



1、12018 浙江紹興中考試卷英語試卷 I (選擇題共 70 分)(一)聽力部分(共 25 分)一、聽力(本題有 15 小題,第一節(jié)每小題 1 分,第二、三節(jié)每小題 2 分,共計(jì) 25 分) 第一節(jié) :聽小對(duì)話,回答問題1. How s the weather now?A. Rainy B. Fine C. Windy2. When was the woman speaker born ?A. In February B. In March C. In April3. What s Laura doing?A. Working B. Playing soccer C. Reading4. Wha

2、t kind of clothes will Sandy wear ?A. A white shirt B. A black dress C. A white coat5. Who is the woman probably speaking to ?A. A driver B. An artist C. A doctor 第二節(jié) :聽較長(zhǎng)對(duì)話,回答問題 聽下面一段對(duì)話,回答第 6-7 小題6. How much will the man pay ?A.6B. 16C. 267. Where does the conversation probably take place ?A. In a

3、post officeB, In a zooC. In a bank 聽下面一段對(duì)話,回答第8 10 小題。8. Where did Carla go last night ?A. To her friend s houseB. To her cousin s houseC. To her mom s house 9. How did Carla like chicken ?A. She couldn t stand itB. She didnt mind itC. She enjoyed it a lot10. What food came out at last ?A. A tomato

4、pieB. A chocolate pieC. An apple pie第三節(jié) :聽獨(dú)白,回答問題11. Whose birthday is it next month ?A. Kelly s dasdB. KellysC. Kellys mums12. How are Kellys family going to London ?2A. By pla neB. By trainC. By subway13. Why do Kelly s family plan to walk to the Design Museum from the hotelA. Because they want to

5、 take exerciseB. Because the hotel is n ear the museumC. Because they want to see the sights around14. What are Kelly / s family going to do this Saturday ?A. To visit Big BenB. To go shopp ingC. To play in the park.15. How does Kelly probably feel about the coming vacati on ?A. It / ll be terribleB

6、. It / ll be dullC. It / Il be exciting(二)筆試部分(共 45 分)二、完形填空(本題有 15 小題,每小題 1 分,共計(jì) 15 分) 閱讀下面短文,然后從各題所給的四個(gè)項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)最佳答案My son Daniel bega n surfi ng at the age of 13. After school each day he put on his wet suitand waited to be challe nged by three -to-six-foot waves. Dan iels love for the ride was test

7、edone 16 after noon.“ Your son s been in an accident, ” the lifeguard(生員) reported to my 17 Mike over thephone hurriedly. _18 he came up to the top of the water, the point of thewas headed toward his eye.”Mike rushed our son to the hospital. He 19 26 stitches (縫全) from the corner of his eye to the b

8、ridge of his noseI was 20 home from a meet ing while Dani els eye was being stitched. Mike drove 21 to the airport after they eft thedoctors office. He greeted 22 at the gate while Daniel was waiting in the car. Daniel ? I questioned. I rememberthinking the 23 must have bee n terrible that day.“Hes

9、been in an accident but hes going to be fine. Mike comforted me.I ran to the car. My son reached out both arms , crying , Oh, Mom , Im so glad you re home.1 sobbed(扌由泣) in his arms, telli ng him how24 I felt about not being there whe n the lifeguard called.Its okay,Mom, ”he said./lle fi ne. The doct

10、or said can go back in the water in eight days._wan ted to tell him that he was nt allowed to go n ear water aga in un til he was 35,but 26 I con trolled myself-He kept asking me to let him go back on the 27 for the next seven days. One day after I 28 _100th time,he beat me at my own game.Mom you ta

11、ught us n ever to 29 what we love.”I gave in. Back then Daniel was just a boy with deep 30 for surfing. Now he is among the top 25 surfers in the world.16. A. unu sual B. bori ngC. amaz ingD. relax ing17. A. brother B. uncleC. husba ndD. father18. A. If B. When C. Un less D. ThoughB. cha nged C. rec

12、eived D. discovered20. A. flyi ng B. drivi ng C. boat ing D. walk ing19. A. avoided3B. happily C. comfortably D. directly22. A. her B. them C. us D. me23. A. waves B. dreams C. clouds D. suggesti ons24. A. brave B. lucky C. awful D. proud25. A. busy B. crazy C. frien dly D. polite26. A. i nstead B.

13、already C. even D. ofte n27. A. pla ne B. bed C. board D. chair28. A. posted B. offered C. threw D. repeated29. A. find out B. give up C. hand out D. pick up30. A. love B. fear C. sad ness D. regret三、閱讀理解(本題有15 小題,每小題 2 分,共計(jì) 30 分)閱讀下面四篇材料,然后從各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)最佳答案。CHARITY BOOK DRIVE BYFAMOUS FIVE CHILDR

14、ENS CLUSGive gift of ng!Th charity drive詁 t* support cliildrefl at Qrphartagfl 僦兒院Help 如時(shí)衍 pCft 勵(lì))our chiFdren through readingl1* A T9* August 2D1S試 00 昌-nt - 5:W p.m.Kconn 202, Loyarvg Gardens CfubfwxiwDOMFEKfl、tKW Ra HI roNt ftr 的” Km 5 to 12 years oJf! AU kritJs of bvoMFhcWq MsH-fitfian. Mogduw.

15、Con ret Tcjrtbcoki, PicTun books, etco yflucTOhp】jchitdrefi kTOtflliEriJlge. w* believe jf&u are wiJLing I& d-onsie丄few cf yvuT med boelci for thedrive, You on wnit rowr n*me orv K&ur bok andxivr thrnt to the vokncr? duLyhM&t orLy ihitT you ran m! tamt fAmaua Toplc (rflin Mt Yu -Yt)血

16、Idron s prrgr*m “ Youth Spcrt$Chsnnd( (4 Or*r Tdcvisiotu Tlwy will be印和nj( (a wondrrfui pcrfcrminc( (5 oft Svnd-QyPI9lhAugust Z01B At*rm, Dani missihis grcal chance cTTIWIour local pcrkrrntrslThtink you for your kiadntss!31. The purpose of the charity drive for Grace Orphanage is toA. en courage chi

17、ldre n through readi ngB. teach childre n to draw picturesC. in troduce some local performersD. raise money for childre n aged 5 to 1232. According to the text, we can_ in the charity driveA. play yo -yo with the volunteersB. give away used books to kidsC. watch performa nces on Saturday21. A. sudde

18、 nly4D. enjoy children / s TV programs33. The text might be_A. a n ews reporta meeting notice C. an advertisement D. a science storyB17-year-old Brennan Agra noff , a colorbli nd boy , started his custom sock bus in ess in middle school, with nail loan(貸款)he got from his Parents. Up till now , he ha

19、s sold over I million worth of socks onlinein the last four yearsBrennan thought of the idea for his custom sock company at just 13 years old. He was attending a highschool basketballgame in his hometow n of Sherwood , Oreg on, and no ticed that many kids his age wereweari ng the same white Nikespor

20、t socks. The boy told himself that if these white pla in socks were so popularwith kids , the n some cool custom designs would surely be an eve n greater hit.But the boy did n / t tell his pare nts about the bus in ess idea immediately. He spe nt six mon ths research in gth ings likeprin ti ng mach

21、in es a nd tech no logy and draw ing up a bus in ess pla n. Only whe n he had everyth in gpla nned out didhe ask his parents for a loan. They thought the idea was a little out there , Brennan recentlytold CNN Money ,but he kept push ing , and fin ally received a S 3 , 000 loa n to start his compa ny

22、. Then hebega n to work on his owndesig ns. The fact that he was colorbli nd did nt stop him and he has created over 200desig ns now.Busin ess was slow the first year, but the n Brennan started push ing his Hoopswagg products heavily on the Intern et.Orders soon started coming in in large numbers ,

23、and Hoopswagg became a popular brancag custom sock lovers. Rightnow , his desig ns can be found on Hoopswagg website , Amaz on and ebaamo four years after start ing his bus in ess,Brennan has achieved great success while bala ncing (平衡)schoolhouse chores and his social life. And he says heloved ever

24、y minute of it.34. The sec ond paragraph mai nly tells us how Brennan _A. desig ned his custom socksB. got his bus in ess ideaC. orga ni zed the basketball matchD. man aged his compa ny35. To start his bus in ess,Brennan _A. bought some Nike socksB.made a bus in ess pla nC. asked teachers for advice

25、D. got money from friends36. It can be inferred (推斷) from the passage that BrennanA. got no support from his pare ntsB. busy to do house choC. stopped desig ning because of his eyesD. enjoyed both his study and bus in ess37. Which word can best describe Brennan according to the passage ?A . Ho nest.

26、 B. Kin d. C. Creative. D. Helpful.CEvery night in Jinan University in Guangahou , a group of students plays diabolo(空竹)asa crowd watches on in amazeme nt.5Che n Zhel un , 25, a malaysia n-chin ese started the diabolo club, which helps to in crease the popularity of this traditional Chin ese game. H

27、e is one of many stude nts express ing their interest in the country / s cultural heritage (遺產(chǎn))by starting clubs.The diabolo , which came from China , is popular among Chinese living in Malaysia.“ We played diabolo from primary school on ward. I thought I could find some one to play with in China ,

28、but onlya few students knew about it. So I started a club to develop it. ” says ChenTo Chena surprise , the old game has interested a huge crowd -more than 1 , 000 students have joined the club.It keeps your body strong and ifs fun ,says Chetprefer quieter activities. Every weekend , one classroom i

29、n Shenzhen University is alwayscrowded , but it / s unusuallysilent. The members of Lanting Calligraphy Club are writing Chinese characterswith traditional brushes Fan Don gli ng ,21, a stude nt in Shen zhe n Uni versity , says it,s a shame that young people no Ion ger enjoythe beauty of Chin esecha

30、racters.Although her club is quiet , Fan says it keeps members healthy, men tally and physicallyStivaChristmas or Valentines Day , but they seldom pay attention to traditional ones , says Kong Yanquan ,21,astude nt in Guan gxi Uni versity.As head of the traditional Chinese local operas club , Kong p

31、lans to put modern elements (元素)intotraditional cultureto get stude nts to join his clubI think it / s every ones duty to save and develop china / s traditi onal culture among young people , he says.38. The passage is orga ni zed by givi ng three _.A. examples B.tasks C. less ons D. speeches39. The

32、underlined word inTtaragraph6 refers to (指代) A. watch ing diabolo shows B. play ing diaboloC. talk ing about old games D. going to primary school40. It can be lear ned from the passage that Fan Don gli ng _A. comes from Malaysia B. is good at local operasC. loves quiet activities D. is in terested i

33、n sports41. Kong Yanquan advises young people to _A. practice writi ng Chin ese characters B. celebrate Western festivalsC. pay atte nti on to traditi onal culture D. make friends with the eldersDTech no logy is everywhere. We see it any place we go and, in fact, almost all of us carry some piece of

34、tech no logywith us every time we leave the house. What I always forget, though, is just how useful an dpowerful tech no logy canbe whe n we want to help othersThere is not a si ngle room in my house that does not have some electro nic devices(設(shè)備)lyi ng around in it. Whenever I am at home , I am alm

35、ost always using at least one electro nic device. If you walked into mylivi ng room on anygiven day , you would find that , first, I have the television on. At the same time , I usuallyhave my laptop resting on myknee , or I will be using my mobile phone , Even when i / m not at home I amalways usin

36、g my phone , and at work orin cafes , I sit down and connect to the local wireless network on myipcop.I must say that I waste a lot of time on the computer and the time I spend on it could be much betterspent if I were totake up a little on li ne volun teeri ngThe tech no logy we carry about everywh

37、ere can have a great power to do good for the world and to helpothers and6recently I discovered just how much online volunteering there is to do in the world. From usingyour Ianguage skills to dotranslations , to developing and managing projects and helping with IT work , thereis so much that so man

38、y people cando to help people in their own coun tries and across the world. The Un itedNati ons , in fact, has a huge page with Volunteers Recruited on its website.This work can support the poor and help charities who cannot pay for staff. Many organizations onlyrequire you towork an hour a week-som

39、e even less. And the support provided by online volunteers can reallyhelp make a differe nee tothose in n eed.42. From Paragraph 2, we can know that the writer _A. uses tech no logy a lot B. works in a cafeC. is a computer engin eer D. likes moder n music43. The underlined word Recruited in Paragrap

40、h 4 means_ “ ”A. OrderedB. Wan ted C. Visited D. Warned44. In the writers opinion , people should spe nd more time _ with tech no logy.A. work ing on computer programs B. keep ing the Internet safeC. inven ti ng electr onic products D. help ing people in n eed45. What can be the best title for the p

41、assage?A. Website Desig nB. Internet Orga ni zati onsC. On li ne V olun teeri ng D. On li ne Tran slati on試卷n(非選擇題題共 50 分)四、 匯話用(本題有 15 小題,每小題 1 分,共計(jì) 15 分A. 用方框中所給單的透當(dāng)形式填空,每詞僅用一次(每空,何)。- -I *thirsty htrsince prtidutt46. How sweet these taste!47. Drink whe never you feel _ duri ng exert.cise.48. that

42、/ s not mary/ s son._ has a round fac.49. Tea is_ in many different areas in China.50. we / ve been friends _ we were at school togetherB. 閱讀下面短文,然后根據(jù)括號(hào)內(nèi)所給漢語意思寫出單詞的正確形式(每空一詞)。Curt von Badi nski is an engin eer of a compa ny in San Fran cisco. 5J (然而), his home is in Los An geles ,which is 770 52_ (英

43、里) away from his workplace , so he has to take a plane work and back.Every workday morning ,von Badinski gets up at 5 a.m. for the 15 -minute drive to the airport. After53 (停放) his car, he goes straight to takethe plane. After a90 - minute flight , he_54 (著陸)atOakland Airport and drives to his compa

44、ny. The 55 (整個(gè)的)triptakes him about 3 hoursVon Badinski pays the airline 2 , 300 dollars monthly so that he can fly 56_ (自 由地) at any time toand fromSan Fran ciscoFlying to work every day is not 5 _ (容易的) for von Badin ski because he can only sleep five hourseverynight, but he believes _58 (沒有什么) co

45、uld be more important to him than his family. He hadabout several ways to solve the problem ,59 (包括)movi ng his family to San Fran cisco , but none of them worked.The six hour round trip shows that I have the 60_ (能力)to have all the things I want , heexplains. I am alwaysexcited to start a new day.五

46、、 語法填空(本題有10 小題,每小題 1 分,共計(jì) 10 分)7閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,或填入括號(hào)中所給單詞的正確形式。This is Tammela School , a primary school in Finland. The students are havinga math class with their robot teacherThe teacher is 61 small, blue machine about 25cm high , Reutersreported. When ever stude nts have problems, it helps

47、them very 62 (patie nt)and n ever gets bored.The robot can make students 63_ (active) in class thanI see Eliasas one of the (tool) to get different kinds of practice and activities into theclassroom, a teacher told ReutersSo far the school 65(in troduce) four robot teachers , one of whom is a Ian gu

48、age teacher that can speak 23Ianguages and dance to music. 66 is necessary to encourage kids to come up 67 new waysto make use of tech no logyin school life , the head of the school 68(add) in the in terview.The robot teachers are used 69_ (help) improve lear ning. This does nt mea n that huma n tea

49、chers willlose theirjobs. The robots can teach well,70 they are n ot able to keep class in order. The school still needs huma n teachers六、閱讀(本題有 5 小題,每小 1 分。共計(jì) 5 分閱讀下面特料,從方框中所給的A 一 D 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇正確的小標(biāo)題,將其序號(hào)填入71 一 74 題,并回答Are You Ready For High School ?If you can do these things by the time you go to high

50、 school , you / ll get on well with others in higihool71A little respect (尊重)goes a long way. don,t help yourself to her personal things in the room , and lether know ifyou plan to treat friends there. If you don / t feel like you re being treated faidye a talk face .72The first meet ing with some o

51、ne really does matter. To make an immediate conn ecti on , look a pers on the eyeand give a firm han dshake. Keep eye con tact while you / re chatti ng and men ti on the persorwhe n say ing goodbye.73One study found that holdi ng someth ing in can make you feel Ion ely and sad. So for your healthfrie ndships ,write dow n the secret in a safe place in stead of talk ing about others in public.74If some one did someth ing nice for you -a gift, some help, nows the time to take out your pen ! Sendin gthe person a han dwritte n note card with i


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