《山東省臨沭縣第三初級中學(xué)七年級英語下冊《Unit3-Unit5》單元綜合測試題(無答案) 人教新目標(biāo)版》_第1頁
《山東省臨沭縣第三初級中學(xué)七年級英語下冊《Unit3-Unit5》單元綜合測試題(無答案) 人教新目標(biāo)版》_第2頁
《山東省臨沭縣第三初級中學(xué)七年級英語下冊《Unit3-Unit5》單元綜合測試題(無答案) 人教新目標(biāo)版》_第3頁
《山東省臨沭縣第三初級中學(xué)七年級英語下冊《Unit3-Unit5》單元綜合測試題(無答案) 人教新目標(biāo)版》_第4頁




1、山東省臨沭縣第三初級中學(xué)七年級英語下冊unit3-unit5單元測試題 人教新目標(biāo)版一,詞匯1._(thief) hate policeman. 2. elephants are usually _(friend).3.i like talking to people and _(write) stories. 4.lily wants _(be) a doctor.5.his sister _(do) her homework in the evening. 6.this _(act) is very popular(受歡迎).7.this is an _(interest) job. i

2、want to get it. 8.he knows many _(story) about leifeng.9.her father often _ (read) newspaper after dinner. 10.do you want to buy some _(玩具)?11. i often go _(購物) with my mother. 12. listen! they are _(sing) in the classroom.13.lets _(play) basketball now. 14.- where is bill? - he _(take) photos in th

3、e garden.15.when do you want _(go) to the movies? 16.he _(not clean) the windows now.二,單項(xiàng)選擇1. - what do you do? - im _. a. thirteen b. a girl c. a teacher.2.his uncle works _ a restaurant _ a waiter. a. in,as b.at, of c. in, of 3.- why do you like watching soccer games? - because theyre _. a. boring

4、 b. interesting c. dangerous4. my mother wants me _ shopping with her. a. go b. to go c. go to5.hes a policeman. its _ job. a. exciting b. an excited c. an exciting6.i want to work _ actors. a. with b. to c. at 7.tom likes _ soccer game very much. a. to watch b. looking c. see 8.paul is a poor(貧窮) m

5、an with _ money but _ friends. a. little, many b. a little, much c. many, much 9.li lei with his classmates often _ to the zoo to see animals. a.go b. going c. goes10.- dont you usually go to work by bus? - _ . but sometimes i walk to work. a. no, i dont b. i dont c. yes, i do11.- _ does your sister

6、 do? - she is a nurse. a. where b.what c.who12.- do you want to be a policeman? - oh, yes. sometimes its a little_but its also a very _job.a. difficult, dangerous b.interesting, exciting c. dangerous, exciting13.- whats your job? - guess! i work _ a bank and i work _ people and money. a. in, with b.

7、 at, and c. on, with14.- _? - shes a bank clerk.a. where does you mother work? b. whats your mothers job? c.what do you do?15.johns brother wants to _ bank clerk. a.do a b.be a c. be an16.- does your cousin work at the police station? - no. hes _. he works at the tv station. a. a policeman b. an act

8、or c. a reporter17.jim is a waiter. so he is very busy _ people go out _. a. what, dinners b. when, to dinners c. where, dinners18.his father has _ money. a. a lot b. very much c. much19.do you like to talk with people and write stories? then come and work _ us_ a reporter. a. to, as b. for, as c. f

9、or, to20. my teacher is talking _ my father _ my study(學(xué)習(xí)). a. to, about b. about, to c. to, with21.- _ are the boys? - they are playing soccer on the playground. a. what b. where c. when 22. - lets go to the dolphin show. - _. a. great! when do you want to go ? b. that sounds boring. lets go.c good

10、! where do ou want to go?23.we are doing _ when the teacher comes. a. our homework b. our homeworks c. her homework24.here is a photo _ my family. there are five people _ my family.a. of, in b. of, of c. for, in三,根據(jù)漢語提示寫出適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~1. whats your uncle _(等待)for? 2. here are some of my _(照片).3. a lot of gir

11、ls like to go_(購物). 4. vickys mother _(打掃)the house every afternoon.5. can you play chess_(和)me, tina?四,根據(jù)首字母提示寫出單詞6. june 1st is c_ day. 7. im writing a l_ to my friend.8. be q_ ! mum is sleeping in the next room. 9.tom is reading at the school l_.10. lily is taking photos with a c_.五,句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. mr li

12、is talking to his friend. (對畫線部分提問)_ is mr li _?2. jack watches tv in the evening.(用now 改寫)jack _ _tv now.3. rose isnt doing her homework .(用 every morning改寫)rose _ _ her homework every morning.4. my grandparents are watching tv now.(改為一般疑問句)_ _ grandparents watching tv now?5. we are cleaning our cl

13、assroom. (對畫線部分提問)_ _ you cleaning?6. i want to be a doctor.(劃線提問)7. my uncle works in a restaurant.(劃線提問)8. my sister is a nurse.(劃線提問)六,連詞成句: 1. you, do , magazine, want , a , for, work, to.2. pandas, do, to, like, why, to, the , see, you, go.3. work, kind, interesting, is, my, of.七,補(bǔ)全對話a: hello!

14、this is mary. is tina there? b: yes, this is tina.a: _, tina? b: i am watching tv.a: that sounds good. do you want to go to the movies? b: sure._? a: i like comedies. b: me, too. lets go to movies together(一起). _?a: lets go at six oclock. b: ok.八,完型填空gina is a bank clerk. she counts(數(shù)) lots of 1 eve

15、ry day, 2 ists not hers. her sister, tina is a 3 . she helps 4 and patients(病人). some people call her “angel in white(白衣天使). ginas 5 is a police officer. his work is 6 dangerous. 7 are afraid of him. ginas aunt is a teacher. she 8 in a middle school. she likes her 9 and her students also love her. she thinks its an 10 job.1. a. money b. moneys c. monies d. people 2.a. and b. or c. so d. but3. a. doctor b.patient c. nurse d. teacher 4. a. teachers b.policeman c.workers d.doctors5. a. uncle b.aunt c.


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