



1、精品文檔Chinese Tea CultureLadies and Gentlemen:Its my honor to stand here and make a speech. Mytopic is“Chinese Tea Culture”.Do you know thename ofthethreemost famous drinksin the world? They are tea , coffee and cocoa. Chinais the homeland of tea which has become the nationaldrink.Inother words,teais

2、basicallyspreadoutfromChina.ReferringtoChinese teaculture,ithas severalthousandyearsofhistoryand can be tracedback totheancienttimes.Thenitwas flourishedintheTangdynasty and the Song dynasty.At first,ourancientsfoundteamake them excited,buttheythoughtthatdrinkingmorewouldbedestructive to the morals.

3、 As time went by, tea becamepopularamong likeminded people,Confucianism,Taoism,Buddhism and cultivation culture. Until Tang Dynasty,tea culture began taking shape. When it came to SongDynasty,teaculturebecamethriving.When peoplemigrated, they would offer tea. When people engaged,theywould send tea.W

4、henpeoplegotmarried,theywouldsettletea. Tea became an importantpart intheirdaily。1 歡迎下載精品文檔life.In china, the main varieties of tea are green tea,black tea, Oolong tea,scented tea, white tea, yellowteaand dark tea.Inthe earlydays,the Chineseboiledtheirtealeaveswithwater and otheringredientssuchas sa

5、lt and ginger; later they ground the dried leavesto a powder and whipped them up with hot water. It wasnotuntilthatMingDynastythatitbecame commonpractice to infuse the loose tea leaves in hot waterin teapots, and then to pour the infused liquid intobowls todrink.Nowadays, we make differentteaindiffe

6、rent particular ways. Over the centuries, Chinadevelopedanextraordinaryteaculture,comparablewith the wine culture of the West.Tea not only has a good flavor but also benefit toourbody,so itis loved by many peoplehome and abroad.Different kinds of tea have different function whichmakes a contribution

7、 to our health. For example, thenationaldrinkofChina-greentea,candispeltheeffects of alcohol, clear away summer-heat, refreshyourselfand whitenyour skin. Thesecond largestkindof tea-black tea, can warm your stomach, be good for。2 歡迎下載精品文檔your heart and make your bones stronger. Dark tea canrefreshyo

8、u in the morning,reduce your blood press andhelp lose weight.Oolong Tea is good for your bodybuildingand dieting. Inall,tea have greatmedicinalvalue,anti-cancer,loweringblood pressure,improvingeyesight and restraining disease, reducing stress andso on.Tea culture and its development reflect notonly

9、dietculture,butalsoChinese spiritualfeatures.China isa countrywitha time-honored civilizationand a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guestsvisit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them.Beforeservingtea,youmayaskthemfortheirpreferencesas towhatkindof teatheyfancyand servethem the tea in t

10、he most appropriate teacups. In thecourseofservingtea,the host should take carefulnoteof how much water is remaining in the cups and in thekettle.Usually,if the teais made in a teacup, boilingwater should be added after half of the cup has beenconsumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the te

11、a retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm.。3 歡迎下載精品文檔Teacultureplaysan indispensableroleinpromoting the international cultural exchange betweenChina and other countries, enriching Chinese culturallifeandpromotingChinesespiritualcivilizationconstruction.In conclusion, tea culture is one of the essencesof Chinese culture in the history. The spirit of teapermeatesthecourtandsociety,intotheChinesepoetry,painting,calligraphy,religion,medicine.Forthousands of years China has not only accumulated agreatdeal aboutteacultivation,productionofma


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