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1、大學(xué)英語 11. Part I Use of English (20 points)ABDACDADBADirections: In this part there are ten incomplete dialogues. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialogue.(1) We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like

2、to join us? (A) I'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.(B) Of course not. I have no idea.(C) No, I can't.(D) That's all set.分值: 2(2) Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! This is not the end of the world.(A)Good luck.(B)Cheer up.(C)Go ahead.(D)No probl

3、em分值: 2(3) Jim, please don't put your head out of the window on the bus. It's dangerous! (A) Good idea.(B) It's good.(C) It doesn't matter.(D) Sorry, I won't do it again.分值: 2(4) Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? (A) I'd rather stay here if you d

4、on't mind.(B) Sorry, I don't like neither.(C) Certainly, why not?(D) Yes, we like these two places.分值: 2(5) Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest. Come earlier next time.(A)Yes, I beat the others.(B)No, no, I didn't do it well.(C)Thank you.(D)It's a p

5、leasure.分值: 2(6) It ' s getting late. I' m afraid I must be going now. OK. (A) Take it easy.(B) Go slowly.(C) Stay longer.(D) See you. 分值: 2(7) It ' s been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much. (A) My pleasure.(B) I'm glad to hear that.(C) No thanks.(D) It's OK. 分值: 2(8) What

6、 about going to the film with me this evening ? I've got two tickets. (A) Yes,I won't go.(B) Yes,I think so. Thank you.(C) All right, I must go.(D) OK. I' d love to. Thank you.分值: 2(9) Hi, haven' t seen you for ages! You look fine! . You look well,too.(A) Great.(B) Thanks.(C) Oh, no.

7、(D) Oh, no.分值: 2(10) I' m sorry for stepping on your foot. (A) That' s all right.(B) No, it's my fault.(C) You didn' t hurt me at all.(D) You have it too.分值: 2部分正確 得分: 122. There are four passagesin this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or statements. Choose the best

8、answer to each question or decide T/F for each statement. BABAB(1) The sun in Hawaii drops too quickly for people to see it move.(A) T(B) F分值: 2(2) In Hawaii, a large number of nice big hotels have been built in recent years.(A) T(B) F分值: 2(3) The scenery in Hawaii is quite different from what it wa

9、s many years ago.(A) T(B) F分值: 2(4) According to the passage, it' s common for people to hold parties in Hawaii at night.(A) T(B) F分值: 2(5) The passage mainly tells us the first people who came to Hawaii.(A) T(B) F分值: 2完全正確 得分: 103. Every land has its own dining custom , and the United States is

10、 no exception. Americans feel that the first rule of being a polite guest BABAB(1) As a country of immigrants ,the U.S. does not have its own dining customs.(A) T(B) F 分值: 2(2) The guest is expected to arrive on time because the coffee and meat will be at their best at the time he is required to com

11、e.(A) T(B) F 分值: 2(3) A woman usually rises when she is being introduced to an aged gentleman.(A) T(B) F分值: 2(4) At formal American dinner ,the knives,forks,and spoons beside the plate are placed in a certain order.(A) T(B) F 分值: 2(5) The right order to use the knives, forks and spoons at a formal d

12、inner is from the left to the right.(A) T(B) F分值: 24. How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that .DCDBA.(1)The origin of language is .(A) a legend handed down from the past(B) a matter that is hidden or secret(C)

13、a question difficult to answer(D) a problem not yet solved分值: 2(2) What is true about words?(A) They are used to express feelings only.(B) They can not be written down.(C) They are simply sounds.(D) They are mysterious.分值: 2(3) The real power of words consists in their .(A) properties(B) characteris

14、tics(C) peculiarity(D) representative function分值: 2(4) By “ association” in the last paragraph, the author means .(A) a special quality(B) a joining of ideas in the mind(C) an appearance which is puzzling(D) a strange feature分值: 2(5) Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true?

15、(A) He is no more than a master of words.(B) He can convey his ideas in words which sing like music.(C) He can move men to tears.(D) His style is always charming.分值: 2部分正確 得分: 65. Persons who are overweight should watch their diet carefully in order to lose pound. The best way to do this is to start

16、 a weig(ABAAD)(1) What is the main idea of the passage?(A) How to diet.(B) Why we should diet.(C) What we should diet.(D) Where we should diet.分值: 2(2) While dieting you should .(A) choose fried foods(B) choose low-calorie food(C) choose snack as hamburger in McDonalds(D) talk to your doctor分值: 2(3)

17、 When you have lost the weight you wish, you can .(A) have some more simple items in your diet(B) eat more and more foods you like(C) stop dieting(D) tell the doctor what you've done分值: 2(4) According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?(A) While dieting, you should ask

18、 the doctor so that you can lose your weight quickly.(B) Plan meals means to have some foods you like and take them as your daily eating habits.(C) When you have lost your weight, you can have some coffee and tea without sugar or cream.(D) As you are dieting, don't forget exercise.分值: 2(5) If yo

19、u want to start a weight control program, you should .(A) ask your doctor(B) plan meals and choose low-calorie foods(C) do some exercise(D) all of the above分值: 2完全正確 得分: 106. Directions: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices markedA), B), C) and D)

20、. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.DCABCDCADA(1) He opened the letter and it contained .(A)an important information(B)some important informations(C)many important information(D)some important information分值: 2(2) Yesterday was day that we decided to go swimming.(A)such beautiful

21、(B)so beautiful(C)such a beautiful(D)a so beautiful分值: 2(3) Children under 12 years of age in that country be under adult supervision when in a public library.(A)must(B)may(C)can(D)need分值: 2(4) This river is so big that it is impossible to build a under it without modern technology.(A)canal(B)tunnel

22、(C)channel(D)cable分值: 2(5) The atmosphere certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.(A)composes of(B)is made up(C)consists of(D)makes up of分值: 2(6) Water usually freezes when temperature is zero and ice changes into water again when thetemperature is zero.(A)below, over(B)under, over(C)ab

23、ove, below(D)below, above分值: 2(7) By eleven o'clock yesterday, we at the airport.(A) shall arrive(B) have arrived(C) had arrived(D) arrive分值: 2(8) The manager in working ten hours a day in his office.(A)persists(B)consists(C)insists(D)resists分值: 2(9) It is reasonable for people to pursue a caree

24、r in fields related their favorite hobbies.(A)on(B)for(C)at(D)to分值: 2(10) Please do not to contact our office in case of any difficulties. We are always ready to help.(A) hesitate(B) delay(C) stop(D) postpone分值: 27. There are ten blanks in the following passages. And there are five choices marked A)

25、, B), C), D) and E). Match each blank with the right choice. BACEDPassage One(1)(41)(A)from getting(B)some(C)but(D)adopted(E)brings分值:2(2)(42)(A)from getting(B)some(C)but(D)adopted(E)brings分值:2(3)(43)(A)from getting(B)some(C)but(D)adopted(E)brings分值:2(4) ( 44)(A) from getting(B)some(C)but(D)adopted(

26、E)brings分值:2(5)(45)(A)from getting(B)some(C)but(D)adopted(E)brings分值:2部分正確得分: 88. Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That is (46) Los Angeles did. LosAngeles decided to build highways for cars rather than spending money on public transportation.CEADB(1)(46)(A)Inste

27、ad(B)defend(C)what(D)where(E)suitable分值: 2(2) ( 47)(A)Instead(B)defend(C)what(D)where(E)suitable分值: 2(3) ( 48)(A)Instead(B)defend(C)what(D)where(E)suitable分值: 2(4) ( 49)(A)Instead(B)defend(C)what(D)where(E)suitable分值:2(5)(50)(A)InStead(B)defend(C)What(D)Where(E)SUitabIe分值:22018年秋|大學(xué)英語1|專科 標(biāo)黃色表示正確答案1

28、 Part IUSe Of English (20 Points)DireCti ons: In this Part there are ten in complete dialogues. For each dialoguethere are four ChOiCeS marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE anSWer that best completes the dialogue.(1) I' m going to HaWaii With my aunt this month for my holiday._A(A) HaVe a go

29、od time!(B) BeSt WiSheS to you!(C) Con gratulati ons!(DPIeaSe go!)分值:2Thank you ever so much for the PreSe nt you Sent me.(A) No, tha nks.(B) It' S nOt so good, I think.(C) PIeaSe don ' t Say so.(DI' m glad you like it.)分值:2but I have to be back(3) Can you Stay here Ion ger? Ctomorrow.(A

30、) I ' m afraid not(B) No, thank you(C) I ' d love to(DNo problem)分值:2(4) How do you do? Glad to meet you.(A) How are you? Tha nk you!(B) HoW do you do? Glad to meet you, too.(C) Nice. How are you?(DFine. How are you?)分值:2(5) PrOfeSSOr Johnson, I ' m afraid I Can ' t finish the report

31、 Within this week.How about n ext week? D(A) Good for you.(B) It won ' t bother me.(C) Not at all.(DThat ' S OK.)分值:2(6) GUeSS What ! I Came across an old friend at the Party last night.A' m SUre you had a wonderful time.(A) Sou nds good !(B) Very well.(C) How nice !(DAIl right.)分值:2? Ye

32、S,(7) Could you do me a favor and take these books to my OffiCeA(A) my PIeaSUre.(B) I could.(C) for PIeaSUre.(D With)PIeaSUre.分值:2(8) JameS , I am sorry I USed your COmPUter When you Were away thismorni ng. B(A) You are welcome.(B) That ' S all right.(C) It ' S a PIeaSUre.(DDon ' t menti

33、on it.? IAI feel a bit(9) Do you mind if I OPe n the Win dowcold.(A) I ' d rather you didn' t.(B) Why not ?(C) Go ahead.(DOf COUrSe not.)分值:2(10) Your dress is just won derful!(A) You are right, tha nk you.(B) Thank you, and you?(C) No, no, yours is best.(DThank you. I ' m glad to hear t

34、hat.)分值:22. Part II Read ing ComPrehe nsion (40 PointS)DireCti ons: There are four PaSSageS in this part. EaCh PaSSage is followed by fivequesti ons or Stateme nts. Choose the best an SWer to each questi on or decide T/Ffor each Stateme nt.PaSSage OneMartin LUther King WaS a black minister, who beca

35、me a great Ieader of thecivil rights moveme nt in the 1950s and 1960s.King WaS bor n on Jan Uary 15, 1929 in Atla nta, GeOrgia. When he WaS you ng.he WaS Str on gly in flue need by ThOreaU and In dia n Ieader Mahatma Gan dhi's ideaof non-viole nt resista nce. HaVing received a Ph. D (Doctor of P

36、hilosophy) fromBost on Uni VerSity, he became a political and religious Ieader of the non-viole ntcivil relights movement in 1955. On AUgUSt 28, 1963, he led over 250,000AmeriCa ns on a march in WaSh ington D.C. to fight for the Civil RightS LaW toguara ntee equality for all people, and delivered hi

37、s best known SPeeCh "I HaVe a Dream" before the Lincoln MemOriaL The "dream" is a dream of brotherly love and equality for the Black and White. Thus, he WaS awarded the Nobel PriZe forPeaCe in 1964, but he WaS murdered four years later.ThOUgh he died, he WaS greatly respected and

38、 loved by the AmeriCa ns, boththe White and the black. By vote of Con gress in 1968, the third Mon day of everyJan Uary is now a federal holiday in LUther Kin g's honor. He lives in people'shearts forever.(1) Mart in LUther King WaS murdered Whe n he WaS 39 years old.(AT)(B) F分值:2(2) Martin

39、LUther King WaS a black minister only.(AF)(B) T分值:2(3) Marti n LUther Ki ng's Day has bee n a federal holiday for more tha n 40 years.(AT)(4) The Un derl ined Word delivered in the SeC Ond ParagraPh could be replacedby “gave".(AF)(B) T分值:2(5) The best title for this PaSSage is "Civil R

40、ightS Law".(AT)(B) F分值:23.PaSSage TwoAS PriCe and building costs keep rising, the "do-it-yourself" (DIY) trend in theU.S. COntin UeS to grow."We n eeded fur niture for our liv ing room," SayS Joh n Ross, "and We just did n't have eno Ugh money to buy it. So We decid

41、ed to try making a few tables andchairs." Joh n got married SiX mon ths ago, and Iike many you ng people these days, they are StrUggIing to make a home at a time When the cost of living is Very high.The ROSSeS took a 2-week COUrSe for $ 280 at a ni ght school. Now they build all their fur nitur

42、e and make repairs arou nd the house.Jim HatfieId has three boys and his Wife died. He has a full-time job at home as well as in a shoe-mak ing factory. LaSt mon th, he received a Car repair bill for $ 420. "I WaS deeply UPSet about it. Now I've fini Shed a Car repair course, I should be ab

43、le to fix the Car by myself."Joh n and Jim are not un usual people. Most families in the cou ntry are doing everyth ing they Can to SaVe money so they Can fight the high cost of liv in g. If you Want to become a "do-it-yourselfer", you Can go to DIY classes. And for those who don'

44、t have time to take a course, there are books that tell you how you Can do thi ngs yourself.(1) We Can leann from the PaSSage that many newly married couple find it hard to Pay for What they n eed.(AF)(B) T分值:2(2) John and his Wife Went to evening ClaSSeS to learn how to run a DlY shop.(AT)(B) F分值:2

45、(3) When the Writer SayS that Jim has a full-time job at home, he means Jimmakes shoes in his home.(AT)(B) F分值:2(4) Jim HatfieId decided to become a "do-it-yourselfer" Whe n his Car repairscost too much.(AF)(5) The PoSSible title for the PaSSage is "You Can Do It Too".(AF)(B) T分值

46、:2PaSSage ThreeA house is the most expe nsive thing most people will ever buy. Very few people have eno Ugh money of their own to buy a home, so they have to borrowmoney from a bank. Borrow ing money from a bank to buy a house is called“ take a mortgage (抵扌甲).” The bank usually lends money or gives

47、a mortgage fortwen ty-five years. HOUSeS are so expe nsive that many people no WadayS have to borrow as much as $ 50 000. In other words, they will have a $ 50 000 mortgage.How Can you get a mortgage? When you find a house you like, you go to abank. The bank will research you financial (金融的)history

48、and decide if they think you are a good risk. They will Want to know What kind of job you have, What kind of SaIary you make, and how long you have had the job. They will also Want to know how much money you have. In additi on, the banks will require a dow n Payme nt. DePe nding On WhiCh State you I

49、iVe in, the bank may require as much as thirty PerCe nt of the-price of the house as a dow n payment. The bank will the n lend you the rest of the money to buy the house. Many people are n ever able to buy a house because they CannOt SaVe eno Ugh money for the down Payme nt.(1) What does a house mea

50、n in the Un ited States?(A) It is a dream WhiCh many people Can hardly realize.(B) It is so expensive that many people CannOt really buy them.It does n't bel ong to people if they Can't borrow money from the(C)bank.(DIt is the most important PrOPerty that many people try to buy.)分值:2(2) If A

51、meriCa n people borrow money from the bank for 25 years, this meansthat the PerS on who borrows.(A) has about twen ty-five years to Pay back the money(B) has twenty-five years to Pay back the money(C) has less tha n twen ty-five years to Pay back the money(D has more tha n twen ty-five years to Pay

52、back the money分值:2 What doesdow n Payme ntin ParagraPh 2 refer to in the passage?(A) Money borrowed from a bank as a mortgage.(B) Money Paid to a bank before the mortgages is given.(C) In terest received by a PerS on who borrows money as the mortgages.(DIn terest Charged by a bank on a mortgage.)分值:

53、2(4) WhiCh is not one of the things researched by a bank?(A) What kind of house the borrower lives in.(B) How much money the borrower owns.(C) What kind of job the borrower has.(DWhat SaIary the borrower makes.)(5) The most SUitable title for this PaSSage would be(A) How to SaVe Mo ney on the House(

54、B) How to Borrow Money from a Bank(C) How to Take a MOrtgage(DHow to BUy a House)分值:2答題錯(cuò)誤得分:OPaSSage FourThe adva ntages and disadva ntages of a large populati on have long bee n aSUbjeCt of discussi on among econo mists. It has bee n argued that the SUPPIy of good land is limited. To feed a large p

55、opulati on, in ferior land must be CUItiVated and the good land WOrked inten SiVely. Thus, each PerS on PrOdUCeS less and this means a lower average in come tha n could be obta ined With a smaller populati on.Other econo mists have argued that a large populati on gives more scope forSPeCiaIiZati on and the developme nt of facilities SUCh as ports, roads and railways,WhiCh are not likely to be built unl ess there is a big dema nd to justify them.One of the difficulties in Carrying out a world-wide birth control PrOgram lies in the fact that OffiCiaI attitudes to population growt


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