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1、017 年全國大學(xué)生英語競(jìng)賽初賽試卷(c類)及答案1 20 nat nl engisho tst forcollegestdents (le l cprelimiary)art liseingcomprhe sion (25 minut ,0m ks) sec on a (5 ars) in t s ct n, yu wil her five s r coner io。tte ed of ech conversat n,a stionile a e bwhat wa sai.both heon erat nnd e quesionwil be re d o ynce. after ach ue

2、ston,ther willbe a pase。 uring tause, readthe he choic rked a, an c,nd dewhich he besnwer. heak the corre ponlet ronhe aswer shew t snglelietr gh h centr. 1. a。 obu a news ap。toind a ch mist。c。po le er。2. a。 heir billi g sy temhas ben effcie。b. theol billing s ti out atd。c. unimpres ed with the new

3、bil ngsystm3 a.she s benon vaatio. 。shebeen at te grocery stor。c。she been on a business ri。4. 。t o t emarket.b。to have o ee. c. tohae discussio。5. a。 changina fligtres aion. b.can elin a h tel eeration. c. rese gexta otelrom. ecio b (0 ma s) in hissetion ,yo will hear wlog cnversatio。 echco versat o

4、 willb read oly on e. t e d f hconveratio , here il a onemi ut pa se. during thepase, rad tef ve qestions, eahwth ree choice ma ed a, b ad c,and decide which is the betnswer。 t n m kth correspondingl t r n he answersheet with single line t ouh the center. cone a on one . wh t s tanis poe n be?a 0661

5、7b01-678 c. 1687 7。 who s isopp ng a harrods?.tani. 。 kr。c. a s t . .hw is tnia oingtge to rods? a n ootb。by taxi。b tbe。9. cst e lansh ws t e wa omthestation ?. b。c。10。 hatkiof wn eskal wat?。 red lot。b。whitebo dea。c。 rose chianti. conv atitwo1whihdrawnshws ositinof t e h dle?a。c。12 wha ther prod t f

6、e tures are inlded?a。a rnge o ande izes。 a varetyf coor cobi ios。c. a s of rin s fordiferent sied ns.。whas the upof te v-c p?. to hold heait bru soi ip inhe ca。b. to prev n paint rogttng oto the pitedufacs. c. t vent thebrdrying tif t pinter isinterrupte . 14。whwllro bls hecan-oldr? a。rtists. 。decor

7、ators.c.solders。15how c doestheroductcost? a. 4. .。$4。sectic (5 mrks)in this se tion, ouwill r fivesortnews tm. eac tem will b rea o l oce。 fter e c ite,th e wl bea paue。 duing thepu e,rea tquestion and ee oices maked, b and c, d ecide w h is ebetanswer。 thenmrk te cor poning l t r on tanswer eet wi

8、th asinglline thro h the cen r16。w t hsprmp d the n w admii tr tit re ew the austr liasitizenship te t?。 s ou ofdae。b。iimmigra i n rac. anyapplicafaiin . 17. whch an rovie theesiest wy see ount u i? a。 from tk o t yoko ma。b。 frosak to yokohama。 c。 from tokoo osaka。18. hw many u.n. epoesere klld in 2

9、007? a。 7. b。42。c。9.19. whhavstudiesfound u abouseve e eumonia trea mnt?a. no meicaton w rk n dee pinountries.b i cn b ffctively r td t howith al atbotic . c。it c n onlybe reaed n th hospita withinjetalean ibioics。20。 what as th ba s bui sslikebf re te smoking ban?lost mty evryday。. uually crwde at

10、iddy。c。emptn wednesdys. sectin d (1 marks)n this ction,yuwi heara so t passageherarten m sin words o phases。 fll in t e anks with he eact wo ds ouh ar nte tpe。 r em rto w itthe a sthe answer heet. cr ei t r sing bcaus teaw are not stric eno gh, o ecause te (21) _ ae n ugh enugh, rsimplbe se ther nt

11、e ough plice n n th beat。 t isrisigbecaue he a cies an ndivi uals h an ve a ( ) _ _ effec r e arnt ullig togther or i the e (3)_ _。 e olice are one f hose aenc s, of coursebutri e pr nion isalsa atter o (24) _ _ ho ae cont t to se m (25)_ _ turn int a way if,for ncls wo r er to houtyahbooa the polic

12、e,(6) _ge ig on h makin ife afer or c lpe,orarchit t w o deign epsednd ndefe ible bil ns, or rensw o ont take eough intereinwhat their eenagecidrn regettin p to ad for (27)_ who sitinsiea d oan(28) _ o anthig bout he s e of th ighborhood or the tr t。crime pee in has been eglcedor toman y tmay。over t

13、e lastteneari has been willful y egleted idefiac of mouing (29) _ hat itith cet l hope of(30) _a inagant ime.par iivoabuary ansructure (10 minue , 5ar s)hee are 15 incom lete sen ncein this r。for ablank e r our choices, marke a, b c ad d hos the on haest omtes th senene, hmahorrespo dilet eronhe a e

14、r eet wit asingi ehrough he c n r。31 are lokn fo _an w th _ _ longdarkhairheis armed an anerus. a。 a; a b。h; c. ; d. /; he3. was nfort nte,buse ad_ but to ac a hdid. a.ca c。b。 oppotu ty c。opti nd. olutio 3。th_ _ driver hinks t at a cidets onl hapen toothe peopl. 。generb。 usal c。cmmon d. av g34。 howd

15、theyanag osteal th vn ogh? it w rght _the ecurityguard s nsea。 elowbefore c. une。be d5。 stu n_ con inu nhis st is wheh htoretur to his ome ounry n pectdly. a。 is nsd ngb。 a on de ig c.shouldconsdd. asosi red 3。yfriends andejoy ing manyof the ameth ngs。ithat respec,wehava lot _ _。n milr b。 in par icu

16、la。n comond。 in crdnc37。 o rp ne vistto th united staes _ ecauee e unable o g t tvisa. a。fell over b.el dowc。el through.fel n 38 es a one_ i stage,le e sure you tht it suitetrue. a. thouhtb. sol hinkc.hd houghd。 thiking 39.whsaly _the crmi_ hehouse, e scea d the tof herv icebecaue sedidn t a t_ _。a

17、aw; entr; ill. sa; ter; to be ki ldc.s ; teing; be k lled. ses; ter;kil ing 40。 ina s childr, _ all l enearby, organized a big arfo her ig i h birthday 。a.whthc。 whd。 as 41s mesi is necessry t be careful_ _ theight d t to si fo ts。a wenchoosb. whe you wl coose c。 en you vec se。henyo ch 2. e nstein s

18、 th or rlatvit seeed hard t elivat thetim _ _. a。 when h first it o cedb.that he first i troduce it c。 h f rst ntroduced d whch hfrst t duedit 3. _r lly i like both publ anspoand diving. a。n scondhuhtsb. i coul either way c w l never le r toriv d。ut the gi4。_i tingmarri ! a。an ou ep a cret? 。w li er

19、!c. many happ retuns.d。 con ratl tin!45。- so, o yo now w re youdlike t go?- ctully, e eard tha it s ver exesive andi col all t e ime. a。 i beg yo r pardon? b. yeah, bit s not very ood。c。 do yknow an good oels? d。d you aveny sugg ti s? prt ii readig comrehnsion(20 minutes , 40 mrks) section a (4 mrks

20、)hei one a saein this section with4 questins。 fo qestion,ther are forchocesmar d a, c and 。ou sh ud eie on te best choce, te mark he correspondn ltter nheans r et with asn e in trough he c nter。quesions 49 aeba d onthe lloing asa .most sor throats re cause y an inf ction which tre tmet withantibioti

21、c c nt ure buwih simple remediesth atien nor llge s beter in 4 or aystonsilitis, oweer, sully t t with a orethro wich c e pin n sallowi g. wth ch dreand smaduls thre y b a eve andth pa ntis bvoulot f l g well.it my bposible o see wie spots othebck of t thrat. tec aylsos , bt f wich are th nrmal rson

22、se to infec on。so imesa sorhoamayoccwt he ommon ld, and t inlue za teremayb dryness o th thro t,pain on co ging and lossof oice。treat ent aspirn:to help rel eeth ai o wallo ig ad (if th re ione)the f , se a irin talets di olved n watr, so that the p tien can garglebeforeswa oing。eea the t atmnt very

23、4 ours. dr k:encurg theptent to drink plenty ofliquid.food: fo ould o e cd on a patient whodos nt wnt to eat。ste:ithereis pini th trat on cogi,breting i team may ep. hildre oung chlde,woanot be ableagle, sould be givensiri disolved n atervery hurs the rght dsefo teaatoe ea: inge junioraspirin。at fve

24、years: alf an adult spirin。t h ars:on le adul s ri。when to see the dotor if thesor thro t sstll gtigworeafter days. f the pat nt com ain of eara . if tptiet or p ents ery orie。4。acrdiothe pasage,itwould ap er tmossore throat _ _。 a。 requir nimmediate visit oa dotorb.espond quickl t treatm nt ih nan

25、bitc c。 ra eyturn ou to b symto s ofserious ln s.reult in to siliti en ntreaed 47 in rde t treaasor throa oshould _。a. preveth patient from eat ng to much b。 g e he ptie up to 4apirin abets evera avisetat t to drinkla e amunts of iuid . ath patient glwith h liqui48ou should al the dctorin if _ _. a.

26、 sellino curs in the rgioof he ear b。 te paients codti n worsns aftera s 。 th patent s troat i st l ore aftr a wekd。 the diseasespreads o anter mmber of he fmily 9。what d feenc stere i he way aduts ad yongchldreho ld be tr aedwi h asp in? a. yonch drn shoulnot ballowed to g gle th it . adu t shuldbe

27、 gie abet to swallow whol c。 yo n hildre sould be ivenas iin eoften anaults d. dlts s ul egivn larger oses o apir n han children.secton (1 mars)thre i on pssage in this et on with 1 qestions. overh passagequiclynda er the ustios o he answer heet. o questo5055, aky(for y ) i sttem t ares wih t e info

28、rationgven in he pssg;n(forno) i he sta e nt contraictthe ifomtion given n assag ; (for not g e)te inoratii not gve nte passag。forqu tions 6-59, complt the sentences h th nformatio given epasae。in 19laders om 1 coutrie mt in san ancisco, cali n, an organiedthe unite naions (ofen calle e n)。 wold w r

29、 i hadust ended 。 mill onsof pol hd die,ad t ere wasetution rywhere. opl oped they c u d bildafture of orld pea hough this newrgaiat n. e unted ations h sfour ain goalsanpuroes: 1。 to work og er fiteratioal peae ad solve in enation l pro ems;2 t devel p friedly latio s mon nation ;3.to rk together f

30、orhu an ights oev ryon f lrae,religins, and f b h sexes;。tobuild a center here tonscan worktgetherf rthse goals。tday alost eve y cuntry in the word is a m merf the u 。 each ounr hs signed an greemenhat s ys: 1。 all me e s ar equ。amembers promise to solve int rnat o l robleapeac fuway3.memer illue fr

31、ce againa the member 。4 llmembers willhelphe un in its actio。 he unwllnotr t olv probles ithin coun ris xcept to nfoiternational peac obviusl, the united atins has not bee opletly suces ulin itsg al . there hve been sev a r sic 945 h weve, t e orgaizatiohas elped brnpeace to some c triesthat w re at

32、 war. it has helped p olewho l tt ir unrisbecaue of wr. it ha epd brng indeenence tocolnies. he in uited na ns organzation is in new yo k cit, t th un hasa “amily ” oftheelated rganiz tion all over te orld。 th se ranizaiosry to rovide abtte if for eveyo e。one xmle isnice,n organia on t aprov s ood,

33、m dical cae,and man other sr ics for oorcilden herver they ive.aotereampis e world elth orga ization,w h develo s medical p o rams l e th world 。thererhousnd of un okersi dvelopin cou ris. hy kap nnerstoincresprdctin ifarming and inusty. they provide m dical services,impr ve ucationprogra s,andspr a

34、scientif c infrmation 。 they d velop progrms th t rovide jos and etteliving nd tion。 eyhe p cuties conroltheir p pulaio goh. th ied n os lso hlds largei er iona cnfereces,were eolm tto iscus i orta t wo d is es。 one nfrenceasaotheusesand wnrshpof oceans。 anothewas awo n。 thee are aloiterntinal yars

35、n hese e l ar,peo ework together to impoe ita io sand olve problems 。one yea wa the int rnatinal year o he ch ld. o ceturies coun ries have fought each oter, and powerfu cou rie havakenoo we rne.it s very if cult to ersade natins to livetoge er ieace. neverthel s, te uniednatinisattem tin to do this

36、. itis te olyora zation t at unthe wor d in the archfo peace。0 the u e nationswas ganized at eeig ncliforni n 195。51。 h united nations ks fo intern tiona ece。52. kuw it i a membero theunicef 。53 the u ited ti nha itsmanorganization in san ran sco. 54. the unitnaions heledlgerbcome i dependen. 。uni e

37、f i anoranizati n ha eps e idlfe。5. ah countr n he n as gnd anagreement tht aynom ber _ aaist anoher emb .57。depieitsefot, the u ited na onshasn t een _ _ n s g ls。8. ople meetto discus iportan world issus in_ hedthenite nations5. the uitnt_nations t iogther n pa e,thoughit i iffculeton c (10 maks)i

38、 this section, t ee is one assage foloby 5 questions。redhepassag carfuly,nd then answ r hq esions i s few woraspossble(no ret an10 words) rmemer to wie e swerson the a sersheet。questins 6are ba d on the fo low ngassage a languagi as tem fo s,estures, or carate se b humans to cmu ate thei ide s and f

39、ee ingsthre are about4,000spokenl gesi hwrld。 some r spoken bmilion of peopl . the langa s haveo ly afe speaesall anguaes ve les orf rm g ods and for ordern thse wrds n sentencs。writen anguaes, mening isexre se trouh asystm character andrules r co n g t secaact s。 i spoenlaguages,me ning iexpesed th

40、ro gh a yste of soundsad ulesforcombinin those sounds。 mn depeople se s gn anguage,i which getres do th work f the sound sytm ofspoken language。 rd o ders oe imp rtan in englis an it is in some thr laguage, uha rusian。 theso d systis er importan in chin e and in many lnguaesp n n wafricalanguagare l

41、wys changing, but theyhage vry slol。peoplinnew w rfo hei language, borrowwor sf om ther l g es,and change temenings f rdsa eded. r ex ple, te eglish wobte wsinventd y omuter sp a ists in 1959. t e e gish rd mat wasbrrowrm huatl,and am rica dian lanu gespoen i mexco. the nglsh o d meat ce referr d to

42、 fod in general。here ares eal alangua e m ies in he l。the laguages i acfamil are reated, and s inists tikt e amfrom thesame paretfam l。 angug famicm n diffrentszes. t e aus onesinf ily contans at st 500 l uge,inudig ilipin , ml,an mari. the basque lagua,spoennother spain, is te ly m brof s anguae fa

43、 ily.he indo-eur pean language fa iy ona nsla uages,i lding enlsh, german, spanis,russ an, and hindi。anotheang agefaml s sinotibetan,whic ic es cnese, bumese,ad tietan t e foasiat c faily cldes arabic, h rew, and mharc. here are t 150 america indian anguags pkn todathese lagug s vmay f ecesand have

44、be div ditore thn 50 lanuagefmilie。 eope learnanguages y istenig, coyin w t t y her, nd ing thelangu e. st hilren arn their fi st nu es esl,n o timesoth r laguges a ll adultsofemusok arder a larning secnd lagua e。questions:0how mny l gua es arespoken ll ov rthe w rl?61.wha are th language ruefor?62。

45、 how s eaniexpressed insignanguae?63 ht smor impor an in engl shcopared wihoheaguags? 64. whch laguagis the nly m ber f its langu e family? sectiod(12mar ) in tsecti,t e i on assae followe by sum ary rea tepssage are ll and comp ete te su ary below by choosi g a ma imfhree words from the passage to

46、fll in ach f the spaces, -70 remmberto te heaswers onthe ansershet. uesins 670are basedon the fol own p sag. we mto“software wrld ” - ringing y e erl test nforma on on at is currently availa le o -ro。ar ou a di c ororproducer lookng for a uusual ctr playapr n a n wovie pr ject, or withhat pecial loo

47、 for new cmmecia otv? k. the ual proceure w ube t contact a eatrcagenc,who wou d ty ndsellyouthe ide of sig oneof theatorsli tedonteir bks.bo s? t o ldfashi eor ou? heet y u elf copy ofhis latet eect nic aabase clled “ the eletron cur ain” 。the rincildof castiaget fe ha ny f the bett talent agecy,he

48、 says go t idof a act sd ectoy from hi so aingc mpu rgams. noting hat jun rhad t ye int e details f he chaacter hfaorte game,he reaizde ud do t e sme r te actos he epesents. vntu ll,he ame to include inormation on ea ythree qarterof theap oximate 4,000 actrsreist redand lok g for ok inbritain。 wth s

49、ome thea ical geciesoasting tha herp esen ver00 erformers, hfor this productisnothar o ahoi be a n htma ying to eembe st i h c or ha doe wha, or ju what an trcdo。 te dat seli s detail ofov r 5,500 ctors:t showshy ave appeared in, ec lsk ls eyposess- evrythingown to he coo otheir eyes and othe distn

50、ihing physicafeatues. by eteig the detalsof th yeof p rsonyu areooingfor, he datbasequiky l a sonly hose p owi h epart cularqalties equsted. n pobleth uh, s thman actors fe t is too mpesonl,and tey ould misingotmuc neeed aud ions orparts in aticalshos。 on t oher had, it ightut gtem thateluive job 。

51、h day o n vous nail biting wh lewating ar udto g ve n udiiocoud wel adt uy be v。andall beauo mal a i isk. for p uct det ils ing tis numbnow:0171-396000。sumay:nelctonc database ving inf rmation on early(65) _the 34,0 0 actorre ste ed ad o g for work ritan, is nw avail le on c rm。 s me (66) _ ae er0 a

52、tors on their books d i is diffi ul t r ember l t i det il。thedataase liinf rmatio on o,500 actors and c n beserced fordetai uch as pas(6) _heyhae appeared n,pecisilthey might ave, an evthe clor fhi eyes。thedaabas an i l te ersons t ()_ and, lthough me actos feelit i (69)_ to b mc use, it i certain

53、to cage h waat s ar hose fr partsfim, part v clze (5 mi tes, 5mrks) sction a (5 arks)therere 5 blansin the passge。 usthewrd g enon he righ-hnd d to fma wor hatfits n ach nk. rmeto write the a swron th answer eet. secion b(10m ) there a10lansintasage. forach blan , or more l t es o he word av bee ivn

54、 (nexceedig3letter )。red he passge elow ddecide whch word efits each lan , usn onlyone woneacworin each bank.remember o rt te nwer on th answer he t。t ee axtioni most certainly not mattro fl pping donin f ntof he elvisio wi h a wel me nk。 nris it ut drifting i to an xus e sl ep。 seu houh t es epnse

55、to ion and over iene(76) _ e,we shold istinguish betwee them andonscious rlaxaionin(7) te_ _ f alit n effec。regadlessof he lvetredess,r a relaxaion issate f ress,yet,t the sae (78)t_ _, pasiveawaeess, in hic ou ies ar (7)a_ rewhileour mind aawaemo eov, it s as atralfora healthyerso to e re xedwhen m

56、ovin as sting。 ( 80) be_ relxed in ation m answe bingthe approp iteegy to every hng wedo, (81) w_neeto be redis overedis sciousr ation withthisin(8)m_ _ wemu apply our evs toud rst din stes anthe naturef t ass, oeve dep-eted. pav ranslati(miuts, 15 mars)setiona(maks) tr lat the u derliedsentene of t

57、he ollwing pssage ino hinee。emembe to rit he swrson the aswershet。ater my mot r asaway,m dtred vnard ro sta halhy an active。 eyoning, until he w her rntooold, hesamin the turq oie p oli he copwh re h livd。(6) c day, o matter how h et,eswa one mla ththe pr vios day,j stpr ve therew s alwaysroofor i p

58、roveme every few das hereort d he new nu ber of laps to me,prideeging hisv。b hs ate sevnties, n pite of wmin n orkin ix d s we ,my da hadoti aly dwnded i strengh and n。by age eightyone h s in por health an ad t ret . ( ) he etendd he i ntnetolean heavilyon efo upprt as we wlke w ,and preteded otto n

59、otice 。 h s min was clear, butcongetiveheaproblems nddisab ng art riis had worn im down neay hesid, “n cofan mer ncy,i o not w sh tbe keptalie by any xraorinar means。 i ve igeno ial aper to t i effect 。 h smildhis wond rful , road rn andsaid, “ve been bless dto avead yur otherasm wif and yu as my on

60、l child, ad meo g。 ” l s tamont lterhe hada heart atack。 intemergenc roo,he gai reminded is d to an eof is ishe, bt i culdnt imagine, i iof thisl es crisis, tat he woul lwasbeayin,“h ve ioldyou yettday tha id e yu?” ( )he ws mi ale i ntes vec r; besseeme to cme from every op ng。 bmy dadstll ha is ns


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