



1、形容詞真題再現(xiàn)1.1' m soto all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily.A. specialB. superiorC. gratefulD. attractive2. It was of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried. A. carelessB. con siderateC. patie ntD. gen erous3. Liste ning is thus an active, not a , be

2、havior con sisti ng of heari ng, un dersta nding andrememberi ng.A. con siderate B. sen sitiveC. reliableD. passive4. The police officers decided to con duct a thorough and review of the case. A.comprehe nsiveB. complicatedC. con sciousD. crucial5. Even though the conference hall is n ear his apartm

3、e nt, he has to hurry a little if he wants to beA. accurateB. pun ctualC. efficie ntD. reas on able6. I don ' t think what he said isto the topic we are discussing. He has missed the point.A. faithfulB. parallelC. releva ntD. similar7. Andy is content with the toy. It ishe has ever got.D. the be

4、stA. a betterB. the betterC. a bestfit you'i nil try toD. flexible8. My schedule is veryright now, but IA. tightB. shortC. regular9. How are your rece nt trip to Sichua n?I ' ve never hadone before.A. a pleasa ntB. a more pleasa ntC. a most pleasa nt D. the most pleasa nt10. The new stadium

5、being built for the next Asian Games will be the present one。A. as three times big asB. three times as big asC. as big as three timesD. as big three times as答案與解析:1. C。本題考查的形容詞的用法,句意為我對非常的感激那些志愿者,因為他們幫助我度過 了難熬的日子。故選:C2. B。考查形容詞辨析。careless粗心的;con siderate善解人意的;patie nt耐心的;gen erous慷慨大方的。句意: Michael告知

6、我們他的延誤,以免我們擔心,他真是善解人意。3. D。句意:聽是一種主動的,而不是被動的行為。它包含聽、理解和記憶。con siderate意為考慮周全的”,sensitive意為敏感的”,reliable意為可靠的”,passive意為被動的”。根 據(jù)not可以知道前后是反義表達,所以選 D。4. A。本題考察形容詞的基本用法,A選項全面的,廣泛的,B選項復雜的C選項為有意識的,D選項重要的,關鍵的。5. B??疾樾稳菰~詞義辨析。句意:盡管會議大廳靠近他的公寓,如果他想要準時的話,還是必須快點。accurate精確的;punctual守時的,準時的;efficient有效率的;reasona

7、ble合 理的。6. C。句意:我認為他所說的和我們今天討論的話題無關。他沒有抓住要點。faithful忠實的,忠誠的;parallel平行的;releva nt有關的;similar相似的。be releva nt to和'相關”。 故選C項。7. D。句意:Andy很滿意這個玩具,這是他擁有過的最好的一個。對多數(shù)孩子來說,擁有 過的玩具都會有三個或三個以上,所以用形容詞最高級。8. A。句意為 現(xiàn)在,我的計劃很緊湊,但我會盡力把你安排進去?!?tight (安排)緊湊的,緊密的;short簡短的,短缺的,不夠;regular有規(guī)律的,定期的,符合規(guī)定的;flexible柔韌的, 靈

8、活的,可變通的。9. B??疾楸容^級的否定用法。句意為“最近你到四川的旅行怎么樣?一從來沒有這么愉快過。"否定詞never與a more pleasant連用,表示 非常愉快",等于最高級。the most pleasant 是特指,需要有比較的范圍,但是這個范圍并不存在。因此選B。10. B。考查倍數(shù)的表達法。句意為為下一屆亞運會而修建的體育館將會是目前的體育館三倍大小。"表示倍數(shù)的詞做修飾語時,放在as的前面,即 倍數(shù)+ as + adj. + as ”因此選B。語法講解形容詞的句法功能:形容詞可以在句中作定語、表語、賓補和狀語,有時用作同位語?!皌he形容詞

9、”可以用作主語和賓語。I think silk ties can be quite nice.(表語)It was a beautiful morning.(定語)Strange to say, however, what every one knows isn(狀語)ttrue.We must keep the classroom clean.(補語)The old should be taken good care of.(主語)注意:系表結(jié)構(gòu)沒有被動語態(tài),在非謂語動詞考查中注意現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞的使用。形容詞也可以作狀語,表狀況、原因、結(jié)果等,并不表示動作的方式。He went to b

10、ed, cold and hun gry.As he looked at the goat, it rolled over, dead.Afraid of difficulties, they prefer to take the easy road.When it was his turn to deliver his speech, nervous and embarrassed, he walked towards the microph one.考查重點:形容詞的詞義辨析從最近幾年的高考題來看,形容詞的詞義辨析是形容詞考查的主要方面,主要考查在具體語境中準確運用形容詞的能力,需要同學們

11、在平時積累重要形容詞的用法。Frank put the medici ne in the top drawer to make sure it would not be accessible to the kids.形容詞比較級和最高級的常用句型相等:as+原形+as; as+原形+名詞+as (注意形容詞和名詞的位置)She is as tall as her mother.She is as good a player as you are.He is as hon est a man as you. = He is a man as hon est as you.as many+名詞復數(shù)

12、 +as; as much+(a/an)+ 名詞 +asIt is gen erally believed that teach ing is as much an art as it is a scie nee.不及:not as/ so+原形 +as; not as/ so + 名詞 + 原形 as;比較級 + than; less + 原級 + thanThis picture is more beautiful tha n that one.I am not so/as clever as you are.This room is less beautiful tha n that o

13、ne.I have n ever see n such a more in teresti ng film (tha n this on e).超越:the +比較級+of the two兩者中較的一個He is the taller of the two.If the man ager had to choose betwee n the two, he would say Joh n was the better choice.用于否定:no +比較級+than 和一樣不I am no cleverer tha n you. I succeeded just because I worke

14、d hard.En glish is no less importa nt tha n maths.(英語和數(shù)學一樣重要。)用于否定:can' t/couldn ' t比較級最不過His work could n't be worse.程度遞增:比較級and比較級,more and more+多音節(jié)詞原級 越來越 The price of the goods is higher and higher.兩種情況同時變化:the +比較級,the+比較級 越,越The harder you work, the more progress you will make.The

15、higher you climb the mountain, the less air you can breathe.The more a man kno ws, the less he knows he kno ws.三者或三者以上比較:the +最高級+of/in+比較范圍 之中最;否定詞+比較級”表示最高級Of all things in the world, you are the most importa nt for me.I have n ever spe nt a more worry ing day.No one is cleverer tha n he.How was y

16、our rece nt trip to Sichua n?I ' ve never had a more pleasant one before.senior (年長的;高級的),junior (年幼的;初級的),superior (優(yōu)越的)inferior (下等 的,低劣的)等詞與 to連用,表示比較級。He is three years senior to me.比較句型中要注意:比較對象應該相同,并且比較對象不能互相包容。The populati on of Shan ghai is larger tha n that of Beijing.The director gave

17、me a better offer tha n that he gave Dick.It is easier to make a pla n tha n to carry it out.比較級結(jié)構(gòu)的修飾語用于原級之前:almost, n early, just, exactly, quite, half , twice, three times , a third.The rock is almost/ n early as heavy as that one.Making the water dirty is just as dan gerous as pollut ing the air.

18、用于比較級前:many, a few (用于 “more 可數(shù)名詞"前);a lot, much , a bit, even, a little , still, a great deal, far, rather, two years, ten perce nt, three times etc.After two years ' research, we now have a far better un dersta nding of the disease.The result is much better tha n we expected.Actually, hea

19、lth is far more importa nt tha n wealth.It ' s even warmer today than yesterday.用于形容詞和最高級前:the very, much the, by far the, the first/seco ndChina has by far the largest populati on in the world.The article is much the best of all.表示倍數(shù)的句型:1. A is +倍數(shù)+比較級+ tha n+ BThis room is three times larger t

20、ha n that one.The old man is two times older tha n I am.There are seve n times as many people as I expected.2. A is + 倍數(shù)+ as+原級+ as+ BThe new stadium being built for the n ext Asia n Games will be three times as big as the prese nt one.After the new tech nique was in troduced, the factory produced t

21、wice as many tractors in 2019 as the year before.3. A is + 倍數(shù)+ the + 名詞(size, length , height 等)+ of + BThis room is three times the size of that one.This road is six times the len gth of that one.4. A is + 倍數(shù)+ that + of + BHis weight is three times that of mine.5. A is +倍數(shù)+ what引導的名詞性從句The product

22、ion is now three times what it was ten years ago.The len gth of the road is four times what it was three years ago.形容詞的位置形容詞作定語通常前置,但在下列情況下后置:1. 修飾some, any, every, no和body, thing, one等構(gòu)成的復合不定代詞時;2. 以-able, -ible結(jié)尾的形容詞可置于有最高級或only修飾的名詞之后,如the best bookavailable, the only solution possible ;3. alive, alike, awake, aware, asleep 等作定語時后置:the only person awake4. 形容詞和空間、時間、單位連用時:a bridge 50 meters long5. 成對的形容詞可以后置:a huge room simple and beautiful6. 形容詞短語一般后置:a man diff


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