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1、上海市建設工程施工現(xiàn)場安全標準化管理標準1上海市建設工程施工現(xiàn)場安全標準化管理標準第一章總則第一條目的意義為進一步加強本市建設工程安全、文明施工管理工作,全面 提高施工現(xiàn)場標準化管理水平,特制定本標準。第二條定義本標準所稱的標準化管理是建設工程施工現(xiàn)場的設施、設 備、現(xiàn)場管理等諸方面符合國家行業(yè)安全(或與安全相關的)規(guī) 范、規(guī)程的基礎上,結合本市建設行政管理部門具體要求而實施 的施工現(xiàn)場安全生產管理。第三條適用范圍本標準適用于本市各類工業(yè)與民用房屋建筑及相關的建設 工程施工現(xiàn)場在創(chuàng)建標準化管理達標工地時使用。第四條主要依據(jù)本標準主要依據(jù)現(xiàn)行的國家法律、行業(yè)標準、規(guī)范、規(guī)程和 本市對建筑施工現(xiàn)場

2、管理的各類規(guī)定(見附錄)。第二章安全管理第五條安全生產責任制(1)必須建立、健全各級安全生產責任制,職責明確,落實 到人。(2)各項經濟承包行為屮有明確的安全指標和包括獎懲辦 法在內的安全保證措施。(3)承發(fā)(分)包或聯(lián)營各方之間依據(jù)有關法規(guī)簽訂安全生 產協(xié)議書,做到主體合法,內容合法和程序合法,各自的權利和 義務明確。第六條安全教育(1)對新工人實施公司、項目體和班組的三級教育,對變 換工種的工人實施新工種的安全技術教育,并及時做好記錄。(2)工人熟悉本工種安全技術操作規(guī)程,掌握本工種操作 技能。第七條施工組織設計要針對工程的特點、施工方法、所用的 機械、設備、電氣、特殊作業(yè)、生產環(huán)境和季節(jié)

3、影響等制訂出相 應的安全技術措施,審批手續(xù)齊全,有技術負責人簽名和技術部 門蓋章。第八條分部分項工程安全技術交底各分部分項工程施工前對工人進行全面的針對性的安全技 術交底,受交者履行簽名手續(xù)。第九條特種作業(yè)各特種作業(yè)人員都按要求培訓,考試合格后持證上崗,操作 證不超期,名冊齊全,真實無誤。第十條安全檢查(1)建立各級安全檢查制度,有時間、有要求,重點、危 除部位明確。(2)檢查記錄齊全,隱患整改做到定人、定時、定措施。(3)對塔吊、人貨兩用電梯、龍門架井字架等大型施工機 械以及腳手架等重要防護設施做好驗收工作。驗收合格掛牌后使 用。第十一條班組的班前活動班組長在班前進行上崗交底(交當天的作業(yè)環(huán)

4、境、氣候情況、 主要工作內容和各個環(huán)節(jié)的操作安全要求,以及特殊工種的配合 等)。上崗檢查(查上崗人員的勞動防護情況,每個崗位周圍作 業(yè)環(huán)境是否安全無患,機構設備的安全保險裝置是否完好有效, 以及各類安全技術措施的落實情況等),并做好上崗記錄。第十二條遵章守紀各級管理人員,佩戴證明其身份證卡;各類施工人員,應戴 有識別標記的安全帽;遵守勞動紀律,無違章作業(yè)行為。第十三條事故處理按規(guī)定對事故進行報告處理,事故檔案齊全,并認真做好“三 不放過”(事故原因調查不清不放過,事故責任者和群眾沒受到教育不放過,沒有防 范措施不放過)。第十四條防火管理(1)建立健全防火責任制,職責明確,防火安全制度齊全。(2

5、)成立人數(shù)不少于施工總人員百分之十的義務消防隊, 并建立相應的活動制度。(3)建立動用明火審批制度,按規(guī)定劃分級別,審批手續(xù) 完善,并有監(jiān)護措施。(4)重點防范部位明確,防火獎懲?;馂氖鹿省⑾榔鞑?管理記錄齊全。第十五條“五牌二圖”與安全標準牌(1)五牌:施工單位及工地名稱牌安全生產六大紀律牌防火須知牌安全生產無重大事故日計數(shù)牌工地主要管理人員名單及監(jiān)督舉報電話號碼牌二圖:施工總平面圖工地文明衛(wèi)生包干責任圖圖牌固定設置在現(xiàn)場內主要進出口處,規(guī)格統(tǒng)-位置合理,字跡端正.線條清晰、表示明確。(2)現(xiàn)場有安全生產宣傳牌,主要施工部位、作業(yè)點和危 險區(qū)域,以及主要通道口都設有醒目的有針對性的安全宣傳

6、標語 或安全警告牌。lectricity li nes, e qui pment inspe ctions, found hidden i n time for rectification, mainte nance, a nd securit y. 9, do not use an ope n flame in the classr oom, pr ohi bit burni ng stove, lit ca ndles, mosquito repellent, no sm oking, a nd banning messy w iring. Without usi ng any house

7、hold a pplia nee s is not al lowed 10, live on campus faculty members, must lead by exampl e, and educate families a nd chil dren ready t o 行re. 11, household use of gas i n schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the le ak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closi ng valve after use to e

8、nsur e security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualifie d, and annual testi ng of pressure vessels, t o regularly che ck, the cantee n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas ta nk and stove safety dista nee of 1.5 meters, to prevent accidents. 13, the a dverse conseque nces cau

9、sed by ignori ng fire safety regulations, will be punishe d, until investigate d for legal responsibilit y. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping el ementary school Mar ch 2016 Xia ng Liu Jia pi ng elementary school, pine slopes surrounding safety manageme nt system 1 teachers and student s, the surroundin

10、g area of the school governa nee cover s persona 1 and food hygi ene, cult ural events a nd ot her aspect s, integrated gover nance shall obtain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surrounding e nvironme nt in school s shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at the sam

11、e time, shoul d pay attenti on to the safety management of school e nvironme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to contact t he distri ct police stati on, the village Committee, Corre ctional Centre, T ownship g overnme nt, busine ss manageme nt and other departme nts to do a good job manageme nt. 3,

12、tea cher on duty with the excepti on of inspecti ons i n schools, shoul d also pay attention to environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassme nt of students a nd a variety of accidents, a ccordi ng to different situati ons repor

13、te d school officials or the poli ce stati on in a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of student s. 4, every day before school, tea cher s remind st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate st ude nts to respect soci al ethics, and various regulati ons, maintaining publi c or

14、 der, a nd fight the bad g uys, and grasp the correct ways a nd mea ns of maintai ning a nd impr oving st ude nts 1 self-care abilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency rescue teams of teachers in school s, on hig h alert and de ployed Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping eleme ntary school March 2016 son

15、g Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping primary school teachers and st ude nts orga nizations out of safety management system organizati on activitie s betwe en tea chers a nd st udents, to draw up a precise pl an a nd se curity measures must be sig ned by t he school official s to review the programme of activ

16、itie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center agree d to implem ent. Organi zation to the f ield relative ly far or activities require approval by the De puty Dire ctor of the E ducation第三章安全設施及其管理第一節(jié)腳手架第十六條基礎(1)腳手架整體承壓部位應回填土并夯實,橫距寬度不小 于2M,并有排水措施。(2)多層腳手架整體基礎澆搗混凝土,或立桿深埋土屮(深 度不小于30MM),也可采用立桿下墊置墊塊并綁扎掃地桿。(3)

17、單步腳手架設掃地桿,或立桿深埋土中(深度不小于 30MM)o(4)高層腳手架在結構基礎回填土以后搭設,且回填土分 層夯實,堅實平整,上鋪10CM厚道渣,認真做好排水措施, 在道渣上鋪設1號硅酸砌塊或碇預制塊,(立桿縱距為1.80M時 砌塊步距為0. 90Mo立桿縱距為1. 50M (1. 00M)時砌塊間 距與立桿縱距相同),再上鋪統(tǒng)長12-16號槽鋼,支搭腳手。(5)腳手架一經搭設,其地基不準隨意開挖。(6)金屬腳手架按規(guī)定設置防雷接地裝置,接地電阻不大 于10歐姆。第十七條材料質量(1)鋼管符合國際3號鋼的技術要求,外徑不小于48MM, 壁厚不小于3.5MM,扣件、螺栓等金屬配件質量符合有

18、關標準 要求,無銹蝕、變形、消絲,傷裂現(xiàn)象。(2)竹桿無青嫩、枯脆、蟲蛀、悶麻現(xiàn)象。各類桿件有效 部分的直徑不小于:小橫桿為7.5CM,立桿、大橫桿、剪刀撐、 頂撐、拋撐、擱柵為6CM,扶手欄桿為5CMo短桿裂縫不大于 兩節(jié),長桿裂縫不大于四節(jié)。(3)不使用青嫩、枯脆、蟲蛀、大節(jié)疤、有霉點或被酸堿 性物質污染過的竹蔑,選用鉛絲作綁扎材料的規(guī)格不細于18號。(4)不使用枯脆、單徑、破損散邊的底笆。第十八條立桿的縱距、橫距、步距等(1)立桿的縱距腳手架高度H為20M以下,立桿縱向距不得大于:鋼管腳手架一一2M砌筑腳手架(H> = 10M) 1.5M砌筑腳手架(H<=10M)1.7M粉刷

19、、裝修腳手架一一1.8M腳手架高度H為20M以上,50M以下時,雙排鋼管腳手架 立桿縱距為:(A)HV30M,用單根鋼管時1.8M(B)30MV=HV=50M,自腳手架頂部往下30M用單根 鋼管往下至地面里外立桿均采用雙根鋼管(沿腳手架縱向并列用 扣件緊固組成時)1.8M(C)30MV=HV=40M,用單根鋼管扣件聯(lián)接時1.5M (D)40M<=H<=50M,用單根鋼管扣件聯(lián)接時1.0M(2)立桿的橫距不大于1. 2M,滿堂腳手架不大于1. 8M(3)腳手架的步距一般為1.8M底步不大于2M(4)其它A. 小橫桿里端距構筑物不大于10CM,外端挑出大于25CMB. 腳手架陰陽轉角處

20、里立桿離構筑物盡端不大于30CMC. 腳手架外側每隔9M設一道剪刀撐,與地面夾角4560 度,自上而下連續(xù)設置。第十九條拉結(1)軟拉接采用兩根并聯(lián)的10號12號鉛絲或其它強度 相等的材料與構筑物拉接牢固,且不拉結在窗框和銹蝕的金屬預 埋件上,接結處的小橫桿與建筑物間加撐頭與構筑物抵緊,拉撐 點水平間距不大于6M,垂直間距不大于3. 6Mo(2)腳手架高度大于30M時,采用經技術部門設計的硬拉 結,其承受強度應符合設計要求。第二十條搭接(1)竹立桿有效搭接長度為18M,綁扎四道鉛絲或五道蔑戶。(2)竹大黃桿有效搭接長度為1.7M且不小于立桿的縱距, 封梢綁扎。(3)竹剪刀撐桿件有效搭接長度為1

21、. 7M,綁扎四道鉛絲 五道蔑戶。(4)鋼管剪刀撐,斜撐搭接長度不小于0, 4M,且不小于 2只扣件緊固。第二十一條防護(1)施工操作層滿鋪竹笆四角綁扎固定。(2)操作層外側設置二道扶手欄桿(高度分別為1.2M和 0.6M)以及圍護笆不低于1M的小眼安全網(wǎng)。(3)沿街坊、居民密集、高壓電線處的腳手架外側,采用 竹笆或小眼安全網(wǎng)全封隔絕。(4)里立桿距構筑物大于25CM時應設置四排一隔離。第二十二條登高設施(1)斜道(直上、之字形):走人斜道坡度不小于1: 3, 運料斜道不大于1: 4,并應鋪設特殊竹笆(竹黃一律向上)或 加設防滑措施。(2)斜道轉折處應設置不小于3.4平方米的平臺,其臨邊用圍笆

22、防護。(3)斜道縱向外側及橫向兩端應設置剪刀撐。(4)斜道兩側設兩道防護欄桿。(5)登高掛梯不設置在腳手架通道屮間,在腳手架其縱向 外側設置剪刀撐。,lectricity li nes, e qui pment inspe ctions, found hidden i n time for rectification, mainte nance, a nd securit y. 9, do not use an ope n flame in the classr oom, pr ohi bit burni ng stove, lit ca ndles, mosquito repellent,

23、no sm oking, a nd banning messy w iring. Without usi ng any household a pplia nee s is not al lowed 10, live on campus faculty members, must lead by exampl e, and educate families a nd chil dren ready t o fire. 11, household use of gas i n schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the le ak-

24、pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closi ng valve after use to e nsur e security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualifie d, and annual testi ng of pressure vessels, t o regularly che ck, the cantee n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas ta nk and stove safety dista nee of 1.

25、5 meters, to prevent accidents. 13, the a dverse conseque nces caused by ignori ng fire safety regulations, will be punishe d, until investigate d for legal responsibilit y. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping el ementary school Mar ch 2016 Xia ngLiu Jia pi ng elementary school, pine slopes surrounding s

26、afety manageme nt system 1 teachers and student s, the surrounding area of the school governa nee cover s persona 1 and food hygi ene, cult ural events a nd ot her aspect s, integrated gover nance shall obtain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surrounding e nvironme nt in

27、school s shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at the same time, shoul d pay attenti on to the safety management of school e nvironme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to contact t he distri ct police stati on, the village Committee, Corre ctional Centre, T ownship g overnme nt, busine ss man

28、ageme nt and other departme nts to do a good job manageme nt. 3, tea cher on duty with the excepti on of inspecti ons i n schools, shoul d also pay attention to environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassme nt of students a nd a

29、 variety of accidents, a ccordi ng to different situati ons reporte d schoolofficials or the poli ce stati on in a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of student s. 4, every day before school, tea cher s remind st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate st ude nts to respect

30、soci al ethics, and various regulati ons, maintaining publi c or der, a nd fight the bad g uys, and grasp the correct ways a nd mea ns of maintai ning a nd impr oving st ude nts 1 self-care abilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency rescue teams of teachers in school s, on hig h alert and de ployed. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping eleme ntary school March 2016 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping primary school teachers and st ude nts orga nizations out of safety management system organizati on activitie s betwe en tea chers a nd st udents, to draw up a precise pl an a nd se curity measures must b


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