1、閱讀理解之細節(jié)題解題技巧概述細節(jié)理解題主要考查考生對文章事實細節(jié)的理解,主要有直接細肖理解題和間接細巧理 解題等幾種形式,在解答這類題時,可采用“一找二泄三比對"的方法。解題步驟Step 3 :比對 比對原文和選項確定答案選項特征做細節(jié)理解題時務必要樹立回原文定位的意識,每一題、每一選項都要回到原文中的某 一處進行立位,然后畫出相關語句,并與選項仔細比對,找出正確選項的理由和錯誤選項的 理由。1正確選項的特征同義替換:對原文句子中的關鍵詞進行同義替換。如把IOSeOnesJOb換成了 be out of WOrko有時候詞性或者語態(tài)有所變化。把原文中的一些詞變換一下詞性,如把impo
2、rtant改 JjJcOfimportance:改變原文中句子的語態(tài),即主動語態(tài)與被動語態(tài)的轉(zhuǎn)換。(2) 語言簡化:把原文中的復雜語言現(xiàn)象進行簡化,設宜為答案。(3) 正話反說:把原文中的意思反過來表達而成為正確選項。2干擾選項的特征(1) 是原文信息,但不是題目要求的內(nèi)容。(2) 無中生有,雖然符合常識,但不是文章的內(nèi)容。(3) 與原文的內(nèi)容極其相似,只是在某個細節(jié)處有些變動。(4) 在意思上與原文大相徑庭甚至完全相反。(5) 部分正確,部分錯誤。際例(2019全國卷【閱讀B)FOr Canaall Elementary's SeCond grade In PatChOge>
3、N.Y, today is SPeCCh day, and right now t,s ChnS PaIaeZS nm.The 8-year-old is the joker Of the class.With Shining dark eyes, he SeenlS Iike the kind Of kid WhO WOUld enjoy PUbIiC SPeakingBUt he's IlerVOuS.T'm here to tell you today Why you ShOUldShOUIdCllriS trips On the "ld, ''
4、 a PrOnUnCIatIOn difficulty for Illany IlOn-native EngIiSh SPeakerS.His teacher, ThOmaS Whaley, is next to him、WllISPermg SUPPOrt.7bte for.me./'Except for SOme StUlnbleSt ChriS is doing amazingly Well.When he brings his SPeeCh to a nice COnClUSion Whaley invites the rest Of the CIaSS to PraiSe h
5、im.24.What made ChriS nenrous?Ielling a StOryr.B.Making a SPeCChC.Taking a test. D.Answering a question分析:SteP 1:找詞,題干中的關鍵詞為 ChriSnCrVous。SteP 2:左位,查找原文,根據(jù)題關鍵詞直接左位到第一段中的".today is SPeeCh day, and right now its CIInS PaIaeZ ,s turn.'和:.he SeemS Ilke the kmd Of kid WhO WOUld ejoy PUblIC SPeak
6、illgStep 3:比對,比對原文和選項可知,今天是演講日,現(xiàn)在輪到Y(jié)Chris,雖然他看起來 像那種喜歡在公共場合講話的孩子,但是他很緊張。由此可知,演講使ChriS緊張。主要類型1宜接信息題解答細節(jié)理解的直接信息題時,由于題目普遍較容易,不必通篇細讀全文,一般是先通 過題F信息來選擇左位關鍵詞。關鍵詞主要是題F中的名詞、動詞和數(shù)詞,即問題的核心信 息,再進行信息肚位,運用略讀及尋讀的技巧快速在文章中尋找與題干有關的關鍵詞,找出 相關的句子,得岀正確答案。示例(2019全國卷I閱讀A)SUmmer EmPlOyment OPPOrtUnitieS (機會)ThrOUgh the SUmmC
7、r EmPlOymCnt OPPOrtUnitieS PrOgramt StUdentS are hired each year in a Variety Of SUInmer POSitiOnS across the PrOVinCial PUbIiC Sendee, its related agencies and COmlnUnity groups WhO is eligible: StUdentS aged 15 Or OIdCr.Some POSitiOnS require StUdentS to be 15 to 24 Or UP to 29 for PerSOnS With a
8、disability.23. Which PrOgram favors the disabled?AjObS for Youth.B. Sunmcr Company.C. Stewardship YOUIh Ranger Program.D-SUmmer EmPlOyment OPPOrtUnitieS分析:本題屬于直接信息題。根據(jù)題干中的關鍵詞disabled,迅速在文中找到最后一段 的PerSOnS With a disability,通過分析這句話可知,與題干中的the disabled屬于典型的同義 詞替換,故選D項。2間接信息題考查間接信息題時,正確選項一般都會在原文基礎上進行改造。
9、常用方式是同義詞替換 或釋義,即把文中語言(詞匯和結(jié)構(gòu))改頭換而,來表達相同的意思。因此在做細卩理解題時, 要根據(jù)所找信息,分析選項,對比其中所用詞匯,避免誤選答案。命題人主要從以下兩個角 度命制正確選項。(1)同義替換同義替換是指命題人利用同義詞或近義詞對原文的關鍵信息進行解釋。解題時,同學們 應該根據(jù)題意,快速跳讀全文,找到關鍵信息,然后在選項中尋找與原文信息最接近的同義 詞或近義詞,這樣就可確泄正確答案。(2)歸納信息歸納信息是指命題人用精煉的語言來概括原文中比較分散或復雜的信息,這是命題人設 計細節(jié)理解題時經(jīng)常使用的手段之一。同學們首先應抓住該題所涉及的重要信息去理解、提 煉其中的關鍵
10、信息,可嘗試用自己的語言去歸納文中的信息或事實,然后再看選項,挑選出 和自己所歸納的信息最接近的選項作為正確答案。示例(2018全國卷Il閱讀B)Of the COnlmOn berries, StraWberrieS are highest in Vitalnin C, although, because Of their SCCds, raspberries COntain a Iittle more ProtCin (蛋 白質(zhì)),iron and ZinC (not that fits have much PrOtein).Blueberries are PartiCUIaliy hig
11、h in antioxidants (抗氧化物質(zhì)).The yellow and Orange StOne fruits SUCh as PeaCheS are high in the CarOtenOidS We turn into Vitamin A and WhiCh are antioxidants.As for CherrieS (櫻桃),they are SO delicious WhO cares? However, they are rich in Vitamin C.24. What does the author Seem to Iike about cherries?A.
12、 They COntain protein.B. They are high in Vitamin A.C. They have a PleaSant tasteD. They are rich in antioxidants.分析:選CO本題屬于間接信息題。根據(jù)第二段倒數(shù)第二句可知,應該選C項,櫻桃 很美味。have a PleaSant taste與be SO delicious表義相同,屬于同義替換。If you are in a dilcmma(l境)about being self-taught Or getting formal educatioyou have COme to t
13、he right WebPage.In this articleve note the advantages Of each Of these to help you decide WhiCh One WOUld be the best for you.PerhaPS the biggest advantage Of being self-taught is that you are able to SaVe a IOt Of InOney.With each PaSSing year.the COSt Of getting a degree is On the rise.As a resul
14、tjnany StUdentS these days tend to graduate from COllege With a SignifiCant amount Of ClCbt.This InakeS it necessary for them to get a job as SOOn as POSSible,otherwise a number Of SeriOUS issues may arise.BesidesJt is POSSible to Iearn faster On your OWn,by focusing On Only those areas that you are
15、 interested in.FinallyJearning On your OWn Can be a great COnfidenCe-builder.You have to Stlilggle to gain knowledge but OnCe you Clear the basics On your OWn,you Will find yourself being much more COnfident about your abilities.One Of the biggest advantages Of formal CdIlCatiOn is that you get a de
16、gree WhiCh is a Inark Of recognition that you have achieved a IeVel Of knowledge in that PartiCUlar field.Many COmPanieS tend to Prefer CaIldIdateS WhO have a COllege degreeIats more.though formal education IaCkS the COnVenienCe and flexibility Of self-educationjt OfferS YOU much more in terms Of th
17、e actual StrUCtUre Of the ICarning PrOCeSS.Last,bcing formally educated means that you Win enter a COIIege Or Other Similar educational institutions.There you WiIl get the benefit Of being taught and guided by Ieanled teachers and Other SUbjeCt experts.This Will be a big benefit as you Will be able
18、to take advantage Of their CXPerienCe and gain in-depth knowledge about the subject.Thus,both formal CdUCatiOn and self-education have their OWn SetS Of advantages.The ChOiCe between the two COmeS down to individual PreferenCe as Well as PerSOnal SitUatiOn.1 .Which Of the following is an advantage O
19、f SeIf-CdUCation?A. A faster PaCe Of Ieaming B. Being guided by SUbjeCt experts.C. A Wider range Of WayS to gain knowledgeD. Having InOre ChanCeS Of getting part-time jobs.2. To get the benefit Of being taught by Iearned experts,you ShOUld A. choose self-educationB. enter an educational institutionC
20、. work for Iearned teachersD. make USe Of WebPageS about CdUCatiOn3. What is the InOSt important factor in ChOOSing the Way Of education?A. The reputation Of educational institutionsB. The knowledge Of teachers and expertsC. The OPiniOnS Of relatives and friendsD Olle s PrefereIICe and SltUation.4.
21、What is die author's PUlPOSe Of WrItIng this text?A. To PrOmOte a WebPage about educatio n.B. To PrOVe that SeIf-CdUCatiOn is the best ChOiCeC. To help readers ChOOSe between two forms Of CdUCatiOnD To roe tlat it's difficult to decide On the PrOPer education.參考答案:ADBCQUeStiOning the existen
22、ce Of aliens is SOmething that SCientiStS have done for decades.In fact.most PeOPle do believe that aliens exist in SOmC fashion.The main necessities for Iife are Water and SOnIe forms Of energy SOUrCe.Not SUrPriSingly.there are SOme PIanCtS,exoplanets and InOOnS that fit the bill.Here are SeVeral b
23、est ChanCeS at finding Iife in the UniVerSeTRAPPIST-1TRAPPIST-I is a Planetanf SyStenI a few dozen Iight years away,whose discovery WaS announced in early 2017.This SyStem COnSiStS Of SeVen earth-like exoplanets Orbiting an ultra-cool" star,and It is One Of OUr ShOtS at finding POSSibIe Iife be
24、yond OUr OWn SOlar SyStem.TitanTitan is the IargeSt moon Of SatUrnjhe SiXth Planet from OUr Sun.This InOOn COUld POtentially harbor Iife but POSSibly not in the SenSe that We think.Titan does not exactly fit the description Of being in a typical habitable zone.Titan has Waterand It has IlqUId lt jus
25、t doesn't have IiqUId Water.Thc Water On this InOOn is COlnPleteIy SOIid because Of the extremely COld temperatureEuropaEUrOPa is One Of JUPiter,s moons here in Our OWn SOIar SyStem It is another Candidate due to its POtential to hold IiqUid Water.Europa is thought to have all the necessities fo
26、r Iife including WateEenergy SOUrCeS,and the right ChemiCal build-up MarsThe Red Planet.the fourth from the SUnJS PrObably One Of the most talked-about POtential CandidateS for CXtratCrrCStriaI(till球夕卜的)Iife and even for human COlOniZatiOn.Despite SOme different VOiCeS,finding extraterrestrial Iife
27、On MarS is really a SeriOUS POSSibility.We know by now tlat We WOn,t find Iittle green men or any intelligent form Of Iife that We UnderStanc!.Howeverjhcre is evidence that there WaS and may StilI be IniCrOSCOPiC Iife On the red Planet.1. The COmmOn POint Of these CeleStial bodies(天體)is that A. soli
28、d Water exists On them respectivelyB. life might exist On each Of themC. thcy all COntain IiqUid WaterD. each Of them has IiVing things On it2. Which CeIeStial body COUld have Iife different from human imagination?A. TRAPPIST-1.B .Titan. C.Europa.D.Mars3. What do We know from the passage?A. Europa i
29、s the most talked-about POtential Candidate for extraterrestrial life.B. TRAPPIST-I is the Only body that COntainS Iife beyond the SOlar system.C. A11 the SCientiStS do believe that aliens exist in SOme manner.D. There is PrOOf that Iife existed On the CeleStial body MarS.參考答案:BBD課后練習(三)Shakespeare9
30、S Fanlily HOmeSThe ShakeSPeare BirthPlaCe TrUSt has a IOng and famous tradition Of WelCOming ViSiting groups to the ShakeSPeare HOUSeSXaCh PlaCe With its OWn fascinating stor>r to tell.Shakespeare9S BirthPIaCeWalk ill ShakeSpeare footsteps and explore die house Where he WaS born and grew UP EXPlO
31、re IliS father's gloe-nakng WOrkShOP and CatCIl OUr IOCal actors brmgmg ShakeSPeare,s WOrkS to life.Mary AI den 5s FarlnMeet the COStUnled IOCaIS as they go about their daily tasks Of COOkingJending CrOPS and feeding the rare animals.Explore the farmyard With its CentUrieS-Old barns (谷倉)and OUtb
32、Uildnlgs,or See the house Where Shakespeare's motler grew UP and ViSIt Palmer's Fanll HOUSe.the home Of RObCrt PaImeEa family friend and neighboU匚HaUCrOftEXPlOre the IuXUnOuS home Of SIlakeSPeare ,s daughter SUSaima ad her WeaIthy PhySiClan husband,Dr.JOhn Hall.See the flemish PaintingS and fine furniture.Relax in the beautiful gardens and breathe in the fragrant herbs WhiCh WaS USed by DHall in his treatment
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