1、Starters Unit 1 Consonant Learning Unit 2 Short Vowels Unit 3 Long VowelsUnit 1 Consonant LearningBbLet slearnB- bbearB- bbedB- bballB- bbirdB- bbusB- bballoonLet s rapBaby bear, baby bear,Bounces a ball,Bb says b-b-b,A big, blue ball!Courseware Reference: S1-U4-2/3CcLet slearnCccatCc carCccowCccake
2、CccandyCccarrot1Let s rapCandy cat, candy cat,Come, come, come,I say c-c-c,Come, come, come!Courseware Reference: S1-U5-2/3KkLet slearnKkkangarooKkkeyKkkiteKkkingKkkettleKkketchupLet s rapKangaroo, kangaroo,Kick the ball!Kk says k-k-k,Kick the ball!Courseware Reference: S1-U6-2/3DdLet slearnDddogDdd
3、ollD dduckDddollarDddoctorD ddonkey2Let s rapDancing dog, dancing dog,Dancing all the way!D d says d-d-d.,Dancing all the days!Courseware Reference: S1-U4-2/3FfLet slearnFffishFffireFfforkFffaceFffiveFffootLet s rapFunny fish, funny fish,What s your name?I say f-f-f,Funny, funny fish!Courseware Refe
4、rence: S1-U3-2/3GgLet slearnGggoatGggirlGggateGggiftGggolfGggarden3Let s rapGary goat, Gary goat,What s your name?I say g-g-g,Gary, Gary goat!Courseware Reference: S1-U5-2/3HhLet slearnH hhorseH hhatHhhandH hhairHhheartHhhouseLet s rapHappy horse,Happy horse,What do you say?I say h-h-h,Happy, happy
5、horse!Courseware Reference: S1-U4-2/3JjLet slearnJ jjellyfishJ jjamJ jjuice4J jjetJ jjeansJ jjacketLet s rapJellyfish, jellyfish,Likes to jump,Jj says j-j-j,Jump, jump, jump!Courseware Reference: S1-U6-2/3LlLet slearnLllionLllampLlleafLllizardLlladderLllollipopLet s rapLittle lizard, little lizard,L
6、eaping to the leaf,L l says l-l-l,Little, little lizard!Courseware Reference: S1-U4-2/3MmLet slearnM mmouseM mmouthM mmonkeyM mmoonM mmilkM mmountain5Let s rapMouse, mouse, mouse,Moving in the house,I yell m-m-m,Mummy, mummy, mummy!Courseware Reference: S1-U3-2/3NnLet slearnN nnurseN nnoseN nnestN n
7、netN nnoodleN nnewspaperLet s rapNose, nose, nose.I have a red nose.Nn says n-n-n,Nose, nose, nose!Courseware Reference: S1-U3-2/3PpLet slearnPppigPppenPppandaPppenguinPppizzaPppirate6Let s rapPinky pig, pinky pig,Paints with a pen!Pp says p-p-p,Pinky, pinky pig!Courseware Reference: S1-U5-2/3QU quL
8、et slearnQ qqueenQ qquiltQ qquietQ qquarryQ qquarrelQ qquestion markLet s rapQueenie duck,Queenie duck,What do you say?I say q-q-q,Quack, quack, quack!Courseware Reference: S1-U6-2/3RrLet slearnRrrabbitRrrainRrrobot7RrriverRrribbonRrrainbowLet s rapRun, run! Racing rabbit,Run, run, run!Rr says r-r-r
9、,Runs round and round and round.Courseware Reference: S1-U4-2/3SsLet slearnSssnakeSssunSsseaSsspoonSssnailSsspiderLet s rapSleepy snake, sleepy snake,Hissing in the grass,Snake says s-s-s,Hiss !Hiss! Hiss!Courseware Reference: S1-U3-2/3TtLet slearnT ttigerT ttieT ttoysT ttortoiseT ttrainT ttunnel8Le
10、t s rapTap, tap, tapping tiger,Tap, tap, tap,Tt says t-t-t,Tapping, tapping tiger!Courseware Reference: S1-U3-2/3VvLet slearnVvviperVvvanVvviolinVvvaseVvvestVvvegetablesLet s rapVicky viper,Vicky viper,See that van,Vv says v-v-v,A very big van!Courseware Reference: S1-U6-2/3WwLet slearnW wwitchW wwa
11、tchW wwolf9W wwaterW wwellW wwindowLet s rapWitch, witch, witch,Where is the witch,I say w-w-w,Watch, watch, watch!Courseware Reference: S1-U5-2/3XxLet slearnX xfoxXxboxXxwaxX xexitXxexplosionXxexperimentLet s rapMax the fox,Has a box,It s an-x-xx,Waxy, waxy box!Courseware Reference: S1-U6-2/3YyLet
12、slearnYyyakYyyardYyyo-yoYyyarnYyyawnYyyogurt10Let s rapYummy yogurt,Yummy yogurt,Yummy, yum, yum!Yy says y-y-y,Yummy, yum, yum!Courseware Reference: S1-U6-2/3ZzLet slearnZ zzebraZ zzooZ zzipperZ zzeroZ zzigzagZ zzoo keeperLet s rapZebra, zebra,What can you do?I say z-z-z,Zipping to the zoo.Coursewar
13、e Reference: S1-U6-2/3Courseware Reference: S1-U7-5(Complete Revision)11Unit 2Short VowelsAaLet slearnAaantAaaxeA aappleA aarrowA aanchorAaalligatorLet s rapAlligator, alligator,What do you say?I say a-a-a,Aa for anchor!Read me a storyZac the ratZac is a rat,Zac sat on a can,The ants ran to the jam,
14、Zac had a pan,Zac had a fan,The ants ran and run,Zac had a nap.Courseware Reference: S1-U3-2/312EeLet slearnEeelephantEeeggEeengineEeenvelopeLet s rapElephant, elephant,Finds an egg,Ee says e-e-e,Egg, egg, egg!Read me a storyPeg the henPeg is a red hen,Peg gets set to go.Peg gets in a green jet,The
15、jet is fast,Peg gets wet,The jet gets in a web,Peg falls and falls,Peg falls into bed.Courseware Reference: S1-U5-2/3EeelbowEeescalator13IiLet slearnI iinsectI iinkI iiglooI iinfantI iitchyI iinvitationLet s rapItty-bitty insect,Made me ill and itchy,Ii says i-i-i,Itchy, itchy, itchy!Read me a story
16、The big hitThe tin man has a bat,Jill has a mitt,Zac has a big ball,Will he hit the ball?The ball hits the mitt.The tin man will not give up.The tin man hits the ball.Courseware Reference: S1-U4-2/314OoLet slearnO ooxO ooctopusOoorangeOooliveO ootterOoostrichLet s rapOctopus, octopus,What have you g
17、ot?Oo says o-o-o,A spotted, orange top!Read me a storyMox s shopMox is a fox,Mox has a shop,Bob is a hog,Bob helps Mox.They mix eggs in a pot,Bob drops the eggs,What a mass!Bob mops and mops,“ Good job!”says Mox.15Courseware Reference: S1-U3-2/3UuLet slearnUuuncleUuunderwearUuumbrellaU-n upsetUuugly
18、Uuupside downLet s rapUncle is jumping,Up, up, up!Uu says u-u-u,Up, up, up!Read me a storyGus the duckGus runs in the mud,Gus gets in the tub,The tub has suds,Gus rubs and rubs,Gus has a sub,A bug is in the sub!It is fun in the tub.Gus hugs the bug.Courseware Reference: S1-U5-2/3Courseware Reference
19、(Complete Revision)16S1-U5-5S1-U6-4S1-U7-3S1-U11-3S1-U14-3Unit 3Long VowelsCourseware Reference: S1-U8-3/4/5a_eLet slearna_ea_ea_ea_e + n=anel + ane=lanepl + ane=planea plane in the laneLet s rapaneaneanePlane, plane, planeThere s a plane.aneaneaneLane,lane,laneThere s a plane in the lane.Let slearn
20、a_e + k=akeb + ake=bakec + ake=cakefl + ake=flakesn +ake=snakeLet s rap17akeakeakecakecakecakeMake a cake, bake a cake,Make a cake, bake a cake,Shake a flake on the cake.Read me a storyJake s taleThis is Jake.Jake makes waves.A whale is in the waves.Is Jake safe?Yes, the whale came to play.Whales ma
21、ke big waves.They like the same game.eeLet slearnee ee eeb+ee=beetr+ee=tree A bee in a tree.18Let s rapeeeeeeBee, bee, beeI can see a bee.ee ee ee Tree, tree, treeI can see a bee in a tree.Let slearnee+p=eepj+eep=jeepp+eep=peepsh+eep=sheepsl+eep=sleepLet s rapee ee eesheep, sheep, sheep,Three sheep
22、in a sleep,Three sheep in a deep sleep,Bleep in a jeep.Read me a storyPete s sheepPete can not sleep.19Pete needs help.“ Think of sheep,”says mom.“ One, two, three sheep,”says Pete.Then Pete sees sheep!The sheep run past the tree!At last, Pete can sleep.i_eLet slearni_ei_ei_ei_e+c=icem+ice=micer+ice
23、=riceMice in the rice.Let s rapiceiceiceMice, mice, mice,Mice in the rice,Ice, ice, ice,Rice, rice, rice,Five mice hide in the rice.Let slearn20i_e+n=inel+ine=linen+ine=ninep+ine=pinew+ine=wineLet s rapine, ine, ine,Pine, pine, pine,Nine pines in a line.Nine fine pines,Lined in a five line.Read me a
24、 storySky RideSpot is black and white,He rides bikes with Mike and spike.Mike has a kite.“ Let s chase Mike,”says spike.They play hide and seek.“ Let s go down,”sys Mike.Yikes! They land in smile!o_eLet slearno_eo_eo_e21o_e+s=oseh+ose=hoser+ose=roseI hose the rose.Let s raposeoseoseRoseroseroseI lik
25、e roseOseoseoseHose, hose, hoseI like to hose the rose.Let slearno_e+k=okech+oke=chokep+oke=pokesm+oke=smokest+oke=stokeLet s rapokeokeokeSmoke, smoke, smokeThe smoke made me choke.Don t poke and stoke the fire,The smoke made me choke!22Read me a storyRobot and Mr. MoleThis is a robot,His nose is a
26、cone,His legs are made of hose,He falls into a hole.Mr. Mole is in the hole.“ I can help,” says Mr. Mole.“Go up this rope,”says Mr. Mole.“ Thanks Mr. Mole!”says the robot.u_eLet slearn and rapu_eu_eu_eu_e+t=utem+ute=mutel+ute=lutec+ute=cuteRead me a storyDune BuggyLuke s best buddy is Dune Buggy,The
27、y play in the sand dunes.They turn left/right.23Dune Buggy rides on his side/back wheels.They drive over/under the dune.Luke and Dune Buggy spin/flip.Luke and Dune Buggy rule the dunes!24Mover Unit 1Digraphs Unit 2 R-controlled Vowels Unit 3 The Sound of the Letter Pairs Unit 4 Word Family Portraits
28、25Unit 1DigraphsCourseware Reference: S1-U12-4chLet slearnc+h=ch, chchchchchchairchchcherrychchcheesechchchickenchchchocolateLet s rapI like chocolate,I like cheese,I like chocolate cheese!I say ch-ch-chCheer, cheer, cheer!Cheer for the chocolate cheese!shLet slearns+h=sh, shshshshshsharkshshshellsh
29、shshipshshshoeshshshout26Let s rapI see a shell,I see a ship,I see a shoe in the sea!I shout sh-sh-shShark, shark, sharkA shark with sharp pointed teeth!trLet slearnt+r=tr, trtrtrtrtrtraintrtrtreetrtrtrucktrtrtraytrtrtrousersLet s rapI have a train,I have a tray,I put the train in the train!trtrtrTr
30、ap, trap, trap,The train was trapped in the tray!27drLet slearnd+r=dr, drdrdrdrdrdragondrdrdrawerdrdrdressdrdrdrinkdrdrdrumLet s rapThere is a dragon,There is a drum,There is a dragon in a drum!I say dr-dr-drDream, dream, dream,There sa dreadful dragon in my dream!thLet slearnt+h=thththththththickth
31、ththinthththiefthththornthththunderLet s rap28I am tall, I am thin,I am a tall and thin thief,I say th-th-thThirsty, Thirsty, ThirstyI am a thirsty thief.thLet slearnt+h=ththththththmotherththfatherththbrotherththweatherththfeatherLet s rapI love my mother,I love my father,I love mother and father.M
32、other loves father,Father loves mother,They love my brother.29Unit 2R-controlled VowelsCourseware Reference: S1-U13-3/4arLet slearnararara+ar=carj+ar=jard+ark=darkm+ark=marksh+ark=sharksp+ark=sparkLet s rapSparks in the darkI start the car in the dark,And drive to the park,I drive far in the dark,An
33、d see a spark,I stop the car in the dark,And check all the parts on the car,No spark! I look up!I see the sparks in the dark!The sparks are the stars!or30Let slearnorororh+orse=horsef+ork=forkp+ork=porkc+orn=cornh+orn=hornsp+ort=sportLet s rapor+k=ork, orkorkorkorkorkorkfork, fork, forkI dropped a f
34、ork,orkorkorkpork, pork, porkI dropped a fork on the pork.or+n=orn, ornornornornornorntorn torn tornThe coat I worn was tornThe coat I worn was torn on a thorn in a field of corn.Read me a storyA horse named SportI have a horse,His name is Sport,31We go for a trot,To the fort in the north.Sport runs
35、 to the fort,But he stops short,So, I land in the thorns on the spot!urLet slearnurururf+ur=furp+urr=purrh+urry=hurryb+urn=burnt+urn=turnn+urse=nursep+urse=purset+urkey=turkeyt+urtle=turtleLet s rapA purple purseThe nurse had a purple purse,The purse was made of purple fur,The nurse hated her purple
36、 purse,She turned and burned the purple purse!Unit 3The sound of the letter pairsCourseware Reference: S1-U14-2owLet slearn32owowowc+ow=cowcl+own=clownt+own=townLet s rapowowowcow, cow, cowThere s a cow,owowowprow, prow, prowThere sa cow at the prow.ow+n=own, ownownownA clown went to a town,A clown
37、went to a town in a gown and a crown.Read me storyThe clown in the townCome down to town,And see the clown.See the clown with a crown,See the clown with a gown.Come down to town,And see the clown.See the clown with a frown,See the clown upside down.33ooLet slearnoooooom+oon=moonn+oon=noonsp+oon=spoo
38、nty+ph+oon=typhoonMoon, moon, moonLet s rapA groom zoomed to the moon,A groom on a spoon,Zoomed to the moon,At noon with a boom.airLet slearnairairairh+air=hairl+air=lairch+air=chairfl+air=flairst+air=stairLet s rapchairchairchairstairstairstairchair on the stair34hairhairhairlairlairlairhair in the lairearLet slearneareareart+ear=tearh+ear=hearn+ear=nearf+ear=feard+ear=dearLet s rapteartea
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