Oracle EBS R12 InventoryTRAIN_第1頁
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1、oracle ebs r12 inventorycreated on 星期五, 六月 27, 2008copyright & trademarkscopyright © 2003, 2007, oracle. all rights reserved. powered by ondemand software. distributed by oracle under license from global knowledge software llc. © 1998-2007. all rights reserved.the information contained

2、 in this document is subject to change without notice. if you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. this document is not warranted to be error-free. except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these programs, no part of these programs may

3、 be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose.if this documentation is delivered to the united states government or anyone using the documentation on behalf of the united states government, the following notice is applicable: u.s. government rig

4、htsthe u.s. governments rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose these training materials are restricted by the terms of the applicable oracle license agreement and/or the applicable u.s. government, jd edwards, peoplesoft, and siebel are registered tr

5、ademarks of oracle corporation and/or its affiliates. other names may be trademarks of their respective guideoracle ebs r12 inventorytable of contentsintroductionviinventory setup1defining stock locators1defining shortage parameters6defining shipping methods10defining organization ac

6、cess13defining interorganization shipping networks15defining subinventories22item setup and control31defining picking rules31defining item templates44defining item status codes52defining item catalog groups55defining customer items59defining customer item cross references62defining cross reference t

7、ypes64defining commodity codes66defining category sets68defining categories71defining and viewing pending statuses74copying item templates77assigning items to categories81assigning cross reference types86specifying recommended categories90defining and maintaining item information95updating organizat

8、ion level items95defining manufacturer part numbers102defining items105defining item transaction defaults109defining item revisions112defining item relationships116assigning subinventories to an item123assigning items to organizations129assigning items to catalogs133assigning items to a subinventory

9、138viewing item information140lot control145updating lot information145setting up lot control148displaying lot information156defining lot action codes158creating a new lot160assigning lot numbers within transactions163viewing lot genealogy167serial control173setting up serial number control173mainta

10、ining serial number information180generating serial numbers182assigning serial numbers185viewing serial number genealogy190material status control195setting up material status control195transaction setup199defining consumption transaction rules199defining account aliases202defining transaction types

11、205defining transaction reasons207transactions211viewing potential shortages211viewing pending transactions217viewing material transactions221transferring directly between organizations227transferring consigned and vmi material232transferring between subinventories235transferring between organizatio

12、ns using intransit processes238performing planning transfer transactions241performing miscellaneous transactions245viewing transaction summaries248on hand and availability253viewing on-hand quantities253viewing item supply and demand information257viewing item availability260viewing attribute inform

13、ation264updating a grade270performing a status update277performing a mass move281performing a mass issue286creating reservations290viewing status information294move orders299defining pick slip grouping rules299allocating and transacting move orders301generating move order requisitions307planning and

14、 replenishment317replenishing kanban cards317purging replenishment counts320printing kanban cards323generating kanban cards325entering and reloading item safety stocks328entering and processing replenishment counts331defining kanban pull sequences336defining kanban cards342summarizing demand detail3

15、46cost accounting and control351maintaining accounting periods351abc analysis355purging abc information355defining and running an abc compile358defining abc item assignments361defining abc classes364defining abc assignment groups367updating abc item assignments370cycle accounting373purging cycle cou

16、nt information373generating count requests376generating automatic schedules379entering manual schedule requests382entering cycle counts385defining cycle count items388defining cycle count classes393defining and maintaining a cycle count398approving cycle count adjustments403requesting the cycle coun

17、t list406physical inventory411purging physical inventory information411defining a physical inventory414processing physical inventory adjustments418generating physical inventory tags421entering and voiding physical inventory tags424approving physical inventory adjustments427taking a snapshot of inven

18、tory quantities433page 435introductionoracle inventory is a global repository for part number data and on hand balances. oracle inventory is member of the supply chain product family which streamlines operations within procure to pay, order to cash, logistics and reverse logistics (including returns

19、, repairs and maintenance) processes. oracle inventory provides a single repository of inventory data for all business purposes including manufacturing, distribution, service, repair and spares, consigned inventory (both from suppliers and to customers), vendor managed inventory, in transit inventor

20、y and more. this eliminates the need to maintain inventory information across disparate inventory uses the receipt to issue process to manage your inventory. when inventory arrives in your warehouse you receive it. after you receive inventory, you can transfer it within your organizat

21、ion or to another organization. finally, you can issue material out of oracle inventory. upon completion of this module, you will be able to: create an item. create and assign categories. process transactions. reserve material. view on-hand material. process replenishment counts. perform kanban proc

22、esses. maintain accounting periods. perform abc analysis. define and perform a cycle count. define and perform a physical inventory.inventory setupin this lesson, you will learn how to configure parts of oracle inventory that you use in day-to-day operations. upon completion of this lesson, you will

23、 be able to: define subinventories. define stock locators. define organization access. define shortage parameters. define interorganization shipping networks. define shipping methods.defining stock locatorsyou use locators to identify physical areas where you store inventory items. locators may repr

24、esent rows, aisles, or bins in warehouses. you can track item quantities by locator and transact items into and out of locators. you can restrict the life of locators as well as define locator dimensions. there are many different types of locators. locators are segregated by their different uses. lo

25、cators are used as packing stations, dock doors, receiving locations, storage locators, consolidation locators, staging lanes, and inspection stations. in this example, you will create a storage locator for a finished goods subinventory. procedure  stepaction1.  begin by navigating to

26、 the stock locators the vertical scrollbar.2.  click the inventory link.3.  click the vertical scrollbar.4.  click the setup: stock locators link.5.  use the find locators page to find existing locators and start the process to create new locators.   stepacti

27、on6.  click the new button. or press alt+n.7.  you use the stock locators page to define new locators. you enter the row, rack, and bin information for the locator as well as the locator type, material status, and subinventory with which the locator is associated.  step

28、action8.  click in the locator field.9.  you cannot use the same locator names within any two subinventories within the same organization. 10.  enter the desired information into the locator field. enter "s.1.1".11.  click the type list.12.  locator types different

29、iate how locators are used within your organization.   stepaction13.  click the storage locator list item.14.  the status is the material status for this locator. material status controls the enabled transactions for all material that resides inside the locator.   stepa

30、ction15.  click in the status field.16.  enter the desired information into the status field. enter "active".17.  this is the subinventory in which the locator resides. 18.  click in the subinventory field.19.  enter the desired information into the subinventory fi

31、eld. enter "fgi".20.  click the save button.21.  you have completed the defining stock locators procedure.end of procedure.defining shortage parametersa material shortage occurs whenever unsatisfied demand exceeds available quantity for the incoming supply of material. you can en

32、able the system to send material shortage alerts and notification whenever a material shortage occurs in an organization. in this example, you will determine the wip and order management shortage parameters for one of your organizations. procedure  stepaction1.  begin by navigating to

33、 the shortage parameters the vertical scrollbar.2.  click the inventory link.3.  click the vertical scrollbar.4.  click the setup: shortage parameters link.5.  you use the shortage parameters page to set shortage parameters for your organization. you use the work in pr

34、ocess tab to set the material shortage parameters for work in process.  stepaction6.  click the check shortages option.7.  when enabled, the system includes all jobs and schedules with the status released, whose scheduled start date is overdue in the material shortage check.8. &#

35、160;click the released option.9.  this is the number of days after the start date until the job is included in the material shortage check.10.  click in the released jobs: days overdue field.11.  enter the desired information into the released jobs: days overdue field. enter "1&q

36、uot;.12.  when enabled, the system includes all jobs and schedules with the status unreleased, whose scheduled start date is overdue in the material shortage check.13.  click the unreleased option.14.  this is the number of days after the start date until the job is included in the ma

37、terial shortage check.15.  click in the unreleased jobs: days overdue field.16.  enter the desired information into the unreleased jobs: days overdue field. enter "1".17.  when enabled, the system includes all discrete jobs with a current operation before an operation that h

38、as assigned open material requirements in the material shortage check.18.   click the if operation before assigned operation is due option.19.  click the released option.20.  click in the released schedules: days overdue field.21.  enter the desired information into the rele

39、ased schedules: days overdue field. enter "1".22.  click the unreleased option.23.  click in the unreleased schedules: days overdue field.24.  enter the desired information into the unreleased schedules: days overdue field. enter "1".25.  when enabled, it incl

40、udes all repetitive schedules with a current operation that has an open material requirements in the material shortage check.26.  click the if assigned operation is due option.27.  when enabled, excludes all components with the supply type bulk from the material shortage check.28.  cl

41、ick the bulk components option.29.  when enabled, excludes vendor-supplied components from the material shortage check.30.  click the supplier components option.31.  click the component planner option.32.  click the assembly planner option.33.  click the component buyer opti

42、on.34.  click the job/schedule creator option.35.  click the order entry tab.36.  when enabled, checks shortages for sales orders. a sales order is considered overdue when the pick wave move order is unfulfilled. 37.  click the check shortages option.38.  click the item plan

43、ner option.39.  click the order creator option.40.  click the save button.41.  you have completed the define shortage parameters procedure.end of procedure.defining shipping methodsshipping methods are the way you ship material. when you create a shipping method, you must enable it be

44、fore you can use it in a shipping network. in this example, you will define the shipping method dhl for your organization.procedure  stepaction1.  begin by navigating to the application utilities ship_methods the vertical scrollbar.2.  click the inventory link.3.  

45、;click the vertical scrollbar.4.  click the setup: shipping methods link.5.  you use the applications utilities: ship_method lookups page to determine the short codes that you use for shipping.   stepaction6.  click the new button.7.  this is alphanumeric decode that de

46、scribes the shipping method. the system uses this code in the list of values for the shipping method field in the inter-org shipping methods window. you cannot change the value in this field after you save it. to remove an obsolete code you must disable code, enter and end date, or change the meanin

47、g and description to match a replacement code. 8.  click in the code field.9.  enter the desired information into the code field. enter "000001_dhl".10.  click in the lookup code meaning field.11.  enter the desired information into the lookup code meaning field. enter

48、"dhl shipping".12.  click in the lookup code description field.13.  enter the desired information into the lookup code description field. enter "dhl shipping".14.  click the save button.15.  you have completed the defining shipping methods procedure.end of pro

49、cedure.defining organization accessyou can specify which organizations a responsibility can access by mapping responsibilities to organizations. once you set up this mapping, a user logging in to an oracle manufacturing product is restricted to the organizations mapped to the selected responsibility

50、. the change organization responsibility window is also restricted. in this example, we will restrict an organization to the oracle inventory responsibility. procedure  stepaction1.  begin by navigating to the organization access page. click the vertical scrollbar.2.  click

51、the inventory link.3.  click the vertical scrollbar.4.  click the setup: organization access link.5.  use the organization access page to assign an organization to a responsibility. until you assign organization access to a responsibility, all responsibilities have access to all organ

52、izations. once you restrict any responsibility to an organization, you must then explicitly define the organizations to which all responsibilities can access. organization access does not restrict access to functions that cross multiple organizations such as atp, interorganization transfers, and ite

53、m search. users can still specify any valid organization when running these functions. system administrators determine which responsibilities a user can access when they establish system security. if there are no restrictions entered for an organization, then it can be accessed by all responsibiliti

54、es.   stepaction6.  click the new button.7.  this is the organization to which you want to restrict access.8.  click in the org field.9.  enter the desired information into the org field. enter "w4".10.  this is the application assigned to the responsibil

55、ity when it was defined.11.  click in the application field.12.  enter the desired information into the application field. enter "oracle inventory".13.  click in the application field.14.  enter the desired information into the application field. enter "inventory&q

56、uot;.15.  enter the desired information into the name field. enter "oracle inventory".16.  click in the comments field.17.  enter the desired information into the comments field. enter "restrict to oracle inventory responsibility".18.  click the save button.19

57、.  you have completed the defining organization access procedure. end of procedure.defining interorganization shipping networksan interorganization shipping network describes the relationships and accounting information between a shipping organization and a destination organization.  in th

58、is example, you will set up an intransit transfer type for your organization. procedure  stepaction1.  begin by navigating to the shipping networks page. click the vertical scrollbar.2.  click the inventory link.3.  click the vertical scrollbar.4.  click the setup: shipping networks link.5.  use the shipping networks page to define a shipping network between two organizations. you must define a shipping network between two organizations before you can tran


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