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1、主動形式表被動含義主動形式表被動含義1. feel, taste, sound, smell, look等感官動詞和 keep, rema in, stay,seem,即pear, prove等表示狀態(tài)的系動詞后接形容詞/名詞/介詞短語或“ tobe +形容詞(名詞)”作表語時,這些動詞常常以主動形式表示被動含義,此時句 子的主語是被感知或描述的對象。例如:Silk feels very soft.絲綢摸上去很柔軟?What you said sounded a bit reasonabld說的聽起來有點道理? The little baby looks like a small cat.這嬰

2、兒看上去像只小貓? My room keeps clean all the time.我的房間一直(被)保持得很干凈? Einstein ' s theory later proved (to be) t愛因斯坦的理論后來(被)證明 是正確的?2. wash, write, wear, sell, read, dry, clea n, run, ope n等動詞作謂語時,??捎弥鲃有问奖硎颈粍雍x,注意:這類動詞往往與easily, well,badly, smoothly 等副詞連用,表示主語的屬性特征。 例如:This kind of cloth washes easily.這種布

3、很好洗。Food of this kind sells well.這種食品很好賣。Nylo n clea ns easily尼龍容易洗干凈。The coat dries easily這種外衣容易干。3. take place, happe n, hang, measure, weigh等描述狀態(tài)的不及物動詞和短語動詞可以用主動形式表示被動含義。例如:Great cha nges have take n place in our school in the last 5 years.過去5年里我們學(xué)校發(fā)生了巨大的變化。The hen weighs 3 kg這只母雞3公斤重。His family

4、photo hangs highly betwee n the two wi ndows.他的全家福(照片)咼咼地(被)掛在兩個窗戶之間。4. 與can ' t/won ' t/hardly/never等連用的不及物動詞,如open,shut, move, lock等,??捎弥鲃有问奖硎颈粍雍x。例如:The door won ' t ope這門就是不能(被)打開。The glass never moves這個杯子永遠(yuǎn)都不能動。5. wear, blow, fly等一些不及物動詞用于“主語+謂語+ (to be) +形容詞”結(jié)構(gòu)中時,可用主動形式表示被動含義。例如:Th

5、e trousers have worn old 褲子已經(jīng)穿舊了。The wi ndow blew ope n.窗戶被吹開了。6. need, require, want等表示“需要”意義的動詞,后接動詞的-ing的主動形式往往表示被動含義。例如:The paper can ' t come out, because it needs improving.這篇論文不能發(fā)表,因為它還需要修改。The old buildi ng requires pain ti ng aga in.這棟老房子需要再粉刷一遍。注意:前面兩句也可以改為:The paper can ' t come o

6、ut, because it needs to be improved.The old build ing requires to be pain ted aga in.7. 用“ be (well) worth/deserve + doing”結(jié)構(gòu)也可以表示被動含義。例如:誤:His idea is very worth con sideri ng.他的想法值得考慮。正:The film Hero is well worth see ing a sec ond time.電影英雄很值得再看一遍?The place deserves a visit/visit in g/to be visit

7、ed.8. 當(dāng)動詞不定式作定語且與前面被修飾的名詞或代詞有動賓關(guān)系,其 邏輯主語是句子的主語或間接賓語時,用該不定式的主動形式常??梢员硎颈?動含義。(不定式作定語,放在被修飾詞后面,與前面被修飾的名詞或代詞有 動賓關(guān)系,又在句子中與另一名詞或代詞有主謂關(guān)系,不定式要用主動表被動 含義。)例如:I have a lot of problems to settle at present目前我有許多問題需要解決 ? Do you have anything else to say?爾還有什么要說的?Tom is looking for a room to live in. Tom 在找一間住的房間

8、。(與room有動賓關(guān)系,與Tom有主謂關(guān)系)He has a family to support.他要維持一個家庭。(與family有動賓關(guān)系,與he有主謂關(guān)系)Have you got any clothes to wash today今天你有什么衣服要洗嗎 ?(指被 問的人洗衣服)比較: Have you got any clothes to be washed today?你今天有什么衣服要洗嗎?(指問話的人洗衣服)注意:在 “there be .句式中,如果動詞不定式前沒有明確的邏輯主語時 不定式用主動形式或被動形式均可,如果有邏輯主語,則用不定式的主動形式?例 如:有五封信等著回復(fù)

9、?There are five letters to an swer/to be an swered.(也可譯為:There are five letters for me to answer.)9. difficult, easy, importa nt, comfortable, convenient,dangerous, hard, cheap ,expensive 等形容詞(表示難易、禾U弊等含義)作表語或賓語補足語時,動詞不定式在其后作狀語,并與句子的主語構(gòu)成動賓 關(guān)系時,應(yīng)用動詞不定式的主動形式表示被動含義。結(jié)構(gòu):主語+系動詞+形容詞+不定式;動詞+賓語+形容詞+不定式。例如:I

10、find that his books are always difficult to understand.我發(fā)現(xiàn)他的書總是很難理解。My brother is easy to deal with.我兄弟很容易相處。The math problem is not easy to work out 這道數(shù)學(xué)題不易解出。The question is difficult to an swer.這個問題很難回答。I fou nd the car comfortable to ride in.我覺得這種車很好坐。10. 主語是 much, a great deal, little, what等,其表

11、語如是不定式,則用不定式的主動表被動。What is to do?做什么?Much is to do.太多要做的事。11. 一些固定句式中的主動形式常表示被動含義。例如:Who is to blame for the accident?誰該為這起事故負(fù)責(zé)?You are to blame for the accide nt 你應(yīng)為這事受動責(zé)備。The house is to let此房出租。A lot remai ns to do.還剩下許多事情要做。12. 一些“介詞+名詞”構(gòu)成的介詞短語表示被動含義。例如:Class Three is in the charge of Mr Chen三班由

12、陳老師負(fù)責(zé)?The building is in the possession of Tom.這棟樓是湯姆的 ?The plan is under discussion at the meeting計戈U正在會上討論 ?Don t worry verything is under control.另S著急,一切都在掌握之中鞏固練習(xí):1. It is Tom who wasfor the in cide nt.D.A. to blameB. blami ngC. blamedto be blami ng2. There were three e-mails for the secretary.D

13、.A. to be repliedB. to reply toC. to replyto be replied to3. On the walltwo large portraits.A.hangsB. hangC. is han gedB. is possessi on ofD. is in theB. to get alongD. to be got along withC. to clea nB. washes; isD. is washed; isC. isn ' t kept D.D.hanged4. The house faci ng the riverhim.A. is

14、in possessi on ofC. is in the possessi on ofpossessi on by5. The old man is easy.A. to get alongwithC. to be got along6. Have you moved in the new house?No. It needsA. clea nedB. clea ningD. being clea ned7. This kind of clothwell butshort.A. is washed; lastslastedC. washes; lastslasted8. In summer

15、fresh meat usuallylong.A. can ' t be kept B. can ' t keep isn ' t keeping9. The question that the teacher raised was difficult for meA. to an swerB. to be an sweredC. to be an sweri ng D.an swer10. What my mother saidto be true in the end.A. provedB. provingC. is provedD.to be proved11.

16、The book is not in terest ing enough.A. to be publishi ng B. to publish published12. The old woman requires patiently.A. to take care ofC. being take n care ofC. publishD.B. to be take n care of D. being take n care13.1 can ' t go with you, because I have a lot of things A. to settleB. settli ngD. settled14. Don ' t be worried. Your protrtes are_A. in discussi onC. to be settledB. un derdiscussi onC. in the discussi onD. un der thediscussi on15. This museum istwice.A. v


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