1、河南八大經(jīng)典英文解說詞1. 少林寺(自我介紹)hello, Ladies and gentlemen, welcometo Henanprovince。First, please let me introduce myself to name is apple , I' ll be your localguide during your stay here ,This is MrZhang ,our driver ,He is con scie ntious and seas on ed.(有責任心和經(jīng)驗)。Soyou are in good hands whe n riding in
2、 his coach, to avoid gett ing a wrong bus .we' d better rememberthe number andthe features of our bus .the number is 21806 and its color is red, if you havea ny special in terests, please let me know, my job is to smooth your way and trymy best to an swer your questi ons ,we highly appreciate yo
3、ur un dersta nding and hope that duri ng your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes andstomach but also experienee the real Chin ese culture and have a better un dersta ndin gof the Chin ese people , it will take ushalf an hour to our destination, ShaoLin Monastery.During this time, I
4、9; dlike to give you a brief introduction about Henan provin ce.(介紹河南)Henan province ,also called yu' for short,meaning a manpulling an elephant ,is situated right in the heart of China ,soit is also named central Plain ' or centralState ' , covering an area of 167000 square kilometers,
5、with a total populationof 100 million ,which is the largest of all provin ces in Chi na.As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, is our mother river. Andit runs through 8 cities of Henan province, as its namemeans,the province islocated to the southern bank of the Yell
6、ow River, A great nu mber of history books an dexcavatio n have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilization here. So every year, manyChinese descendants from homeand abroadto worship the fathers. The last few years has seen the development of Henanprovince. Especially in th
7、e industry and GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area. Henanprovince is famous not only for its long history and rich culture,but also forits beautifulnaturalscenery.For the overseas tourists ,Henanprovince is just like a natural history museumwithsplendidculture civilizati on.Zhengzhou
8、,which is the capital and largest city of Henanprovince in central prefecture-level city, it also serves as the centre of political, econo mic,tech no logical, and educati onal of the provin ce, as well as a majortransportationhub for Central China. Zhengzhou is also namedmallcity .It was once the c
9、apital of Shang dyn asty 3500 years ago and now is a moder n commercialcity. That makes it closely relate to sha ng, which mea nscommercea nd trade in chi na. Because of that, Zhen gzhouis one of the Eight Great Ancient Capitals of China and holds important statusof modern mall cen ter in conn ecti
10、on with other places.Zhen gzhou experie ncesamonsoon-i nflue need,four-seas onhumidsubtropical climate, with cool, drywinters and hot, humid summers. Spring and autu mn are dry and short.Well, our bus is coming tothe downtownarea of Dengfeng city. Dengfeng has a long history. A number ofsites in and
11、 around the township are well worth visitingthem. Foremost on thelist is the Shaolin Temple the birthplace ofboth Kungfu and Zen Buddhism.Nowladies and gen tleme n, our dest in ati on has arrived, please carry your items withyou, and get downthe bus one by one carefully. Then let ' s visit it to
12、gether.Shaoli n TempleWell, ladies and gen tleme n:Here weare, Shaolin Temple, in the region of SongMountain, Dengfeng City, Henan Provin ce, is reputedto be the Number One Temple un der Heave n. Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei dynasty , had the templebuilt to accommodatethe Indian master Batuo
13、,ShaolinTemple meins “temple in the thickforests of Shaoshi Mountain ”.Shaolin Temple embraces many excit ing attract ions; the first sight we see is the Shanmen Hall. Hung on its top is atablet reading 'Shaolin Temple'. The tablet was in scribed by the Emperor Kan gxi duri ng the Qing Dynas
14、ty. Under the stairs ofthe hall stands two stone lions made in the Ming Dyn asty . The hall en shri nesthe Maitreya Buddha.Next we arrive at the Hall ofHeave nly Ki ngs. The gate of the hallisguarded by two figures depicting Vajra .Inside the hall are figures of theFour Heavenly Kings who are respon
15、siblefor inspectingpeoples'behavior,help ing the troubled, and bless ing the people.Please follow me this is the Mahavira Mahavira Hall ' s center is just before your eyes. Both importantcelebrations and regular prayers are held here. 18 Buddhist Arhats stand alongthe eastern and the souther
16、n walls of the hall. Buddhas of the Middle, East an dWest are en shri ned in this hall, respectivelySakyamuni Buddha, PharmacistBuddha and AmitabhaBuddha. On both sides in front of the hall of Mahavira, standthe Bell tower and the Drum Tower symmetrically .They were used to report hoursfor the templ
17、e .Normally the bell is used in the morning while the drum, in theafter noon, hence the say ing“ morning bell and after noon drum ”.Having seen the highlights in the temple courtyards ,let ' s visitanother leading section of the Shaolin Temple Sightseeing Zone ,n amedthe Pagoda Forest which sta
18、nds at thefoot of Shaoshi Mountain about half a kilometer west to Shaolin Temple. It is aconcentration of tomb pagodas for eminent monks and abbots of the temple. Arough count shows more than 240 tomb pagodas of various sizes from the Tang,Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties , making it the big
19、gest pagoda forestin of the pagodas are stone and brick shapes are varied,i nclud ingpolyg on al,cyli ndrical, vase-like,coni cal and mono lithic,making thepagoda forestan exhibiti on of ancient pagodas, carv ings and calligraphy ofvarious dyn asties.Besides, it isknown that martial arts have been p
20、racticed at the temple throughout itshistory. A lege nd had it that Bodhidharma found monks weak and un healthy afterlo ng time meditatio n practices, so he developed the martial arts to strengthenthem, which formed the basis of Shaolin Kungfu. However the unique aspect ofShaoli n culture is the com
21、b in ati on of Shaoli n Kungfu and Chan Buddhism.Ok,ladies andgentlemen, the explanation of the Shaolin Temple has come to an end .Now youcan have a free look and take some pictures as well .See you on the bus an hourlater .Wish you a pleasa nt tour .Tha nk you!2. 清明上河園(自我介紹)hello, Ladies and gentle
22、men, welcometo Henanprovince。First, please let me introduce myself to you .My name is Apple , I' llbe yourlocal guide duri ng your stay here ,This is Mr Zhang ,our driver ,He iscon scie ntious and seas on ed.(有責任心和經(jīng)驗)。So you are in good hands when riding in his coach, to avoid gettinga wrong bus
23、 .we' d betterremember the nu mber and the features of our bus .the nu mber is 21806 and its color is red, if you have any special interests, pleaselet me know, my job is to smooth your way and try my best to an swer yourquesti ons ,we highly appreciate your un dersta nding and cooperati on. I h
24、ope thatduri ng your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes and stomach butalso experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding of theCh in ese people , it will take us half an hour to our desti natio n, Park with Up-theRiver-on-Chingming-Festival ' views in Kaifeng
25、. During thistime, I ' d like to give you a brief introduction about Henan province.(介紹河南)Henan province ,also called yu' for short,meaning a manpulling an elephant ,is situated right in the heart of China ,soit is also named central Plain ' or centralState ' , covering an area of 16
26、7000square kilometers, with a total populationof 100 million ,which is the largest of all provin ces in Chi na.As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization,is our mother river. Andit runs through 8 cities of Henan province, asits namemeans,the province islocated to the sout
27、hern bank of the Yellow River, A great nu mber of history books an dexcavatio n have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilizationhere. So everyyear, manyChinese descendants from homeand abroadto worship the fathers. The last few years has seen the development of Henanprovinc
28、e. Especially in the industry and GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area. Henanprovince is famous not only for its long history and rich culture,but also forits beautifulnaturalscenery. For the overseas tourists ,Henanprovince is just like a natural history museumwithsplendidculture civ
29、ilizati on.(介紹開圭寸)While Kaifeng is located on the alluvialplainson the middleand lower reaches of the Yellow River, which is a key tourismcity along the banks of the river. It is 70 kilometers from Zhengzhou, the provincial capital.(地理位置)The city has a history of around 2700 years,serv ing as the ca
30、pital for 7 dyn asties, Kaife ng reached its peak whe n serv in gas the capital of the Song Dynasty, which is equal to the the Tang dynasty inChinese history ,they both scored great achieveme nts in many fields ts magnificence,grandness and splendor made it the center of the politics, econo mya nd c
31、ulture inChi na ,as well as a flouri ngmetropolis (大都市)ofthe world,papermak ing, gun powder, printing and compass ,Ch in ese four great inven tio ns were all discovered here and bee n used widely.Kaife ngis also famous for its flowers, the chrysa nthemum. Every autu mn, aroun dOctober, there will be
32、 many visitors come here to enjoy flowers. And the wholecity will be decorated with flower here and there.The bustling sight of Kaifeng was vividly reflected in the famouspainting Up the River on Qingming Festival by Zhang park we arego ingto visit isjust n amed after the painting. The painting desc
33、ribed thespectacles on the flouring Bian River on Chingming Festival;all the constructions in the park were of typical Song Style with an adoptionofsome moderntech no logy. So whe n you walk ing in to the park, you' ll find youthroughtime and space to the Song Dynasty.Now ladies and gentlemen, o
34、ur destination hasarrived, please carry your items with you, and get downthe bus one by onecarefully. Then let ' s visit the dream ing park together and enjoy the classicalatmosphere.Park withUp the River on chingming FestivalWelcometo the Park with Up the River on ChingmingFestival, After seein
35、g the grand Opening ceremony, please follow me.Iwill take you to an ancient Kaife ng of a thousa nd years ago.Walki ng in to the gate ,the first sight wesee isthe three-by-sixtee n-meterhug relief on a screen wall. In front of which thereis a big statue ofZhang Zedua n, the well known Norther n Song
36、 pain ter with hisfamous scroll pain ti ng in his han ds, titled A Deep Love for Don gji ng, as asymbol Of greeti ngs and welcomes to visitors,Nowlet megive a brife in troduct ionabout thefamous pain ter and his greatscroll painting, Zhang zedua n was called Zhen gdao,was born in prese nt Shandong P
37、rovince in the Norther n Song Dyn asty and died in Souther n Song .His was travelli ng to Kaife ng to study whe n he was young, an dwas accomplished in pain ti ng. He had once served as a pain terin thepain ti ngstudio of the Imperial Academy.While the famous painting UP the River on QingmingFestiva
38、l is really a mirror to the flourish and prosperity of the capital cityKaife ng in theNorthernSong Dynasty. It describes all kinds of people and objects,they were reflectedvividly .from which we can see the whole Northern Song ,So it is really animportant evidence for historicans and scholars in the
39、 study and research ofpolitics , economy, culture ,science, architecture, military defe nses and thesociety in the Norther n Song Dyn asty.The park covers an area of about of 8 functional parts including the areas of hotels ,folk custoe, food street, culture anden terta inment , flowers and birds, b
40、ustli ng capital, shopp ing plots an dcomprehe nsive service based on the scroll areso much in terest in gth ingsfor you to see in thepark. You can go through the rain bow bridge, moun tthe city gate. have a visit to the Hongfu Mon astery, go shopp ong in the silkstore, have a stay in an ancient pos
41、t house, have a taste of seas on able food in the restaura nt of ancient style, and so on. you can also visit a traditionalweave room ,enjoy the popular acrobatics and other folk arts like the new yearpainting house, paper-cut ocalkite and puffed-sugar-figures,etc.Now, let ' s first go to the Ra
42、in bow Bridgewhich was well-known in thenorthern song dynasty. As one of the 10 famousancient bridges in China,it was a wooden-structuredbridge built in 1050 AD, playing a veryimportantrole both land and waterborne transportation. While it was destroyed in warfare. the prese nt Rain bow Bridge was s
43、et up 1998completely following the originalpattern and style in painting. It ' s a singlear chedbridge, 25 meters long and 5 meters wide, with 2 ornamental columns, and2 nine-meter high vertical shafts on both sides, on top of the shafts is a dogva neformed by a plate with a white crane sta ndin
44、g on. The crane can be turned withw ind and tells the directi on of the wind whe n it points to a certain positionof the crossed wooden bar. The river under the bridge was Bia nRiver, which was origi nated from thea ncie nt Luo Riveri nLuoya ng.Theriver was a most important and bsiest water artery f
45、or transportation fromnorth to south in the North Song Dynasty, it linked the three big river ,theyellow river ,the Yangse River, and the Huai had brought somany adva ntages to the developme nt of the North Song Dyn asty, boats and vessels busyat carry ong foods and grains sailed from south to north
46、 day and ni ght ,so agreat nu mber of hotels ,restaura nts, shops were built den sely along the ban ks,which brought more ben efits to the capital city and made Kaife ng aworld-famous flourish ing metropolis duri ng the North Song Dyn asty.After see ing the bridge, you can take part in theclassical
47、wedd ing, the beautiful girl thrown a silk ball on the loft to see ahusband. Of course ,you can also watch the shows like operas, drum playing, acrobatic,andso on. Enjoy the atmosphere here happily. But please remember the time ,and we ' llmeet at the gate of the park 1 hours later.See you later
48、!3. 黃帝故里Hello,ladies and gentlemen,welcome to Henan province。First, please let meintroduce myself to you .My nameis Apple , I ' llbe your local guide during your stay here ,This is Mr. Zhang ,our driver ,He isconscientious and seas on ed.( 有責任心和經(jīng)驗 )。So you are in good hands whe n ridi ng in his
49、coach, to avoid gettinga wrong bus .we' d better rememberthe number and the features of our bus .thenumber is 21806 and its color is red, if you have any special in terests, pleaselet me know, my job is to smooth your way and try my best to an swer yourquesti ons , we highly appreciate your unde
50、rstanding and cooperation. I hopethat during your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes and stomachbut also experienee the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding ofthe Chinese people . Then, I ' d like to show you the courseof our journey. We start from Zhengzhoucity to
51、xinzheng city, by the way of the Beijing-zhuhai high speed. The n wewill get to our dest in ati on-the hometow n of Huang Di, an hour later.During this time, I ' d liketo give you a brief introduction about Henan province ,alsocalled yu' for short, meaning a man pulling anelepha nt ,is situa
52、ted right in the heart of China ,so it is also n amed central Plain ' or central State ' , covering an area of167000 square kilometers, with a total populati on of 100 millio n ,which is thelargest of all provin ces in China.As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilizat
53、ion, isour mother river. And it runs through 8 cities of Henan province, as its namemeansthe province is located to the southern bank of the Yellow River, A great nu mber of history books an dexcavatio n have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilization here. So every year,
54、manyChinese descendants from homeand abroadto worship the fathers. The last few years has seen the development of Henanprovince. Especially in the industry and GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area.Henan province is famous not only for itslonghistoryand richculture,but also for its bea
55、utiful n atural sce nery. Forthe overseas tourists , Henan province is justlike a natural history museum with age-old history and sple ndid culturecivilizati on.Well, our bus is coming tothe dow ntow n area of xin zhe ng city. Which is a level city if Zhengzhou, the provincial capital. Xinzheng is a
56、 historical city. She has 8000yearsPercy Li Gang culture , 5000 YellowEmperor culture and 2700 years zheng stateculture. Because of its rich culture and abundant resources, many famous peoplehave bee n born here. As we all know, the famous poet Bai Juyi of Tang Dynasty,the prime minister Gao Gong of
57、 the Ming Dynasty, and so on . and Today I willlead you to the hometown of Yellow Emperor andenjoy YellowEmperor culture. Ohyes ,xinzheng also has a nameof the first hometownof dates. People always saylingbao ' s apples, tongguan ' s pears , xinzheng ' s jujube s are as sweet as hon ey.N
58、owwe' ve got to the parking for your attention! now please follow me to get off the bus and takeyour importa nt things with you.TheNative Placeof the Yellow EmperorWell, ladies and gen tleme n:Here weare, the native place of the yellow emperor-theplace wherehe was born, started his career and fo
59、un ded his capital.In the Yang Shaoculture period asearly as 5000 thousand years ago, there wasa tribe called “Youxiong ” thatregarded bear as the totem around Xin zheng in central plai n. The tribe leader,called shao dia n, married Fubao, and they give birth to the yellow emperor atthe hill of xuanyuan, so the yellow emperor was also named “xuanyuan” . Theyellow emperor was extremely smart when he was young, whe n he grew up, he wasvery kno wledgeable and able-min ded a
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