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1、2020北京東城初三一模英 語2020.5學(xué)校 班線 姓名 教盲ID號考生胡知1木試卷共10頁,共五道大題,39考小題黃分60分,考試時問90分鐘2 .在試卷和答題卡上準(zhǔn)誦填寫學(xué)校、班級、姓名和教育ID號.3 .試題答案一律填涂或書寫在答題卡上,在試卷上作答尢效.4 .在答題卡上,選擇題用2B鉛筆作答,其他試題用黑色字跡簽字筆作答.5考試結(jié)束,造將本試叁、答題卡和草稿紙一二交回。知識運(yùn)用(共14分)一、單項(xiàng)埴空(共6分,每小題0 5分)從下面各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項(xiàng)中,選擇可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),1Dad, my compiler doesnt work May use<A m

2、ineB yoursC hisD hers2 We often have a family meeting Monday evening;.A. ctiB. ofC. inD. at3 I have to leave now, I will be late for the mcciingA. forB. orC butD. so4 David > you take your umbrella. It is not rainingA. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn'tD. may not5 Your health isthing in your l

3、ife.A. impertantB. more importantC. most importan:D the most important1/136Alice , did ycu start to play the piano?D. howAt the age of five.A. whenB. whyC. where7 If you dent use ycur English, you it.D. have forgottenA. forgetB. forgotC. will fDrget8Tom, hurry up I We for you13Just cue minute.A. wai

4、tB. wait2dC. are waitingD. have waited9 Mr. Johnson met an dd friend when he down the street.A walksB. is walkingC. will walkD. was walkingID. Mike football since the fourth grace.D. will playD. were takenA. playsB. has playedC. is playing11 . Patients good care of when they stay in hospital.A. take

5、B. tookC. are taken12 Can you tell me last summer vacation?Sire I went to ShanghaiA. where did you goB. where you wentC. where will you goD where you wit go二、完形填空(共2分,每小題1分閱讀下面的短文,事握其大意,然后從短文后省同所給的A、B、C、D四個選項(xiàng)中,選擇最隹選項(xiàng)。Bom to DrawJenna looked at the calendar and sighei(嘆氣).Even though she lookei forwa

6、rd to the new term, she would miss spending her mmmer vacation 13 It was so satisfying to see how her drawings cculd bring life to her storytelhng!Unfonunately , Jenna's parents didn't understani how much she wanted to be a conic illu$tracor(插畫家)When she talked about her dream job wlh her pa

7、rents , she expected them to I4her Instead > they explained that也awing comics was a hobby, not a career(IRilk).Jenna couldn't stop thinking about that unpleasant conversation , so she turned to her elder brother, James. She wanted her brother to help her mske ther parents 15 that drawing comi

8、cs is an art form and tha: it caneven be a gi Cdl cai ccr.But as she spoke > the lock on her broker's face to:d her ihai he agreed with ther parents. Jenna poitely tstenec tc her brother and then she waked back to her room 16At school a few weeks later)Miss Bndwell noticed that Jciria wasn1;h

9、erself. Jenna told Miss EndwcL that she was 17 because her parents didn't back her choice of tecoming a comic illustratcr.Pointing to the bookshelf in front cf the room > Miss Bridwell began, "When 1 was probably about your age , my dad once said writing was not a career. was just straig

10、htforward with my dad. I simply told him the truth. explained that I enjoyed writing > and that I wanted to get better and to write. guess my IS carre through , and he believed me "Miss Bridwell's stay 19 Jenna a lot , so she decided to discuss her ideas with her parents again. Itctdnt h

11、appen immedzately , bat n the end,they came to understand that Jenr.a's 20 of drawing comicswas more important :han whether it was the career they wanted £cr Jenna.13. A. drawingB. readingC. wnfcngD. singing14. A. comfortB. supportC. teachD. follow15.A. promseB. decideC. proveD. believe16.

12、A. secretlyB. hopefullyC. cheerfullyD. quietly17. A. regretfUB. nervousC upsetD. frightened18. A. honestyB. patienceC. prideD. carcfjlncss19.A icniindcdD. cncuuidgcdC. suipucdD. iiitciestcd20. A. loveB. experienceC. purposeD. memory閱讀埋解(共36分)三、閱讀下列矩文.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從姮文后備題所給的A. B、C、D四個選項(xiàng)中選搔最佳選項(xiàng)。(共26分,好小題2分He

13、ic die suiuc buuks dbuut Jpacc tiavcl. Take atiij: tu tlic Muun aid Lcycnd witli these cncujidguig reads.Balloon to the MoonExTxaordinarjrLife of Neil ArmstrongLong befijre anyone had designed a rccket > the MontgolEcr brotlicrs were making hot air baloons. In October 1783 > they became the fi

14、rst people to experience contrclled Eight. Balloon to theMoon starts there and leads to Neil Armstrong's "small step1' and beyond. Leam abojt all the prDgress of the space travel > then get ready for an unknown butNeil Armstrong made hrstory m 1969 when he became the firs: person to

15、5et foct on the Moon From his childhood playing with model flanes to becoming one of the most famous astronauts of all dme > discover the wonderfulstory of Neil Armsong life in this took. It has lots of facts snd pictures 9 and shows the key events in his life.exciting future.Tu Space & BackC

16、uuiitiiig on KatheiineSally Ride bccaaic the first Amencan woman in space m 1923 In this book > Sally shares her personal experience of travelug into space. From discussing the experience of living ard working in space toThis encouraging book tells the s:ory of Katherine Johnson who hms a gift fo

17、r math Sh® helped iiiakt tlic liistonc Apullu 11 moon landing possitle and made sxire that Apollo 13 returned home safely when theexplaining how astronauts tran and adapt(適應(yīng))2 ther new cnwotuncnt; she talks about her journey through space.mission(任務(wù))was in danger21. Who first experienced contro

18、lled flight in October 1783?A. The Montgolfisr brothers.B. Katherine Johnson.C. Neil Armstrong.D. Sally Ride.22. If a girl is interesred in women astronaixs' life in space, she will probably readA To Spare & ParkB. Balloon to the MionC. Cuuntiag un KatliciiiieD. Thu E:<iraordinaiy Life uf

19、 Neil Armstrong23. Wliat ctd Katherine Johnsen do?A. She designed die first rocket.B. She recorded key events of space travel.C. the explained how astronauts traned fcr space travel.D. She helped make the Apollo 11 moon landing possible.BPeople can reduce, reuse , or recycle waste instead of throwin

20、g it away. Matt and Sam decided to do anezpenment They wanted to see exactly how much waste the three R s coiid saveFirst, :hey collected the rubbish from fix classrooms at their school. They itvided the rubbish into three groupsthings that were reusable, such as a pencil cr a marker that had been t

21、hrown awaythings that could be recycled > such as cans, glass, or paperthings that were truly wasteThen Matt and Sam weighed each of the three groups. They learned that 84% of the total n;bbish thrown away that day could be recycled or reused. They decided tc de someiiing about itMatt and Sam pre

22、sented the idea of starting a recycling programme tc the school leaders. Then they worked with the Student Council. They prepared brochures(手冊):o send heme to tell the students and their families about recycling. They stated in the brochure that recycling helps to keep our planet healthy. Tkc school

23、 bought colored containers(容器)for each classroom Each room received a blue container br paper and a green container fcr gass and cans They akn rerpivpd a red rnntainer for real nihhtshWithin a short tme , each classroom m the school was sertirg recyclable materials firm rubbish before it was thrown.

24、 Matt and Sam decided to weigh the rubbish one more ame. They wanted to check the schjoPs progress. They collected the nbbish frem the red containers from th* same six classrooms as before. They sorted the rubbish into three groups again and weighed each group This time > they were pleased to fin

25、d tlict the red containers were Gllcd with 90% waste that should be thrown away. Only IC% of recyclable matenals had beer thrown into the red containers Matt and Sam were pleased with their sckooPs effort reducing waste on oir planet24. By doing an experirrent, Matt and Sam wanted tc find out5/13A.

26、wha: things could be reusedD. v/lid: iccyclablc malciidls cuuld be savedC. huw much waste die ilnee R's could saveD. how much waste their school produced a day25. AVhat ctd Matt and Sam de in the recycing programme?A. They made a speech on recycling.B. They wrote a report to the school leaders.C

27、. They bought colored contaners for each classroom.D. They helped students and their famibes know about recycling.25. Which word can best desenbe Matt and Sam?A. Responsible.B. Fnendly.C. Independent D. Confident.CWe see legos on signs, buildings, televisicn )and even on the clothes we wear. Logos a

28、re used to stand fcr brands(Si牌).There are logos such as the Nike "swoosh,? the Apple logo and the colorful rings of the Olynyjic Games All of these logos are designed to attract our I 1| alention. They also help us remember a product or sendee corrected to the logo.JHowever, xesearch performed

29、 al the University of C&lifomia,Los Angeles finds that remembering the details of logos is very difficult. Tae researchers try :o explain this.Logos are typically designed to be simple and easy to rccognzc. Yetic frequent exposure(頻繁接觸)to these legos can actually make our brains overlook the det

30、ails of logos. It would te challenging to try to remember eery single thing that crosses our path. We take 31 so much information every day that the bran works to notice information that docs not need to be stored. It allows the unimportant information to disappear gradually frem our memory.The deta

31、ils of product logos are just the kind of information dut brains tel us we de not need This may be ctscoursginj to logo designers and to companies that use these eye-catching logos But there are still many business expttU whj believe n llie nupjitaiice uf a recjgiiizdble logo.Even :hough Ilie biaiii

32、 is ikely to pay no aueiition to umecessaiy delds, it is also prugiairaned furrecogjition. When we see logos ever and over again , we become familiar(熟悉)with them. This repeated exposure leais our brains to remember the basic idea without dl of the details. This general sense of memory has its own b

33、enefits It can make us feel like we really know the product behind the logo, n fact* familiarity with aogo can even make people feel more comfortable about buying or using certain products.Logos are everywhere we look today. Those people who create logos need to know that people will ony rmpmhpr wha

34、t thy hpEpup is; important A chver design may he intersstin; , hut most penplp will fnrgpt the details27. In the first paragraph , the writer mainly.A. introduces some famous brandsB. describes the design of some logosC. shows the popularity of famous brandsD. explains the purpose of designing logos

35、28. The word ,overlook- in Paragraph 2 prDbably means":'A. try to remember B. seethe importance ofC. take no notice of D. fail to understand29. What can we leam from the passage?A. Business experts think the details of logos are unnecessaryB. Our brains can choose which logos to notice and

36、remember.C. The repeated exposure to a logo can lead people to buy the product.D. People know more about the products behind :ogos with more details.3D. Which 3f the following wculd be the best title for the passage?A. What Makes a Good Lego?B. Whet Can We See in a Logo?C. Why Is a Good Logo Importa

37、nt?D. Why Should Logos Be Recognizable?DThe students are quieting down in their seats. The teacher begins to give lessons. Then she asks a question for the class to anrwer, and die students all react in separate ways.Each student is spccia with different strengths and weaknesses. Because of this fac

38、t, diffcrcnr students learn cLfferendy. While some may leam by quickiy answering the teacher question > spesking up with ease and comfort > 7/13others may Icam just as well by listening to their classmates and teacher sjcak. These students should not be punished for learning the way they do, t

39、ut when teachers grade class partiesafcon(參與),that is exactly what they are doing.According to a survey camei out by Eonme M. Mdler, aprefessor at University of Massachusetts Boston, 60% of lici studenh believe thdl gliding pailiLipdtiuii dues nut cncuuillicin to pditiuipctc mure 1ji class. They fee

40、l luuie comfortable expressing their thoughts if they know whai they say will not te gven a number later onSome other students believe that when class pancipation is graded , teachers are awarding outgoing smdents while punishing shy ones. Gracing class participation sends the message that shy stude

41、nts are not 50od students. It makes them feel like they should be outgoing, loud, and able to learn by talking , which makes them feel uncomfortableIn my experience with classes where class participator was graded , J fek difficult to do wel For exanpLe , instead of bemg able to fully focus on what

42、my teacher and classmates said, my mind would race 'Mth the things that I CDuld possiblv share in die class discussion. Either I would be too slow in raising mv hand > or feel too nervous to lift it at all. Imagining try falling graces,wishing that I could somehow be amors outgeing persen, su

43、ddenly my thoughts WDuld be interrupted by the sound of my classmates gettng up to leaveand I would realize that 1 learned ns ally notlmg tliat class.What's more, by focusing on the students who talk the most m class > teachers fail to award students who may be good listeners,a skill that is

44、as important as being able to talk in front of a group 0: people.Teachers can increase class participaticn bv providing different ways of grading participation that are acceptable tc different personalities and learning ways For example, they can give stuicnis opportunities to write their ideas. Mos

45、t irrportandy, teachers shculd create classrooms where students want to learn.31. Accoriing to the passage, tn a class where participation is graded,A. most students are likely to act activelyB. some students feel stressed to be who they areC. students are fcrced to lister to their classmatesD. stud

46、ents are encoured to learn the way they prefer32. The wrier talks about his own expenenie in Paragraph 5 to explainA. why students car? much about gradesB. why listening is as important as speaking upC. how grading partcipation influences learning processD. kow students feel when preparing for speak

47、ing up in class33. What's the writers main purpose in writing the passage?A. To riiuid teachers u£ the Miipurtdiicc of giading propcihf li class.B. To tell students the effect trieii personalities have on learnii.g,C. To encourage teachers to keep students active in class.D. To provide stud

48、ents with ways to particate in class囚、閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題。(共10分,將小題2分)Keep Calm and Carry OnStuart Manley and his wife > Mary > run a second-hand bookshep called Barter Books in Alnwick ) Northumberland. In 2000 > tlicy bought a box of old books. When Stuart get them back to the shop, he discov

49、ered a poster at the bottom of the box The pos:er read "'Keep Calm and Carry 01r. Neither Stuart nor May knew anything about the Hstcry of the poster, but they liked it so much that they decided to hang the poster in their bookshop.At the start of VZofd War II > the British government de

50、signed three posters and the Keep Calm poster was one of them. Two of the three posters were release以展不)m pubic ii. uidel tu encouiagc th: Bntisli people. ALliuagJi neatly 2 5 imllijn cupiet uf tlie KeepCalm poster had been printed , the British government decided not to release them. In 1940 ) most

51、 of the copies were recycled in:o other piper products. Only a few were leftThe poster started ±s second life when Manley's poster began attracting the attention of customers in h:s shop. He panted copies of the poster to sell Soon other companies began to sell products with the slogan(標(biāo)語).

52、It appeared on everything from tnugs to shopping bagsTh科 reasons for the popularity of ths rediscovered poster hard to uriderstnnd Shortly 什er the poster made its appearance in 2000 > a worldwide econcmic(經(jīng)濟(jì)的)downturn began People were in need of something to raise their spints The saying “Keep C

53、alm and Carry Orf seems to te the perfect slogan to bring courage and hope to people. Besides the encouraging message > the simple design of the poster helped lead to its popularity.Today the now-famous wartme slogan has been rewritten in many fur ways. Some people have created phrases like"

54、Keep Calm and Dance On” , “Keep Calm and Cat Mom' or "Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake". The slogan has become pail of populdi cultui e. Tlic cxpldiidliuns uf tlic slugaii di e Eghtlicditcd > but il is iinuuitdiil tu i cuicuibci its purpose when it was first designed.34. Where did Stuart

55、 discover the poster?35. Did Stuart know anything abcut the history of the pester when it was discovered?31 When was the poster first designed?37. Why did the poster become popular?38. Pledge icwiitc tlic Keep Calin slogan to cncuuiags yjui cldssniatcs bcfjtc aii iinpuildiit cxein.書面表達(dá)(共10分)五、文段表達(dá)(1

56、。分)3%從下面兩個題目中任選一題,根據(jù)中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50詞的文段寫作。文中已給出內(nèi)容 不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。所給提示詞語僅供選用。請不要寫出你的校名和姓名。顆目假如你是李華,你們學(xué)校號召各班制作短視做展現(xiàn)同學(xué)們延期開學(xué)后的校園生活,并發(fā)布在學(xué)校網(wǎng)站 上。你所在的小組負(fù)責(zé)制作奉址的短視頻。請你寫一封郵件給你朗交換生Peter,說明你們制作短視頻的 想注或構(gòu)思,并告訴他所需.隹備的素材以及發(fā)送給你的時間。是示 i司語 show, beautiful, safe, interview, plioto提示問題:What's your idea tor making the video?What wculd yoa like Peter to prepare?When should Peter send you the material。Dear Peter,We are going tc make a wdeD showing our school ife aftsr the reopening of our school.I f there is anything more you want to know , please teU meYoursLi Hua目“經(jīng)歷有好乜有壞,每和經(jīng)歷都是收獲。由于防


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