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1、新王牌暑秋篇初一英語入學(xué)測試題時間:60分鐘滿分:100分學(xué)校:姓名:分?jǐn)?shù):新王牌精品小班 400-000-28029、判斷下列畫線部分的發(fā)音是否相同,相同用()1. fivethin2. useusually()3. lakewait4. phonebottle()5. me he6.lo1note()7. overold8. treeeat()9. slowdown10. horsework二、情景匹配。(10分)II()1. What's the weather like in summer?()2. What are you going to do tomorrow?()3.

2、Are you a student?don't know.()4. Where's Lucy's bike?friend.()5. Are they American or English?China.()6. How old is your uncle?American.()7. Are the twins boys or girls?()8. Whois Kate?It's under the tree.",不相同用"X"。(10分)()()( )( )( )IA. No,I can't.B. They are girl

3、s.C. ID. She is myE. It's a map ofF. They areG. Yes, I am.H.()9. What's that on the wall?I. It's usuallyvery hot.()10. Can you see the car on the hill?J. I'm going to watchTV.三、選擇填空。(每題 2分,共50分)()1. Whose bag is bigger,or?A. your; IB. yours; myC. yours; mine()2. The cap isn't min

4、e. It's, I think.A. Mary'sB. MaryC. Marys()3.your kite high in the sky!A. PutB. LetC. Fly()4. How many can you see in the picture?A. manB. childC. peopleD. woman()5. A:the weather in Nanjing?B: It's very hot in summer.A. What's; likeB. What; likeC. What's; isD. What's; /()6.i

5、t often in winter?A. Do; snowB. Does; snowsC. Do; snowsD. Does; snow()7. A:season in Beijing you like best?B: I like autumn best. It's cool and sunny.A. What; doesB. Which; areC. Which; doD. What; are()8.A: What you do today, Nancy?A. do; going toC. do; toB: I'm going to see a movie with my

6、family.B. are; going toD. are; want)9. A: Where's the shopping center?A. at)10.B: It'sZhongshan Road.B. onC. inD. ofA. Can youC. Do you)11. All the students are veryA. excited)12. Su Hai wants toA. talkinglike to join us?B. You wouldD. Would youB. excitingC. exciteD. excitessome photos.B. ta

7、keC. talkD. talking)13. Ithere now.A. wasn'tB. weren'tC. isn'tD. aren't)14. TheyA. were)15. Mrs Smith canA. played the)16.A. Would like toC. Would you likethere just now.B. arepiano.B. playedcome to Yang Ling's birthday party?C. wasD. isC. plays theD. play theB. Would you like to

8、D. Would you to()17.- Whereyou just now? - I in the playground.A. was, wereB. was, wasC. were, wasD. were, werethat()18. Ben and Isome flowers last week.A. plantB. plantedC. plantingD. plants()19.- WhatA. does, pickhe do? - HeB. did, picks()20. This knife is yours, Ann.A. Put on itB. Put it on()21.

9、I want toA. go camping.It is fun!B. going camping()22. Can you say the namesA. forB. to()23. All myA. friends came()24.A. Show, topears on the farm.C. does, pickedD. did, picked,please.C. Put it awayD. Put it awayC. go to campingD. going to campingthe things?C. withD. ofto my birthday party last nig

10、ht.B. friend cameC. friends comeD. friend comeyour new sweaterme, please.B. Give, forC. Have, forD. Shows, to()25. The Walkman is inSu Hai's pocket.A. theB. /C. aD.四、完形填空。(10分)Dear Susan,How are you? It's very nice of you to writeknow a lotyou and your school now. I will tell youme.24your le

11、tter I about me and myschool.I amelevenold. I'm inat Jinling primary School. My motheris a.She teaches Maths. My father is an.He's good at his work.There1 500 students and 100 teachers in our school. Our classrooms are bigand bright. Please come and have a look10our school if you have time.Y

12、ours,Wang Ying()1. A. forB. toin()2. A. ForB. ToAbout()3. A. inB. aboutat()4. A. anythingC. sometimes()5. A. yearB. /age()6. A. Grade Five, Class ThreeC. fromD.C. FromD.C. withD.B. somethingD. someoneC. yearsD.B. Grade five, Class threeC. Class three, Grade FiveD. Class Three, Grade Five()7. A. stud

13、entB. teacherC. doctor()8. A. farmerB. teacherC. doctor()9. A. amB. isCareD. be()10. A. inB. aboutC. atonD. workerD. engineerD.五、讀短文并按要求答題。(10分)(A)David's birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got lots of presents from his family and friends.His father and mother gave him a red box with a

14、storybook in it. His mother said, "There are a lot of funny stories in it, it's good for you." Mike, David's best friend, gave him a large box. A toy car is in it.David's sister gave him a round box. "It is a birthday cake," he thought. But it was a basketball. David

15、likes playing basketball.David's brother gave him a big yellow box. David opened it and there was another box in it. The box was green. He opened the small box and saw the third box. This one was blue. There was a short letter in it. "Go to your study. You can see three boxes there, a black

16、 one, a grey oneand a white one. Your birthday present is in one of them." David ran tohis study and found themon the desk. The black one is bigger than the grey one, and the white one is the smallest. He opened the grey box, but found nothing in it. Then he opened the biggest one. He was very

17、glad to see a model plane in it.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確答案。()1. David's parents put their present in for his birthday.A. a yellow boxB. a lot of boxesC. a black boxD. a red box()2. Who is Mike?A. A friend of David's father'sB. One of David's best friends.C. David's brother.D. David's siste

18、r.()3. What colour was the biggest box?A. WhiteB. BlackC. GreyD. Blue()4. How many boxes did David's brother give him?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD.Seven()5. What was in the biggest box?A. A bookB. A letterC. A model planeD. A small box.(B)The Smiths like to go out for a trip on Sundays. This Sunday they want to go to the West Hill.Jack and Mike, the sons, get up very early in the morning. Jack puts on a shirt and jeans, andMike put on a T-shirt and jeans. They put bread, meat, eggs and some fruit in a basket and carry it to the car. M rs Smith also take


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