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1、英文銷售合同范文合 同 CONTRACT日期:合同號碼:Date: Contract No.:買 方: (The Buyers)賣方: (The Sellers)茲經(jīng)買賣雙方同意按照以下條款由買方購進,賣方售出以下商品:This contract is made by and between the Buyers and theSellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as

2、 stipulated hereinafter:(1) 商品名稱 :Name of Commodity:(2) 數(shù) 量:Quantity:(3) 單 價:Unit price:(4) 總 值:Total Value:(5) 包 裝:Packing:(6) 生產(chǎn)國別:Country of Origin :(7) 支付條款:Terms of Payment:(8) 保 險:insurance:(9) 裝運期限:Time of Shipment:(10) 起運港:Port of Lading:(11) 目的港:Port of Destination:(12) 索賠:在貨到目的口岸 45 天內如發(fā)現(xiàn)貨

3、物品質, 規(guī)格和數(shù)量與合同不附,除屬保險公司或船方責任外, 買方有權憑中國商檢出具的檢驗證書或有關文件向賣方索賠換貨或賠款。Claims:Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at thedestination,should the quality,Specificationsor quantitybefound not in conformity with the stipulations of the contractexcept those claimsforwhich the insurancepany or the ownerso

4、f the vessel are liable, the Buyers shall, have the right on(13) 不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由發(fā)生在制造,裝載或運輸?shù)倪^程中導致賣方延期交貨或不能交貨者,賣方可免除責任 , 在不可抗力發(fā)生后,賣方須立即電告買方及在 14 天內以空郵方式向買方提供事故發(fā)生的證明文件, 在上述情況下, 賣方仍須負責采取措施盡快發(fā)貨。Force Majeure :The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the go

5、ods due to Force Majeure, which might our during the process of manufacturing or in thecourse of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise theBuyers immediately of the ourrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after . the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their aeptanc

6、ea certificate of the aident.Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten thedelivery of the goods.(14)仲裁:凡有關執(zhí)行合同所發(fā)生的一切爭議應通過友好協(xié)商解決,如協(xié)商不能解決, 則將分歧提交中國國際貿易促進委員會按有關仲裁程序進行仲裁,仲裁將是終局的,雙方均受其約束,仲裁費用由敗訴方承擔。Arbitration :All disputes in c

7、onnection with the execution of thisContractshallbe settledfriendlythrough negotiation.in caseno settlement can be reached, the case then may be submittedfor arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the ChinaCouncil for the Promotion of International Trade in aordancewith the ProvisionalRules of

8、 Procedure promulgated by the saidArbitrationCommission . the Arbitrationmitteeshallbe finaland binding upon both parties. and the Arbitration fee shallbe borne by the losing parties.買方:賣方 :(授權簽字)(授權簽字)銷售合同 SALES CONTRACT賣方:The Seller:Add買方 (The Buyer) :Add:經(jīng)雙方確認訂立本合同,具體條款如下:This sales contract is m

9、ade out as per the following terms and conditions mutually confirmed by both parties:Time of delivery: within 30days after the deposit, four containers each month.Mode of transportation: shipping from SHENZHEN CHINA toINCHEON KOREA(6) 裝運標記 :Shipping marks: N/M(7) 裝運口岸 : ( 8)目的口岸 :Port of loading: Sh

10、enzhen, China port Port of destination:Incheon port, Korea(9) 付款條件: (10) 包裝: packing_ 英文銷售合同。Payment: 30%T/T in advance and balance payable against the copy of BL. Four containers each month.備注:買方應根據(jù)賣方公司賬戶進行付款;如買方款項付到其它任何賬戶,賣方不承擔任何責任。Note: Buyer shall make a payment based on the seller s aount, if t

11、he buyer any amount paid to theother aount, the seller does not bear any responsibility.(11) 附加條款:(本合同其他條款如與本附加條款有抵觸時,以本附加條款為準。) _英文銷售合同。Supplementaryconditions:(Should any otherclause in thiscontract be in conflict with the followingsupplementary conditions, the supplementary conditions should be t

12、aken as final and binding.)(12) 品質 / 數(shù)量異議:如買方提出異議,凡屬品質異議應于貨到目的口岸之日起 45 天內提出,過期不予受理。對所裝貨物的任何異議屬于保險公司,輪船公司,其他有關運輸機構所負責者,賣方不負任何責任。理賠只限于賣方在收到買方所在地聲譽良好的商檢機構或商會出具的商品抽樣檢查報告,證明貨物與合同不符后, 對品質不符的貨物按一比一更換或按照貨物的疵劣程度和損壞的范圍將貨物貶值,對數(shù)量不符的貨物給予補足。無論哪種情況下,賣方均不對貨物的可銷售性或適用性負責, 也不對任何損失負責賠償, 包括但不僅限于直接的,間接的,附帶的損失。Quality/Qua

13、ntitydiscrepancy:In case of quality discrepancy, claims shall be filed by the buyer within 45 day s after the arrival of the modity at the port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy, claims shall be filed by the buyer within 15 days after the arrivalof the modity at the port of destination.

14、 Otherwise no claim will beaepted.Itis understood thatthe sellershallnot be liablefor any discrepancy of the modity shipped due to causes forwhich the insurancepany, other transportationorganizationorpost office are liable. The settlement of such claims isrestrictedto replacement of the non-conformi

15、ngmodity on a one-to-one basis or devaluation of the modity aording to thedegree of inferiority and extent of damage in case of qualitydiscrepancy or supply for the sliertage case of quantitydiscrepancyafterthe sellerhas receivedan inspectionreporton themodity by sampling issued by a reputable modit

16、y inspection organization or chamber of merce at the place where the buyeris located,certifyingthe non-conformitythereof.In no eventshall the seller be held liable for the merchantability orfitness for any purpose, nor shall it have any liability orresponsibility for damages of any kind whatsoever,

17、includingbut not limitedto any direct,indirector collateraldamages.(13) 不可抗力 : 如遇戰(zhàn)爭,內亂或罷工,地震,臺風或火災以及其他不可抗力的原因導致賣方就本合同所述的全部或部分貨物不能按期裝運或交貨 , 賣方概不負責。Force majeure: In case of war, riot or strike, earthquake,typhoon or fireand in othercases of forcemajeure preventingthe shipment withinthe time fixed,or

18、the delivery,the sellershall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery ofthe entire lotor a portionof the modityunder this contract.(14) 仲裁:在執(zhí)行本合同中所發(fā)生的或者與合同有關的一切爭執(zhí),由雙方協(xié)商解決。如果協(xié)商后仍不能解決的,應提請仲裁。仲裁地點在中國,由中國國際貿易促進會對外經(jīng)濟貿易仲裁委員會進行, 根據(jù)該委員會的仲裁決定為最終決定,買賣雙方都應服從,除仲裁委員會另有判定外,仲裁費用由敗訴一方負擔。Arbitration: Any

19、or all disputes arising from or inconnection with the performance of the contract shall besettledthrough negotiationby both partiesfailingwhichshallbe submittedforarbitration.The arbitrationshalltheytakeplace in China and shall be conducted by the foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of

20、 China Council for the promotion of international trade in aordance with the provisional rules of procedures of the said mission. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both buyer and seller. Unless otherwise awarded by the sail arbitration mission, the arbitration fees shall be borne

21、 by the losing party.(15) 其他條款: a) 本合同以中英文兩種文字書就, 兩種文字的條款具有同等的法律效力b) 除本合同另有規(guī)定外本合同使用的貿易術語依照國際商會?2000 年貿易術語解釋通則 ? 及其補充本解釋。Other clauses: a)This contract is made out Chinese and English, both versions being equally authentic.b)Thetradeterms used in thiscontractare governed by theprovisions of “INCOTERM

22、S 2000” and its supplements, unless otherwise expressly agreed upon in the contract.賣方銀行信息 The Seller's Bank Information:Payment: 30%T/T in advance and balance payable against the copy of BLAdvising bank: YUNNAN BRANCH, CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANKSwift code: PCBCBJYNXBeneficiary: YUNNAN TIANXIN TRAD


24、ct Is made by and agreed between the BUYER and SELLER, in aordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below.允許 With10 溢短裝,由賣方?jīng)Q定More or less of shipment allowed at the sellers optionUSD46,5575. 總值 Total Value6. 包裝 Packing7. 嘜頭Shipping MarksCarton packaging, DS2201,DS1151、DS4504、DS5120 Eachconta

25、ining a set of,A total of 1639 boxesNEO GENERAL TRADING CO. SHDS03027 TORONTO 1639BOXES8. 裝運期及運輸方式 Time of Shipment & means ofTransportation The shipment for April xx,Allowing partialshipment and transshipment9.裝運港及目的地Portof loading:ShanghaiThe port of destination: Toronto Port of Loading &D

26、estination10. 保險 Insurance11. 付款方式Terms of Payment12. 備注 Remarks110% insured by the seller CIF transaction amount of China People's Insurance Company seaborne cargo WPA broken and war risk insurance, collision damage Irrevocable letter of creditThe Buyer The Seller(signature) (signature)產(chǎn)品購銷合同甲

27、方(買方):(PURCHASE CONTRACT)Buyer:乙 方(賣方) : Supplier買賣雙方同意成交下列產(chǎn)品,訂立條款如下: The undersigned Seller and Buyer agree following transaction, terms and conditions are specified as below:第一條定購產(chǎn)品: Art.1 Ordered products:第二條質量要求及技術標準:Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specifications:2.1按照本合同第一條約定的規(guī)格生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品,質

28、量標準按照生產(chǎn)廠商技術標準。2.1 In aordance with prescribed products description ofArt.1, the quality standard is based on manufacturerstechnical standard.第三條發(fā)貨時間和發(fā)貨方式:Art. 3 Delivery time and terms of shipment:3.1發(fā)貨時間:3.1 Lead Time: 3.2發(fā)貨方式 : 3.2 Terms of shipment:第四條付款方式:art. 4 terms of payment:_英文銷售合同。第五條收貨和驗收

29、條款:Art. 5 Goods reception and aeptance:5.1驗收標準:按照本合同第二條約定的質量要求及技術標準。5.1 Aeptance criteria: aording to the Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specifications of the presentcontract第六條違約責任:Art. 6 Liability for breach of contract:6.1甲方延期付款的,乙方交付產(chǎn)品的時間可相應順延,甲方按照延期支付金額的 / 日向乙方支付滯納金,直至款項付清之日。甲方延期支付超過

30、三十日的, 乙方有權選擇解除合同, 甲方按照合同滯納金標準向乙方支付違約金(支付至乙方提出解除日),向乙方返還產(chǎn)品,甲方已經(jīng)支付的款項作為賠償,如不足以彌補乙方的損失的,由甲方另行賠償。6.1 Should Party A postpone payment, Party B has right todelay shipmentdate; PartyA shouldconsequentlypay latefeesof 0.5% per day of the contract amount to party B till date offullpayment. Should partyA defe

31、rspayment over 30 days,partyB may dissolve the contract and Party A, aording to abovestipulated late fees rate, should pay Party B liquidateddamages (untildissolutiondatereleasedby partyB) and PartyA should returnthe goods toPartyB. Actualamount paidby partyA isconsideredas a pensation toParty B; pa

32、rtyA shouldpensatetheloss of party B additionallyifabove saidpensationis notable to cover all the damage caused.6.2乙方按照本合同約定的時間、地點、質量要求和技術標準向甲方提供定購產(chǎn)品,如延期交付的,按照未交付產(chǎn)品金額的0.5% /日向甲方支付滯納金。 因乙方延期到貨給甲方造成的損失由乙方賠償。(因甲方未按期支付價款導致延期交貨的除外)6-2 Party B should provide ordered goods to party A basedon lead time, pla

33、ce, quality requirements and technicalspecificationsstipulatedon the presentcontract.Late fees,charged to party B, of 0.5% per day will be applied on valuesof goods overdue.Compensation of loss & damage caused by latedelivery should be chargedto party B. (except late shipment due to overdue paym

34、ent by party A)6.3甲方未按合同約定收貨或無正當理由提出異議拒絕收貨的,乙方將產(chǎn)品運輸至交貨地點之日視為甲方收到貨物和驗收合格的時間,由此造成的損失由甲方負責。6.3 Should party A fails to receive goods or refuse receiving goods delivered without justified or valid reason, the day when goods shipped to stipulated location will be considered as the day of reception and ae

35、ptance, party A is responsible for loss& damage caused.第七條不可抗力: Art. 7 The force majeure:戰(zhàn)爭、動亂、瘟疫、地震、臺風、洪水、物體墜落或其他非合同雙方責任造成的爆炸、火災、意外事故和自然災害。任何一方由于不可抗力原因不能履行合同時, 應在不可抗力事件發(fā)生后3 日內通知對方,盡力減少損失。不可抗力造成的損失,由雙方自行承擔。Definition: war, unrest, plague, earthquake, typhoon, flood, falling objects or any other

36、explosion, fire, aidents andnatural disasters which are excluded by both partiesresponsibilities of the present contract. Should one party isunable to fulfill the contract due to the force majeure, the party concerned should inform the other party in 3 days from the date of the event and should try

37、all means to reduce loss caused. The damage caused by the force majeure should be born by each party s own risk.第八條爭議解決: Art. 8 Dispute resolutions:雙方發(fā)生爭議的,應協(xié)商解決,協(xié)商不成的,由非第一和第二方所在地有管轄權的 _ 裁決。 All eventual disputes should be settled through friendly negotiation. If consultation fails, arbitration shou

38、ld be settled by a jurisdiction court locatedin a country other than both parties ones.第九條其他: Article 9 Miscellanea:9.1雙方應對合同履行過程中的技術信息和商業(yè)秘密承擔保密責任,如因任何一方未盡此義務導致他方經(jīng)濟損失,應予賠償。9.1 Both parties are responsible to maintain confidentiality regarding all technical and mercial information. Economic losses ca

39、used by lack of fulfillment ofthe duty should be pensated by the party concerned. 9.2本合同未盡事宜或合同變更, 經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致后簽訂補充合同,效力與本合同一致。9.2 Any modification or plementary clauses to the present contract should be negotiated and amendedwhich will have the same valid effect as the present contract.9.3本合同一式二份,雙方各執(zhí)一

40、份,經(jīng)雙方簽字后即生效,傳真件亦適用。9.3This presentcontractis in duplicate,one originalforeach party; effective once signed by both parties. Faxcopy is also valid and applicable.CONTRACTContract No.:The Buyers: The Sellers:This contract is made by and between the Buyers and theSellers;whereby the Buyers agree to buy

41、 and the Sellersagreeto sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms andconditions as stipulated hereinafter:(1)Name of Commodity:(2) Quantity:(3) Unit price:(4)Total Value:(5) Packing:(6) Country of Origin :(7) Terms of Payment:(8) insurance:由第一 '(9) Time of Shipment:(10) Port of Lading:(11) Port of Destination:(12)Claims:Within


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