




1、高考英語七選五大全及答案DoCUment number AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG2013北京一、二模七選五匯總1. 說明文部分:海淀一模:APathyAPathy is a State Of IaCking interest, enthusiasm Or COnCern 71 They may alsoexhibitUnfeeIingneSS ChriStianS have COndemned apathy as a IaCk Of IOVe and devotion to GOd and HiS WOrkS72 AISO meaning UabSen
2、Ce Of PaSSiOnM in Greek, the term 4kapatheia* WaS USed by theStOiCS(禁欲主義者)to ShOW a desirable State Of indifference towards events and things WhiCh Iie OUtSide one* S COntrO1The modem COnCePt Of apathy became WelI known after WOrId War L When it WaS CalIed UShelI ShOCk', SOldierSl IiVing in the
3、trenches among the bombing and gun fires, SaW thebattlefields filled With dead and WOUnded COmPaniOnS 73 In 1950, US novelist PaSSOS WrOte UAPathy isOne Of the CharaCteriStiC responses Of any IiVing being When it is SUbjeCted to SOmething too tense Or too COmPliCated to deal With M US PhiIOSOPher RO
4、bert M HUtChinS SUnImariZeS the COnCernS about POIitiCaI indifference He CIaimS that the death Of democracy is not IikeIy to be a SUdden murder from ambush (埋伏)74 There may be Other things COntribUting to a person* S apathy. ACtiViSt DaVe MeSIin argues that apathy is Ofterl the result Of SOCiaI SySt
5、emS actively blocking engagement and involvement He describes VariOUS barriers that PreVent PeOPIe from knowing how Or Why they might get involved insomething 75 TheSe include : POIitiCaI media that make it difficult forPOtentialIyintereSted PeOPIe to find relevant information and media descriptions
6、 Of heroes as “ ChOSen ,* by OUtSide forces rather than self-motivated He SUggeStS that We Tedefine SOCiaI apathy as a result Of POOrIy designed SyStemS that fail to invite OtherS to PartiCiPateA. It WilI be a SIOW PrOCeSS Of fading away from apathy and indifferenceB. APathetiC PeOPIe may IaCk a Sen
7、Se Of PUrPOSe Or meaning in their IifeC. He focuses On designed ChOiCeS that deliberately Or Indeliberately exclude PeOPIeD The WOrd UdiSPaSSiOnM is USed for itapatheia' , SO as not to COnfUSe it With apathyE SO they gradually developed a SenSe Of disconnected numbness to normal SOCial interacti
8、onF AlthOUgh the WOrd UaPathyM OriginateS from 4fcapatheiaM , it is important not to COnfUSe the two terms.G AUthOr JOhrI MCManamy argues apathy is a PSyChOIOgiCaI PrObIem for SOme depressed people.in WhiCh they get a SenSe that 4inothing matters *,西城一模:SWaPPing HOUSeS for VaCationWhen budgeting for
9、 a VaCation, USUally the most expensive Part Of the trip is the accommodations- The traditional Way to take a VaCatiOn is to PaCk SOme bags, IOCk UP the house, and travel to a new PIaCe to Stay in a hotel- HOWeVerJ hotels are Very expensive, and With rent Or housing IOan (貸款)due every month, it'
10、s difficult for most PeOPIe to Pay for yet another PIaCe to Stay71 LUCki1y, there is aSUbStitUte CalIed house SWaPPing, and it'S SaVing tourists a great deal Of CaSh72 FOr example, if a COUPle from NeW YOrk Want to SPend a Week in PariSJ theyWOUld PIaCe an ad Offeringto trade their NeW YOrk apar
11、tment for One in PariS for aweek.If a PariSian COUPlethat Want to VaCatiOn in NeW YOrk read the advertisement,houses Can be swapped,and both COUPleS SaVe hundreds, if not thousands, Of dollarsby avoiding big-city hotelfees If all goes WellJ both COUPleS Can POSt POSitive reviews Of the Other, S home
12、 OnIine SO that POtential travelers Can See thateverything WaS fine73 ThiS builds a COmmUnity Of PeOPIe WhO Want tohelp eachOther OUtThere are Other advantages CO house SWaPPing as WeI1 74 Strying at SOmeOne, S homepUtS you in a neighborhood that Can give you a better representation Of the Iife and
13、CUltUre in theplace you're ViSiting 75_The next time you WdrIt to SPend your VaCatiOn in a new place, butdo, t Want to Pay a fortune, CheCk what, S POSted Online and find a house to SWaPA. HOUSe SWaPPing is most COmmOn in NeW YOrk and Paris.B. HOtels are Often QUite difficult to book When you Wa
14、nt toexplore a new homeC. A IOt Of times, this extra COSt PreVents travelers from goingVery far from homeD TO SWaP houses, PeOPIe CheCk the Internet for Others PIanning totravel and trade homes.E With many house SWaPPing SiteS growing, this new PhenOmenOn isbecoming easier than everF. HOteIS are Oft
15、en IOCated Where few PeOPIe live, making them aStrange PIaCe to experience a CityG On theother hand, if there Were trouble, PeOPIe COUld Writeabout that to Wan Others not to trust the SWaPPerS東城一模:I know just how you feelDO you feel Sad HaPPyAngry YOU may think that the Way you ShOW these emotions i
16、sunique Well, think again- EVen the expression Of the most PerSOnaI feelings Can be classified, according to Mind Reading, a DVD exhibiting every POSSible human emotion71Irl the mid 1800s, DarWin divided the emotions into SiX types一anger, fear, SadneSs, disgust, SUrPriSe and enjoyment- MOre COmPleX
17、expressions Of emotion Were PrObabIylearned and therefore more SPeCifiC to each CUItUre BUt now it is believed that many morefacial expressions are Shared worldwide- 72 The Mind Reading DVD is a SyStematiCViSUaI record Of these expressions-The PrOjeCt WaS designed by a Cambridge PrOfeSSOr HiS resear
18、ch team first had todefine an "emotion". 73 USing this definition, 412 emotion terms Were identified anddiscussed, from ZZafraidzz to ZZWanting,Therl each expression is acted OUt by SiX different actors"It WaS really CIear Wherl the actorshad got it right, " SayS Cathy Collis, Wh
19、O directed the DVD"Although they Were given SOmedireCtion, the actors Were not told WhiCh facial muscles they ShOUld move< 74SOmeOne WhO has tried to Set SUCh rules is the AmeriCan, PrOfeSSOr PaUI Ekman, WhObUilt database Of how the face moves for every emotion. The face Can make 43 distinct
20、 musclemovements. Ekman has also found that it may not be POSSible for PeOPle to reproduce themartificially. The most difficult expression to reproduce is the Smile It isn t Only aboutstretching the lips, but tightening the tiny muscles around the eyes. 75 If We Iearnt torecognize Whether SOmeOne Wa
21、S USing their eye muscle Wherl they smiled, We WOUld be ableto distinguish true enjoyment from false A It ShOWS 412 distinct WayS We feel.B. TheSe Can be COmbined into more than 10, 000 facial shapes.C TheSe PartiCUIar muscles are difficult to COrltrol, and few PeOPIe Can do it.D They decided that i
22、t WaS a mental State that COUld be introduced by "I feel" Or "he IOOkS "Or ,zshe sounds".E He Said the expression Of these feelings WaS UniVerSaI and recognizable by anyone, fromany culture-F It is as if they are PrOgrammed into the brains Of ZZnOrmaI humans'z WhereVer t
23、hey are andWhdtever their races-G We thought Of trying to describe each emotion, but it WOUld have been almost impossibleto make Clear rules for this朝陽一模:Stay On the brighter Side Of IifeOne Very important COmPOnent Of OPtiliIiSnI is gratitude Or feeling grateful. In fact, there is a StrOng COnneCti
24、on between a grateful attitude and a heightened SenSe Of all the POSitiVeS in your Iife by Starting a gratitude journal in Order to remember What you' re grateful for 71FeeIing down InStead Of feeling SOrry for yourself Waiting for the UniVerSe to throw you a bone, try acting Iike you' re ha
25、ppy一even if you aren, t A SinCere Smile and a forced Smile WilI CaUSe the Same ChemiCaI reactions in your brain, SO you Can actually fool your mind into feeling better by making it react ChemiCalIy as if things Were going WeI1. 72 ReaSSUre yourself that everything is goodeven ifyou don' t feel i
26、t."73 If you' re StUCk in traffic, then everything else must be goinghorribly too, ” SayS Anne Parker, a WelIneSS COUnSeIOr By blowing negative eveIltS OUt Of PrOPOrtion, you" re Setting yourself UP for feeling down all day. Instead, acknowledge that you" re StUCk in traffic, but
27、also bring to mind SOmething good,Iike the beautiful SCenery OUtSide the way, you' 11 get in the habit Of forbidding negative CirCUmStanCeS from blanketing your WhOIe day.SWearing to IOSe 20 POUndS Or to run a marathon SeemS Iike goals Ieading tohappiness, but they take time to achieve 74YOUmay
28、even end UP admitting thatyou have been defeated However, if you focus On the SmalI milestones that OCCUr along the way, you WilI feel POSitiVe about your progress, WhiCh WilI give you the Strength to keep going75 Try making SOmeOne else' S day better A report by United HeaIthCare andVOIUnteer M
29、atCh found that VOIUnteerS are 72% more Iikely to CharaCteriZe themselves as OPtimiStiC COmPared With no-volunteers Plus, 89% Of VOIUnteerS Say that VOIUnteering has improved their SenSe Of WelI-being, and 92% Say that it enriches their SenSe Of PUrPOSe in IifeA. Try to help SOmeOne in needB. Want t
30、o give your attitude a IiftC. PeOPIe tend to think in an either-or way.in an OPtimiStic Waysmile, laugh, tell a jokeE. You* 11 fail to appreciate more important things in your IifeF. By focusing On not having accomplished them yet, you WilI Start to feel down On yourselfG. By remembering the PIeaSan
31、t things in your life, you Can actually turn a negative attitude around石景山一模:LaCk Of SIeeP "switches off' genesOne Week Of bad SleeP Can "switch off” hundreds OfgeneS and raise the risk Ofa host OfilIneSSeS WhiCh is IinkeCl to higher bodyweights Or heart disease, SCientiStS CIaim- 7 1G
32、etting fewer thansix hours, SIeeP Per night Can SWitCh Off genes inthe body according to a new StUdyOUr bodies depend On genes to PrOdUCe a COnStant SUPPly Of PrOteinS WhiCh areUSed to replaceor repair damaged tissue, but after a Week Of IaCking in SIeeP SOme Of genes StOPPed WOrkinge72SCientiSts fr
33、om SUrrey UniVerSity divided 26 VOlUnteerS into two groups, One Of WhiCh SIePt for IeSSthan SiX hours Per night for a WhOIe week, and One WhiCh SIePt for ten hours Per night- At the end Ofthe Week each group WaS kept awake for 40 hours and donated blood SamPleSJ WhiCh Were StUdied toexamine the effe
34、cts Of their SleeP StateS- 73AlthOUgh a week, S normal SleeP WaS enough to restore the affected genes to their normal pattern, researchers Said that IOng PeriOdS Of SIeePIeSSneSS COUId Iead to SeriOUS health PrOblemS includingheart disease.74 PrOf COIirl Smith, One Of the authors Of the new paper, W
35、hiCh WaS PUbIiShed in theProceedings Of the NatiOnaI ACademy Of SCienCeS journal, said: ZZThiS is OnIy a Week Of ShOrt timesleeping and it is OnIy five and a half Or SiX hours night, Many PeOPIe have that amount Of SIeeP forweeks, months and maybe, even years SO We have no idea how much WOrSe it mig
36、ht be."If these PrOCeSSeS COntinUe to be disordered, you COUId See how you are going to get damage OfOrgans, tissues, heart disease, etc. 75A. GeneS in OUr bodies PIay a key role in the COnStant PrOCeSS OfSeIf-repairB. The group OfIaCk Of SIeePing WaS found to have Changed the function Of 711 g
37、enesC. The Other PartiCiPants Were monitored as they SIePt With their rest disturbedOn SOme Ofthe nightsD The results SUggeSt that ShOrter SIeeP PrOVideS a more PerIniSSiVe environmentOnly for heartdiseaseE If you are not able to repair CelIS and tissues that are damaged then you are going to SUffer
38、 Permanent ill healthF. StUdieS have also ShOWn the IaCk Of SIeeP Can Iead to SOme Other PrObIems, for example Iimiting OUr ability to drive a Car safely.G The findings SUggeSt that IOng-IaSting IaCk Of SIeeP COUld PreVent the bodyfrom fully repairing itself and raise the risk Ofa host Of diseases 豐
39、臺(tái)一模:UTear them apart! n UKilI the fool!" *t MUrder the referee (裁判)! ”TheSe are COmmOn remarks One may hear at VariOUS SPOrting events At the time they are made, they may Seem innocent enough 71 They have been known to influence behavior in SUCh a Way as to lead to ViOIenCe VOIUmeS have been Wr
40、ittenabout the Way WOrdS affect us. It has been ShOWn that WOrdS having Certain COnnOtatiOnS (含義)may CaUSe US to react in WayS QUite foreign to What We COnSider to be OUr USUaI humanistic behavior I See the term "opponent" as One Of those words. 72The dictionary meaning Of UOPPOnent M is U
41、enemyV Or UOne WhO OPPOSeS your interests ” Thus, Wherl a PIayer meets an OPPOnent, he Or She may tend to treat that OPPOnent as an enemy At SUCh times, Winning may COntrOI one" S brains73 Irecall an incident in a handball game When a referee refused a player' S request for a time OUt for a
42、 glove Change because he did not COnSider them Wet enough The Player Started to rub his gloves across his Wet T-Shirt and then ShOUted “Are they Wet enough now"In the heat Of battle, PlayerS have been ObSerVed to throw themselves across the COUrt WithOUt COnSidering the COnSeQUenCeS that SUCh a
43、 move IlIight have On anyone in their way. I have also WitneSSed a PIayer hitting his OPPOnent With the ball as hard as he COUld during the COUrSe Of PIay. Off the court, they are good friends 74It CertainIy gives PrOOf Of a COUrt attitude WhiCh differs from normal behaviorTherefOreJ I believe it is
44、 time We elevated (提升)the game to a higher IeVe1 RePIaCing the term UOPPOnentV With UaSSOCiateM COUId be an ideal Way to StartThe dictionary meaning Of the term UaSSOCiaten is UCOlleagUeV ; Ufriendn ;UCOmPanion. '' 75 YOU may SOOn See and POSSibly feel the difference in yourreaction to the t
45、erm UaSSOCiate” rather than UOPPOnent. MA. RefleCt a moment!B. DOeS that make any SenSeC. BUt Iet, S not kid OUrSelVeSD. SUCh rude COmmentS express one' S StrOng desire to win.E. PerhaPS the time has COme to delete it from SPOrtS termsF. PIayerS SOmetimeS turn to ViOIenCe hoping to injured OPPOn
46、entSG. And every action, no matter how rude, may be COnSidered acceptable 西城二模:The WOrd ZzdiaryZZ COmeS from the Latin WOrd ZZdiariUmZZ , WhiCh means ZZdaily allowance". 71 And it is USed for business notes, Planning activities, keeping track Of SChedUIed appointments, Or documenting What has a
47、lready happened SOme doctors SUggeSt that Writing in a diary is a good form Of self-study.Irl AmeriCa, from the 194OS through the 1980s, a diary WaS thought Of mostly as a Way to PriVateIy express one, S deepest thoughts While keeping notations about the day. 72 Many times, movies WOUId ShOW a teena
48、ge girl beginning to Write in her Ciiary WhiIe She Said aloud, ZZDear diary'z73 A Cliary kept by a young German JeWiSh girl by the name Of Anne Frank PrOVideS US With invaluable IeSSOnS about history, for She documented her experiences While She hid from the NaZiS during their OCCUPatiOn Of the
49、NetherIandS in WOrId War II. Her diary became One Of the world's most WideIy read books and is the basis for many filmsSamUeI Pepys, WhO IiVed during the 17th century, is the earliest diary keeper that is famous today- HiS diary is also an important documentation Of history, for it gives PerSOna
50、I insight (洞察力)into LOndOn, S Great PIagUe and the Great Fire HiS diary is being PUbIiShed On the Internet, and it, S interesting to note that there has been a new entry every day SinCe JanUary Of 2003 It WilI COntinUe OVer the COUrSe Of SeVeraI years to come- 74Today" S electronic VerSiOn Of t
51、he diary, the Web IOg Or "blog" has OnCe again StretChed the diary to be much more than a PerSOnaI account Of the day, S events. There are blogs to document recipes, traveling, movies, independent news, PrOdUCt announcements, photos, and anything else that needs to be recorded OVer time. S
52、earCh engines Iike TeChnOrati. COrn have been Created to keep track Of the more than 112 million blogs that are CUrrentIy PUbIiC- 75A It refers to a book for WritingS by dateB In its newest form, the diary has become more POPUlar than everC Reading his diary is fascinating, and it makes his Iife all
53、 the more real to usD PeOPle IOVe to Write diaries, SO WheneVer they are free, they WilI Write a few IineSE ThOSe PriVate reflections may have historical SignifiCanCe IOng after theauthor S death.F. Nowadays, the blog has taken the PlaCe Of the diary and becomes more and more popular-G In those time
54、s, and even COntinUing on today, Writing in a diary WaS Iike Writing to a SPeCiaI friend 東城二模:I, Ve been Writing for most Of my Iife The book Writing WithOUt TeaCherS introduced me to One distinction and One PraCtiCe that has helped my Writing PrOCeSSeS great1y.71 ThOUgh you need to employ both WhiI
55、e you are Writing to get to a finished result, they CannOt WOrk in ParalIeI no matter how much you might Iike to think SO Or even try to do so.Trying to CritiCiZe(JtLVF) Writing On the fly is POSSibly the Single greatest barrier to Writing that most Of US Ofterl COme across If you are IiStening to t
56、hat 5th grade EngIiSh teacher COrreCt your grammar mistakes WhiIe you are trying to SeiZe UPOn a fleeting (稍縱即逝的)thought, the thought WilI die. If you CatCh the fleeting thought and SimPIy Share it With the WOrld just in raw form, no One is IikeIy to UnderStand it. 72The PraCtiCe that Can help you t
57、o get rid Of your bad habits Of trying to edit as you Write is What EIbOW CalIS Ufree Writing V In free writing, the ObjeCtive is to get WOrdS down On PaPer non-stop, USUally for 15-20 IlIinUteS NO StOPPing, no going back, no COrreCting, no deleting 73 AS the WOrdS begin to flow, the ideasWilI COme
58、from the ShadOWS WildIy and you just Iet themselves be noted down On your PaPer Or your SCreen.74 MOSt likely, you WilI believe that this WilI take more time than you actually have and you WilI end UP Staring blankly at the PageS as the deadline draws near InStedd Of Staring at a blank, Start fillin
59、g it With WOrdS no matter how bad they are HalfWay through your available time, StOP and rework your raw Writing into SOmething CIOSer to finished PrOdUCt 75A. Try to find faults in the raw WritingB. The goal is to get the WOrdS flowingC. W:Tite down the WOrdS COming to your mind With CaUtiOn.D. The distinction
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