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1、1 uni 4 ?prod t teachig objecti egras the an idea andtruture of h tet stenst gy and mthd. master te key langage oints ndgramaticastructuresnthe tet; coductasries ofltening, speaking n iting activities latedto he thee of theuni. teaching fousth main idea o te ading a; ap iate th lanatory sills deonst

2、ratedn he ext; language ot nd ramt al stuctur inthe txt; writi g ils.gram :bet-verb areeet teacinrocedur section iarm-upactivity section iirana section iiiading b section ivlistening& aking section vwriting section vimini-p oect section viilangglab ecton viiiramar time alotment 8 peids teachin p

3、roedueecton iwarm upactviy tak wok in pars. choseone poductfoeac pira explin w to your tne. ask 2 wrk n pais an dics thefoll ing uestons. ht fctos d ou ned to cosder efre you by arodut?which onis th mimprtatforyou?hy?befor yu mae ase ofy prouct, tere ar some fctors you shouldconsir. ?cess y: do i re

4、aly nee this? ? pr ty: oieal lie this? am iel stisfied with qulity, color, sape,p aig, ec? ? pice: o hany spe oney right now? is it a again or i t too uch money? ? b an: habrad isthe best cho ce for pchse? 2 ? after-ales evice: does it come wta warrany? ? shi ment:hcan itesent to my house? ecti ii r

5、 adng wod stuy (ae he extok page 3 sreerence )nguaepoins in th txt an tet comprehensi aget n. ai;ojecive e. i t myelf tart ofsing $20monthv. toake somet inghavean effct on aiculr limited grooraree g te adve tsent esignd o trge a as audiec. 2. ocate . to find th ect oito f somthing .g. wecoldn locate

6、 th sourcef the raio signal. 3.attempt n. act of ryng to d something e.g. he mad one ast atempt at tewold recrd. v. to ty t dootn tht dfiult, ags, et.g. thebook teps to expln te origins f the war. 4. mass-produce . to prdue in arge number sing machiey e.g. ss-pr ucd u iue i ch rthan funitue made b h

7、and. vsion n1) agnatioe.g. haveyou evr h viions of greatccss? 2)idea .g.sh hd the sam vsio ofhm asihad. )ight e. with myne glasses y iion is perfect! 6. a hunk of a larg piee ofsmethg that oes not hav an even shape; a lage pa r amont of something e.g. 1a chuk of cheese 2. a huge hunk oftheaudi c gt

8、aleftbfrtheow7. nd-new a. nwand not yetusd .g he bought a b dew car fo r brote as th weddig gft. apai the nea pern o th g that s very an oyg e.g. what s won ih dave?hesbecoingatotal piin he 3 ec. .ehce to icrase o f hermpov the go qait, value r stau f someing e. this is an potntyto enhance the go ep

9、uttnth comany. 10oueiv.t b oreimpraor vauble an soething lse th advaaesf t planfarouteg the diantages. 1 r e . far a fom plasher otheeplelve;faraw n time e. 1. the farmhoseis remoe rom any thebuildngs. 2.rmte data aermac s/remote con ol 1. remote nto that lookli mas ofmnhattan rmoecont s that arful

10、ofad-ofi d buttons,sthat they are a cofusin as apsof manhattate-eadiexeises ak 1 tick ff he jobs of indstril deigers entoned in tepasgemaking aproduct attracve pr tig thalespoduct puig a prouct ntoass rdton drawig, sething, doodng findingthe sp of prduct in studo materas m n prodct a pain i t nck or

11、ming, hodng, carvng and recar ig ak 2 eide h er teollowingstmets artru(t) rfas (f) accorinto he psg. statement trufals1. deignes mosldrea up product wehepf ofare. 2.designers ls y t akthe prouct atractie3.desguse manuactuing materials tosowhat a pouthld fel i. 4 4. some pr ucts ih annoyn ualiti maye

12、 moe usful hante uh te. 5 uh ffort willhve eenpu no a prout efori isprst to the ufctuinglient. bsins nw-ain caalog a aaogusualy iclue descripion of he oods,resand pitures; select arefully e goods, e ctures a dhelanguage used; kei simpe. imithe nmer ofthe pctures u ed; ensure gh quaityf g, potgaphy,p

13、aer d priningsetin iii r aing eadigt t get he mainiea and do e exrcies fllowe. section iv tening & speaking ask aalesrlis inroucig one thir p inters to a cusmer listeto th verstion an fill n e bls wih what yo her. ask acustom is aking aot some furnture. isten t th onvrsation ncmplete theble with

14、 wayoea. tas 3 ike ananne e discusing wih gfto gie at thecmintrade ir. listn annotth easons foranaginst t gits. sk 4 hopassist n ispresnting a w ode of lguage translato t hcustomer. tn o the coversat nd o thepoinste womanmentios in he esc ipion. tsk 5 sen t the passa e twi and fil n te lakwith wayou

15、 har. setion v writ ngask adthe itroductin on poduct cata ogues a d nswer quetions. 1. wha i prouctcatalu?2. wht it adatage f duct cata ogu?task2 rea h decriin of the bile pone noki 95 (b) atog, nd compltheooing tb5 section vi m n-projec wok in group. each g oup shoulchose one prouct and dentrae t t

16、e cas hw to ueit. the f lowng mps providedfor u eerence. wok i groups; refer to the amon 59; oo time mnagemn and coo eation; in-ass presentatio . ecionvilanage b task 1 match thewodsorphrseonhe le wi hermanng ot it. tsk2 cmlete the follo nenences wt th wrds or prses rm task 1.task3 rerit te flosenen

17、e aferthemodels. tas 4 choos e bs aswers to comp ete the folingaage. sk 5 tanslate th followi g into engiusin the ven sction iii gr mmar ubect-verb aeemen (主謂一致)英語句子中的主謂一致是指兩者在語法形式、詞意概念和單復(fù)數(shù)關(guān)系上的一致。我們?cè)趯?shí)踐中 ,首先要正確理解作主語的詞(或短語)以及謂語動(dòng)詞的屬性,再結(jié)合具體語境和句法知識(shí),才不容易出錯(cuò)。主語謂語例句不定式 ,動(dòng)名詞,從句單數(shù)to t y at ic is her hocegrowin

18、glowers needs wa rin. t加形容詞表示一類人,如 the old, the rih,te por 等復(fù)數(shù) yongthe fuure. 不定代詞單數(shù)is hre? eone n ds to d smething. noone ismre qualfied to o this jo han he seither fus seak englsh. 表示時(shí)間、重量、長度、數(shù)目、金額等名詞的復(fù)數(shù)(通常被看作一個(gè)整體 ) 單數(shù)twentymnute isnt enoghoher o finsh thets. tw undre es is vry fa fr aa tw k6 分?jǐn)?shù)或百分比 +單數(shù)名詞單數(shù)two-third f the weh ilaeispolued. 分?jǐn)?shù)或百分比 +復(fù)數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)fiften percent f the teache sn hischol re wmen. 集體名詞 , 如 ahinry, quipm nt, urnitu e,erchad


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