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1、會計學1情態(tài)情態(tài)(qngti)動詞大全動詞大全第一頁,共22頁。2第1頁/共21頁第二頁,共22頁。3序號序號原形原形過去式過去式主要含義主要含義1cancould2maymight3mustmusthad to4needneeded5daredared6willwould7shallshould第2頁/共21頁第三頁,共22頁。4“不得不/必須(bx)”“ 過去(常常)”“最好”“ 寧愿”第3頁/共21頁第四頁,共22頁。5We English.You smoke here.He dare not speak to you.You now. you me?He , but Im not su

2、re.It last night.It yesterday.第4頁/共21頁第五頁,共22頁。6過去式并不一定表示過去:can/ could; may/might Could you come earlier tomorrow ? (請求(qngqi) She might be right. (推測)May I/ we .問句的回答: -Might/ May I watch TV now? -Yes, you can/may. (或: Yes, please do.) - May/Might I take this book out of the room? - No, you cant/mu

3、stnt. (或: No, youd better not.) 3. Must I/we /he 問句的否定回答: No, . neednt /dont have to *mustnt 的含義:表“禁止” “不允許”第5頁/共21頁第六頁,共22頁。7 4. 情態(tài)動詞表推測時應注意的幾個問題: 1) 完全否定推測用cant be(“不可能”): 肯定推測用must be(“肯定,一定”) He cant be Peter. Peter has gone abroad. 2) 疑問句中的推測用canbe: Can it be Tom who did it? 3) must be doing :對

4、正在(zhngzi)發(fā)生的動作的肯定推測: It is eight oclock. He must be watching TV now. 4) must have done :對已發(fā)生的動作的肯定推測: It is wet outside.It must have rained last night.第6頁/共21頁第七頁,共22頁。8 1. -Who is crying? -It _ be Tom. Hes just lost the game. 2. - Who is crying? _ it be Tom? - No, it _ be him. I just heard him sin

5、ging in the street. 3. He is black and blue all over. His father _ (beat) him. 4. The train started an hour ago. Now it _ (travel) on the great plain. must Can cant must have beatenmust be travelling第7頁/共21頁第八頁,共22頁。95.情態(tài)(qngti)動詞must表推測時的反意問句的構成: 要根據(jù)陳述部分(must)后的內容來確定: He must be tired now, _? You m

6、ust have seen the film,_? It must have rained heavily last night,_? They must be waiting for us now,_? isnt he? havent you didnt it arent they第8頁/共21頁第九頁,共22頁。106. 情態(tài)動詞+have done 時有表示(biosh)責備的含義: should/ ought to have done (本該做而實際上沒做) shouldnt/oughtnt have done (本不該做而實際做了) could have done (本可以做成而實際

7、上沒) neednt have done (本不必做而實際上卻做了)1) Why are you doing your homework now? You it before class.2) You him about it.It may hurt him.3) You are late. You earlier.4) You the exam if you had been careful enough.5) You her the news, for I had told her earlier.第9頁/共21頁第十頁,共22頁。117. shall, will, would 用法(yn

8、 f): Shall I turn on the light, madam ? (征求意見) What shall we do now ? (征求意見) I wont see him any more. (意愿) Would/Will you type this right now, please ? *Shall she type this right now ? (征求意見)8. would “總是” / used to“過去常常(chngchng)” On Sundays he would go to call on the old man when he was young. I us

9、ed to get up late, but now I have got used to getting up very early. * used to 的否定形式: usednt to / didnt use to 第10頁/共21頁第十一頁,共22頁。129. dare 和 need既可以作情態(tài)動詞用, 又可以作實義動詞用1) I dare sayHow dare you say that to me ?- Dare he go alone? - No, he dare not.-Does he dare to go alone? - No, he doesnt. -Need he d

10、o it now? No he neednt. (Yes, he must)- Does he need to go there at once? Yes, he does *作情態(tài)動詞用時沒有人稱(rnchng)的變化第11頁/共21頁第十二頁,共22頁。13第12頁/共21頁第十三頁,共22頁。14canbemust becant bemay be第13頁/共21頁第十四頁,共22頁。15must have rained must have gone c a n t h a v e gone第14頁/共21頁第十五頁,共22頁。16may have gone should have han

11、ded in shouldnt have scolded 第15頁/共21頁第十六頁,共22頁。17neednt have gone could have done May shall 第16頁/共21頁第十七頁,共22頁。18May may mustnt Must needntmustDaredare dare not dont dare to 第17頁/共21頁第十八頁,共22頁。19neednt dont need to maymay nothave to were able to 第18頁/共21頁第十九頁,共22頁。20could had better would ratherthanused to usednt he/didnt heought to oughtnt they 第19頁/共21頁第二十頁,共22頁。21has to doesnt he Would like to couldnt be must needntmay have gone 第20頁/共21頁第二十一頁,共22頁。NoImage內容(nirng)總結會計學。. nee


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