



1、4題_答_要號答_請_內(nèi)名答姓線world-famous BritiSh SCientist, died at 76 in Cambridge, UK.英語科試卷?一單項(xiàng)填空(10分)請閱讀下在各?/題,從題中所給的A、B、C、D四個選項(xiàng)中選出可以填?2空?白處的最佳選項(xiàng)(每?/題1分,共10分)()1.-The book is SO in teresti ng that every One likes to read it.-Yes, but there are few SUCh booksin the bookstore now.A. availableB. USefUIC. emptyD

2、. VaIUabIe()2. -While WatChi ng StePhe n ChoWs films, I am ofte n mad aga in and aga in.-So am I. And IaUghi ng Can make US.A. laugh, relaxedB. to laugh, relaxedC. laugh, to relaxD. to laugh, to relaxed()3. -There are dark clouds, and the Wind is blow ing stron gly.-Itthat a storm is coming.A. looks

3、B. SOUndSC. feelsD. SeemS()4.- I USed to eat lots Ofj Unk food, but now I like vegetables.A. You are in good healthB. Good ideaC. It is OKD. People SUre Change()5 . There is SOmethi ng importanright now.A. to doB. doingC. doesD. did()6.-How are you, Tom? HaVe you bee n to your hometow n rece ntly?-N

4、otWe met at the train Stati on.A. beforeB. Whe nC. SinCeD. after()7. OUr teacher will show US some beautiful PiCtUreSin the UK last year.A. are take nB. Were take nC. take n D. took()8. What do you thinkthese young people so excited?A. makingB. to makeC. makesD. that makes()9. The StUde nts COrreCte

5、d their PaPerS carefullythe teache'suggesti ons.A. followB. to followC. followi ngD. bei ng followed()10-What are you doing here? Stran gers are not allowed to be in our school.-Oh, this is the placeI StUdied in Whe n I WaS young.A. WhereB. WhiChC. What D. who?二完形填空(25分)A)請先閱讀下?短文 掌握其?境,然后從各?/題所

6、給的A、B、C、D四個選項(xiàng)中選出可以 填?2空?白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。(每?/題1分,共15分)On MarCh 14, one of SCiencWsbrightes11Went dark. StePhe n HaWk ing, theHaWk ing is 12 by many to be the greatest SCie ntist in history SinCe AIbert Ein Stei n. He Came UP With the 13 that the Uni VerSe 宇宙)bega n With the Big Bang (?大爆炸) and will end in bl

7、ack holes. HiS theories became the base for a lot of later 14. He also wrote booksto help com mon people Un dersta nd the Uni verse. HiS most 15 book is A Brief HiStOry of Time (時(shí)間簡史),WhiCh has sold more than 10 million COPieS around the world, according to CNN.16his SCie ntific achieveme nts, HaWki

8、 ng WaS also some one who had a StrOng Wij意志)and OPtimiStiC 樂觀的)attitude.Whe n HaWk ing WaS 21, he WaS diag no Sed 診斷)With a SeriOUS 17 that StOPPed him from walking and talking. Later in life, he had to Sit in a WheeIChair and Speak' USing a COmPUteriZed 18. BUt this didn'tstop him from liv

9、ing a19 and colorful life. IfOne is PhySiCally disabled , OneCannOt afford to be psychologically 心 理理 disabled 20:he OnCe said.HaWk ing traveled the globe to atte nd SCie nce COnferences,21every con ti nent,including Antarctica (南極 洲 ). He WaS also a fan Of pop CUItUre and appeared On TV shows 22 St

10、ar Trek (星際迷航)and The Big Bang TheOry («?生活?大暴炸).He CeIebrated his 60th birthday by going UP in a hot-air ballo on; Whe n he WaS 65, he took Part in a zero-gravity (零重?力 flight to 23 WeightIeSSness. He hoped to travel into 24 One day.In 2013, HaWk ing spoke about 25 he felt life WaS Un fair Whe

11、 n he WaS first diag no Sed With his ill ness. BUt now, 50 years later, I Can be quietly SatiSfied With my life ,he Said()11.A. menB. peopleC. StarSD.Can dles()12.A. COn SideredB. SaidC.SeenD.reported()13.A. SUggeSti OnB. theoryC. kno WIedgeD.advice()14.A. inven ti onsB. discoveryC. thi ngsD.researc

12、h()15.A. famousB. bestC. worstD.oldest()16 A BUtB. EXCePtC. BeSideSD. ThOUgh()17.A. ill nessB. accide ntC. eventD. thi ng()18.A. shoutB. voiceC. SOUndD.noise()19.A. mea ningfulB. badC. UnhappyD. busy()20 A eitherB. as wellC. tooD.also()21.A. ViSitSB. ViSitedC. ViSit ingD.to ViSit()22.A. asB. for exa

13、mpleC. SUCh asD.likes()23.A. experie nceB. haveC. SUfferD.take()24A SPaCeB. heavenC. SkyD.Sea()25 A WhyB. howC. Whe nD.WhatB)請閱讀下?短文掌握其?臆,然后?方框中所給的詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,每個詞限?一次。 (每?/題1分,共10分,)Starti ngabilityobtai ntale ntreportedfairn atio ngivebePerfOrmedThe 26 COIlege entrance exam, Or gaokao, is an important

14、 exam for Chinese StUdents. In the past, StUde nts who PerfOrmed well in the areas of SPOrtS or SCie nce would receive 20 bonus POintS (加分)On the test. BUt 27 from this year, this bonus will no Ionger be available .On MarCh 21, the MiniStry of EdUCation announced it will stop giving bonus POintS to

15、28StUdent athletes, Winners of academic OIymPiads, Winners of SCience and tech noIogyCOmPetitions, provincial excellent StUdentS' and those who have 29 righteous andCOUrageOUS deeds(思想政治品德突出事跡 ),the Peoples Daily reported. The aim of this Change is to make gaokao 30",said the Mini Stry of E

16、dUCati on.The bonus POint policy WaS Created in 2000 to en COUrage StUde nts to develop both PhySiCaI and men tal tale nts. BUt some StUde nts Were able to 31the bonus dish On estly, China Y)UthDaily no ted. For example, some StUde nts USed fake CertifiCat假證書)to get the poi nts.The bonus is also 32

17、CUt to reverse (扭 轉(zhuǎn))the trend of more Chin ese StUde nts StUdying for OIymPiadS from an early age just to get the Points," Xiong Bingqi, ViCe-PreSident of the 21st Cen tury EdUCati On ReSearCh In StitUte, told China Daily.However, this does not mean StUdents With SPeCiaI talents will not be rew

18、arded for their 33. They Can take Part in independent college admission?高校?!主招 ?生 processes. Somecolleges USe these PrOCeSSeS to SeIeCt tale nted StUde nts and give them bonus points if they apply at those colleges.Ninety UniVerSitieS are USing independent admission PrOCeSSeSthiS year, the Xinhua Ne

19、WS AgenCy34Top schools like Peking Un iversity and TSin ghua Un iversity will 35tale nted StUde nts UP to 60 bonus poin ts.三、閱讀理解(40分)A)請先閱讀下?面短?文根據(jù)短?効容從每?/題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選 項(xiàng)。(每?/題2分,共30分)t “ARooms for Rent (出租)Com mun ity Cen ters are ope n all year round. They Can be USed for differe nt eve n

20、ts & meeti ngs. A Club Room With a kitchen . Two Meeting Rooms A Gymnasium (健身房) More in formati on: CjiygjCsapganeCersTel:0673142367In Vitati OnThe bees have bee n busy.We are throwi ng a PartyDeCaUSeALICE IS TURNING 2!Come to join US On SatUrday, JUt 7th.12:00 to 1:30The PaViIi on MiSSiSSiPPi

21、MUSeUm of NatUraI SCie nce2148 RiVerSide Drive, JaCkSOnCall the QUeen Bee at 601-555-4411Big SaleA big sale is coming, WhiCh means huge discoUntSon amazing PrOdUCtS that you have been dream ing of all year! Come and have a look.Books: 30% OfjPe ns: 25% OfjSchoolbags: 20% OfjIf you buy more tha n 5 b

22、ooks or pens, you Can Pay 5 dollars less.For more in formatio n, call()36. How many rooms are ren ted in the com munity cen ters?A. ThreeB. FourC. FiVeD. SiX()37. ACCOrd ing to the in Vitati on, the Party is for.A. a quee n B. a birthday C. bee WatChi ngD. the n ati Onal day()38. There

23、 are 6 books you Want to buy , they Were 100 dollars before. YDU mustPayfor them now.A. 65B. 70C. 75D. 50BI had always thought of airports as happy places. EVery One is at the begi nning or the end of a happy journey. People are so excited to See their family, their relatives or friends.BUt One day,

24、 while I WaS CatChing a flight from CaICUtta to Pairs, I noticed a young couple Sitt ing a few SeatS away from me. The woma n WaS Crying sadly, but the young man just Sat by her Side and didn'tdo anything to comfort her. Finally he left WithOUt a word and the young woman WaS still crying. After

25、hesitation, I WaIked over and held out a Sky blue Smile Stone. Why?" She asked. To make you smile, I said. She took it With a thankful smile.Later as my bag WaS going through the SeCUrity check, an Unsmiling young lady pulled my backpack Onto a Side table. She Started to look through my backpac

26、k in a bad mann er. Whe n She PUt her hand into the front pocket, She Came UP With some Smile Ston es. Those StOneS Cheered her UP SUdde nly. A look of PriCeIeSS smile Came On her face.The whole embarrassme nt With me Shifted at that SeC ond. AS She CarefUIly closed my bag, I pulled out One green Sm

27、ile Stone. ThiS is for you to remain you to keep smiling," I said. She PiCked it up. Then She SmiIed at the Stone and PUt it into her pocket.()39.We Can guess that the Un smili ng young lady WaS.A. ano ther PaSSe nger at the airport B. One of the Writer,sfrie ndsC. a WOrker of the airportD. a r

28、elative of that young woma n()40.The young woma n Cried at the airport because.A. her husba nd WaS angry With her.B. her husba nd left.C. the airport WaS dan gerous .D. She WaS afraid of fying.( )41.What does the Underlined WOrdShifted" mean in the last paragraph?A. Kept. B. Moved. C. Con ti nu

29、ed.D. Cha nged.( )42.Accord ing to the story, the Smile Stone PrObabIy means .A. a medical that makes people happy . B. a kind of beautiful stone.C. the best gift to give to OtherS .D. the OPtimiStiC attitude in OUr lives.CThe 11-year-oId boy, Elvis Ruby, is a PerSon who has become well-known throug

30、hout the CoUntry because of his musical tale nt. Whe n he is forced to hide out at Piney PStSa ncake Palace, a place so far that eve n the PaParaZ狗仔隊(duì))Cannotfind him, his world is tur ned UPSide dow n.All this happened after Elvis ran into trouble on the Stage of the world-famous reality show known a

31、s TWeen Sta".He WaS expected to Win the show as no other PIayer Came close to having so much tale nt that he had. BUt on one of the biggest ni ghts of his career, With milli ons of fans across AmeriCa WatChi ng, Elvis feared. He PIayed out Wrong no tes and forget how to play every inStrUment he

32、 usually knows SO well. SO this is Where We find Elvis now; running from the paparazzi, and away from his popularity of being a well-k nown star. He is now mak ing CakeS With his aunt and older cous in, hop ing to lead a no rmal life. EVerythi ng goes so well for Elvis Un til he meets CeCiIia who Ca

33、nnOt Seem to keep a secret.Hidi ng out at the Pan Cake PaIaCe is a Very in terest ing book With many surprises. It takes the reader On an adventure With Elvis Ruby, who OnIy WantS to be free of the paparazzi. It is a fun-filled book for kids and tee ns.AS readers follow the young musical tale nt in

34、his adve ntures at the Pan Cake Palace, they will not only meet the best Pancakes, but also discover What happens When a SUPerStar meets a Strange girl.()43. WhafS the mai n idea of the passage?A. In troduce a no vel about Elvis Ruby.B. Tell readers about a musical tale nt.C. TeaCh people how to lea

35、rn in StrUme nts.D. Show people how to be a tale nt.()44. WhiCh of followi ng is TRUE accord ing to the passage?A. It 'difficult for CeCiIia to keep a secret.B. ReaderS will Only meet the best Pan CakeS in NeW Jersey.C. TWeen Star is a reality show about SCience.D. School teachers will like the

36、no vel Very much.()45. What Can We infer from the SeC ond paragraph?A. The PUbIiC doesrtpay any atte nti On to Elvis.B. Elvis must have received a heavy blow in his career.C. Elvis does n'twa nt to be a famous PerS on any Ion ger.D. CeCiIia is a Very close friend of Elvis in his life.()46. The U

37、nderlined words a SUPerStaf in the fourth ParagraPh refers to.A. the Writer of the bookB. Elvis RUbyS cous inC. CeCiIiaD. Elvis RUbyDWbIf WarriOr 2, a movie that made box OffiCe history in China last summer, tells the story of how the Chin ese gover nment SUCCeSSfully rescues OVerSeaS Chin ese CitiZ

38、e ns in AfriCa.At the end of the film, there is Oneline that Sta nds out:Whe n you encoun ter 遇至 U) dan ger in a foreig n land, do not give up! PIeaSe remember, at your back Sta nds a StrOng mother!” nd.The movie Sendsthe message thatoverseasChinese will always receive timely help from China. BUt in

39、 the future, some headstrong任性的)CitiZens will not get this help for free, People' Daily reported.On MarCh 26, the Ministry of FOreign AffairS (MFA) WOrked out a draft for regulations 條例例 OnConsular PrOteCtiOn and assistance領(lǐng)事保護(hù)與協(xié)助 ),the Xinhua NeWS AgenCy reported. The draft SayS that those who

40、in SiSt On traveli ng to dan gerousplaces WithOUt Con Sideri ng War nings give n by the MFA will not be able to take adva ntage of free rescue services.For example, the MFA recen tly released (發(fā)布)a travel advisory (安全提醒)Say ing that Chinese CitiZens should avoid traveling to MaIdiVeS ?馬K代夫).Chinese

41、who travel there and run into trouble may still ask for aid from the Chin ese EmbaSSy ?大使館).BUt they will have to cover the cost of their rescue later.In fact, this is a com mon in ter nati Onal practice, People Daily said. Coun tries like the US ,UK and Can ada have SimiIar regulati ons.ACCOrd ing

42、to the MFA, over 130 milli On Chin ese mainlan ders traveled OVerSeaS last year. The MFA issued 發(fā)布)over 1,000 travel advisories to advise Chinese CitiZens of the risks they may face Whe n traveli ng.()47. Why does the author quote a line froWDlf WarriOr 2 ?A. To expla in What the movie is about.B. T

43、o describe the feelings after WatChing the movie.C. To prove how Strong China is.D. To StreSS that China will help every Chin ese PerS on.()48.Who usually gives WarningS about traveli ng abroad?A. PeoPle'Daily .B. The Mi nistry of FOreign Affairs.C. Xin hua NeWS Agen cy.D. TraVeI age ncies.()49.

44、 The draft SUggeStS that .A. Chin ese people ca'travel to foreig n places.B. Chinese who travel to MaIdiVeS will run into trouble.C. free rescue SerViCeS have come to an end.D. people will not get free help if they ignore the MFAB Warnin gs.()50. If the regulati On is PUt into practice, We Can i

45、nfer th .A. China will be the first COUntryin the world to do so.B. people may have SeC Ond thoughts about traveli ng to dan gerous places.C. the number of people who Can travel OVerSeaS will be less than 130 million.D. only rich people will be able to afford to travel OVerSeas.B)請先閱讀下?面短?文掌握其?大意,然后

46、根據(jù)短?文內(nèi)容從下?面?框內(nèi)的七個選項(xiàng)中選擇五個 還原到?文K使短?文S思通順、結(jié)構(gòu)完整。(每?/題2分,共10分)WatChing English films and television PrOgramS is an excellent Way to PraCtiCe your Iistening skills and PiCk UP new words. Here are some tips on it.Focus on more recent movies. There are many old English films that are well worth WatChing. 5

47、1 ThiS will give you a good idea of the kind of Ian guage people USe today.WatCh them With SUbtitIeS(字 幕)in the beginning . WatChing films With the English SUbtitIeS Can make you Un dersta nd them much easier. Seeing the words appear on the SCree n means that you have two differe nt WayS to Iear n W

48、hat you're Iiste ning to.52 And you Can also knowhow they are used.WatCh them WithOUt SUbtitIeS later. Real life doesnf come With SUbtitles, so to get really fluent(流利的),you will eventually need to be able to Understand What is being Said WithOUt help!. 53 ThiS time, really focus on your Iiste n

49、ing skills.PiCk out new words. Un Iike Con VerSati OnS in real life, the great thi ng about WatChi ng a film is that you Can stop and replay any thi ng you don fu ndersta nd !54You Can also PraCtiCerepeat ing words OUt loudly to improve your PrOnUn Ciati on.55Y ou WiIl find it much easier to PiCk UP

50、 new words if you are really Payingattention to the film. Of course, you ' I have to focus, but don 'force yourself to Sit through a film that would make you fall asleep in your Ian guage.A. KeeP a dict ionary beside you and make a note of new words.B. Choose films that you find in terest in

51、g and enjo yable, With StOrieS that keep you en terta in ed.C. It will be more helpful to choose films that are Set in the modern days.D. If you 'e WatChed a film once With SUbtitles, WatCh it again WithOUt them.E. It Can be a great Way for you to remember words.F. You Can try to get down some b

52、eautiful SentenCeS from the movie.G. There are some educati onal movies.四、補(bǔ)全對話(10分)請閱讀下?面寸話,根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容在?方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)木渚鋵υ拑?nèi)容補(bǔ)充完整(其中有兩項(xiàng) 為多余項(xiàng),每空? 一句1每句句分,共10分)AA: EXCUSe me. 56.B: Yes, I have trouble USing this machine. Could you tell me how to USe it?A: Certainly. First, PUt a tenyuan note(紙幣)into the machine. Then look at the SCreen, choose the Station Where you will get off, and click it. Finally, the ticket machine will give you Change by itself.B: Thank you. Let me have a try. PUt the note into the machine.A: Right. 57.B: The SCience MUSeUm Station.A


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