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1、精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載language goalunit5 imwatching tv.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載in this unit、 students learn to talk about what people are doing.new languagewhat are you doing. i'm doing my homework. do you want to go swimming. yes、 i do.when do you want to go. at 3:00.names of activities such as watch

2、ing、 doing、 eating、 cleaning、 playing、 swimming、 reading locations such as pool、 school、 mall、 libraryrecycled languagedo you want/let s/time of day/boring、 interestingsection a the first periodstep1 warming up1. act out some activities and make statements about yourself. for example、 you can preten

3、d to eat a sandwich and say、 im eating. or you can ask some students to act out simple actions and ask them the question、 what are you doing.2. guide them to make appropriate responses: for example、 i m reading a book.step2 activity la 1.this activity introduces the key vocabulary.focus attention on

4、 the picture. ask students to name as many of the activities they see in the pictures as they can. then name all the activities and ask students to repeat.2. point to the numbered list of words. say each one andask students to repeat.3. then ask students to match each word or phrase on the list with

5、 one of the pictures. say、 write the letter of each activity in the picture next to the correct word or words on the list. point out the list. point out the sample answer.4. check the answer.step 3 listening 1b1.this activity gives students practice in listening to and writing the target language. 2

6、.point to the names of the people with a blank after each. read the names aloud.say、 now you will hear three conversations. theconversations are about three of the people in thispicture.3. play the recording the first time. students only listen.4. play the recording a second time. this time ask stud

7、entsto write the number of each activity on the line after that person s name.5. correct the answers.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載step 4 activity 1c1.this activity provides an oral review of thevocabulary and other target language. ask a student to do an activity and the rest of the class will guess what

8、the activity is. 2.point out the conversation in the picture. ask two students to read it aloud.3.demonstrate the activity.act out an action such as playing the guitar and ask students to guess what you are doing. if they guess wrong、 use the wording in the conversation to continue the questioning.h

9、omework: copy and memorize the new words and target language.the second period step 1 listening 2a1. this activity provides focused listening and writing practice using the target language.2. point out the two questions and read them to the class. then ask a student to read them to the class.3. play

10、 the recording and students only listen.3. play the recordinga second time. say、 write the answers on the blank lines next to the questions.4. correct the answers.step 2 listening 2b1. this activity provides guided reading and listening practice using the target language.2. point to the number 1 in

11、the box in front of the words、“what are you doing. ”write numbers 2、3and 4 in the boxes to complete the message.3. play the recording the first time. students do the activity.4. check the answers by replayingthe recording.ask twostudents to read the completed conversation.step 3 pair work 2c1. this

12、activity provides guided oral practice using thetarget language.ask students to work in pairs. student a must cover the first line of the picture、 and student b cover the second line、 then ask and answer questions.2. say a dialoguewitha student. pointtothethirdpictureand ask、isnancydoing homework. n

13、o、 she isnt. shes writing a letter.3. as students workin pairs、 move around the roommonitoringtheir work.offerlanguage精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載support asneeded.step 4 grammar focus1. review the grammar box. ask students to say the questions and answers.2. then pull out the questions that use you and c

14、opy these questions on the board. point out the short form of each word .homework: the workbookthe third period step 1 activity 3a1.this activity provides reading practice using the target language. call attention to the pictures. ask students what is he/she doing. 2.point out the conversations、 ask

15、 some students to read them.3.ask students to work alone. say、 match the picture with each conversation. 4.check the answers.step 2 pair work 3b1. this activity provides guided oral practice using thetarget language.point out the pictures in activity 3a. ask students topractice the conversations in

16、3a.say、 now work with a partner. first practice theconversation in the picture. then make new conversations. use activities from activity 2c .2. as students workin pairs、 move around the roommonitoringtheir work.offerlanguage support asneeded.step 3 pair work 41. this activity provides listening and

17、 speaking practiceusing the target language. call attention to the pictures. ask students to recall the name of the places.2. then ask students to try to answer the questions below. where is he. -he s in the supermarket.whats he taking. -he s taking a bottle of milk. whats he waiting for. -a bus.wha

18、ts he reading. -a newspaper.who are lisa and tim talking to. -a policewoman.what are they talking about. -the thief the man on the bus station. where are they all going. -the police office.whats the man doing. -he s crying.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載3. ask students to work in pairs、 find out the answers

19、 together. 5.after a few minutes、 ask some pairs to answer the questions.homework: write down the answer about pairwork4 on their exercise book.section bthe fourth period new language: words of places. talk about the places.additional materials to bring to class: drawing paper and markers or colored

20、 pencils for 3cscissors and envelopes for follow-up activity 2 step 1 activity 1a1.this activity introduces the key vocabulary.focus attention on the six pictures.ask、 what are they doing. where are the persons. 2.point out the chart. then ask students to fill the places and the activities in the ch

21、art. 4.check the answers.step 2 pair work 1b1. this activityprovides guided oral practice using the target language. call attention to the example in this activity and ask two students to read the statement to the class.2. then ask students to work in pairs by using the information from 1a. as stude

22、nts practice、 move around the classroom monitoring their work.step 3 listening 2a1. this activity provides an opportunity for oral practice. point to the list of places in the chart in 1a. ask some students to read the places.2. say、 now you ll hear three conversations. write the places you hear on

23、the recording in thechart below.3. play the tape the first time、 students only listen.4. play the tape the second time、 ask students to write the places they hear in the chart.step 4 listening 2b1. this activity provides listening and writingpractice with the target language.call attention to the tw

24、o headings and ask a studentto read die headings to the class. point out the blank lines where students will writethe activities.2. play the recording the first time. students only listen.say、 now i will play the tape again. this time writethe activities. 3.check the answer.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載st

25、ep 5 pair work 2c1. this activity provides open-ended oral practice usingthe target language. call attention to the complete charts in 1a and 2b. ask students to use the information to have conversations.2. point out the speech bubbles in the picture and have two students to read it. then ask studen

26、ts to work in pairs.3. ask some pairs to show the class. homework: the reading bookthe fifth period step1 activity 3a1. this activity provides reading practiceusing the target language.pay attention to the four pictures in 3a、 ask students what are they doing. and where are they. 2.call attention to

27、 the letter and readit to the class. say、 you should circle the places and underline the activities.3. check the answers.4. then、 ask them to number these four pictures and check the answer.step 2 activity 3b1. this activity provides reading and writing practiceusing the target language.call attenti

28、on to the letter and ask a studentto read it、 saying blank for each blank line.2. ask students to fill in the blanks using information from the picture. say、 look at the picture next to the letter. the picture will help you guess the correct activities.3. check the answers、step 3 activity 3c1. ask s

29、tudents to bring in family photos to the class. or they can draw some pictures. 2.ask students what you might say about your pictures.ex、 in this photo、 you can see my mother and i. we re in the park.3.ask students to write some similar sentences about their pictures.step 4 group work 41. this activ

30、ity provides guided oral practice using the target language. ask two students to read the conversation in thespeech bubbles.2. then say、 now please work in groups. ask studentsto introduce their pictures to the class.3.as students ask questions、 move from group togroup. rephrase any incomplete or incorrect精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - -


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