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1、7川省中職對口高考英語棋擬試題文件管理序列號:K8UYK9IO69O6M2439L889F88688××××××××××××××××××M« ® te××××××××××××××××××C. aA. aC. an6、 F

2、aShiOn belongsnot2018年四川省對口高職班高考模擬試卷本試卷分第I卷(選擇題)和第II卷(非選擇題)兩部分。第I卷1 至10頁,第II卷11至12頁。考生 作答時,須將答案答在答題卷上。在 本試卷、草稿紙上答題無效??荚嚂r 間90分鐘,滿分100分。祝同學們 考試成功!第I卷(共兩部分滿分70分)第一部分英語知識運用(共兩 節(jié);滿分30分)第一節(jié)單項選擇(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可 以填入空白處的最佳選項(共15小 題,計15分)1> I USUalIy ride bike toSChOoL BUt this morning,

3、 I Went to SChOOI by busAa; theB. the;aC / ; aD. a; /2、mother IS a WOrkerA. Mary and Miket SB. Mary' S and Mike, SC. Maryt S and MikeD. Mary and Mike3 ChengdU is mostbeautiful City in SPringA. theB. /D. One4、 He Often has forbreakfastA. two breadsB. two PieCe Of breadsC. two PieCeS Of breadD. tw

4、o PieCeS Of breads5、 JOhn has failed 4 times HeWilI never give UP fifth time.B. theD. /OnIy the young, but also old.A. in; aB. for; theC. / ; anD.to; the7. UnCIe TOnl WilI COme to ViSit next SatUrday.A. WeB. USC. OUrD. OUrS8. I have two and threebottles Of hereA orange, OrangeB. oranges, OrangeSC or

5、anges, OrangeD. orange, OrangeS9. he football twodays ago?A. DOeS , PIayB. Did , PIayedC. Do, PIayD.10. EVery evening Mr King takes a to his home A 25 IninUteS, WaIkB. 25 minute' S WaIkC. 25 IninUte WaIkD. 25 minUteS WaIk11. I won' t go there With you,for I have a IOt Of todo.A WOrkingB. job

6、C. WOrkSD. WOrk12. When SPring comes,trees are PIanted in OUr city.A a InilIiOn OfB millions OfC. twomillionsD million Of13. A group Of aretalking With two Did , PIayB. GermanS; FrenChmanSA. Frenchmen; GermanSC. FrenChmanS; GermenD. Germen; FrenChmen14. it is today!A What fine WeatherB. What a fine

7、WeatherC HOW a fine WeatherD. HOW fine a Weather15. What are you going to do next Sunday?A. I' m SOrryB. Hereyou areC. I' Ve no ideaD. Thatt S all right 第二節(jié)語言應用(共10小題:每 小題1.5分,滿分15分)Part A根據(jù)下列圖片所提供的信息,從16、22題所給的三個選項(A、B、C)中,選出可以填入空白 處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項 涂黑。16. FrOin the sign, We may knowthatA. T

8、he fire may go OUt from the doorB. We CannOt get OUt from the door because the door is CIOSeelC. We Can get OUt from the ClOOrOnIy Wherl there is a fire danger17. FrOnI the WarltS Ads,Jane Canapply a job as a(n)A. CaShierB.PatientC.experienced WOrker18. Mary SaW a box WhiCh thefollowing Sign is on.

9、She may USe things in it WherlA. She needs SOme helps for the ambulanceB. She CUtS her finger With a knife at homeC. She goes to emergency Center19. ACCOl'ding to the sign, JOhnmay notthe PaCkage ifit is broken.A. acceptB.C. The OPeration may getkeep drySeaIC. electric ShOCkPart B根據(jù)下圖提供的信息,20. A

10、CCOrding to the installation 從2325題所給的三個選項(A、B、instructions,TOnI ShOUICl first.A. RemOVe the ballast remove the fluorescent tube C. install the LED tubeC)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳 選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。B. 23. FrOnI the advertisement above,JaCk Can.A. rent a house21. FrOIn the advertisement, JaCkCan in the fairA. LOOk

11、 for a jobB. buy SOmethingC. SelI SOmething22. ACCOrding to the sign, JaCkShOUld be CarefUIbecause.A. There may be electric On the equipmentB. There is a Iightening in the equipmentB. buy a flatC.rent a floor24. ACCording to theadvertisement, the flat in GreenWOOd is_CheaPer Per month than the flat

12、in LOndOn.A. £ 650B.£50C.£40024. AS TOny is a UniVerSityStUdent WhO WarltS to IiVe in aCOnVenient community, he mayChOOSeA. the flat in AC. CIifferenCeS between threeB. the flat In BC. SPaCeShiPSCOUntrySOViet UniOnre A vinChinaDate12 April,19615 May, 1961 in SDaCe forPoeto-t,-A>iie

13、tLt IbVe 15 October,2003AStrOnaUtYUri GagarinAIan ShePherdYang LiWeiAge27A38I hour 18 minut½B.SPaCeShiPVOStOk 1MerCUry 3ShenZhOU 5Time1 hour 48IninUteSOnIy 15 IninU15 minutes:esC. the21 hoursHeight327kilometersSnOrteSt tm185 kilometers?D. 21 hoi343 kilometersRCirCIeS around the Earth1DY AArriVi

14、ngin NeW JYOrkD. The UKA26. The form above ShOWSyedrsUSA.three journeys into SPaCeB.daily Iife Of threeThere are three airports in NeW YOrk When you arrive at One Of them, you Can take bus Or taxi to any PIaCe in NeW YOrkEating OUtThere are many NeW YOrk and you S MCDOnaIdS every d restaurants in Li

15、t Chinatown, for exfamousPeOPleHOteISThere are IOtS Of good hotels in NeW YOrk The best is The PIaZa On 5th A VenUe but youPUbIiC TranSPCIn NeW YOrk , tl and SUbWay service PIanning to USe th you ShOUld buy a Sthe house in C第二部分閱讀理解(五篇短文,共 20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四 個選項(A、B、C、D)中,選出最佳 選項,并在答題卡上

16、將該項涂黑。D SOmething about threefamous astronauts27. Went into SPaCefirst.A. ChinaB. TheUSAC. SOViet UniOndon' t have to Pay a IOt to Stay in the city; there are IOtS Of SmalIer hotels and the YMCA near CentraI Park is great for young PeOPlethe journ¾lbW1c 瑚F 備 to BUt you ClOnt t have to USe P

17、UbIiCtransport ±ftoe tax aIcblofcfelkSLn you Can go to On foot The EmPire StaIe Buiffil 5th AVenUe andCentraI Parkare a Part oYOrk taxisB.CIty experience,SO you ShCJlIjCl)at IeaSIQ o罟 Igtaxi during your ViSit!PayNeWPIaCeS to SeeFinally, there are a IOt Of PlaCeS to See in NeW YOrk-TimeS SqUareJ

18、 the StatUe Of Liberty. And you ShOUId, t go home WithOUt Climbing the Statue Of Liberty to enjoy the SCenery Of the city.ShOPPiBlg $ 10ShOPPing in NeW YOrk is fun.There are %g ¾kork>They are OPen 1seven days a Week ShOUIa BUt be CarefUI Wherl you IOOk at theprices; you v¾attp8% tax (稅)

19、On every thing you buy in NeW YoA take a taxi WheneVer youOUtyou daygo29. HOW many kinds Of PUbIiC transport are mentioned in the passage?A. Two.B. Three.C. FOUrD. Five30. " The PIaZa” here is thename Of A. a restau:TantB. ahotelC. an airportC. Stay at the best hotelD. Climb the StatUe Of Liber

20、tyCA CIeVer BirdA man has a bird It is Very CleVer EVery day the man SPeakS to the bird"Hello!" he SaySUHelIO!” the birdD. a ShOPyou doingM SayS the bird.answers"What are you doingm SayS the man. "What areThe man IS not at home One day. A thief COmeS in. He IS taking many things&

21、quot;Hello!” The thief hears the bi:Tcr S WOrdS"What are you doing° The thief is Very afraid, SO he does not take any things and runs OUt Of the house33. The man teaches the birdA. SOmetimeSB. OnCe a WeekC. every WeekD. every day36. The thief is taking things from the houseA. a fewB. aIitt

22、IeC. a IOt OfD. SOmeDStOries, beautiful facialA how to Say SOmethingB. how to Sing SOngSC how to eat SOmethingD. how to dance34. The bird is .A Very niceB. very CIeVerC. Very beautifulD. Very SilIy(傻的)35. The man SPeakS to the birdBeijing OPera IS also CalIed Peking OPera It Came IntO being after 17

23、90 When the famous four AnhUi OPera troupes (戲班)Came to Beijing ItS music and Singing (,昌腔)come from XiPi and ErhUang in HUbei and AnhUi ItS COStuIneS are all fascinating and artistic It is the highest expression Of the ChineSe culture. It' S full Of famousPaintings, and WOnderfUI gestures and f

24、ighting ThiS kind Of OPera is Very POPUIar With ChineSe PeOPIeThere are four main roles in Beijing Opera: Sheng, Dan, Jing and ChOu. Sheng is the Ieading IIlale (男性)actor FOr example, a WUSheng is a SOldier Or fighter A XiaOSheng IS a young niaii. A LaO Sheng is an Old man. Dan is the female (女性)rol

25、e. Jing, mostly male, is the face-painted role and ChOU is the COmedy actor Or ClOWn.StOrieS In Beijing OPera are Very interesting SOme Of them are from the history book, but most Of them are from the IiteratUreJ especially famous novels The PeOPIe in the StOryThey become angry and UnhaPPy.They are

26、Sad and IOneIy.SOmetimeS they are nervous and WOrrieCl Then they find a Way to make PeaCe The StOrieS USUalIy end With happiness and IaUghter and PeOPIe are all happy in the end.37. Beijing OPera, S Singing IS f romA. AnhUi and HUbeiB. Beijing and AnhUiC the history bookD the IiteratUre and novels 3

27、8 The SeCOnCl ParagraPh o f the reading is aboUt the Of Beijing OPeraA. StOriesB.rolesC. gesturesUSUalIy have SOme disagreements.D. Paintings39. FrOnl the reading, We know the role ChOU most PrObabIy hasa (n)fea ture.A. honestfunnyD. SeriOUS40. WhiCh Of therole Sheng41. WhiCh Of theB.C. dullfollowin

28、g is thefollowingStatements is TRUEA. Beijing OPera IS full OfCIifferent gesturesB. There are OnIy four roles inBeijing OPeraC. Beijing OPera is the mostPOPUlar in the WOrIClD The PeOPIe in the StOryUSUalIy are in agreement.BFrOin far OUt in space, EarthIOOkS Iike a blue balL SinCeWater COVerS three

29、-fourths Of the Earth' S surface, blue is the COIOr We See most The COntinents IOOk brown, Iike SmalI ISIandS floating In the huge, blue Sea White ClOUdS COVer around the Earth Iike a Iight blanket The Earth is ShaPed Iike a sphere,Or a bal1 It IS 25,OOO miles around! It WOUld take more than a y

30、ear to WaIk around the WhOIe PIanet A SPaCeShiP Can fly around the WideSt Part Of the SPhere in OnIy 90 IninUteSEVen though SPaCeShiPS have traveled to the Moon, PeOPIe CannOt ViSit the MOOrl WithOUt SPeCiaI suits. The MOOn has no air Or Water PIants and animals can, t IiVe there either AStrOnaUtS f

31、irst Ianded On the MOOn inl969 After that, thereWere SiX more trips to the MOOn.They brought back MOOn rocks, WhiCh SCientiStS are StilI StUdying There are holes, Or CraterSJ all OVer the MOOrlt S SUrfaCe SCientiStS believe that meteorites (l員不) SmaShed in to the MOOn InilIiOnS Of years ago and form

32、ed the CraterSThe SUn is the ClOSeSt Star to Earth A Star is a hot ballOf burning gas The SUn IOOkS Very big because it is SO CIOSeBUt the SUn is just a mediumsized Star BilIiOnS Of far-away Stars are much bigger than OUr SUrL The burning gases from the SUn are SO hot that they WarnI the Earth from

33、93 InilIiOn IniIeS because the Earth rotates, Or turns around, every 24 hours DUring the day, the Earth faces the Sun. Then We See Iight DUring the night, the Earth turns away from the Sun. Then it faces the darkness Of SPaCeEaCh day We Iearrl more about the Earth, the MOOn and the Sun.42. When We I

34、OOk at the Earth from OUter space, the COlOr WeSee most is blue because A. MOSt Of the Earth is COVered in IanClB. The Sun? S rays make theEarth IOOk blueC. MOSt Of the Earth IS COVered in WaterD ClOUdS WraP around the Earthaway! EVen though the SUn is always ShiningJ the night here On Earth is dark

35、 That' S43. The meaning Of the UnderlinedWOrd U SmaShedM in the SeCOndParagraPh isA. CraShedB.madeC. brokeD. got44. What CaUSeS daylight On EarthA. The full MOOn CaUSeSdayIightB. DayIight IS CaUSeCl by theEarth facing away from the Sun.C. The heat Of the Sun, S raysCaUSeS daylightD Daylight IS CaUSeCl by theEarth facing toward the SUrK45. WhiCh Of the followingSentenCeS BEST describes the SUnA. The SUn IOOkS SmalI because it is SO far from EarthB. The SUn is a ball Of burnin


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