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1、BANQUET BEST PRACTlCES IMPLEMENTATloN RECoRD咖啡廳最佳操作規(guī)程實施記錄ITEMJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUN1 AIl air-conditioners are SWitChed On Only One hour ahead daily OPeratiOn is beginning 餐廳的空調(diào)系統(tǒng)電源在營業(yè)前一小時才能打開2 All electricalappliances are SWitChed off When notin USe所有電器不用時需關(guān)掉電腦3 SWitCh off IightS after USe 不用時關(guān)燈4 50%lig

2、hts on for Pre Set-UP and Staff Set-UP在布展及擺臺時把燈光調(diào)至50%犬態(tài)5 TUrn off IightS bulbs after daily OPeratiOn is finished每日營業(yè)結(jié)束后關(guān)閉所有照明電源6 TUrn off IightS of Ballroom and B1 foyer When function finish宴會結(jié)束后及時關(guān)閉二樓及B1走廊燈7 TUrn off elevator When function finish在宴結(jié)束后及時關(guān)閉扶手電梯8 ReUSe of glass COVerS 重復(fù)利用杯蓋9 ReUSe of

3、 COaSterS重復(fù)利用杯墊10 ReUSe of PenCiI and note Pad重復(fù)利用會議用紙及鉛筆11 ReUSe of matches boxes重復(fù)利用火柴12 ShUt off the Watertap omnivorously, do not USe hotWater隨時手關(guān)閉水龍頭,不必用熱水就不用13 Close all refrigerators door omnivorously, as well all ice machines cover board隨時手關(guān)閉冰箱冷柜的門與制冰機(jī)蓋板14 USe reusable PaPer for all internal

4、 PUrPOSe 內(nèi)部使用可重復(fù)利用的紙張15 BanqUet not USing bronzed logo head PaPer for meeting宴會部不以燙金抬頭紙作為會議用紙16 AS much as POSSibIe to USe naturalIightingresources盡量使用自然淘汰或其它能源17 BanqUet takes back UnUSed bread WhiCh been from COffee/teabreak, and Send back to PaStry for otherPUrPOSe宴會部咖啡/茶點,多余的面包須送還餅房18 BanqUet US

5、e artificial flowers to decorate tables instead of fresh flowers宴會部擺臺以人造花替代鮮花19 Warmer/Heating Trollies should be turned off afterUSe加熱器用后須關(guān)閉CheCked and Signed by檢查:OUtIet Manager部門經(jīng)理:Verified and Signed by審核:DireCtorof F&B餐飲經(jīng)理/總監(jiān):*Please PUt a tick if completed請在完成的項目欄中劃對號 .CoFFEE GARDEN BEST P

6、RACTlCES IMPLEMENTATloN RECoRD咖啡廳最佳操作規(guī)程實施記錄(7-12月)ITEMJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC1 UnUSed butter is returned to the kitchen for cooking 將客人未用過的黃油送回廚房用于烹調(diào)(咖啡廳)2 USe environmental friendly ShOPPing bags 利用環(huán)保購物袋3 ReCyCIe story foam buffet decoration and OUtSide of hotel重復(fù)利用自助餐裝飾泡沫可用于外賣4 ReUSe of StirS攪棒的重復(fù)使用5Re

7、USe of COCktaiI PiCkS果簽的重復(fù)使用6 ReUSe of match boxes火柴盒的重復(fù)使用7 ShUt off the Watertap omnivoroUsly. Do not USe hotWater WheneVer it is UnneCeSSariIy隨手關(guān)閉水龍頭,不必用熱水就不用8 ReUSe USed InfraSyS SingIe and dUplicable doUble layer PaPer rolls to make note PadS for Staff 雙聯(lián)與單聯(lián)打印紙,制成記錄本供員工使用 重復(fù)利用杯蓋9 Close all refri

8、gerators'door omnivoroUsly , as wellall ice machines' cover board隨手關(guān)閉冰箱冷柜的門與制冰機(jī)蓋板10 AS mUch as POSSibIe USing of napkin instead of PaPer napkins盡量使用面巾,以減少紙巾的使用(咖啡廳)11 USe reUsable PaPer for all internal PUrPOSe 內(nèi)部使用可重復(fù)利用的紙張12 RoomService takes back frUits amenities from gUest rooms, and mUSt

9、 Send to kitchens and barsfor otherPUrPOSe if qUality is acceptable送餐部從客房收回的水果,如無裨上的問題,必須送給廚 房與酒吧用于其它用途13 SUPerfIuous hot COffee/teaCan be USed for iced teaor COffee多余的熱咖啡/茶可用于制作凍咖啡/茶14 The lemon USed for cold lemon tea Can be USed forWaShing dishes凍檸檬茶用過的檸檬角,可以用于浸泡餐具CheCked and Signed by檢查:OUtIet M

10、anager部門經(jīng)理:Verified and Signed by審核:DireCtOr of F&B餐飲經(jīng)理/總監(jiān):*Please PUt a tick if completed請在完成的項目欄中劃對號 .LOBBY LOUNGE BEST PRACTICES TMPTEMENTATION RECORD大堂酒廊最佳操作規(guī)程實施記錄(1-6月)ITEMJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUN1 All air-conditioners are SWitChed on only one hourahead daily QPeratiQn is beginning餐廳的空調(diào)系統(tǒng)電源在營業(yè)前一小

11、時才能打開2 All electricalappliances are SWitChed Qff When notin USe所有電器不用時需關(guān)掉電腦3 All ChandeIierS are tUrned Qff dUring the day 吊燈在白天可以不用4 SWitChed Qff IightS after USe 不用時關(guān)燈5 UnUSed individUalSaCheSt/containerfrom tables arenot thrown bUt reUsed after CheCking將餐桌上客人未用過的單包裝的物品重新儲存,檢查后再利用不丟掉6 TUrn Qff all

12、 Iighting bUlbs after daily QPeratiQn is finished每日營業(yè)結(jié)束以后關(guān)閉所有照明電源7 ReUSe Qf glass CQVerS杯蓋的重復(fù)使用8 UnUSed PaPer napkins to be collectedback forrecycling餐巾紙的重復(fù)使用9 ReUSe Qf CQaSterS杯墊的重復(fù)使用10 ReUSe Qf CQCktaiI PiCkS攪棒的重復(fù)使用11 ReUSe Qf USed match boxes果簽的重復(fù)使用12 ReUSe Qf USed match boxes火柴盒的重復(fù)使用13 ShUt Qff

13、the Watertap QmniVQrQUsly, do not USe hotWater WhereVer it is UnneCeSSary隨手關(guān)閉水龍頭,不必用熱水就不用14 ReUSe USed infrasys SingIe and dUpIicate doUble Iayered PaPer rolls to make note PadS for Staff 隨手關(guān)閉冰箱冷柜的門與制冰機(jī)蓋板15 USe reUsable PaPer for all internal PUrPQSe 內(nèi)部使用可重復(fù)利用的紙張16 SUPerfIUQUS hot CQffee/tea Can be

14、USed for iced 多余的咖啡/茶可用于制作凍咖啡/茶17 WarmerS ShQUId be tUrned Qff after close lobby IoUnge加熱器在大堂吧關(guān)門后關(guān)閉18 The lemon USed for cold lemon tea Can be USed for dish WaShing凍檸檬茶用過的檸檬角可用于泡餐具CheCked and Signed by檢查:QUtIet Manager部門經(jīng)理:Verified and Signed by審核:DireCtQr Qf F&B餐飲經(jīng)理/總監(jiān):*Please PUt a tick if com

15、pleted請在完成的項目欄中劃對號Hotel Orie ntation SChedUIe Qf AUgUSt 2003飯店入職培訓(xùn)計劃AUG260900-0920Get to KnQW YQU破冰Training DePt0930-1120SLlM IntrQdUCtiQn集團(tuán)介紹Training DePt1130-1140EXCQM IntrQdUCtiQn管理人員介紹EXCQM1140-1200GM SPeeCh總經(jīng)理發(fā)言QM1300-13301330-14301430-15451545-16301630-17001700-1730Warm UP EXerCiSeGrooming &am

16、p; HygieneProdUCt Knowledge-RoomsProdUCt Knowledge-F&B SerViCeFinanCe IntrOdUCtiOnS&M IntrOdUCtiOn暖身活動 儀容儀表 房務(wù)部介紹 餐飲部介紹 財務(wù)部介紹 銷售部介紹Training DePtTraining DePtRoom TeamF&B TeamFCDOMAUG270900-1010CUStOmer DeIight PrOgram IntrOdUCtiOn / Excellent SerViCe in RaSa Ria ReSOrt令客人喜岀望外計劃Training D

17、ePt1020-1100Employee HandbOOk員工手冊HRM1100-1200HR Philosophy人力資源部介紹HRM1300-1330Warm UP EXerCiSe暖身活動Training Dept.1330-1500Fire & EmergenCy PrOCedUre緊急措施Chief Engineer1500-1530Hotel SeCUrity飯店保安SeCUrity Manager1540-1620TeIePhOne COUrteSy電話禮儀Training Dept.1630-1730Hotel Tour飯店介紹Training Dept.AUG2809

18、00-0950Golden CirCIe PrOgram金環(huán)計劃ChriStina Lin1000-1050StrategiC Plan戰(zhàn)略計劃Training Dept.1100-1200ViSiOn & GUiding PrinCiPIe遠(yuǎn)景目標(biāo)Training Dept.AUG291300-1330Team BUiIding團(tuán)隊合作Training Dept.1330-1400Shangri-La Food Safety Management SyStem香格里拉食品安全管理體系HygieniSt1405-1505BaSiC EngIiSh Training基礎(chǔ)英S文Traini

19、ng Dept.1510-1630PrOdUCt Knowledge QUiZ & FeedbaCk產(chǎn)品知識測試Training Dept.0900-1730Shangri-La Care I香格里拉翔IAngeISJoB DESCRIFTloNSECTloN ONEJOB OUTLINEJob TitleSerViCe ASSOCiateDePartme ntFood and BeVerage-SerViCeRePOrtS DireCtIy To: Food and BeVerageJob CodeFBSAJob Grade5RePOrtS DireCtIy To:SerViCe M

20、an agerSUPerViSeSOther ReIati On ships:SeCUrityFinanCeFront OffiCeHUma n ReSOUrCeSKitChenSteWardi ngHOUSekeeP ingEngin eeri ngJob SUmmary/Purpose:To upsell and PrOVide food and beverage SerViCeS in accorda nce With the policies and guideli nes of the hotel. DeIightS our CUStOmerS by PrOVidi ng them

21、With the highest POSSibIe SerViCe excelle nce.Key Areas:3. Trai ning4. EnVironment AWare ness1. Multi Skilli ng2. CUStOmer ReIati OnSPrePared by:APPrOVed by:Date:UPdated by:APPrOVed by:Date:JOB DESCRIPTIONSECTION TWOKEY ARFASJob TitleSerViCe ASSOCiateRESPONSIBILITIESACTIVITIES1. Multi Skilli ngHOSte

22、SS ing:a. AnSWering of telephone calls according to the mi nimum Sta ndards.b. TakeSreservati OnSandcoord in atesbook ing.c. W6lcoming and greeting guests.d. Thanking guest UPon departure .Waiteri ng/waitress ing:a. Seat ing the guests.b. Prese nting the menus.c. Tak ing drink orders.d. Serv ing bev

23、erages.e. Tak ing food orders.f. Servi ng PIated food.g. Cleari ng PIateS and glasses.h. Cha nging ashtrays.i. Serv ing dessert.j. Serv ing after dinner drink, COffee ortea.k. Check ing guest SatiSfaCti on.LPrese nting bills.Barte nderi ng:a. PrePareS bar for OPe ning.b. CheCk the ope nin g/clos ing

24、 stock level andrecord inven tories for requisiti ons.c. RePOrtalldiscrepa nciesinappropriate.e. QeanSand refill ice bins.f. EnSUre bar area is clean and dry at all times.g. PrePareS all drinks as Per recipes With COrreCt glass wares.h. QoSing the bar and completes daily reports.CaShieri ng:a. ReCei

25、VeS float money at the beginningand deposit at the end of duty in accorda nce With hotel policy.b. ReCOrd allfood,beverageandmiscella neous sales accurately.c. EnSUre all kinds of tranSaCtionsareverified. and CIeared appropriately inIn frasys system.JoB DESCRIPTloNSECTION TWOKEY ARFASJob TitleSerViC

26、e ASSOCiateRESPONSIBILITIESACTIVITIES2. CUStOmer ReIati OnS3. Trai ning4. En Vir Onment AWare nessa. Han dles all in teractio ns With a smile, calm and COUrteOUS manner.b. Attendto guest' S needs andrequireme nts promptly.c. To CheCk CUStOmerS SatiSfaCti On duri ng meal period.d. En SUre SerViCe

27、SeqUe nceisaccorded to the COnVenienCe of the guests.e. ToDem On Straterespect,humility,courtesy,andhelpfu In ess through Sin Ceriyt.f. To achieve CUStOmer loyaltythrough delighting the CUStOmerS by PraCtiC ingrecog niti on,an ticipati on,flexibleandrecovery service.a. To attend all PerSOnal develop

28、ment CIaSSeS assig ned or nomin ated.b. To PartiCiPate food and beverage menu kno WIedge SeSSi On weekly.c. COnSiStentlyPraCtiCeguidingPrin CiPIeSachiev ingCUStOmerdelight.a. RedUCeS WaSte and re-use as much as possible.b. ReCyCIeS Whe never possible.he/sheHoW To INTRoDUCE ITEMS & DlSPLAYEaCh St

29、eP must in elude:Demon Strati on,EXPla nati on, QUeSti OnS and ask ing the Trainee ifhas any questi On before they repeat the SteP by themselves .TASK BREAKDOWNTask: How to in troduce salad, dessert and display.Job Title: Waiters/Ma nagerASSiSta nt/ln-Charge/HostessSTEPINVOLVEMIENTSTANDARD(QUeSti On

30、Srelat ingtoSta ndards-beg in With who/what/Where and how)the(MeaSUrable/ObserVabIe)1. PREPARATIONWhat should you know about it?NameS of PrOdUCtSWhat else should you know?The PriCeS of thePrOdUCtSWhat are they?The in gredie nts comp OnentSor theThe PreParatiOn cook ing methodand theThe items that da

31、ilyICe CreamSSaladFreSh juicesMeatSChange2.When do you explain to the gueststheWhen you excort the guestIn troducti Onitems or the display?to the tableIS there an excepti OnfornotNo and Noexpla ining it to the guest?Sir/Madam,letmeHow do you in troduce?in troduceyou,as youWhat could you USe in Stead

32、ofCan See We have differe ntSir/Madam?meat dishes, WineS SerVedWhat isVeryimporta ntWhe nby the glasses.PreSe nti ng the item/display?GUeSt ' S nameClearvoiceand nohesitati OnHow to in troduce items & displayWhat to important your POStUre whileSmileexpla ining?Stand StraightWhat body Ian gua

33、ge should you USe ?FaCe guestHow far from the guest should you Stan d?POStUreDiSta nceEye Con tact3.EXPIai nthedisplayWhat words should be used?OUr SPeCiaItoni ght,istheroastedturkeySerVedWithgarlicpotatoor sir/MadamthisisourWinedisplay.We have aSeIeCt ionOfAUStraIia nChard Onnayand Hatten Rose for

34、25 dollarsUP-SELLING5.Han dli ngWhat happe ns if the guest refuses toSUggeSt ano ther itemdifficultyour SUggeSti on?If the guest SayS” no”SitUati OninWhat do you do if the guest complainsTWiCe , stop UP-SeIIi ngUP-SeIl ingabout the PriCe of the item youSUggeSt a less expensivesuggest?itemWhat do you

35、 do if the guest doesn' tApologizeWantany SUggeSti on?Offer to come back laterWhen the food is SerVed , What isTo know theguestimporta nt for you to know?feedbackToimproveyourUP-SeIl ing skillsAny questi on?Trainee does so farUP-SELLINGEaCh SteP must i nclude: Demon Strati on, EXPIa nati on, que

36、sti On and ask ing the Trainee if he/she has questio n before they repeat the SteP by themselves.TASK BREAKDoWNTask: HoW to UP-SelI?Job Title: Waiters/Ma ngersASSiSta ntIn-Charge/HostessSTEPINVOLVEMENTSTANDARD(MeaSUre/Observe)(QUeSti Onrelat ingtoSta ndard begi nwho/what/Where/how)theWith1. UP selli

37、 ngWhat do you mean by the word UP selling?Offeri ng items totheWhat is the adva ntage of UP selli ng?guestWiththeWhat do We mean by SaIeSma nship?ObjeCtiVe to sell morethat What the guestWantS originallyIn CreaSesalesandPrOfitIn CreaSejobSatiSfaCt ionBe proud of WhatyouSUCCeed in UP sell ingIn Crea

38、Se com muni Cati OnWith the guest and hisSatiSfaCt ionGood kno WIedge ofthePrOdUCtGoodskillsofUPsel Iingandcom muni Cati Onfrien dlyattitude2. OPening IineHoW would you Start your Con VerSati On“GoodEvening,Mr.With customer?Robert,how areyouWhat must you avoid?today? ”“ MayI take yourorder? ”“ Whats

39、hall I SerVeyou ? ”UP-SELLINGWhat words or expressiOn should We USe to reComme nd our item?NeVer Say“ What do youwant?”Would you like ?May I PUrPOSe?May I SUggeSt?3.DeSCribefoodandbeverage itemsHow should We desCribe a drink or a dish?What should you avoid When desCribe an item?How should your tone

40、be?What POSitiVe Stateme nt Could We make about an F& B item?EXPIa in the in gredie nts the Way if PreParedAvoid Say ing everythi ng isgood orn ICeBoring descriptionClear,Con fide ntanden thusiasticVery tastyVery PoPUlarDeIiCious/refreshi ng/sPeCiaIWould you like to try it?Any questio n? Trainee

41、 does so far4. EXamPIe of upsell ingHow should you UP-Sell a Roast PIatter Comb in ati on?What must We ConSider When UP-SeIling?“ Mr. RObert May I recomme ndour roastPIatter comb in ati on? It Con SiStofthreedifferentitem, WhiCh isroastduck,honeybarbecued Pork and soya ChiCke n.PoPUlarstarter, would

42、 you like to try it?Don' t hesitate to sellOne of you favourite dish that you know how to describeDon' t be too ConCerned about the PriCeSDon' t Say everythi ng is “ good “, be SPeCifiCLESSON PLAN22.2 ReStaUra nt Rules and RegUIati OnS1. Be PUnCtUal for Work2. Maintain good PerSOnal hygi

43、ene and grooming3. Wear name tag at all times4. Wear the PreSCribed Uniform5. No fighting6. No laughing7. No Standing together8. No talking together9. No running10. No gambling11. No yawning12. No PiCking of noise13. No SCratChing hair or body14. No arguing15. No smoking16. No cleaning of nails17. N

44、o PiCking of teeth18. No coughing Unless into a handkerchief19. No Sneezing Unless into a handkerchief20. No PUShing21. No hands in the POCket22. No Staring at guests23. No leaning against the wall24. No Sitting on the Chair25. No combing of hair26. No eating or CheWing27. No drinking28. No PerSOnal

45、 telephOne calls29. No shouting30. No friends or relatives Wait ing in the restaura ntEXamPleS Of CoUrteoUS PhraSeS1. When greeting a guest:“ Good (time of day), Sir/Madam/Mr/Mrs/Ms (Name of guest)2. When greeting a group of men and women:“ Good (time Of day ), LadieS and Gen tleme n3. When Ieading

46、guest to the table:“ ThiS Way please. Sir/Madam/Mr /Mrs /Ms(n ame of guest)4. When called by guest:“ May I help you Sir /Madam /Mr /Mrs /Ms(n ame of guest)5. When item Ordered is not available:“ EXCUSe me , Sir /Madam, your (n ame of drin k/food ), EnjOy your drin k/food6. When item Ordered is not a

47、vailable:“I am sorry , Sir/Madam-(itemOrdered )is not available today .have (alternative item) in stead?”7. When CheCking if guest made a reservation:“ Are We hold ing a reservati Onin your n ame , Sir /Madam?8. When you Cannot attend to the guest immediately:“ I ' ll be With you in a moment , S

48、ir /Madam9. When guest thanks you :"My PIeaSUre ” /“You are most welcome ”When PreSe nti ng a CheCk (bill) to guest :"your check, Sir /Madam ”When retur ning Cha nge to guest :"your Cha nge , Sir /Madam , Thank you VeryWhenbidding guest farewell:“Thank youWould you Care to10.11.12.muc

49、h',Sir /Madam ,have a PIeaSant/nice day / evening ”LESSoN PLAN 33.3 CoUrteSy English-Page212. When an SWeri ng the teleph one:“ Good-“ (Time of day)ReStaUra nt)""(outlet identification e.g. Garden TerraCe(Ide ntify yourself) SPeak ing“ May I help you , please? ”Note- NeVer Say“Goodnigh

50、t Sir/ Madam ” When greeting a guest that is Comingto Patr OniZe your outlet.- Some of the magic words that ope n all doors are:- “ PIeaSe ”- EXCUSe me- “ Pard On me “QUaIifiCation of F& B employee:You must be:1. Healthy:.You must be healthyYour job requires you to be in close Contact With guest

51、s/co-workers and food to avoid SPreadi ng disease and to maintain a good appeara nce. A healthy Waiter looks good and has the en ergy to PerfOrm the job properly.1. 健康:我們的工作要求我們與客人、同事,以至食物等頻繁接觸,我們應(yīng)保持身體健康,以免疾病傳播,每日 工作都埯整潔的儀容儀表,一名健康的服務(wù)人員不僅令人賞心悅目,而且有足夠的精力去從事工作。2. Reliable:Management must be able to dep

52、end on you to fulfill the responsibilities to which you were hired.-You must report to work on time-Serve the hotel guests properly-Complete all tasks assigned to you2.誠實/ 可靠 上級需要各位的鼎力協(xié)助,完成好工作。- 你必須準(zhǔn)時到崗- 提供客人的高質(zhì)量的服務(wù)- 每天完成好分配給你的任務(wù)3 Personality:A waiter or waitress should take the initiative to be friendly patient a


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