



1、EnglishPortuguesePronunciation/NotesMy name isChamo-meShamu-me lit.“I call myself ”O(jiān) meu nome é oo mayu nome eh lit.“ the my name is ”What is your name?Como se-chama? Komu se-shama? lit. "How do you call yourself?"Qual éo seu nome? Kwal eh oo sayu nome? lit.“ What is the your nam

2、e?”This isEsteé Eshte eh(when introducing a male)Estaé Eshta eh(when introducing a female)my husband o meu marido oo mayu mareedu lit.“ the my husband ”my wife a minha esposa a minya eshpoza a minha mulher a minya mulyair lit. to refer to your own wife, whereaselses wife. lit.“ the my spou

3、se ”“the my woman” mulher is usually used esposa can be used for your own, or someonemy boyfriend o meu namorado oo mayu namorahdu lit.“ the my boyfriend”my girlfriend a minha namorada a minya namorahda lit.“ the my girlfriend” when used by a male referring to his female partnera minha amiga a minya

4、 ameega lit.“ the my friend” when used by a femalereferring to a female frienda friend um amigo oomng ameegu a male frienduma amiga oomnga ameega a female friendDo you speak English?Fala Inglês? FahlaIngleaysh? Although the êsometimessounds more open ( ay ), the circumflex still denotes th

5、at it should be a closepronunciation. Listen carefully to a native speaker the sound is like a crossbetween the ea of ear andthe ai of air. The same is trueof thewords Inglesa ; Portugu ês ; and Portuguesa .I am learning to speak Portuguese Eu aprendo a falar Português Ayoo aprendu a falar

6、PortoogeayshI am English Sou Inglês Soh Ingleaysh only said by malesSou Inglesa Soh Ingleayza only said by femalesI am Portuguese Sou Português Soh Portoogeaysh only said by malesSou Portuguesa Soh Portoogeayza only said by femalesI am from England Sou da Inglaterra Soh da Inglaterrrra lit

7、.“ I am from theEngland ”I am from Portugal Sou de Portugal Soh de Portugal they don t say from thePortugal (like they do with England), just from Portugal (like we do). Mostother countries of theworldrequirefromthe ( do or da depending on thegender of the country see section on nouns below)Where ar

8、e you from? De ondeé? Di-yondi-yeh?in England na Inglaterra na Inglaterrrra lit.“ in the England”in Portugal em Portugal aymng PortugalI am from London Sou de Londres Soh de LondreshSorry! Desculpe! Deshculpe!I am sorry Lamento Lamentu lit.“I lament” .Pe?o desculpas Pessu Deshculpash lit.“ I as

9、k for excuses” .Excuse me Com licen?a Comng lissensa lit.“ with permission ” .I don't understand n?o entendo nowng entendu lit.“ not I understand” .so thenent?oentowng lit.“ then ” , butused frequentlyin places where Englishwould say 'so', or 'right then'.you (singlular) você

10、;vosseh A formal way of addressing someone (in Brazil theyuse voc êinformally as well).o senhor oo senyor lit.“the gentleman”a senhora a senyora lit.“ the lady ”Note, the Portuguese generally speak more formally than the English, so althoughreferring tosomeone as 'thelady' or 'the g

11、entleman' would sound rather pompoustous, itis quite commonin Portuguese.Senhor/Senhora can alsomean sir/madam,Mr/Mrs( Miss would be a menina , or Senhorita ), or Lord/Lady.I eu ayuhe ele ele - the first 'e' is very close, almost like an English 'i', whereas the second 'e'

12、; is barely audible (so it sounds almost like you are saying 'ill').she ela ela'Com licen?a' is often said as a parting formality for example, as a polite way to end a telephone conversation. The word 'ent?o' is a very useful word for linking to a new subject without appearin

13、g too abrupt.備注說明,非正文,實際使用可刪除如下部分。本內(nèi)容僅給予閱讀編輯指點:1 、本文件由微軟OFFICE 辦公軟件編輯而成,同時支持WPS 。2 、文件可重新編輯整理。3 、建議結(jié)合本公司和個人的實際情況進行修正編輯。4 、因編輯原因,部分文件文字有些微錯誤的,請自行修正,并不影響本文閱讀。Note:it is notthetext.Thefollowingpartscanbe deletedforactualuse.This contentonlygivesinstructions:readingandediting1. This document is edited by Microsoft office office software and supports WPS.2. The files can be edited and reorganized.3. It is suggested to revise and edit according to


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