控制一一保證目標和任務的實現(xiàn):確立目標、衡量績效、糾正計劃執(zhí)行中的偏差。協(xié) 調一一管理的本質與核心理解管理的性質,如二重性、科學性、藝術性管理的二重性:自然屬性
5、與社會屬性一一自然屬性:不因生產(chǎn)關系、社會制度和社會文 化的變化而變化,只與生產(chǎn)力發(fā)展水平相關的屬性。社會屬性:不同的生產(chǎn)關系、不同的社 會文化都會使管理思想、管理目的以及管理的方式方法呈現(xiàn)出一定的差別,從而使管理具有 特殊性和個性,這就是管理的社會屬性。管理的科學性:已形成一套反映了客觀規(guī)律的系統(tǒng)化的理論知識體系,為指導管理實踐 提供了原理、原則、方法。管理的藝術性:不僅是一種知識,更是一種實踐。理解系統(tǒng)原理和權變原理:見課本p41理解管理者的類型與技能(三種技能的含義及對各類管理者的要求)管理者(manager):是指那些從事管理過程的實現(xiàn),而且對組織內(nèi)的員工進行領導、 組織協(xié)調和監(jiān)督其實
6、施的人員。n技術技能(technical skill):指使用某一專業(yè)領域內(nèi)有關的程序、技術、知識和方法 完成組織任務的能力。n人際技能(human skill):指與處理人事關系有關的技能,即理解、激勵他人并與他 人共事的能力。n概念技能(conceptual skill):又稱決策技能,是指綜觀全局、認清為什么要做某事 的能力,也就是洞察企業(yè)與環(huán)境因素問相互影響和作用關系的能力。第二章一一計劃理解戰(zhàn)略性計劃的概念與重要性所謂戰(zhàn)略,是組織為了達到較長時期的總目標,通過對內(nèi)外部環(huán)境分析而做出的行動方 針和和資源使用方向的總體性謀劃和對策。重要性:應用于整體組織;為組織設立較反時期總體目標;尋求
7、組織在環(huán)境屮的地位理解并掌握目標管理法(mbo)的含義、實質、實施過程目標管理法:一種管理制度和管理哲學。由德魯克提出,經(jīng)其他人發(fā)展,逐步成為西方 許多國家所普遍采用的一種系統(tǒng)地制定目標并進行管理的有效方法。實質:所謂目標管理,是一種程序和過程,是一個全面的管理系統(tǒng)。即組織中的上級與下級一 起商定組織的共同目標,并由此決定上下級的責任和分目標,并把這些分目標作為經(jīng)營、評 估和獎勵每個單位與個人貢獻的標準。體現(xiàn):員工參與管理實施過程:目標的設置:確定總目標(互動、參與);目標展開、職責分工(明確、挑戰(zhàn)、協(xié)調)逐級授權;目標的實施:自我管理、白我控制;總結與評估:檢查;考核;獎懲; 反饋;制定新目
8、標并開始新的mbo循環(huán)第三章一一組織理解直線職能結構的特點缺點:不利于信息交流;職能人員間目標不易統(tǒng)一,缺乏全局觀念;不利于培養(yǎng)全面管 理人才;高層領導協(xié)調工作量大;剛性較大,反應遲鈍理解并掌握事業(yè)部結構和矩陣結構的特點、優(yōu)缺點和適用條件事業(yè)部結構:特點:集中政策,分散經(jīng)營優(yōu)點:高層管理者可擺脫tl常事務;提高事業(yè)部經(jīng)理責任感、積極性、主動性;事業(yè)部 專業(yè)化經(jīng)營,提高效率和適應性;權責明確,經(jīng)營績效易考核;利于培養(yǎng)高級管理人才缺點:需熟悉業(yè)務和具備全面管理知識的事業(yè)部經(jīng)理;機構、活動和資源重復,增加管 理成本;本位主義思想矩陣結構:優(yōu)點:利于加強各部門的橫向聯(lián)系;具有較大靈活性和適應性;提高了
9、人員的利用率。缺點:雙重指揮;難于協(xié)調;穩(wěn)定性差適用:產(chǎn)品品種多、變化大;以項目為單元;創(chuàng)新理解授權的待點和原則隨機性、分給人、長期或臨吋、領導藝術授權的原則:信任下屬,積極授權;明確目標,預期成果;權責對等;監(jiān)督控制;最終 職責第四章一一領導理解領導的內(nèi)涵和實質、領導權力及其來源(不同的權威觀)領導(名):是能夠對他人實施指揮和控制從而引導人們?nèi)ミ_成某一目標的影響力。領導(動):運用各種影響力,指揮或帶領、引導或鼓勵部下為實現(xiàn)所認知的目標而努 力的過程。實質:領導本質是一種影響力,即対一個組織為確立目標和實現(xiàn)目標所進行的活動施加 影響的過程。領導者的權力:是指影響被領導者行為的力量。領導者權
10、力的來源:n正式權限論:領導者的權力來自組織職位、上級授了n權威接受論(巴納徳):領導者的權力來自下級的認可n載舟覆舟論(魏征):“君,舟也,民,水也。水能載舟,亦能覆舟。理解人性假設理論經(jīng)濟人(economic man)假設社會人(social man)假設自我實現(xiàn)人(self-actualizing man)假設復雜人(complex man)假設第五章一一控制理解控制的過程限定子系統(tǒng)、識別特性確定標準:確定控制對象;選擇控制重點;制定標準。衡量績效:收集信息,檢查工作結果;將工作結果與既定標準比較采収必要的糾正措施:分析偏差及產(chǎn)生的原因;糾正活動或標準全血質量管理的內(nèi)涵:以顧客為中心;全
11、質量;全員;全過程;全方法;plan docheckaction數(shù)據(jù)結構前獻給工八的禮物一一歷屆管理學基礎復習提綱之工6工712 月 09 日 23:18工六整理1 management: the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling of humans and recourses to achieve organization goals efficiently and effectively.2. managers: the people responsible for supervising the use of
12、 the recourses of the organization to meet its goals.3. effectiveness: a measure of the appropriateness of the goals an organization pursuing and the degree to which they are achieved.efficiency: a measure of how well the recourses of an organization are used to achieve its goals4.man agerial roles-
13、a)in terpersonal. lfigurehead ii.leader. iii.liais on.b)in formati onal. lmonitor. ii.disseminator. iii.spokesperso n.c)decisio nal.i.entrepre neur. ildisturbanee handler. iii.recourse allocator.iv.negotiator5.managerial skills.a) conceptual skills.b) human skillsc) technical skills6. four functions
14、 of managementa) planning: identifying and selecting the appropriate goals and courses of actions of an orga nizatio n.b) organizi ng: structuri ng working relati on ship that allows orga nizatio n members to work together to achieve organization goals.c) leading: articulating a clear vision to foll
15、ow, and energizing and enabling organizational members so they understand their roles in achieving organization goalsd) controlling: evaluating how well the organization is achieving its goals and taking acti ons to maintain or improve performs nee.7. organization: people working together and coordi
16、nating their actions to achieve specific goals8. goal: a desired future condition that an organization seeks to achieve9. strategy: a cluster of decisions about what goals to pursue, what actions to take, and how to use recourses to achieve goals10. organizational structure: a formal system of task
17、and reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates organization members11. competitive advantage.a) effjcie ncy.b) quality.c) speed, flexibilityandinnovation.d) responsivenesstocustomers.12. organization stakeholders: shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, and others who have an inte
18、rest, claim, or stake in an organization and in what it doeseach group of stakeholders wants a differe nt outcome and man a gers must work to satisfy as many as possible.13 ethics: moral principles or beliefs about what is right or wrong.14 ethical decision models.a) utilitarian model.b) moral right
19、s model.c) justice model.15 practical guide to ethical decisions.a) does the manager's decision fall within the usual and acceptable standards?b) is the manager willing to pers on ally or ope nly comm un icate the decision with all affected stakeholders?c) does the manager believe that his/her f
20、riends will approve?工七(我的補充)16.organization structure: the set of forces and conditions that operate beyondorganizatiorfs boundaries but affect a manager's ability to acquire and utilize recourses.17 task environment: the set of forces and conditions that affect an organizatiorfs ability to obta
21、i n in puts and dispose of its outputs it con sists of its suppliers, customers, distributors, and competitorsa) suppliers b) distributors c) customers.d) competitors (barriers to en try: econo mics of scale and bra nd royalty create barriers of entry that deter potential competitors)18. gen eral en
22、viron ment: in elude the wide-rangi ng econo mic, tech no logical,sociocultural, demographic, political and legal, and global forces that affect the organization and its task environment.a) econo mics forces.b) tech no logical forces c) sociocultural forcesd) demographic forcese) political and legal
23、 forcesf) global forces.19. national culture: the set of beliefs, norms, values, knowledge and other practices that unite the citizens of a country.20. hofstedes model of national culturea) individualism and collectivismb) low power distanee and high power distanee.c) achievement orientation and nur
24、turing orientation.d) low uncertainty avoidanee and high uncertainty avoidanee.e) short-term orientation and iong-term orientation.21. decision making: the process by which managers respond to opportunities and threats by analyzing options, and making decisions about goals and courses of action.a) p
25、rogrammed decision making: routine, virtually automatic decision making that follows established rules or guidelines.b) non-programmed decision maki ng: non routine decisi on maki ng that occurs in response to unusual, unpredictable opportunities and threats22. decision making model:a) classical mod
26、el of decision makingb) the administrative model.i. bounded rationalityiiin complete information.1. risk and uncertainty.2. ambiguous information.3time constraints and information costs.iii.satisfcing 23. step in the decision making process.a) recognize the need for a decision.b) gen erate alter nat
27、ives legal->ethical->economical->practical.c) assess alternativesd) choose am ong alter natives e) impleme nt the chose n alter native.f) learn from feedback24. group decision making.a) groupthink: biased decision making resulting from group members striving for agreeme ntb) devil's adv
28、ocacy: a group member who defends un popular or opposi ng alter natives for the sake of the argument.c) diversity among decisionmakers25. three steps in planning.a) determine the organizationmissions and goalsb) formulate strategyc) implementing strategy.26. three levels if planning: corporate, busi
29、ness, and function al level plan.27. time horizon.a) corporate and business level goals and strategies require long and in termediate term plans.b) fun ctional level goals focus on short and in termediate term plans.c) most organizations have a rolling planning cycle to amend plans contantly.28. typ
30、es of plans.a) standing plans:usedinprogrammed decision situations.b) single-use plans: developed foraone-time,non-programmed issue29. qualities of effective plans. (fayol)a) unity.b) conti nuity.c) accuracy d) flexibility.30. corporate levelstrategies.a) concentrationon a single businessimarket pen
31、etration.ii. market development. iii.production development.b) diversificati on.i. related divers訐ication.ii. un related divers 訐 icatio n.c) inter national expa nsion.i.global strategyii.multidomestic strategy.d) vertical integration.ibackward.ii.forward.31. business level strategies.a) low cost st
32、rategy.b) differe ntiation.c) focused low costd) focused differentiation.32. goals for functional strategiesa) efficie ncy.b) quality.c) inno vatio n.d) responsivenesstocustomers33. factors affecting organizational structure.a) organizational environmentstructures must be flexible (i.e decentralized
33、 authority) when environmental change is rapidb) strategy.c) technology d) human recourse.34. job design: the process that manager decides how to divide tasks into specific jobs.a) job enlargement:increasing the number of tasksb) job en richme nt: in creasing the degree of resp on sibility a worker has over a job 35 job simplification: reducing t
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