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1、劍橋商務英語高級模擬52readingpart one look at the statements below and at the five short financial reports on the opposite page which flnaneial report (a, b, c,d ore. does each statement 1-8 refer to? for each statement 1-8, mark one letter (a, b, c, d ore on your answer sheet. you will need to use some of th

2、ese letters more than oncea. advice concerning credit card use abroad has been formally compiled in a new guide. the guidance includes tips on what fees credit card users may incur if they spend onplastic while on holiday. furthermore, the information advises holidaymakers to remain vigilant against

3、 fraud as a nation brits use cards more frequently abroad so it pays to be aware of any extra costs, as well as taking steps to protect them from fraud. in 2007, 50 percent of all spending overseas by brits was paid for by credit cards, according to apacs figuresb. in the uk, enough savings to survi

4、ve three months of incapacity, or £4, 128, is recommended as a sensible minimum precaution according to birmingham midshires calculations, the average uk adult has £ 7, 548 in the bank, enough to cover 167 days, or five months and 17 days. it is encouraging to see that people are taking he

5、ed of this message and are actually saving double this minimum amount meanwhile, figures released showed that the average man has twice as much put away as the average woman, or £ 10,912 compared to £4, 443 respectively.c. rising interest rates on current account overdrafts are costing peo

6、ple in the uk hundreds of millions of pounds every year, financial analysts have warned. analysts say that the uk could save itself £700 million a year if people found the best current account overdraft rate to suit them, rather than putting up with high charges and rising fees three quarters o

7、f all current accounts have overdrafts. millions are paying rates of around 15 percent when rates as low as nine percent are available if customers bother to compare different providersd. online banking is going to become more common across all age groups as younger generations grow into adulthood,

8、according to hsbc. this will lead to 1 smart websites 1 that will adapt the content and services they offer to engage on a personal basis with as many of their customers as possible. a recent survey was conducted by uk payments association apacs. to coincide with the tenth anniversary of internet ba

9、nking, and it was found that over 18 million people in the uk use internet banking.e a significant number of british adults live in poor areas where there are no cash machines, or the machines that are there require a fee to be paid. however, a nationwide program is underway to install standard cash

10、 machines in these areas more than one million customers will gain access to cash machines that do not charge them for withdrawing money from their current accounts, according to the british bankers1 association (bba. angela knight, chief executive of the bba, said: ' banks are determined that c

11、ustomers have access to their cash wherever they live and work *1、 people are advised to set aside a particular amount of savings as a precaution 2 great efforts are made by the british banks to improve certain service.3、the banking service concerned in the report has a promising future4、it is repor

12、ted that the british men have more savings than the british women 5、the british people are strongly advised to shop around for a better rate suitable for them>6、it is reported that the british people like very much to pay on credit cards 7、a lot of money could be saved if people make a careful ch

13、oice of different banks 8this new program will appeal to low-income people in particular.part two read the text below about choosing a career in the field of human resource management. choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps for each gap 9-14, mark one letter (a-h) o

14、n your answer sheet. do not use any letter more than oncethe role of an hr managerfundamentally, a human resource manager develops a company1s culture, maintains benefits and payrollz and recruits new hires the hr manager is a crucial position for any corporation, in every industry. for those with e

15、nthusiasm and an aptitude for working well with people, hr can offer many exciting choices. hr professionals enjoy a range of career options from recruiting, to training and development, to labor relations and benefits administrationit is important to understand what your various hr career options a

16、re and how they work.9 hr specialists focus their efforts in a single area, suchas recruiting or training. generalists are less focused and handle a number of areas and tasks simultaneously as a rule of thumb, small organizations and companies have one or more hr generalists who handle all hr issues

17、 . larger organizations, on the other hand, have many specialists devoted to particular areas and services.according to the society of human resource management (shrm) , specialists play roles in four main areas . they may be involved in recruiting and managing new employees.10 they are professional

18、s handling employee and labourrelations. they are responsible for company health, safety and security. shrm defines a generalist1s position to include everything from staffing the organization, tomanaging a diverse work force, to de ve 1 op i ng p e r s onne 1 policies and procedures.you can switch

19、between a generalist position and specialist position. 11 as you spend more time in the industry, your skills and interests will become more focused and your expertise in certain areas will be valued, so career changes may become more challenging. therefore, it is a good idea to explore all possibil

20、ities as early as possible in your hr careermatt aspin< a board member of the society of human resource management says that many junior positions are in recruiting and administrative roles .1 asrecruiters, 1 aspin says,1 young hr professionals will most likely be ableto interact with hr generali

21、sts and decide whether it is something they are interested in. 1 but there is no set path to follow; it is all about what you want to do.12 for example, a junior recruiter can work his or her wayup to a senior position, such as director of recruiting or vice president of talent acquisition.13 traini

22、ng and development can also be another rewarding area of specialty. here you can enjoy the excitement of ensuring that employees stay updated with the latest developments in technology and workplace practices 14 it is popularly believed that generalists who have their handsin multiple areas often st

23、ay the sharpest. but ultimately, aspin concludes, your area of concentration will 1 depend on your interests1 and 1 you will naturally be attracted by it and move toward it1 .a. they may specialize in training and developing new employees.b. he adds that some hr professionals start and end their car

24、eers in highly specialized rolesc. the opportunities in hr management are truly varied and plentifuld. two key terms in the human resource management sector are 1 generalist1 and ' specialist'e. a larger organization may also have hr generalists devoted to managing employee relations.f. for

25、those who enjoy b eing a 1 j ack-of-all-trades 1 , becoming a generalist is the way to go.g. however, it is always easier to make such moves early in your career.h. for those with enthusiasm and an aptitude for working well with people, hr can offer many exciting choices.part three read the followin

26、g article about staff motivation and the questions on the opposite page for each question 15-20, mark one letter (a, b,c ord on your answer sheet for the answer you choosemotivate your employees like jack welchi just returned from speaking to hospitality executives inoslo and amsterdam as part of my

27、 work as a communications coach. while preparing for the presentations, i asked the organizers about the biggest challenge facing hospitality managers in their countries. the answer was exactly what i hear from their u. s. counterparts: motivating employees to offer exceptional customer service. the

28、 challenge is universal across countries and industries. fortunately, so is the solution.motivation starts with employee engagement, and engagement begins with effective communication skills in my presentation to hotel and travel executives, i quoted jack welch, former ceo of general electric (ge. a

29、nd current business week columnist, who once said: ! no company, large or small, can succeed over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it. 1 three key points in this quotation hold the secret to motivating employees: 1 energized employees1

30、z 1 believe1 and 1 understand1 successful companies have energetic employees nothing energizes employees more than public recognition and praise for their accomplishments. praise fills emotional tanks, giving your team the fuel toperform to its peak potential. not too long ago a friend and her husba

31、nd were treated to an all-expense-paid trip to hawaii she was one of the select few who made 1 president1 s club1 based on her high sales. she returned from the trip and star ted looking for a new job. why? her boss had failed to recognize her accomplishment publiclyfirst woman to make president1 s

32、club in the company1 s 18-year history yes, people want to be famousespecially in front of their peers.successful companies have employees who believe in the mission. intuit,s scott cook once told me:1 people want more than a paycheck. they want tofeel as though they are part of something bigger tha

33、n themselves 1 111 s up to you to articulate the mission and set the tone for the rest of your team. ask yourself: 1 what are we really selling?1 are you selling insurance or 1 peace of mind? 1 are you selling computers or 1 tools to unleash human creativity? 1 are you selling coffee, or in the word

34、s of starbucks' howard schultz,1 athird place between work and home 1 ? successful missions have less to do with the physical product and more to do with how that product will improve the lives of your customers.successful companies have employees who understand how to achieve success . the ceo

35、of dominos pizza india, ajay kaul, says the company! s mission must be simple enough to be understood by all 4,000 of his employees. once it has been set, it1 s up to you to communicate constantly how well the company is performing against the objective. if you1 re genuine, passionate, and have a cl

36、ear vision, it resonates with your employees and they will spare no efforts to accomplish the objectivedon11 confuse employee motivation with price of admission to compete as a successful company. a company has to meet basic expectations to motivate top talent. in the u. s. , an employee expects two

37、 weeks vacation. in europe, an employee expects five weeks but while expectations might differ in countries and cultures, whether or not your own business will stand apart depends on the quality of your interaction with your employees and, in turn, how they engage with your customers.15> from the

38、 first paragraph, we can learn that a. european employees are not hospitable to clientsb. there is no easy way to solve the problem concernedc. american employees are exceptional in offering customer serviced. hospitality managers in america and europe are faced with the same problem 16、 according t

39、o the second paragraph, which of the following statements is not true?a. jack welch believed large companies would be successful in the long run.b. jack welch has retired from ge and is now writing a particular column.c. the writer believes good communication will lead to strong staff motivation.d.

40、the writer quotes jack welch1s words in that he strongly agrees with him on the subject concerned.17> a good way to motivate an employee is to a. treat him/her to expensive holidaysb. make him/her popular and fashionablec- recognize his/her accomplishment in publicd. offer him/her the membership

41、of 1 president1s club118> when employees believe in the mission of the company, a. the company will get bigger and biggerb. they don11 mind how much salary they getc- they will make great efforts for the missiond. they don't care so much about the company1s products19> according to the tex

42、t, in a successful company, .a. employees are all successful peopleb. employees compete with each other for the objectivec- managers keep a close watch on the employees1 performanced. employees are well-informed of the company1s objective and progress 20> what can we infer from the last paragraph

43、?a. employees around the world have the same expectations.b. good communication with the staff is crucial to a company1s success. c- customer recognition and loyalty will lead to stronger staff motivation. d. a company can be sure of success if it meets the employees 1 basic needs.part four read the

44、 article below about people's buying habits choose the correct word or phrase to hll each gap from a, b, c or d on the opposite page for each question 21-30, mark one letter (a, b, c ord on your answer sheet.people can be addicted to different things-alcohol, drugs, even television.people who ha

45、ve such an addiction are 21 which means they have a very powerful psychological need that they feel they must satisfy according topsychologists, many people are compulsive spenders. they feel that they 22 spend money. this compulsion, like most others, is 23 impossible to explain reasonably. for com

46、pulsive spenders who buy on credit, charge accounts are even more exciting than money. in other words, compulsive spenders feel that 24 credit, they can do anything. their pleasure in spending enormous amounts is actually greater than the pleasure that they get from the things they buy.there is even

47、 a special psychology of 25 hunting to save money, of course, most people look for sales, low prices, and discounts. compulsive bargain hunter, however, of ten buy things that they don 11 need just because they are 26 they want to believe that they are helping their budgets 27 they are really playin

48、g an exciting game when they can buy something for less than other people, they feel that they are 28 . most people, experts claim, have two reasons for their behavior: a good reason for the things that they do and the real reasonit is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psychology of

49、 spending habits, but also business people. stores, companies, and 29 use psychology to increase business they 30 people's needs for love, power or influence, their basic values and beliefs in advertising and sales methods . psychologists often use a method called 1 behavior therapy1 to help ind

50、ividuals solve their personality problems. in the same way, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money21>a. compulsoryb. compulsivec. complacentd. complicated22> a canb mayc. mustd. ought23、a. irrationalb. unnecessaryc. unhealthyd. irresponsible24、a. withb. onc. byd. in2

51、5、a. goodsb jobc foodd. bargain26、a. expensiveb.cheapc-inferiord.superior27、 a. andborc. sod but28、a. excitingb. enjoyingc. winningd. satisfying29、a. schoolsb. advertisersc. organisationsd. consumers30> a. considerb decidec. choosed affectpart five read the article below about career choices in b

52、usiness for each question 31-40, write one word in capital letter on your answer sheet.how to pick a career in businesspicking the right career in business is a matter of matching what you want to do with the kind of life you want to lead figuring 31 how to strike this balance generally requires pri

53、oritizing the following issues: industry, location, and working conditions . first and foremost, askyourself what industry interests you 32 ? many websites on the internet can be 33 great use. for example, vault. com provides a thorough list of industries that can give you the information necessary

54、for 34 this decision. it is also important to investigate what kind of business careers in your target industry 35 growing and hiring. location involves many factors. where would you like to live? do you prefer big cities or small towns? how far and by what 36 are you willing to commute? do you want

55、 to be close to your family and friends 37 do you want to strike out into new territory? many people also 38 into account the cost of living in different areas of the country or world. then 39 the question: what kind of working environment best suits your working style? some people need to feel root

56、ed to a workspace 40 they are surrounded by coworkersz while others hope to see new faces every day. when choosing your career in business, try to consider which wayor in which combinationyou are most comfortable and productivepart six read the article below about portfolioa good way of investmen仁 i

57、n most of the lines 41-52 there is one extra word it is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text some lines, however, are correct if a line is correct, write correct on your answer sheet.if there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in capital letter

58、s on your answer sheet.41、of various investments portfolio financial advisors typically recommend that the42、portfolio would be diversified a well - diversified portfolio might include a mix of43、stocks, bonds, gold, money-market funds, real estates. ideally, the investments in44、the portfolio should balance each other in the terms of their sensitivity to various forms45 of risk. for example, some should be relatively immune to the effects of rec


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