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1、-系統(tǒng)復習資料八年級上冊英語課文原文 t wh re di you o o ac io ? ctona drick : i,helen.lo gti no see. ele:hi , ric yes,i was o vacation asmo th. i k: , d o g anywherei teresing? he en:ye ,i n guizhou w hmy faml. ick : wow!did you e h a gg osh waterfall ? el n: yes,i d . was wonderfu! e ook qui fewpho os there.wh t abo

2、 t y u?didyu o anythingspecial la tmo th? :n t all .i jus staye t h me ost f the time to r ad d r lax.,section b b id ja e havea odti e on m day?wht bout ontuesda ? mon ay, ly 15t ia ived np na i malaysiath morning with my fam y it w unnyand h t, so ecided to o tthe be ch nearo hot l. y siser an i t

3、ried p r glid ng. t lik i w s a b rd. twas so e iti ! for unch, e had soethiveryspec al-malay ia llow nood es they we e liciou !heafternoo ,we roe bicycleso geoge w.ther area lot of new buildin s no ,bu ny of t ob ilding ar stillthe in wel uay, a ea lyold p cin og t wn, we saw the hous o hechinese t

4、rade s from 00 ars ago.i onder hat l fewas k er n the ps .i reall enjoyed alk g a ound thetowntuesd y, ju y 16h wha a dif renc d y-ma es! y f eand i ec dedto g to nang h t day e wan ed to alk up o op,but thn i s ar d rain g a lit l o ecided t t ketherain.w waiteover anh u r th rinbecause ther ere oo

5、 ma y peo le.wh nwe gt othetop,t a rai ing rea hard.wedidn' h ve anumbrell we w rew and cold.i as te ri l! d be seo e bawe t e, w could'tsee a thi below.myfathe didn t ng en g ney, so we only ha one owlo fi h nd ri e.was shungry!b t it tatd gr at!,1unit how oftend y ex rci ?se t on a 2djak :

6、 hi , claire,a you fr e next wee? clai e:h .nexwee i quite f llforme,jack.j ck: real ?ho come? cla re: i havedne andpan e ons. j k:wh kind da eare y u l arnin ? clai :o , swin dce.i 's fun ! i hav class once a week,every on .jak: ow ten doy hve pi less s? cla re: wice a eek,on wednesdaad r d . j

7、ack:w l, obu us ay?claire:oh,i ave to ayt n with my fried .bt do ouw ntto c e?jack:sure !,sec on b 2b wha do no.5 high h l tud nts o in their ree im ? las month aked ur stud ts abo t heree ime acti it e.or ques ions were aboutxe cse,se ofth i te nend tch ng .he e are the result .we f und tha only fi

8、fteen p rce o ostuents e ercse ery ay.for yfi e per ent xercise r to xtimesweek we ty e cet exerci e o ly neto thre timesa wek nd wen y per e t dnot e ercis t a ! we al k w th t ay tud n s of n go on e, butw w esurp sed t at nin ypercet of the use the nternetvery d theot erte er e ts itat leat three

9、 orfou t mes a we k. ost t et se it or ua dnot f homework. the answ rs t our qu sti ns about at hing levi n we e al o ntere t ng nl percent of th stud nsw cht e t three imes a w k. i ten er entwa h t ur to six t es a e k a d ei htyfiv per ent watch tv e e y day ! although any den like to wth s o ts,

10、game sh w ae t most op lar. it is good to rel x by using h int r t or watchi g ga how , ut w th he bes way to e is ho gh e e cie.i s a thy fortheind ndhbody.exercis suh aspl yn spo ts sfun,an youcan pendti e wth yourriend n fam ly asyou pla to eter.a em mber ,“ l habitsdie ard ” so sar exercis bef r

11、e it's to late! ,ui 3 i' more outg ng hanmy siste. ctona 2dju: iyou li e e sin ing compeit o yest rda , nna? na:oh, it wasa stc! ellysang o ll ! juli: y s, but i hink lisa sang etter thanelly. an : h,whi hone ili a? julie:t e one with s orter hair.i nk he s ng oe cle ly t anne l.anna: y , ut

12、 nelly danced bettet n lisa. ju i :but ou a tell that isa prac iced alot m re re llyan ed t .anna:we , eeryone wants to w n.bu thmos impor antthin is o e r som thin and h e fun.,sec n 2b fgreenm t told e a g d r nd is like mirror.i'mqu teran more se i s than mo kids.that's h ike r a i books

13、a dsudy nghardein class mybe r n uanli is quiet too,so we n y t ying tog th r.i'msh soit's nt ea y for me to make friends. t think riends are like books yo don't ned a lt of them as ng a the 'r good.h a gleiit s n nc ssar to b th same.bestfriend larry is quite differetfrom me he is t

14、al r and mo e out oing than me e bthli e sport ,but e plystenn s tter,s heal s w ns.i'm ge tin b tter,thouh.as a roft s, “ my t iend hlpto br ou he t n e. ” ho ever,lar mch lesh d-wo king, soi alwaysgt be ter ades. maybe i shou h p h re. mar smith i don't e lly care if y friends ae he amem o

15、r diffe ent. y favorit sayin is,“ a true friend rea hesyour handand uch your hea t.” met f iend caro i real ykind ad v y nn. in act, e's fun ierthanyone i kno .i brokemy a m last yer but se made me aughnd fe l btte.we can alk a t an s ar ev yth ng.i k ow she ares ab ut me bcause she's waysh

16、e tolisten.,unit 4 a thebst mv heater ? ecti n a 2dg e: hi ,i m reg.i'm new i t w. he n: i,i'm helen.welc me to he eigh ohood! howdyo l e far? g: ts fantas, but i stil dn real yknw way a d. he en: wll , th b s spermarket s on centr st e t.yo n buy h fresh s ood th re. greg: ,gr at.ist rea ci

17、nem around h re?i love w ch ng mov es he : e, su cin a s thenewes n ou can si th mos co ortalyb ca se hy av the bggests at. greg:thank ortel nge. helen: no p blem, ec on b ho s got ae ? eer ne i good t mething,b m epl re t ulyalented.t's al i es g to a h oth r peopl sho thir tal s.tales ow ar ge

18、ttingmore a morep ular.f st, thre were sh s l e am ric n ido and am ca s gotal .now, hr are si ila sh w aroun he wor d, u h as ch na'sgot alent. all thes ows ave one thinincom n:t ey try tolook forthe best sing s, h ms talented dancers,he most exc ting agi ia,the unniest actor an son.all kinds o

19、 ej n t eshows.bt whocan la the p an thebe t o sing the m stba ifully?th t's pto yu to decide.when peopl watch the show, heuuall l ya role ieciding twi n r.and win er lways ets very o p iz.h wever,not ever b y joy watchi g hse shows.s me think that th lives of t e per ormers arm de up.for exampl

20、e, p ple h ay theyar poor r rs are in fact jut actors t i udon't t e hes shwst serious y,theyr f to wat h and on reat thing outthem i tht t ive eopl a wyto ae teirdeams come t u ,4unit5 o you at to watch gam s ow? se t on a dgrce: ha id ou o in cla t day,a ah?sara: weha is ussi n about vs w my l

21、assmate li e gae s an spo t hows. race:oh, i c 't stanhe ilove soap pea. li e to ollow th storyand s e wha ppens ex .sarah: wel, i don't mi d o p operas. ut y f vori vsho sa e the n s andtak shows.grace:th y' e oring ! sa ah:ell ,they ay ot be ery ex iti g, but y u ca exp t to leaa ot fr

22、o .ihope tobe a tveort r ond y.,eti n b b when people ay“ cul ure ”, e think o a nd histo . b t oneve yf mou symo amer an cu ure iscarton weall k ow a d lovethe bl ck ous wi h t g r undea s m key use.ov r8ears go, he irstappar d ithartoosteamboat w lie.when hisc toonae utin ne york on november 8,192

23、8, t a t firs ca oon with soun and m ic te nbeh nd m c e was wat isney.heb camvery ri h andsucess l.in t e 1930s, e mde 8 cartoons withmic esom pep mightaskhow ti artoon anim lbecame s p pular.on of the ainreasns s ha micke as lik a c m on man, b t e lwa st ie o ace any d ner in his early il , ky w

24、s lu y nd ad many problems sucs log is ouse or g rlfri d,minnie.ho ever,he as a ways ead totry hs est.p owe to the cin ma to s e the“ little man” win most o them w t to e like mi key onnv mber 18,197, mic ebeca eth first arto n a cterto have a st ron he o yw odwal ff me pe pe odayexpe t t s m ha ust

25、 a little mo se ig ting b d uys,but n stil know o h is.w a pi of e rs o e f ous than mic ey's?,5uit 6 i'm on to tudy computer sc ence.secti n a 2d and : at re you rea in , n? n: he ld an and he seaby hemi gway.: wow,now know whyou r s oo t wri ings r es.ken : ,i wa t t beawri er. an y: ra? h

26、ow a e you oing t bcome writ r ? k n: well,i'mg ing tokeep on writ gstor s,of corse. hat do you wa to be ? ndy:my ts wan met be a doct r , buti'm no sure bo t t at.ken : ll , on w rry.no veryone os hat he want to e.just mke s r you t y our best.th yocan beanythin ouwant ! andy : y s, you'

27、;reri ht.,s ction b2b d youknowwhat eso tion is ? 'ski d ofr s m sof he tim ,w ake p miseto therpeople.(“om,i promise'm goi g to ti y myroom whe i getback froms ol.”)however , promise you m k to sel are r soluti , nd t eot cmmon k nd ise ea ' es lutio s.the_tart_o _ e year_i often_a_ ime

28、_for mking_r solution . hn we ake eslution t he beginningo heyer,we ope thatw are goin to pr ve o r live oepeo lew it down thei resou ns anplan forheco ing yea .thiselpsthem o reme ber their es ti n ho _about you_ _will_yo _ma e_any_next e r?2 th re are diffe e n fresol i ns so ear about ysi al heal

29、th. exampl ,sme peo le pomise themsel es hey are on o sart anexerci eprogr r at e at food. any re olution hve t dowt sef im rove e t.t e ab umaki g yoursel a bet e erson.somepeoplem ht s they aregoing t akeupahobb lik pa nig or t kingp o os,or e rn o pla the guit r some resolutions have to do with b

30、etterpla n ng,lik mki ga we y plan for school ork.f r ex mpl , a studen m have find more timeo study. . th ugh he e are f eren es, ost resol ions ha e one ting in o mo .peo l har ly ve k e th m! th re re good re s fo thi .sometimes he resoutions ay be toodif icult t kep. ome im s e pe ustforget ab u

31、t the for th s e o, sompeo l say he e res lution is toa e resolutions!oters ll t eif ily and f ien abou their w s es nd pla s.,6uni 7wi l op e av obots?sect on d ik:what are you re din ,j ll? l: it s a book a outtheftur . ick: ound cool.owh w ll th futu like ? il : we l,citie w llbemore crowde and o

32、 uedthe ewil be ewer t es and theenv ronmentil b in eat ng r. ni : thats unds a! il ha e to oveto other lanets? i l:maybe.bu i wan toliveon theea t. nick:me , o.then ha can we do? ji l:w can s ss t r d la tm et es.ev yonesho ld pl a at i sa ing t earth. ,sectio b 2 doyou th k ou lhave your o robot ?

33、wh nwe watch movies but hef re,we ometime seero ts.the ae usaly jus like huma sevnts. hey help with t e hous work an do jo s ike rk ng in di ty o dnger s pla es to th r ae already robots worki g in fac orie .for e amp e,they can help to b ild as,an t ey d imp e jobs ov nd o er gan.f er p op e ill do

34、 suc jobs e f re beca se they ar boring ,bu ob ts will v r et or d. som sc en ist el eve that the e will be mor r bots in e future ow ver , they agr e it a ak dreds o y ars sci n is ae now t ig marobo s ook lik hum sand oth ame thi a u.somrobo s in jap n can enwalk ad anc .tese ki ds rob ts ar fun w

35、 chbt sc enti a s w i et in h it w l be dif cut for robot to thesame hings as apeson.for ex ple, t's easy or c i drento wakeuad know here they are.mr. hi ethinks t a robotswon' be abl t do h s, butsome sci ntis s isa re they th n th trobot will even be l tt lk i ehm nsin 25t50 easn o otwi ha

36、ve ma ydiffe nt hape .so e w ll l ok like h man , n thes m gh oo lk snaes. bu d ng fal ow with peop insi e,sake ob t wil b ableto el loo for e ple under euil in s.t t ma no s emo be now,b t comput rs and rocke eem d impos ible0 ears agow nv rkno what wi l ppen in th f ture!,7unit 8 howo y m e abanaa

37、 milkhke? ection 2d anna:sam,i t to mak r ssian s p or a p rtyn saturday.c n yu e me how? am:sure. irst, uy m beef, on abbage,f r ca ots, three potat, fiv toma oesan n io .te,ctup he veg tables. anna: wat'snext?s: n t, pu the beef,carr ts d potatos nto a potan dd so e wat after that, cook t em f

38、 r30minute then,ad t cab ge, omatoes and ion an cook fr a ohe 1 nu s. an : k,tht si? sam:no, oe or thing.f nally , o t forget toadd som sa t.,se ion b hnksgiv ng in t eu ited tat snmost ount s, pe ple u a ly e t radit nal f od ons cial hidays.aspecial day in teuniteds atesst anks iving here are man

39、reasons fo i special day.oo people, i i a tm to ie anks o fo d ntheau umn it i always on the forth thur day in nove bern he unit states.a this tim ,popl lo e embt e first traveler rom gl nd wh c me to i e n a eric about 500 y ars ago. ee trav lers hadalong,hrd wint r, nd mn f t em died.inthe nex tum

40、,t ey gae hanks forlife and food inheir new ho . hdays, most am ricans ti l celeb atet isid ofgivi thanksby having a g meaatho ewith heir fami y.the maindish o i meal ia o t always turkey, a lar bird.ma ngat ke innerhere s one y o ma e r ey fra thanks ivingdi ner. f st, mi toge e sme br piece, onins

41、, salt andpep er. n t,fillhe urey with his brea ix.then, put the turk y a hot oven nd co k itfr a few hours hen t is read,lac the u key onl ge l tand er i wi gra y.fial y,cu h t rke nt tin pie s a d et m at with eget leslik ca o and otatoes.,8nt canyou come mya y? ect on a d jeff : ey,nic, cn ou coe

42、t myh use on at rday? cousinsam from x ' nis gongt be here. nic : oh,sa! i ememb r we went ike idi together la t fal wh n e v d yo . jef:yes, that'srig t. nick: 'd love t come,bu ' fraid i an't. have n xam on onday so i must p e are or it. f:th t' r ally o bad! o,but sam isn&

43、#39;t aving nt l e we esday. an you ang out w t us onm nday ight? nick:sure ! ctc y u o mo a!s t o b2b hi vid, wh ta re t id a!i re ly like s.stee a lt. hehelped e t improv my en lis s much. ' sadt e e go,and his party s he est way t sy“ tha yu nd oodye” i canel to bu some o thefoo andri ks.i can al o help to i g ms.st nto the party i a r ady h va reat dea about howod the we hi avi , t anks o mu r


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