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1、貴州省貴陽市民望實驗中學(xué)2019-2020學(xué)年高二英語測試題含解析一、 選擇題1. _ the man who lost the purse, mike had to stay there longer.  a. not findingb. not foundc. not having foundd. having not found參考答案:c2. we are invited to a party _ in our club next friday.  a. to be held   b. held    &#

2、160;    c. being held      d. holding參考答案:a3. _ chinese people had to use coupons(配給券) to buy life necessities, such as food and cloth.   a. at a timeb. at one timec. for one timed. in time參考答案:b4. im told that you are going to canada to have a three

3、-month further study. dont let such a good chance to improve your english _ through your fingers. a. ski               b. spread                c. slip 

4、60;             d. skip參考答案:c5. did you ask tom for help?i _. i managed perfectly well on my own.  a. neednt haveb. dont need to c. didnt need tod. neednt 參考答案:c6. the man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _ whether he was

5、going in the right direction.a. seeing          b. having seen               c. to see              d. to have seen參考答案:c略7. -why didnt you come to mi

6、kes birthday party yesterday?-well, i_, but i forgot it.  a.should     b. should have      c. must      d. must have參考答案:b略8. however,the incident was the only spark_the fire.a which set off   b set off  

7、c that set off     d setted off參考答案:c9. do you know why the novelists works dont sell well? he is not _ about the readers attitudes toward his works. a. worrying      b. satisfied          c. concerned  &#

8、160;  d. interested參考答案:c10. though it rained hard, a lot of fans were waiting at the exit of the airport, _ to see their famous pop stars.   a. eager            b. greedy        c. nervous 

9、         d. curious參考答案:a 11. my father quitted        to make himself a cup of tea.a.reading  b.read  c.to reading  d.to read 參考答案:a12. people in yuxi are proud of      they have achie

10、ved in the past ten years.a. that          b. which               c. what                    &#

11、160; d. how   參考答案:c13. michael jordan is the greatest basketball player _.    a. of all times    b. of all the time  c. of all the times  d. of all time參考答案:d試題分析:考查短語辨析。句意“邁克爾喬丹是有史以來最棒的籃球運動員。”a“永遠的,無論何時”;d“一直,始終,有史以來”。故選d。14. i saw a stranger _ of ten y

12、ards.a. at the distance      b. at a distance        c. from the distance     d. in the distance參考答案:b略15. i ate _sandwich while i was waiting for _20:08 train.a the; a          &#

13、160; b the ;the        c a; the        d a; a參考答案:c略16. _ entered the classroom _ the bell rang.a. we hardly had; before                  &#

14、160;         b. hardly did we; whenc. hardly had we; than                       d. hardly had we; when 參考答案:d17. the word "write" has the sa

15、me pronunciation _ the word "right". a. from                          b. of                

16、0;       c. as                         d. to參考答案:c18. they argue that the display is impressive and isto attract thousands of new    vi

17、sitors to this marvelous place.  a. bound  b. stable  c. abrupt  d. acute參考答案:a略19. the suspect was cunning(狡猾的). he told a lie to the policeman _ at the scene.    a. when questioned               

18、60;                              b. while to be questioned       c. as questioning         

19、;                                          d. when questioning 參考答案:a二、 完型填空20. during my schoo

20、l days, i was one of those shy and distant kids who would just sit in a comer for an entire day. for me, my books were my   41  world. even during breaks, i used to just sit in a corner of the   42  and see others play games. it was not as if i wasnt interested in   43 

21、 others or making new friends, but i always felt lacking in energy when   44  my peers. i always had an opinion that my advances towards new   45  would be limited. and i just didnt want to   46  a rejection.once during my english class, my teacher shared a(n)  47&

22、#160; with us. it was about king bruce and a spider. it revolved around a lost battle and talked about how king bruce, despite losing the battle,  48  in the end. he was   49  by a little spider. the little   50  of the spider and the way it was taking rejections impres

23、sed me a lot. i was so surprised that i myself started   51  the movements of spiders at home. once, a spider took around an hour to reach the top of a wall and i   52  knocked it down. to my   53  , within seconds it started making its    54  up again.fo

24、r me,this   55  was a game changer. i realized that rejections are   56  a failure. the world may mistreat me,  57  i can stand up and start working again. there would be time when people would like and   58  me. at present, i   59  mixing with peopl

25、e, learning new things and making new friends. i think, there are just no such   60  as rejections or failures as everything can change at any moment.41. a. realb. newc. nextd. only42. a. officeb. stationc. playgroundd. street43. a. visitingb. watchingc. helpingd. joining44. a. related tob

26、. compared withc. separated fromd. turned to 45. a. friendshipsb. coursesc. teachersd. programs46. a. avoidb. sufferc. caused. fear47. a. storyb. taskc. experienced. song48. a. failedb.wonc. leftd. refused49. a. confusedb. hurtc. persuadedd. inspired50. a. improvementsb. changesc. movementsd. advant

27、ages51. a. adjustingb. observingc. showingd. guiding52. a. cruellyb. angrilyc. luckilyd. bravely53. a. delightb. surprisec. amusementd. disappointment54. a. progressb. wayc. webd. mistake55. a. incidentb. researchc. troubled. adventure56. a. oftenb. sometimesc. neverd. ever57. a. sob. thoughc. ord.

28、but58. a. trainb. meetc. appreciated. remember59. a. enjoyb. suggestc. imagined. risk60. a. approachesb. valuesc. thingsd. solutions參考答案:41-45 dcdba 46-50 babc 51-55 babba 56-60 cdcac三、 閱讀理解21. 閱讀下列短文,從每篇短文后所給各題的四個選項(a、b、c和d)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。in only two decades asian americans have become the fa

29、stest-growing us minority. as their children began moving up through the nations schools, it became clear that a new class of academic achievers was forming. their achievements are reflected in the nations best universities, where mathematics, science and engineering departments have taken on a deci

30、dedly asian character. this special liking for mathematics and science is partly explained by the fact that asian-american students who began their educations abroad arrived in the us with a solid grounding in mathematics but little or no knowledge of english.they are also influenced by the promises

31、 of a good job after college. asians feel there will be less unfair treatment in areas like mathematics and science because they will be judged more objectively. and the return on the investment in education is more immediate in something like engineering than with an arts degree.   

32、most asian-american students owe their success to the influence of parents who are determined that their children take full advantage of what the american educational system has to offer. an effective measure of parental attention is homework. asian parents spend more time with their children than a

33、merican parents do, and it helps. many researchers also believe there is something in asian culture that causes success, such as ideals that stress family values and emphasize education.    both explanations for academic success worry asian americans because of fears that they feed a

34、typical racial image. many can remember when chinese, japanese and filipino immigrants were the victims of social separation. indeed, it was not until 1952 that laws were laid down giving all asian immigrants the right to citizenship.55. while making great achievements at college, asian-american students _.    a. feel they are mistreated because of limited knowledge of english    b. are afraid that their academic successes be


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